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Full text of "Advanced dungeons & dragons, players handbook : special reference work : a compiled volume of information for players of Advanced dungeons & dragons, including, character races, classes, and level abilities; spell tables and descriptions; equipment costs; weapons data; and information on adventuring"

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by Gary Gygax 
© 1978 — TSR Games 

All rights reserved 
Illustrations by David C. Sutherland III 
D. A. Trampier 
Cover by D. A. Trampier 

D.vlbuled lo the book trade in Ihe United Slolei by Ronetam House. Inc. and In Canada by Random House of Conado, lid. 

Inquiries legending this work should be accompanied by o »>amp»d envelope and sent la 
TSR FOB 7So. Lake Geneva. Wl 531 47 

Tbi* book is pro'ecled under 1he copyright laws of the United Slates of America. Any reproduet.on ot Olher unaulhuriied use of ihe material ot artwork contained twain ll prohlblied without the express written 

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Printed in U.S. A. 

ISBN 0-935696-01-6 


Players, players, arid more players — that's what comprises the DAD phenomenon. And phenomenal is what it is, 
as the audience for this, the granddaddy of all role-playing games, continues to expand. 

DAD players, happily, come in all shapes and sizes, and even a fair number of women are counted among those 
who regularly play the game — making DUNGEONS A DRAGONS somewhat special in this regard. This widespread 
appeal cuts across many boundaries of interest and background, which means that DAD players are marked by a 
wide range of diversity. In fact, one could easily use the analogy that there are as many fypes of DAD players as 
there are DAD monsters {after that, draw your own conclusions! ). There are unquestionably fast players, slow 
players, clever players, foolish players, cautious players, reckless players, generous players, greedy players, friendly 
players, and obnoxious players,.. 

As diverse as this melange of enthusiasts is, they all seem to share one commonality: a real love for DUNGEONS A 
DRAGONS and a devotion that few other games can claim. This remarkable loyalty is a great factor in the game's 
explosion of popularity, and DUNGEONS A DRAGONS has become a gaming cult, as avid DADer's have ceaselessly 
"spread the gospel", enrolling new players in expanding groups which just seem to grow and grow. 

If you're reading this, then you're a DAD player — and this book is for you! This is the second release of the 
ADVANCED DUNGEONS A DRAGONS series, and is designed to be a player's book in every respect — giving you all 
the background you require on the game system, as well as the information you'll need to go adventuring. Although 
this book does not stand alone in terms of supplying all information needed to undertake a campaign, it will 
complement the other two parts of the whole (the previously released MONSTER MANUAL and the upcoming 
DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE) to provide the entirety of who! will be ADVANCED DUNGEONS A DRAGONS (along 
with a greatly expanded version of GODS, DEMI-GODS A HEROES which wilt fol low). 

The sheer bulk of this book may seem considerable {and it is, of course), but there are many things not included. 
These things (such as the details of the combat tables, for instance) are those parts of the game that rightly fall 
outside the realm of player reference, and thus are included instead in the more voluminous DUNGEON MASTERS 
GUIDE, As the author points out, this bit of the "unknown" outside of the players' normal reach will make the game 
much more interesting and challenging, 

ADVANCED DUNGEONS A DRAGONS is o game that is demanding for players and Dungeon Masters alike, but the 
rewards in terms of enjoyment are vast, There is nothing quite like a successful DAD campaign, and its success is 
based upon the efforts of all participants. The Dungeon Master is pivotal, of course, but the players are just os 
important, for they are the primary actors and actresses in the fascinating drama which unfolds before them. For that 
reason, their outlook and their conduct will greatly affect the flavor and tempo of the campaign. Accordingly, they 
should do their best to further the success of the entire undertaking. This is often no more than a matter of simple 
etiquette, and following a few simple guidelines will suffice to make the game experience more fun for everyone 
concerned, to wit: 

1 } Be an organized player; have the necessary information on your character readily at hand and available to 
the Dungeon Master. 

2) Cooperate with the Dungeon Master and respect his decisions; if you disagree, present your viewpoint with 
deference to his position as game moderator. Be prepared to accept his decision os final and remember that 
not everything in the game will always go your way! 

3) Cooperate with the other players and respect their right to participate. Encourage new and novice players by 
making suggestions and allowing them to make decisions on courses of action rather than dictating their 

4) If you are unable to participate in an adventure, give the other players and the DM some concrete guidelines 
if your character is going to be included in the adventuring group; be prepared to accept the consequences, 
good or bad, in any case. 

5) Get in the spirit of the game, and use your persona to play with a special personality all its own. Interact with 
the other player characters and non-player characters to give the game campaign a unique flavor and 
"life". Above all, let yourself go, and enjoy! 

Enough of the preliminaries — let's get on with the gamel Let's see now, where did I stash awoy all those material 
components? . . . 

Mike Carr 

TSR Games & Rules Editor 

2 June 1978 


THE GAME , . 7 



Strength * . . , . . . . 9 

Intelligence . . < . . 10 

Wisdom , 11 

Dexterity ..**... ...*..»...*<•■.■•■*...•...*..•». ...***.*■.*»■ II 

Constitution * 12 

Chorismo ........ . » * . . * . . . . . ♦ . 13 

CHARACTER RACES , .«*.•.».*,».» r ......... T , - ....... 13 

Dwarves , * . 15 

Elves 16 

Gnomes 16 

Half-Elves 16 

Halflings 17 

Half-Ores 17 

Humans - 17 

Roci a I Preferences »•■.....»» tt«*ii*<.«« >.«.*..»».< ■ . »•'"..-••»»*..,« *'.*,** * ► t 18 

character classes , * . » * * ..«.....»............».....,•.*, . * * * 1 8 

Cleric . ...... 20 

Druid 20 

Fighter , 22 

Paladin 22 

Ranger , 24 

AAogic-User , 2S 

Illusionist . . . 26 

Thief. . , 26 

Assassin , . . 26 

Monk 30 

The Multi-Classed Character. . . . 32 

The Character with Two Classes ...... , ........ * * * 33 

A L I N AA E NT . . . . . - T i> .............. ...... 33 




The Monetary System , 35 

Money Changing, Banks, Loans and Jewelers 35 



\A^EAP^ONS ............ .......■...»....■■..««<«.*.*.»**■■..*••....* 36 

Weight and Damage by Weapon Type , * . . * . .......*.. ........ 37 


HENCHAAEN . . . . * , . , + 39 

TIME 39 




SPELL TABLES ...... .*■*•• ...,■■ + »«. ..*..»*<. ......... .*.*.-»...« + .' 40 

Clerics 41 

Druids 41 

Magic-Users , - - 41 

Illusionists «...*.,..■**.»*. 4**.*. *.*•»....«*.«.*.». ...... ............ 42 

SPELL EXPLANATIONS . . * .*,,,,,,....,,,»..»..*.*.»».■ . ■ ■ * ,,,♦....♦.,.....».» 43 

Clerics - . ♦ 43 

Druids 54 

AAagic~Users ..*.,>....,.,<........ ...... ■•■«..<..-.... 64 

Illusionists ...................... . 94 



Dungeon Expeditions 101 

Outdoor Exploration 101 

Town Adventures . » . . . ...... ......f.!*.. ............ ...............101 

Encumbrance . . . , . 101 

Movement — Time & Distance Factors . .102 

Light 102 

Infravision . , r r . , , , , . . , , , , 102 

Uttravision 102 

Silent Movement . 102 

Invisible Movement 102 

Surprise , 102 

Traps, Tricks, and Encounters 103 

Traps t i k ••■■«- k ^~t » v.i i"i 1 03 

Tricks. . . . . . 1 03 

Encounters 103 

Initiative 104 

Communication * . 104 

Negotiation , , . . . . 104 

Combat ►•*.**.*•,•,•.*.*,,..#_. 104 

Turning Undead 104 

Magical Control . . . . * , . , , , , , , 104 

Spell Combat . , . , . 104 

Breath Weapon Attacks 104 

Magical Device Attacks , 1 04 

Missile Discharge , 104 

Melee Combat . . ............ 104 

Example of Combat. . , 105 

Combat Procedures . . » . . , . , . . 105 

Saving Throw , . , . . 105 

Armor Class. 105 

First Strike ,.,,»,,,, 1 05 

Weapon Factors . * . _ . . 105 

Monster Attack Da mage 105 

Attack & Saving Throw Matrices. 105 

Damage 105 

Falling Damage . . . . . . 105 

Healing 105 

Obedience 106 

Morale . , 106 

Mapping , 106 

Organization . . 106 






Psionic Ability 110 

Psion ic Powers 110 

Attack Modes 110 

Defense Modes 110 

Psionic Disciplines ....... 1 1 1 

Minor (Devotions) 111 

Major (Sciences) , 114 

Psionic Combat. 116 

Multiple Psionic Operations 117 

Use of Psionic Powers 117 

Recovery of Psionic Strength Points , 117 


Bard Abilities , 117 

Bard Race , 117 

The Doss . . 1 1 7 

Bards 118 



The Inner Planes 120 

The Outer Planes 120 


Ethereal Travel 120 

Astral Travel , , < . 120 

Ethereal arid Astral Combat . . ......................... * . # . . 120 



Arrnor Close Table 36 

Assassins Table: Experience Levels. ........ i 30 

Bard* Table I: Experience Lev***. H ............ ♦ » . . . . . » . . i ■ W7 

8ord* Table 1 1: College* & Abilities , * .113 

Baste Enwipmeatartd Supplies Cost*. ............. ...........■■...<•.... 39 

Armo*"- ............. 35 

AffTW ...... ...... .....■.........<<■.■ ...... .4 3S 

Clothing..... . 35 


, 36 

■ *»•».. ...... 36 





r * ■ * e ■ + t>* * *> * m l^F* 





.... * 

Miscellaneoirt Equipment 4 [lemi, . 

Provisions . 

Tact & H ur n bm 

Character Alignment Graph * - .......... 

Character Cine** Table I ! Hit Dice. Spell Abil Ity, and C bu Level LI m H 

C-horocer Classes Table Hi Armor & Weopont Permitted , ,...->. + .......... ....... 

Character Boce Table I: Character Clasi Limitations ..................... 

Character Roce Table II Clou Level Limitation* , 

Character Bate Table III: Ability Score Minimum* & Maximums .............. 

Charnma Table . ,....,.-„,,*». •- + **«.*,.•. ........ 

Cte^Ki Spells, Table of , . . T » , T , , T , , T , . , . . 

CJerlci Table lr Experience Levels ....... 20 

Cleric* Table ll: Spells Lrsable by Experience Level, 

Coin Exchange Vol ue ...... 

Comparison of Surprise Possibilities 

Constitution Table 

Con ond Range of Psionie Attack Mode* . 

Cast and Bang* of Psiomc Defame Mode* 

Dexterity Tabla lr General Information 

Dexterity Table ll: Adjuslments for Thieve? 

DfkjidiSpell*. Tabid of 

Dtuids Table I. Experience Level* ... 

Druid* Table II: Spell* Usable by Experience Lewi 

Effect* of Encumbrance ......... 

Effects of Physical Activity an the Recovery of Psi-onic Strength Points i 

E+fecn an Reoct-on or Double Surprise 

Fighter*. Polodln* & Ranger* Attack* per Melee Round 












Fighter f obta: Experience Levels 22 

Illusionist* Spelts, Table of. 42 

H Lus, 0 ni*n Tab,* 1 j Experience Level* 25 

1 1 tus. onitts Table II: Spell* Usable by Experience Level 26 

Intelligence Table I; General Information , , 10 

Intelligence Table II: Ability forMogk:4Her* . . .......... 10 

Lang uoge* Typica I ty Co m man 34 

Magic-User* Spe I Li, Table af 41*42 

Magic-User* Table I: Experience Levels 25 

Magic-User* Table II: Spell* U*able by Experience Level 26 

Monk* Table I: Experience Level* . , .........»...*.,.,...,»,,»» 31 

Manic* Table Ll : Monk* Ability Table 31 

Movement Raie/Dlsiance Travelled Conversion 102 

Paladin* Table I: Experience Levels . ..,„.♦,.,, 24 

Pfllodmi Table II; Spell* Usable by E uperience Level 24 

Penalties and Botuisee for Race .................... 14 

Properties af Light Sources , ■ 102 

Ps.on IcAHock Modes Available M0 

Pshonlc Defense Modes Available 1 10 

m% _ i i _ fci — i _ i i 

rstonic uiscipnnes 

Piionic DlKLpllnes Ava i lob le 

Racial Preferences Table .... IS 

Ranger* Table I: Experience Level* 25 

Rangers Table ll: Spell* Usable by Experience Level . . . , 25 

Storting Money .»,....,,...,,..,.... 35 

Strength Table I: General Information ? 

Tin ■ n nrti *f'nt.i» II ■ ALllli.j * Jl . — ■ — .. O 

^trengtn looio n, admi ry na|uiimvna, .......... t 

The Known Plane* of E* luente. .. .....■■<. ....1 20 

Thieve* Table I Experience Levels , , 27 

Thieves Table II: Thief Rinctlon(Pl l/i Racial Adkustment*) 28 

Typical Fee* Paid for Assasslnotion. 29 

Typical Hirelings 39 

Weapon Proficiency Table ..#»*:*••,»*, — 37 

Weapon Type*. General Data A "To W Ad|ustments 38 

Hand Held Weapon* 38 

Hurled Weapons & Missiles 38 

Weight & Damage by Weapon Type.. 37 

TVlsoQt" i aoiQ 1 1 vwimkch mrormpiion .............■........■ + ....■...... + •......•> ft 

Wisdom Table \\: Adjustments far Clerics 11 


The whole of ADVANCED DUNGEONS £ DRAGONS was a project which involved varying degrees of my thought, 
imagination, and actual working time over a period of more than a year and one- ha If. Because of other demands, 
the project was perforce set aside for a day or a week or even .onger, making it hard to get back to. Knowing that this 
would be the case when I began, the MONSTER MANUAL was selected as the first of the three volumes in the 
advanced game to work on — hundreds of different creatures lend ihemselves to segmental treatment. Only after 
that book was finished did I begin to put the sheaved reams of notes for the Players and Dungeon Masters books into 
order, and that only as the banes — tables, charts and matrices — for rough typing and careful rechecking before a 
final manuscript was built around them. 

This latter part of the ADVANCED DUNGEONS 1 DRAGONS project I approached with no small amount of 
trepidation. After all, the game's major appeal is to those persons with unusually active imagination and superior, 
active intellect — a very demanding audience indeed. Furthermore, a great majority of readers master their own 
dungeons and are necessarily creative — the most critical audience of oil! Authoring these works means that, in a 
way, I have set myself up as final arbiter of fantasy role playing in the minds of the majority of D4D adventurers. 
Well, so be it, 1 rationalized. Who better than the individual responsible for it all as creator of the "Fantasy 
Supplement" in CHA1NMA1L, the progenitor of DAD; and as the first proponent of fantasy gaming and a principal in 
T3R, the company one thinks of when fantasy games are mentioned, the credit and blame rests ultimately here. 
Some last authority must be established for a very good reason. 


There is a need for a certain amount of uniformity from campaign to campaign in D&D. This is not to say that 
conformity or sameness is desirable. Nobody wishes to have stale campaigns where dungeons, monsters, traps, 
tricks, and goals are much the same os those encountered in any one of a score of other campaigns. Uniformity 
means that classes are relatively the some in abilities and approach to solving the problems with which the 
campaign confronts them. Uniformity means that treasure and experience are near a reasonable mean. Uniformity 
means thai the campaign is neither o give-away show nor a killer — that rewards are just that, and great risk will 
produce commensurate rewards, that intelligent play will give characters a fighting chance of survival. 

No individual can actually dictate the actual operations of a campaign, however, for that is the prerogative of the 
Dungeon Master, first and foremost, and to the players in the individual campaign thereafter, In like manner, players 
greatly influence the events of each particular campaign, and they must accept a large portion of blame if it is a poor 
game, and if the campaign is outstanding, they deserve high praise for helping to shape the game and playing welL 
So at best I give you parameters here, and the rest is up to the individuals who are the stuff D&D is made of. 

Naturally, every attempt has been made to provide all af the truly essential information necessary for the game: the 
skeleton and muscle which eoch DM will flesh out to create the unique campaign. You will find no pretentious 
dictums herein, no baseless limits arbitrarily placed on female strength or male charisma, no ponderous combat 
systems for greater "realism", there isn't a hint of a spell point system whose record keeping would warm the heart 
of a monomaniacal statistics lover, or anything else of the sort. You will find material which enables the Dungeon 
Master to conduct a campaign which is challenging, where the unexpected is the order of the day, and much of what 
takes place has meaning and reason wilhin the framework of the game "world". 

It is important to keep in mind that, after all is soid ond done, ADVANCED DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS is a game. 
Because it is a game, certain things which seem "unrealistic" or simply unnecessary are integral to the system. 
Classes have restrictions in order to give a varied and unique approach to each class when they play, as well as to 
provide play balance. Races are given advantages or limits mainly because the whole character of the game would 
be drastically altered if it were otherwise. Everything in the ADVANCED DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS system hos 
purpose; most of what is found herein is essential to the campaign, and those sections which are not — such as sub- 
classes of characters, psionics, and similar material — are clearly labeled as optional for inclusion. 

What is here is, hopefully, presented in as logical a sequence os possible, clearly, understandably, and with as few 
ambiguities as could be managed, Many readers will want more material. There is a wealth of commercial and fan 
material available for fulfilling such needs. Similarly, even the most important material herein can be altered and 
bent to suit the needs of individual campaigns, Where possible, true guidelines have been laid down to provide the 
barest of frameworks for those areas of the campaign which should be the most unusual and unique. Read the work 
(or both works if you are a DM) through and assess for yourself what ADVANCED D&D really is. I am convinced that it 
does for the old D&D + supplements what GREY HAWK did for D&D when it first appeared, and then some. I have 
put into these works what should be the important parts of a superior D&D campaign, cutting out material which 
actually adds little or nothing to the game, revising the old, and adding and expanding in the essential areas. 

Special thanks are due to the following persons who contributed to the original game or have been so kmd as to give 
their comments, criticism, and contributions to this game: Dave Arneson, Peter Aronson, Brian Blume, Joe Fischer, 
Ernie Gygax, Tom Holsinger, Timothy Jones, Tim Kask, Jeff Key, Rob Kuntz, Len Lakofka, Alan Lucion, Steve Marsh, 
Mike Mornard, Doug Schwegman, Dennis Sustare, Dave Sutherland, Dave Trampier, Jim Ward, Tom Wham, Skip 
Williams, and all of the good players and kindly Dungeon Masters who have taken the time to talk with me at 
conventions or drop me a line in order to pass on their experiences, suggestions and ideas. Also thanks to Judges 
Guild, whose suggestions have helped with this work, and whose products have helped D&D. 




Even if you are not familiar with fanlasy role ploying games in general, 
and DUNGEONS A DRAGONS in particular, you will find this work (with its 
companion volumes, MONSTER MANUAL and DUNGEON MASTERS 
GUIDE) is a complete game system in itself. It will stand alone, and it has 
been written and edited in order to make the whole as easily understood 
as possible without taking anything away from its complexity and 
completeness. If, on the other hand, you area veteran adventurer of many 
swords & sorcery campaign games, ADVANCED DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS 
will prove to be superior to any past offerings in the fantasy role playing 
game field. You will find ii easy to integrate your existing character or 
characters into the new system, and at the same time ihe gome will be 
both familiar and different, There are nuances not found in previous 
efforts. All the necessary information is presented in clear and concise 
terms, in a format which logically follows ihe flow of play. 

The characters and races from which the players select are carefully 
thought out and balanced lo give each a distinct and different approach Jo 
the challenges posed by the game. Advantages and disadvantages, 
advancement in level, characteristics and abilities ore oil detailed ond 
explained so that selection of a player-character type — or the integration 
of an exisiing character — can be done with foreknowledge and 
projection. In a similar vein, the individuals running the campaign games, 
the Dungeon Masters, will have available more data and guidelines upon 
which to build more interesting and detailed milieux. 

Clerks and fighters have been strengthened in relation to magic-users, 
although not overly so. Clerics have more and improved spell capability. 
Fighters are more effective in combat and hove other new advantages as 
well. Stilt, magic-users ore powerful indeed, and they have many new 
spells. None of these over-shadow thieves. All recommended sub-classes 
— druids, paladins, rangers, illusionists, and assassins — as well as the 
special monk class of character, are included in order lo assure as much 
variety of approach as possible. Non-human races — dwarven, elven, 
gnome, half-elven, half-orcish, and half ling — are likewise included. Each 
offers some advantage and difference, yet has distinct disadvantages, just 
as human characters do. But some readers might still be wondering what 
fontasy role playi ng games are al I about, so enough about contents and on 
to explanations. 

ADVANCED DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS is a world. Of course, this world is 
not complete. It needs organizers and adventurers to order and explore it. 
It needs youl A fantasy role playing gome is an exercise in imagination 
ond personal creativity. The organizer of the campaign, the Dungeon 
Master, must use ihe system to devise an Individual and unique world, Into 
this world of weird monsters, strange peoples, multitudinous states, and 
fabulous treasures of precious f terns and powerful magic stride fearless 
adventurers — you and your fellow plovers. Inexperienced and of but 
small power at first, by dint of hard fighting and clever deeds, these 
adventurers advance in ability to become forces to be reckoned with — 
high priests or priestesses, lords, wizards and arch-magi, master thieves. 
The abilities of each adventurer are fixed, but even such characteristics as 
strength, intelligence, and wisdom are mutable in a fantasy world. By 
means of group co-operation and individual achievement, an adventurer 
can become ever more powerful. Even death loses much of its sting, for 
often the character can be resurrected, or reincarnated. And should that 
foil ihere is always the option to begin again with a new character. Thus 
ADVANCED DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS is, as ore most role playing games, 
open-ended. There is no "winner", no final objective, and the campaign 
grows and chonges as it matures. 

This new syslem provides ihe Dungeon Master with more and better 
malerial from which to devise the campaign milieu, ond thai in turn means 
a more interesting and imaginative game for the players. A word of advice 
is in order here regarding this new system: 

Considerable enjoyment and exciremenl In early play stems from noi 
knowing exoclly what is going on. Being uncertain of how a given 
situation will turn out, noi knowing every magic iiem available, ond so 
forth, odds spice to the gome. Later, this knowledge simulates actual 
experience, for the seasoned campaigner will hove learned through game 
play. Under the circumstances, 11 is strongly urged that players do not 
purchase or read the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE. Leave discovery of the 
information therein to actual adventuring, and you will find that the game 
is even more funl Some of the details of the campaign milieu — worldly 
knowledge common to a typical adventurer — will be given to you by your 
Dungeon Master Exploration, travel, and adventure in the "world" will 

eventually reveal the secrets heretofore hidden, ond the joy of aciuolly 
earning them will be well worth the wait. 

Enjoy the gome, and always bear in mind that H is fantasy. Magical worlds 
hove o strange way of differing, but while yours may not be quite the 
same as the one described here, ii is ripe for adventure and plunder. 
Cleverness and imagination, along with a bii of luck, will always prevail 
— won't they? 


Swards & sorcery best describes what Ihis game is all aboul, for those are 
the two key fantasy ingredients. ADVANCED DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS is 

a fantasy gome of role playing which relies upon the imagination of 
participants, for It is certainly make-believe, yet it is so interesting, so 
challenging, so mind-unleashing that it comes near reality. 

As a role pi oyer, you become Fa I staff the fighter. You know how strong, 
intelligent, wise, healthy, dexterous and, relatively speaking, how 
commanding a personality you hove. Details as to your appearance, your 
body proportions, and your history can be produced by you or the Dungeon 
Master. You act out the game as this character, slaying within your "gad- 
given abilities", and as maided by your philosophical and moral ethics 
(called alignment). You interoct with your fellow role players, not as Jim 
and Bob and Mary who work at the office together, but as Falstaff the 
fighter, Angore the cleric, and Filmar, the mistress of magic! The Dungeon 
Master will act the parts of "everyone else", ond will preseni to you a 
variety of new characters to talk with, drink with, gamble with, adventure 
with, and often fight withl Each of you will become an artful ihespian as 
lime goes by — ond you will acquire gold, magic items, and great renown 
os you become Falstaff the Invincible! 

This game lets all of your fanlasies come true. This is a world where 
monsters, dragons, good and evil high priests, fierce demons, and even 
the gods themselves may enter your character's life, En|oy, for this game is 
what dreams ore made of II 

The game is ideally for three or more adult players: one player must serve 
as the Dungeon Master, the shaper of the fantasy milieu, the "world" in 
which all action will take ploce. The other participants become 
adventurers by creating chorociers to explore the fantastic world and face 
all of its challenges — monsters, magic, and unnamed menaces. As is 
typical for most of us in real life, each character begins at the bottom of his 
or her chosen class (or profession). By successfully meeting ihe challenges 
posed, they goin experience and move upwards in power, just as actual 
playing experience really increases ploying skill. Imagination, 
intelligence, problem solving ability, and memory are all continually 
exercised by participants in the game. 

Although ihe masculine form of appellation is typically used when listing 
the level titles of the various types of characters, these names can eosily 
be changed to the feminine if desired. This is fantasy — what's in a name? 
In all but a few cases sex makes no difference to ability I 

As with mosi other role ploying games, this one is not just a single- 
experience contest, If is an ongoing campaign, with each playing session 
related to the next by results and participant characters who go from 
episode to episode, As players build the experience level of their 
characters and go forth seeking ever greater challenges, they must face 
stronger monsters and more difficult problems of other sorts (ond here the 
Dungeon Master must likewise increase his or her obi Illy and 
inventiveness). While initial adventuring usually takes place in an 
underworld dungeon setting, play gradually expands to encompass other 
such dungeons, lown and city activities, wilderness explorations, and 
journeys into other dimensions, planes, times, worlds, and so forth, Players 
will add characters to their initial adventurer as the milieu expands so that 
each might actually hove several characters, eoch involved In some 
separate ond distinct adventure farm, busily engaged In the gome at the 
same moment of "Game Time". This allows participation by many players 
in games which are substantially different from gome to game as 
dungeon, metropolitan, and ouldoor settings are rotated from playing 10 
playing. And perhaps a war between players will be going on {with battles 
actually fought out on the table top with minaiure figures} one night, while 
on the next, characters of these two contending players are helping each 
other 10 survive somewhere in a wilderness. 

Each individual camooian has its own distinct orooerties and "flavor". A 




good Dungeon Mailer will most certainly make each game a surpassing 
challenge for his or her players. Treasure and experience gained must be 
taken at great risk or by meons of utmost cleverness only. !f the game Is 
not challenging, if advancement is too speedy, Ihen H becomes staid and 
boring. Conversely, a game can be loo deadly and became fust as baring, 
far who enjoys endlessly developing new characters to march off into 
oblivion in a single night of dungeon adventuring?! 

Sometimes, however, because of close interaction (or whatever other 
reason) two or more Dungeon Masters will find that their games are 
compoiible to the extent that participants in these individual campaigns 
can use ihe characters created in one to adventure in the others. In such 
coses the Dungeon Masters have created o very interesting "world" 
indeed, for their milieux will offer interesting differences and subtle shifts 
which will pose highly challenging problems to these players. 

Ultimately, despite the fact that this is a game system created by someone 
else, the game's viability rests principally with the referee. The Dungeon 
Master must design and map out ihe dungeon, town, city, and world maps. 
He or she musi populate the whole world, create its post history, and even 
devise some rationale far what transpired (and will probably happen). As 
players, you help immeasurably by participating, by letling the referee 
know that you appreciate his or her efforts, and by ploying well and in a 
sportsmanly foshfon. Good play inspires better creations io challenge thai 

Skilled players always make a point of knowing what they are doing, i.e. 
they have an objective. They co-operate — particularly at lower levels or 
at higher ones when Ihey must face some particularly stiff challenge — In 
order to gain their ends. Superior players will not fight everything they 
meet, for they realize thai w+1 is as good a weapon as the sword or the 
spell. When weakened by wounds, or nearly out of spells and vital 
equipment, a clever party will seek to leave the dungeons in order to re- 
arm themselves. (He who runs away lives to fight another day,) When 
faced with a difficult situation, skilled players will not attempi endless 
variations on the same theme; when they find the method of problem 
solving fails to work, ihey begin to devise olher possible solutions. Finally, 
good players will refrain from pointless argument and needless 
harassment of the Dungeon Master when such bog ihe play of the game 
down imo useless talking. Mistakes are possible, but they are better 
righted through reason and logic, usually at the finish of ptay for the day. 

This game is unlike chess in that the rules are not cui and dried. In many 
places they are guidelines and suggested methods only, This is part of ihe 
attraction of ADVANCED DUNGEONS t DRAGONS and it is integral to the 
game. Rules not understood should have appropriate questions directed to 
the publisher; disputes with the Dungeon Master are another matter 
CAMPAIGN. Participants in a campaign have no recourse to the publisher, 
but they do have ultimaie recourse — since the most effective protest is 
withdrawal from ihe offending campaign. Each campaign is a specially 
tailored affair. While It is drown by ihe referee upon the outlines of the 
three books which comprise ADVANCED DUNGEONS t DRAGONS, the 
players add the color and details, so ihe campaign must ultimately please 
all participants. It is their unique world. You, the reader, as a member of 
the campaign community, do not belong if the game seems wrong in any 
major aspect. Withdraw and begin your own campaign by creating a 
milieu which suits you and Ihe group which you must form to enjoy the 
creation. (And perhaps you will find that preparation of your own milieu 
creates a bit more sympothy for the efforts of ihe offending referee . . . ) 

One of the most important items you must have to play the game is a 
character record. This con be a specially printed sheet done by TSR and 
available In pads, or you con simply use a note pad and design your awn 
record sheer for your character if your Dungeon Master is agreeable, for he 
or she wil I usually retain at least a copy of al I such records. 

As information is developed for your charocter — his or her abi/p>?es, race, 
doss, alignment — It must be accurately recorded. All derails of the 
capabilities and possessions of the character must be noted. Where 
equipment and weapons are carried must be listed. Spelts known and 
spells memorized for an adventure have to be kepi track of. A running 
total of experience points musi be maintained. All of these subjects ore 
discussed herein. Ask your DM how records of your character should be 
kept, read the rules and commentary, and record the data you develop 
occording io the rules (and your campaign referee's instructions) in a form 
suitable ro your DM. 

All in all, this is a game for enjoyment. We ore ceriain lhat It will provide 
endless hours of entertainment and excitement. That is the sole purpose 
for iis creation. So enjoy, and may the dice be good to youl 

Each participant in the campaign created by the referee must create one or 
more game personas. The game persona of each participant is called the 
pfoyer charocter in order to differentiate it from person as created by the 
referee, called non-phyer characters. The Dungeon Master is advised to 
limit player characters io one per participant ai commencement of the 
campaign, though as play progresses, additional player characters may be 
added in a judicious manner. Each player develops the abiliries of his or 
her charocter through random number generation (by means of dice 
rolling) lo determine the basic characteristics of the persona, the obiii'ries. 
The player then decides what race the character is, what the character's 
class is, the alignment of the character, and what the character's name is 
10 be. The character will speak certain languages determined by race, 
class, and alignment. He or she will have a ceriain omouni of gold pieces 
to begin with, and these funds will be used to purchase equipment needed 
for adventuring. Finally, each character begins with a certain number of 
hit points, as determined by the roll of ihe die (or dice) commensurate 
with the character's class. Class determines the type of die (or dice) rolled. 
All characters begin at 1st level All of this is completely explained in the 
following paragraphs. 

An Explanation of the Usages of fhe Term "level": The term JeveJ has 
multiple meanings in this game system. Although substitute terminology 
could have been used in ADVANCED DUNGEONS I DRAGONS, 
common usage of Ihe term /eve/ to include multiple meanings ts prevalent 
omongsi existing players, so the term has been retained herein. The 
usages for level are] 

1, Lever os an indication of charocter power: A player characier begins 
the game at 1st level, i.e. the lowest possible level for o player 
character. The higher the level number, the more powerful the 

2. Levef os used fo indicate the depth of the dungeon complex beneofh 
the ground; The 1st level of a dungeon is the first layer of the 
underground complex of tunnels, passages, rooms, chambers, and so 
forth. It is the 1st level beneath the ground. EVeneaih ihe 1st level is the 
2nd, below that is the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. The higher rhe number, the 
lower the dungeon level (and the more hazardous iis perils), 

3 Level as a measure of magic spell difficulty: The magic spells 
avai lable io some classes of characters are graded by difficulty factor 
— which, Incidentally, reflects the spells' effectiveness to same 
extent. T si level spells are the basic ones available io beginning 
characters. They are generally the least powerful spells. Next come 
2nd level spells, then came 3rd level spells, and so on. The highest 
level of any type of magic spell is 9th level, spells usable only by lBth 
level magic-users — lesser magic-users can possibly employ such 
spells under certain circumstances which are explained hereafter, 
but only al considerable risk, 

4. Level as a gauge of a "monsters" potential threat: Relatively weak 
crealures, monslers with few hit points, limited or non-existeni 
magical abilities, those which do little damage when arracking, and 
those which have weak, or totally lack, venom are grouped together 
and called 1st level monsters. Slightly more powerful creatures are 
ordered inio 2nd level, then comes 3rd, 4th, 5th, and so on all the way 
up to 10th level (the highest, which includes the greatest monsters, 
demon princes, etc.). 

Ir was initially contemplated to term character power as rank, spell 
complexity was to be termed power, and monster strength was jo be 
termed as order. Thus, insteod of o 9th level character encountering a 7th 
level monster on the 8th dungeon level and attacking it with a 4th level 
spell, the terminology would have been; A 9th rank character encountered 
a 7th order monster on the Bfh (dungeon) level and attacked h with a 4th 
power spell. However, because of existing usoge, level is retained 
throughout with all four meanings, and it is not as confusing as It may now 






Eoch and every character has six principal characteristics, Ihe character's Ability 
abilities. These abilities are sfrengrh, /mergence, wisdom, dexterity. Score 
constitution, and charisma. (See also APPENDIX I, Psionic Ability.) The 3 
range of ihese abilities is between 3 and 18. The premise of the gome is 4 
that each player character is above average — at least in same respects — 5 
and has superior potenrial. Furthermore, it is usually essential lo the 6 
character's survival to be exceptional (with a rating of 15 or above) in no 
fewer than two ability characteristics. Each ability score is determined by 7 
random number generation. The referee has several methods of how this 8 
random number generation should be accomplished suggested to him or 9 
her in the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE. The Dungeon Master will inform 10 
you as to which method you may use to determine your character's n 
abilities. The principal abilities are detailed as follows: 12 


Strength: Strength is a measure of muscle, endurance, and stomina 14 
combined. For purposes of relating this ability to some reality, assume that 15 
o character with a strength of 3 is able to lift a maximum of 30 pounds 
weight above his or her head in a military press, while a character with 18 |6 
strength will be able to press 180 pounds in the same manner, Strength is 17 
the forte of fighters, for they must be physically powerful in order to wear 
armor and wield heavy weapons. Therefore, strenglh is Ihe major ]g 
characteristic (or prime requisite) of fighters, and those fighters with 18/01-50 
strength of 16 or more gain a bonus of 10% of earned experience 
(explained later). Furthermore, fighters with an IB strength are entitled to 18/51-75 
roll percentile dice in order to generate a random number between 01 and 
00 (100) to determine exceptional strength; exceptional strength increases 
hit probability and damage done when attacking, and it also Increases the 
weight the character is able to carry without penalty for encumbrance, as 
well as increasing the character's ability to force open doors and similar 
portals. The tables below give complete information regarding the effects 
of strength. Note that only fighters are permitted to roll on the exceptional 

General Information 

Here or lower the characier con only be a magic-user 

Minimum strength for a gnome, half-ore or halfling 

Minimum strength for a dwarf character 
Minimum strength for a fighter character 

Minimum strength for an assassin or paladin charocter 

Minimum strength for a ranger character 

Maximum strength possible for a female half ling character 

Maximum strength possible for a female gnome character, 

minimum strength for a monk character 

Maximum strength possible for a female elf character 

Maximum strength possible for o female dwarf or female 

half-elf or mate halfling character 

Maximum strength possible for oil non-fighter characters 
Maximum strength possible for a female human or male 
gnome character 

Maximum strenglh possible for a male elf or female half-ore 

character _ _ 

Maximum strenglh possible for a male half-elf character 
Maximum strength possible for a mole dwarf or mate 
half-ore character 


D..J Bin*-*/ 

Den a uorv 
Lift Gates 

•The number in parentheses is the number of chances out of six for the fighter to be able to force open a locked, barred, magically held, or wizard locked 
door, hot only one attempt ever (per door) may be made, and if it fails no further attempts can succeed. 

Notes Regarding Strength Table lit 

Hit Probability adjustments refer to ihe score generated by dice roll In 
melee combat* Subtraction from or addition to the number rolled is made 
according lo the table as applicable. (A full listing of combat tables 
appears in the DUNGEON MASTERS 0UIDE.) 

Damage Adjustment likewise applies 10 melee combat. The damage done 
by scoring a successful hit on an opponent is adjusted downwards or 
upwards as applicable. Thus, if a hit would normally score 1-6 points of 
damage upon the opponent, and Ihe character's strength wos only 3, ihe 
actual damage done would be reduced by 1 point; but, on the other bond, 
if the attacker had strength of 18/00, the actual damage done would be 
adjusted upwards by 6 hit points, and possible damage would jump from 
1-6 to 7-12. 

Weight Allowance is given in number of goW pieces over and above the 
maximum normally stated for unencumbered movement. (See 
MOVEMENT, ) The conversion ratio of gold pieces to pounds of weight is 1 0 
to 1. If a character could normally carry 500 gold pieces without 
encumbrance, but the character had strength of \7 Instead of the normal 8- 

1 1 range, 1,000 gold pieces could be carried without incurring movement 

Open Doors indicates the number of chances out of A which the character 
has of opening o stuck or heavy door on rhot fry. Successive attempts moy 
be mode at no penalty with regard to damage lo the character attempting 
to force the door open, bui each such attempt requires rime and makes 
considerable noise. 

Bend Bars/Lift Gates stales ihe percentage chance the character has of 
bending normal soft iron bars or of lifting a vertically moving gate (such as 
a small portcullis barring a passage). The attempt may be made but once, 
and If the score required is not made, the characier will never succeed in 
the task. Example: A character with 16 strength is trapped in a dead end 
passage by o set of iron iaars which drop down from the ceiling when a 
stone slab is stepped on and triggers the release of the gate The characier 
first attempts to lift the gate, a roll of 01-10 Indicating success, bui the 
percentile dice come up 74, so failure is Indicated. The character next 
attempts to bend ihe bars in order lo squeeze between them, the 
percentage chance of success is the same as for lifting the gate, and this 
time a 07 is rolled, so the character si ips out and is free. 



Intelligence: Intelligence is quite similar to what is currently known OS 
intelligence quotient, but ii also includes mnemonic ability, reasoning, 
and learning ability outsjde ihose measured by the written word. 
Intelligence dictates the number of languages in which the character is 
able to converse." Moreover, intelligence is the forte of magic-users, for 
they must be perspicacious in order to correctly understand magic ond 
memorize spells. Therefore, intelligence is the mojor characteristic of 
magic- users., and those with intelligence of 16 or more gain a bonus of 
10% of earned experience. Spells above 4th level cannot be learned by 
magic-users with minimal intelligence, ond intelligence similarly dictates 
how many spells may be known and what level spells may be known, for 
only the highest intelligence is able la comprehend the mighty magics 
contained in 9th level spells. The tables below allow ready assimilation of 
the effects of intefligence on ail characters — and with regard to magic- 
users in particular. 

*Non-human characters typically are able to speak more languages than 
are human characters, but rnref/igence likewise affects the upper limit of 
therr abilities as well and there are racial limitations. (See CHARACTER 




General Information 

Minimum intelligence for o half-elf 

Here or lower the character can only be a 

Minimum intelligence for a half ling 

Minimum intelligence for a gnome 

Minimum intelligence for an elf character 
Minimum intelligence for a polodin or 
magic-user character 
Minimum intelligence for use of 5th level 
magic spells 

Minimum intelligence for an assassin 

Minimum intelligence for use of 6th level 
magic spells 

Minimum intelligence for a ranger 

Minimum intelligence for use of 7th level 
magic spells 

Minimum intelligence for an illusionist 

Minimum intelligence for use of 8th level 
magic spells 

Maximum intelligence for a half-< 

Minimum intelligence for use of 9th level 

Number of 







Notes Regarding Intelligence Table II; 

Each and every magic-user character must employ the Table in order to 
determine which and how many of each group of spells (by level) he or 
she can learn. At first, only ihe 1st level group of spells are checked. 
Successive level groups are checked only when the character reaches a 
level at which the appropriate group of spells is usable by him or her. 

Chance ro Know Each listed Spell pertains to the percentage chance the 
character has by reason of his or her intelligence to learn any given spell 
in the level group. The character may select spells desired in any order he 
or she wishes. Each spell may be checked only once. Percentile dice are 
rolled, and if the number generated Is equal to or less than the percentage 
chance shown, then the character can learn and thus know that spelt (it 
may be in his or her spell books — explained hereafter). Example: A 
character with an intelligence of 12 desires to know a charm person spell 
that he finds In a book or scroll, percentile dice are rolled, but the number 
generated is 52, so thai spell is not understood and can not be used by the 
character (see, however, the paragraph below regarding the minimum 
number of spells knowable). 

Minimum Number of Spells/Level states the fewest number of spells by 
level group a magic- user can learn. If one complete check through the 
entire group fails lo generate Ihe minimum number applicable according 
to intelligence score, the character may selectively go bock through the 
group, checking each spell not able to be learned once again. This process 
continues until the minimum number requirement has been fulfilled. This 
means, Ihen, thai certain spells, when located, con be learned — while 
certain other spells can never be learned and the dice rolls indicate which 
ones are in each category. Example: The magic-user mentioned above 
who was unable to learn a charm person spell also fails to meet Ihe 
minimum number of spells he or she can learn. The character Ihen begins 
again an the list of 1st level spells, opts to see if this time chorm person is 
able to be learned, rolls 04, and has acquired the ability to learn the spell. 
If and when the character locates such a spell, he or she will be capable of 
learning it. 

Maximum Number of Spells Level is the obverse of the minimum number 
which can be known. According to the character's intelligence, this 
maximum number which the magic-user can possibly know (have In his or 
her spell books) varies from 6 to an unlimited number. As soon as this 
maximum is reached, the character may not check any further in the level 

Chonge in intelligence: If intelligence goes down or up for any reason, 
and such change is relatively permanent, the magic-user must check again 
as explained above for known spells by level group. 

Acquis if ion of Heretofore Unknown Spells: Although the magic- user must 
immediately cease checking to determine if spells are known after the first 
complete check of each spell in the level group, or immediotely thereafter 
during successive checks when the minimum number of spells which can 
be known is reached, it is possible to acquire knowledge of additional 
spells previously unknown as long as this does not violate the maximum 
number of spells which can be known. New spells can be gained from 
captured or otherwise acquired spell books or from scrolls of magic spells. 
In the latter event the scroll is destroyed in learning and knowing the new 
spell or spells. (This subject is detailed more fully in the section explaining 
magic-users os characters.) 



Wisdom: Wisdom is a composite term for the character's enlightenment, 
judgement, wile, will power, and (10 o certain extent) intuitiveness. It has 
a certain effect on saving ihrows against some magical attack modes It is 
of utmost importance to clerics, their ma|or characteristic, and those with 
wisdom of 16 or greater add 10% to earned experience. Furthermore, 
clerks with exceptional wisdom { 1 6 or greater) also gain bonus spells over 
and above the number they are normally able to use. The two tables which 
follow detail the information pertaining to the effects of wisdom. 

For additional information regarding clerics, see the section pertaining to 
clerics as characters given hereafter { CHAR ACT! I CLASSES). 


Score General Information 


5 Here or lower the character can only be a 









Minimum wisdom for o cleric character 

Moglcol Attack 





Minimum wisdom forodruid character 
Minimum wisdom for a paladin or mutti- 
classed half-elven cleric character 
Maximum wisdom for a half-ore charac- 

Minimum wisdom for a ranger character 
Minimum wisdom for a monk character 

Maximum wisdom for a half ling 

Minimum wisdom for use of 6th level 


wisdom for use of 7th 

+ 1 
+ 2 

+ 4 

*This adjustment applies to the saving mrow of the character in question, 
the penalty for low wisdom, or the bonus for high wisdom, being used to 
alter fhe result of the die rati accordingly. The adjustment applies only to 
mental attack farms involving will force, i.e. beguiling, charming, fear 
hypnosis, illusion, magic jorring, mass charming, phantasmal forces, 
iron, rufership, suggestion, telepathic attack, etc. 



'Minimum wisdom for use of 6th level spells 
••Minimum wisdom for use of 7th level spells 

Note* Regarding Wisdom Table II; 

Spell Bonus indicates The number of additional spells the cleric is entitled 
to according to wisdom ability score. Note thai these spells are only 
available when the cleric is entitled to spells of the applicable level. Bonus 
spells are cumulative, so a cleric with 14 wisdom is entitled to two 1st level 
bonus spells, one with 15 wisdom has two 1st and one 2nd level bonus 
spells, etc. 

Chance of Spell Failure states the percentage chance of failure clerics with 
low wisdom risk when casting spells. To determine if a spell fails, 
percentile dice ore rolled, and if the number generated is equal to or less 
than !he number shown for failure, the spell is expended and has 
absolutely no effect whatsoever. 

Dexterity: Dexterity encompasses a number of physical attributes 
including hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, precision, balance, and 
speed of movement, A high dexterity indicates superiority in all of the 
above attributes, while a low dexterity might well indicate thai one of 
these attributes is actually superior, but that the others ore very poor. 
Dexterity affects all characters with regard lo initiative in attack, ihe 
projection of missiles from hand or other means, and in defensive 
measures. Dexterity is the mojor characteristic of the thief class of 
character, and it affects their professional activities (such as picking 
pockets, opening locks, and so forth) accordingly. Thieves with a dexterity 
ability score of ) 6 or more gain a bonus of \Q% of earned experience. The 
two tobies which follow outline the effects of dexterity on characters. 



Score Gone ral 1 ntormat 1 o n 


Attacking Defensive 

Adjustment Adjustment 

-3 +4 
-2 +3 

Minimum dexterity for a half-elf or 

magic-user character 

Minimum dexterity for an elf 


Minimum dexterity for a halfling 

+ 1 


Minimum dexterity for o thief 





Minimum dexterity for an assassin 








Maximum dexterity for a half-ore 




Minimum dexterity for a monk 





Minimum dexterity for an illusionist 


+ 1 



+ 3 

Not.. Regarding Dexterity Table I: 

Reaction/Attacking Adfustment is the penalty or bonus for both surprise 

Defensive Adjustment refers to the penalty or bonus applicable to a 
character's saving throws against certain forms of attack (such as fire ball, 
lightning bolts, etc.) due to dodging ability. It also applies to the 
character's parrying and/or dodging ability in missile or meiee combat; in 
this case the penalty subtracts from the armor doss (q.v.) of the character, 
making him or her easier to hit, while the bonus adds to the defensive 
value of the character's armor class, making him or her harder To hit. For 
example, a character with plate mail and shield is normally treated as 
armor class 2; if the character has 3 dexterity, there is a + 4 penalty, so the 
armor class changes to 6 (2 + 4), However, if the same character has a 
dexterity of 1 8, there is a bonus of -4, so armor class changes from 2 to a -2 
(2 + -4= 1.0, -1. 2) 




Penalty or Sonus fort 

+ 15% 

|J rtt ,. | MnH |lnA hawtAfbuT«kU II* 

noT*i h wyix ruing uw^wrfTf laoie it: 

AJI "Penalty gr Bonus for" categories or* fully detailed under CHARACTER CLASSES, Thieves. The penalties and bonuses are applied to the base chances of 
success for each named category. Racial adjustments for dwarves, elves, etc. are additional pluses. 

Constitution; Constitution is a term which encompasses the character's 
physique, fitness, health, and resistance. Since constitution affects the 
character's hit dice and chances af surviving such greal system shocks as 
being changed by magic spell or resurrected from the dead, it is of 
considerable importance to all dosses. Constitution scores of above a 
ceriain number ore necessary for becoming certain sub-classes of 
characters, Effects of constitution are given on the table below. 

It is of utmost importance to understand that a character's initial 
constitution score is also the maximum number of times the character can 
be raised from the dead/resurrected, and that each such revivification 
reduces the character's constitution scare by 1. Although a character's 
constitution can be restored to its former score, or even raised above this 
number, by magi cat means, this in no way alters the initial score 
limitation, nor does such magical change in constitution restore to the 
character additional chances for revivification. Thus, if a character has an 
initial constitution af 15, he or she can never be brought back to life by a 
raise dead or resurrection spell more often than 15 times. Note that o rod 
of resurrection is considered the same as a spell of the same sort. The 1 6th 
death is final and irrevocable without use of some other magical means 
suchasa wish. 


General Information 

Here or lower the character 
can only be an illusionist 

6 Minimum constitution for 
an elf or half-elf character 

7 Minimum constitution for a 
fighter character 

8 Minimum constitution for a 
gnome character 
Minimum constitution for a 
paladin character 
Minimum constitution far a 
ha If ling character 
Minimum constitution for a 
monk character 
Minimum constitution for a 
dwarf character 

13 Minimum constitution for a 
half-ore character 

14 Minimum constitution for a 
ranger character 

Hit Point 
































+ 2 
+2 (+4)* 






Notes Regarding Constitution Table; 

Hit Point Adjustment indicates Ihe subtraction from or addition to each hit 
die far a character. (Hit dice are explained fully under the appropriate 
heading.) Note that subtraction can never reduce ony hit die below 1, i.e. 
if a die is rolled and a 1 comes up, or if a 2 is rolled and the penalty due to 
constitution is -2. the die is read as 1 (hit point) regardless of subtractions. 
Note also that the only class of characters which is entitled to bonuses 
above +2 per hit die is fighters (including the fighter sub-classes paladins 
and rangers ). Thus, even though a cleric, magic-user, or thief has a 
constitution of 17 or 18, the additional hit points for each hit die due to 
superior constitution Is +2. 

System Shocfe Survival states the percentage chance the choracter has of 
surviving the fallowing farms of magical attacks (or simple application of 
the magic): aging, petrification (including flesh to stone spell), polymorph 
any object t polymorph others. Example: The wicked necromancer 
polymorphs (others) his hireling into a giant roc, with the raiher foolish 
agreement af the changee; the hireling must make a saving throw based 
on his consitution scare using the table above. Assuming he survives, a 
furl her saving throw would have lo be made if he wos again palymorphed 
or dispelled back to original form. The saving throw must be equal to or 
less than the percentage shown. 

Resurrection Survival shows the percentage chance the character has of 
being successfully raised from the dead or resurrected by a cleric. The 
score af the percentile dice must be equal to or less than the number 
shown on the table, or the character fails to be revivified and is completely 
and totally dead forever. Remember that a ch a racier can never be raised 
from the dead/ resurrected a total number of limes in excess of the 
character's initial constitution score. 

*6ar>us apples only to fighters; a// other ciasses may be given a maximum 
hit paint bonus adjustment for constitution of + 2. 




Charisma: Charisma is the measure of the character's combined physical 
attractiveness, persuasiveness, and personal magnetism. A generally non- 
beautiful character can have a very high charisma due to strong measures 
of Ihe other two aspects of charisma. H is important to all characters, os It 
has an effect on dealings with others, principally non-player characters, 
mercenary hirelings, prospective retainers, and monsters. It absolutely 
dictates the total number of henchmen a character is able to retain, ft 
affects loyalty of all hirelings and retainers. It is the key to leadership. The 
following table expresses ihe facts regarding charisma scores. 





General Information 


No, ol 

Loyalty Reaction 

Here or lower the character 
can only be an assassin 

Minimum charisma far an 
elf character 

























Maximum charisma for a 
half-arc character* 

Minimum charisma for a 
druid character 
Maximum charisma for a 
dwarf character** 

normal normal 

normal + 05% 

+ 05% +10% 

+ }$% +15% 

+ 20% +25% 

*Cbarisma maximum applies only with respect to non-ores and non- 
half-orcs (see CHARACTER RACES. Half -Ores). 
"Charisma maximum appi res only with respect fo non-dworves (see 

Motet Regarding Charisma Table: 

Maximum Number of Henchmen states the number of non-player 
characters who will serve as permanent retainers of the player character. 
It does not affect the number of mercenary soldiers, men-at-arms, 
servitors, ond similar persons in the pay of the character. 

Loyalty Base simply shows the subtraction from or addition to the 
henchmen's ond other servitors' loyally (q v. ) scores. 

Reaction Adjustment indicates the penalty or bonus due to the character 
because of charisma in meeting and dealing with persons and creatures 
encountered. For example, the character might encounter a basically 
neutral intelligent creature and seek to converse In order to gain some 
advantage, tf the charisma of the character is low, he or she will be 
working under a handicap which will have io be overcome by generous 
offers and gifts if o chance of success is hoped for. On the other hand, if 
the character's charisma score is high, he or she will begin negotiations 
from a strong starting position due to charm and magnetism. 


After a player has determined the obililies of his or her character, it is then 
time to decide of what racial stock the character is to be. For purposes of 
the game ihe racial stocks are limited to the following] dwarven, efven, 
gnome, hoff-efven, hoffting, hoif-orc, and human. Each racial stock has 
advantages and disadvantages, although in general human is superior to 
the others for reasons you will discover as you read on. The Dungeon 
Master may have restrictions as to which races are allowed in the 
campaign due to the circumstances of the milieu. 

Two Tables for easy reference are given below in order that you can select 
the racial stock of your character based on abilities generated ond with an 
eye towards what doss (q.v.) of adventurer the character will be. Most 
non-human races are able to work in two or more classes at ihe same time, 
and some gain ability score bonuses as well, but most are limited as to 
how great o level they may attain in a given class, except in the case of o 



Racial mock or \*naracT*r 


Druid (N) 









Half- Elven 


Half ling 


Half Ore 



Y es 

Paladin (LG) 
Ronaer (G) 










Illusionist (A) 











THIEF (N to E) 















r ftac* Table I: 

Choracfer Oass names are shown in capital letters if the class is major, sub-classes are shown with the first letter capitalized only. The letter or letters 
appeoring after each class indicate the alignment (q.v.) possibilities of each character class: (A) meant any, (N) means neutral only, (LG) means lawful 
good only, (G) means good only, (N to E) means any neutral to any evil alignment, (E) means evil only, and (L) means lawful only, (A)* a cleric cannot be 
true neutral unless of the druid subclass, 

Racial Sfocic of Characters shows the seven races of player characters, and reading down each heading gives quick reference asio what classes each race Is 
able to became in regard to their player character role. 

A " no" indicates that the race cannot become the character class in question, 
A "ves' r indicates that the race is able to become the character class in question. 




'Oworven fighters with less than J7 strength ore limited to 7th /eve); those with J7 strength are limited to 8th /eve/. 
'Elven fighters with less than 17 strength are limited to 5th level; those with 1 7 strength are limited to 6th level. 

'Gnome fighters of less than IS strength are limited to 5th level. 

•Half-elven fighters of less than 17 strength are limited to 6th level; those of 17 strength are limited to 7th level. 

*Hat fling fighters of Hfllrf sub-race, as well as all other types of sub-races with strength of under 17, are limited to 4th level. Tallfellows of 17 strength and 
Stout* of IS strength con work up ro 5th level TaHt«Howi that somehow obtain IB strength can work up to 6th level. 

*Elven magic-users with intelligence of less than 1 7 ore limited to 9th level; those with intelligence of 17 are limited to 10th /eve/, 

T Ha/f-e/ven magr'c-users with rnrei/igence of less than 17 are limited to 6th level; those with intelligence of 17 are limited to 7th level. 

"Gnome illusionists with intelligence or dexterity under 17 are limited to 5th level; those with both intelligence and dexterity of \7 are limited to 6th levei 

'Ha/f-Orc thieves with dexterity of less than 17 are limited to 6th level; those wrfh dexterity of 17 are limited to 7th level. 

Numbers in Parentheses {} indicate that This class exists only os r 
characters in the race in question 

Numbers — not in parenrhesis — indicate the maximum level attainable 
by a character of the race in question. 

U appearing in a race column indicates that n character of the race in 
question has no limitation as to how high the character can go with regard 
to level in the appropriate class. 

in others. These penalties and bonuses are applied to the initio! ability 
scores generated by a player far his or her character as soon as the racial 
stock of the character is selected, and the modified ability scores then are 
considered os if they were the actual obi I iiy scores generated for all game 
purposes. These penalties and bonuses ore shown below; 

Penalty or Bortui 

Constitution + 1 r Charisma -1 

Dexterity + 1 ; Constitution -1 

Strength + 1 ; Constitution -f 1 ; Charisma -2 

Strength -1; Dexterity +1 


Half -Ore 

Certain racial stocks excel in certain ability areas and have shortcomings 

There are certain other disadvantages and advantages to characters of 
various races; these ore described in the paragraphs pertaining to each 
race which follow. 




Character Ability Scores by Racial Typa; 

As noted previously in the section pertaining to character abilities, the 
non- and part-human races must meet certain minimum ability scores, and 
some races have lower maximum passible scores os well. In order for your 
character to be of one of these races, these minimums and maximums 
must be met. The minimum scores must have been generated in the initial 
abilities rolls, or if bonuses are given for ihe race, then the minimums must 
be met considering such bonuses. Maximums applicable are easily met, 
for the ability score is simply lowered to conform to the maximum. 

The (able below shows these minimum and maximum figures at a glance. 






El von 


Half-El ven 


































is/1 a 























































*As nofed previous//, fighters of oil races might be entitled to an 

Note i Regarding Character Race Table III; 

Minimum Scores indicate the lowest possible roll for consideration of o 
character 1o be of ihe racial type indicated. Scores below rhe minimum 
indicated are not allowable, so any chorocter with less than the minimum 
shown can not be of the appropriate race. 

Maximum Scores include racial penalties and bonuses; thus, some races 
con exceed the 18 total possible in the initial generation of abilities with 
three sis-sided dice. Penalties and bonuses for roce are taken before 
adjusting for maximum score. 

The Slosh (/) separates (he minimums and maximums possible for moles, 
shown first, and females, shown afier the slosh, thus: males/females, 
minimum and maximum as applicable. A male dwarf needs a minimum 
strength of 8, as does a female of thai race; a male dwarf can have a 
maximum strength of 18, but a female dwarf can hove o maximum 
strength of 17; this reads as &/8, 1 8/1 7 


All of the non-human or part-human races closely resemble humans in 
many aspects. It Is assumed thai similarities are sufficiently apparent so as 
to warrant no further comment, and only special racial characteristics 
which are dissimilar to humans will be dealt with. Characters differ slightly 
within their respective races as o whole. 


The race of dwarves typicolly dwells in hilly or mountainous regions. For 
details of the race In genera! the reader is referred to ADVANCED 
DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS, MONSTER MANUAL As player characters, both 
dwarves and their cousins Ihe "mountain dwarves" can be considered. 

A character of the dwarven race can be a fighter (maximum of 9th level), 
a thief, or an assassin (maximum of 9th level). It is also possible for a 


dwarven character ic opt to work simultaneously in the fighter and thief 
classes; in the latter event the dwarf will be limited To Ihe armor permitted 
a thief when performing any functions of thai class. Experience will always 
be divided between the two cfasses also, even though the dwarf may no 
longer advance upwards in fighting ability level. (Complete information 
regarding this subject is given hereunder in the section dealing with 

Because of thetr very nature, dwarves are non-magical and do not ever 
use magical spells, However, this nature gives them a bonus with regard to 
their saving throws [see COMBAT. Saving Throws) against attacks by 
magic wands, staves, rods and spells, This bonus is 4- 1 for every 3Vj points 
of constitution ability. Thus, if a dwarf had a constitution of ? he or she 
would gain a +2 on dice roils mode as saving throws, at 14 constitution 
the bonus would be +4, and at 18 constitution the bonus would be the 
maximum normally possible. + 5. 

Similarly, dwarves have exceptional constitutional strength with regard to 
toxic substances, ingested or injected. Therefore, all dwarven characters 
moke saving throws against poison in [he same manner and with the same 
bonuses os they do against magical ottocks from wands, staves, rods, and 

All dwarves are able to speak the following languages (q.v.): dwarven, 
gnome, goblin, kobold, and orcish; in addition, dwarven characters are 
able to speak the "common tongue" of all humankind. However, except 
for their alignment language (see ALIGNMENT), they are unable to learn 
more than two additional languages regardless of their intelligence 

Dwarves ore able to see radiation in the infra-red spectrum, so they can 
see up to 60' in the dark noting varying degrees of heal radiation, This 
ability is known as "infravision". 

Dwarves are miners of great skill. They are able to detect the fallowing 
focts when within 10' or less of the particular phenomenon (except 



determination of approximate depih, which can be done at any distance): 

Detect grade or slope in passage, 
upwards or downwards 

Detect new construction 
or passage/tunnel 

Detect sliding or shifting 
walls or rooms 

Delect traps involving 
pits, falling blocks and 
other stonework 

Determine appro* Ornate 
depth underground 

75% probability 
(d4, score 1-3) 

75% probability 

66 2/3% probability 
(d6, score 1-4) 

50% probability 
(64, score 1-2 or 
d6, score 1-3) 

50% probability 

Note thai the dworven character must be actively seeking lo determine the 
phenomenon in question in order to be able to determine the answer; the 
information does not simply spring to mind unbidden. 

tn melee combat (see COMBAT), dwarves add 1 to their rike rolls to hit 
opponents who ore half-ores, goblins, hobgoblins, or ores. When being 
attacked by ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, and/or titans, dwarves su biro ct 
4 from their opponents' "to hit" dice rolls because of the dworves" small 
size and combat abifity against these much bigger creatures. 

As has already been noted, dworven characters get a bonus of 1 added To 
their initial constitution ability, and a penolty of 1 on Their charisma score 
due to racial characteristics. Ir is very important to note the actual charisma 
score prior fo racial adjustmenf, however, for dwarven characters do not 
suffer charisma penalties, nor are they limited to a 16 charisma maximum 
with regard to their own race. For example, let us suppose a player who 
has rolled a charismo score of 18 decides to have a dworven character, 
thus reducing charisma score by \ due to racial characteristics. However, 
the highest score possible for a dwarf is 16 (see CHARACTER ABILITIES, 
CHARISMA TABLE}, so the character's charisma scare is recorded as 16 
(18), the parenthetical number being the actual score rolled. With regard 
to non-dworven henchmen, the character is limited to a maximum of 8, 
but with regard to dwarves the character has a score of 18 charisma, sa up 
to 15 henchmen would serve the chorocter if the additional servitors (over 
and above 8) were themselves dwarves. 

There ore many sorts of elves, and descriptions of the differing types are 

Elven player characters are always considered to be high elves, the most 
common sort of elf. 

A character of elven stock can opt to be a fighter (maximum of 7th level), 
a magic-user (maximum of 11th level), o thief, or an assassin (maximum 
of 10th level}. An elven character can also be multi-classed, i.e. a 
f ighter/magic-user, a fighier/thief, a magic-user/thief, or a 
fighter/magic-user/thief . If ihe character is multi-classed, the following 
restrictions and strictures apply: Although able to operate freely with the 
benefits of armor, weapons, and magical items available to the classes the 
character is operating in, any thieving is restricted to the armor and 
weaponry usable by the thief class. All earned experience is always 
divided equally among the classes of the character, even though the 
character is no longer able to gain levels in one or mare of the classes. 
(More detailed information is given in the CHARACTER CLASSES section 

Elven characters have a 90% resistance lo s/eep and charm spells (if these 
spells are cast upon them a percentile dice roll of 91% or better is required 
to allow the magic any chance of having an effect and even then the 
saving throw ogoinst spells is allowed versus the charm spell). 

When employing either a bow of any sort other thon a crossbow, or a short 
or long sword, elven characters gain a bonus of + 1 on their die rolls "to 


All elven characters are able to speak the following languages in addition 
to that of their chosen alignment: elvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, 
hobgoblin, oreish, gnoll. ond the "common tongue" of mankind, Elven 

characters of above 15 intelligence are able to teorn one additional 
language for every point of intelligence over 15, i.e. o character with an 18 
intelligence score could learn three additional languages (q. v.). 

Elves have the obi lily to see into the infra -red spectrum, so they are able to 
see up to 60' in darkness, noting varying degrees of heat radiation. 

Secret or concealed doors ore difficult to hide from elves. Merely passing 
within 10' of the latter makes an eiven chorocter 16 2/3% [1 in 6) likely to 
notice it. If actively searching for such doors, elven characters are 33 1/3% 
(2 in 6) likely to find a secret door and 50% Likely (3 in 6) to discover a 
concealed portal. 

As has been shown previously, elven characters add o bonus of + 1 to their 
initial dexterity score. Likewise, as elves are not as sturdy as humans, they 
deduct 1 from their initial constitution score. 

if alone and not in metal armor (or if we/I in advance — 90' or more — of 
o party which does not consist entirely of elves and/or halfllngs) an elven 
character moves so silently that he or she will surprise (q.v>) monsters 66 
2/3% (d6, 1 through 4) of the time unless some portal must be opened in 
order to confronl l he monster. In ihe la tier case the chance for surprise 
drops to 33 1/3% (d6, 1-2). 


A gnome's preferred habitation is an area of rolling, rocky hills, well- 
wooded and uninhabited by humans. Details of the race are found in 

A character of the gnome roce can setect to be o fighter (maximum of 6th 
level), an illusionist (maximum of 7th level), a thief, or on assossin 
(maximum of 8th level). It is also possible for a gnome character to be two 
classes at the same time (a fighter/illusionist, a fighter/lhief, or on 
Illusionist/thief, for example). In ihe latter case, the character is restricted 
to the wearing of leather armor, regardless of which class combination he 
or she has chosen, unless only fighting is performed by ihe character. As 
with any such multi-class character, gnomes wilh two character classes 
must always divide earned experience equally between levels, even 
though it might no longer be possible to advance upwards in level in one 
of the classes. (See CHARACTER CLASSES for more information regarding 
this subject.) 

Similar lo their cousins, the dworves, gnomes are highly magic resistant. A 
gnome player character gains o bonus of + I for every 3'/ 2 points of 
constitution ability score, just as dwarven characters do, A conslilution of 4 
gains 0+1,7 gains a +2, 1 1 gains a +3, 14 gains a +4, and 18 gains o 
+ 5 bonus to saving throws versus magic wands, staves, rods, and spells. 

Gnome characters are able to speak the following languages in addition 
to their alignment language (q.v.) ond the "common tongue" of 
humanity: dworvish, gnome, holfling, goblin, kobold, and they can also 
communicate with any burrowing mammal (such as moles, badgers, 
ground squirrels, etc.) Gnomes are unable to learn more than two 
guages in addiiion to those noted above, regardless of how high their 


Gnomes have infra vision, the ability to see into the infra-red spectrum, so 
a gnome character is able to see up to 60' in the dark, noting varying heat 
rod ia t i o n . 

Being miners of exceptional merit, gnomes are able to detect the 
following facts when within 1 0' of the area to be examined, or at any time 
wrth respect to determination of their approximate depth underground: 

Detect grade or slope in 
upwards or downwards 

Deteci unsafe walls, 
ceilings, or floors 

Determine approximate 
depth underground 

Determine direction of 
travel underground 

80% probability 
(dlO, score 1 -8) 

70% probability 
(did, score 1-7) 

60% probability 
(dlO, score ^-6) 

50% probability 

score any half ) 

It is important to note that the gnome must be actively seeking lo 




determine the manor in question. The phenomenon does not otherwise 
become apporeni to the character, for he or she musi concentrate on the 
subject to get some form of answer. 

In melee combat, gnome characters odd 1 to their dice rolls to hit 
opponents who are kobolds or goblins. When being attacked by gnolls, 
bugbears, ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, and/or titans, gnome characters 
subtract 4 from their opponents' "to Hit" dice roils because of the gnomes' 
small size ond their comboi skill ogoinsi these much bigger creatures. 

Half -E Ives ! 

Half-elves do not form a race unto themselves, but rather they can be 
found amongst both elvenkind and men, For details of the typicot half-elf 
neaping cfr. 

A character of half-elven rac & co n play as a cleric [maximum of 5th level), 
druld, fighter (maximum of 8ih level), ranger (maximum of Bfh level), 
magic-user (maximum of 8th level}, thief, or assassin {maximum of 11th 
level). A character of half-elven race can also opt to become a multi- 
classed individual i.e. cleric/fighter, cleric/ranger, cleric/mogic-user, 
fighter/magic-user, fighter/thief, magic- user/thief, cleric/fighter/magic- 
user, or a fighter/ magic-user/ thief. Half-elven characters who choose the 
cleric as one of their multi-classes aren't limited by that doss' proscriptions 
upon weapons usable, bui rhey ore quite restricied in level, Half-elven 
characters who choose the thief class as one of their multi-roles are limited 
to the weaponry and armor of that closs when operating as a thief. All 
earned experience is always divided evenly between the classes of the 
multi-classed character, even though the character is no longer able to 
gain levels In one or more of the dosses, (See CHARACTER CLASSES, and 
consult rhe various classes for more detailed information pertaining io 
half-elven characters operating within ihe stored classes.) 

Half-elven characters have a 30% resistance to sieep ond charm spells (if 
the spelts are cast upon ihem, a percentile dice roil of 31 H or better is 
required to allow the magic any chance of having an effect, and even then 
the saving throw against spells is allowed versus the charm spell } . 

All half-elven characters are able to speak the "common tongue" of men, 
their alignment language Cqv), and the following: elvish, gnome, 
halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orcish, and gnoll. Half-elven characters of 
above 16 Intelligence are able to learn one additional language for every 
poini of intelligence above 16, so thai a 17 Intelligence indicaies the 
character can learn one additional language, and an 18 intelligence 
indicates two languages can be learned in addition to those listed above. 

Half-elves have the ability to see into the infra-red spectrum, so they are 
able io see up to 60' in darkness, noting varying degrees of heat rod ration. 

Secret or concealed doors are difficult to hide from holf-etves, just as they 
are noticeable by elves. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door 
gives the half-elven charocter a 1 in 6 chance (1 6 2/3%) chance of spotting 
it. If ihe character is actively seeking to discover such doors, he or she has 
a 2 in 6 chance (33 1/3%) of spotting a secret door and a 3 in 6 chance 
(50%) of locating a concealed door. 

Ha hf lings: 

Halflings are very much like small humons, thus iheir name. As player 
characters, it is assumed that any of the sub-races of the race of half lings 
con be considered as thai of the half ling character in question. Complete 
Informal ion on half lings is found in ADVANCED DUNGEONS f 

A character of the halfling race can be a fighter, o thief, or a fighter/thief. 
As ha If lings are unable to work beyond 6th level as fighters, it is most 
probable that the character will be a ihief or a multi-classed fighter/thief. 
In the latter case the character is limited to the armor ond weaponry of a 
thief whenever any such functions ore to be performed during the course 
of an adventure. Furthermore, earned experience is always divided 
evenly between the two classes, even though the character may no longer 
be able to gain additional levels as o fighter. 

All halfling characters have a high resistance to magic spells, so for every 
3'/a points of conslitulion ability the character possesses, he or she gains a 
+ 1 on saving throws versus wands, staves, rods, ond spells. This converts 

to the following bonuses for constitution: 4-6 = +1,7-10 - +2, 11-13 - 
+ 3,14-17= +4, and 16 = +5. 

As half lings also have a simitar resistance to poisons of oil sorts, they gain 
a constitution bonus identical la that for saving throws versus magical 
attocks when they make saving throws versus poison, Le. +1 to +5 
depending on constitution score. 

All halfling characters are able Io speak the following languages in 
addition to mankind's "common tongue" and the alignment language: 
dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, holfllng, and orcish. Halflings with intelli- 
gence above 16 can learn one additional language for every point of intel- 
ligence they possess above the 16 minimum, so at 17 intelligence ihe 
character can learn one additional language, and at 18 Intelligence two 
can be learned. 

Certain halfling characters have infra vis ion. Those with mixed blood are 
assumed to have infravision which functions up to 30' distant, while those 
of pure Stoutish blood are able to see heat radiation variation at up to ©0/ 
{normal infravision) 

Similarly, halflings of mixed type ond those of pure Stoutish blood are able 
to note if a passage is an up or down grade 75% (d4, 1-3) of the time, and 
they can determine direction 50% of the time. Note that these abilities 
function only when the charocter is concentrating on the desired 
information to ihe exclusion of all olher thought and activity. 

if alone {or ,vell in advance — 90' or more — of a party which does not 
consist entirely of halflings or elves not in metol armor) and not in metal 
armor, halfling characters are abb to move very silently; thus, if they do 
not have to open some form of door or other screen, they will surprise 
(q,v>) a monster 66 2/3% (d6, 1-4} of the time. If a door must be opened, 
chance for surprise drops to 33 1 /3% (d6 ( 1*2). 

Halfling characters must accept a penalty of -1 from their initially 
generated strength ability score, and they gain a bonus of +1 on dexterity. 


Ores ore fecund ond create many cross-breeds, most of the offspring of 
such being typically orcish. However, some one-tenth of ore- human 
mongrels are sufficiently nan -orcish to pass for human. Complete details 
of ores and cross-breeds will be found under the heading Ore in 

As it is assumed that player characters which are of ha If -ore roce are 
within the superior 10%, they have certoln advantages. A half-ore 
character can become a cleric (maximum of 4th level), a fighter 
[maximum of 10th level), a thief (maximum of 8th level), or an assassin. 1 1 
is also possible for o half-ore character to operate in two classes at the 
same time: cleric/fighter, cleric/thief, cleric/assassin, fighter/thief, or 
fighter /assassin. When playing a multi-classed character, the half -ore 
must abide by the restrictions of the least favorable class wilh regard only 
to armor. All earned experience is always divided equally between the 
player's two classes, even though the character might no longer be able io 
progress upwards in level in one of the two classes. (See CHARACTER 
CLASSES for mare information regarding this subject.) 

Half-ore characters are able to speak the "common tongue" of humanity, 
iheir alignment language, and orcish as well These characters are able to 
learn a maximum of two additional languages. 

Half-ores have infravision, so that they can detect varying degrees of heat 
radiation up to 60' distant in the dark. 

As has been shown before, half -ore characters have bonuses of +1 to both 
their strength ond constitution scores initially rolled, but they must subtract 
o charismo penalty of -2. Note that this penalty is in regard io those non- 
player character henchmen who ore not themselves of ha If -ore race, so 
the initial, unaltered, charisma ability score should be recorded (cf. 


Human characters are neither given penalties nor bonuses, as they are 
established as the norm upon which these subtractions or additions for 
racial stock are based. Human characters are nol limited as to what class of 
character they can become, nor do they have any maximum limit — other 




than thai intrinsic to the class — of level fhey con attain within a class. As 
fhey are ihe rule rather than the exception, the basic Information given 
always applies to humans, and racial changes are noted for differences as 
applicable for non-human or part-human stocks. 

In add hi on to the various attributes of the races of characters already 
mentioned, there are also certain likes and dislikes which must be 

considered in selecting o racial type for your character. The dealings which 
a character has with various races will be affected by racial preferences to 
some extent. Similarly,, the acquisition of hirelings by racial type might 
prove difficult for same characters if fhey go outside a narrow field. Your 
Dungeon Master will certainly lake racial preferences Into account during 
interaction between your character and the various races which he or she 
will encounter. The following table will serve os a guide in determining 
which races your character will like, be rather indifferent to, or dislike. 


Bosk Acceptability of Racial Type 



nflfl" CI V»S 


Half 'Ores 






G l 

























$ ' 



G a 











1 Only with regard to Tal If el lows and Stouts, other half lings are regarded with tolerance (T)> 
1 Only Stouts regard dwarves os acceptable, other half li ngs tolerate them (T). 
J Only Tal Ifel lows regard elves Osgood company, other half lings are tolerant (T). 

iiv'v> an KBEiiiJ 


P: P indicates that the race is generally preferred, and dealings with 
the members of the race will be reflected accordingly, 

O: G means that considerable goodwill exists towards the race, 

T: T indicates that the race is viewed with tolerance and generally 
acceptable, if not loved. 

Character class refers to the profession of the player character. The 
approach you wish to take to the game, how you believe you can most 
successfully meet rhe challenges which it poses, and which role you desire 
to play are dictated by character class (or multi-class). Clerics principally 
function as supportive, although they have some offensive spell power 
and are able to use armor and weapons effectively, Druids are a sub-closs 
of cleric who operate much as do other clerics, but they ore less able in 
combat and more effective in wilderness situations, fighters generally 
seek to engage in hand-to-hand combat, for they have more hit points and 
better weaponry in general than do other classes. Paladins are fighters 
who are lawful good (see ALIGNMENT). At higher levels they gain limited 
clerical powers as well. Rangers are another sub-class of fighter. They are 
quite powerful in combat, and at upper levels gain druidic and magic spell 
usage of a limited sort. Magic-users cannot expect to do well in hond-lo- 
hand combat, but they have a great number of magic spells of offensive, 
defensive, and informational nature. They use magic almost exclusively to 
solve problems posed by the gome. Illusionists are a sub-class of magic- 
user, and they are different primarily because of the kinds of spells ihey 
use, Thieves use cunning, mmbleness, and stealth. Assassins, a sub-class of 
thief, are quiet killers of evil nature. Monies are aesthetic disciples of 
bodily training and combat with bare hands. Each class Is detailed fully En 
succeeding paragraphs. It is up to you to select what dass you desire your 
character to be. Selection must be modified by abilities generated and 
possibly by the race of your character. 

The following tables will enable you to determine the major differences 
between character classes at a glance. Specific comparisons must be done 
in light of the detailed information given in the sections which discuss ihe 
individual classes in question. Note that non-human and semi-human race 
characters who are multi-classed are typically bound by the limitations of 
the thief class onFy. That is, a fighter/magic- user can benefit from both 
armor, weaponry and spells; a fighter/thief is limited by the constraints of 
the thief class. 

N: N shows that the race is thought of neutrally, although some 
suspicion will be evidenced. 

A: A means that the race is greeted with ontrpatny. 

H: H tokens o strong hatred for the roce < n question . 




CI ait of 






Hit Die 




Maximum Number of 
Hit Dko 


da{ + d6] 



Spoil Ability 



CI mi Lovol 


14 (The Great Druid} 

T7( + l]' 

ihty up ro Jth level spelte, first gained at 9th level. 

**The ranger beings with two eight-sided bif dice (268), but thereafter goes up one die per /eve/, to the Indicated maximum, as do a/i other dosses. The 
monk begms with fwo four-srded dice (2d4^ and goes up thereafter as do rangers, of one die per leve/, 

•**OrufdJc spelf ability up fa 3rd /eve/ spel/s, first gamed at 8th level"; and magic- user spel/ ability up to 2nd level, first gained at 9th I eve/. 
****At /0th /eve/ { /2th /eve/ with regard to assassins) thieves gain the obi/iry ro read magic users' fond iHusiomsts'J spe/ls from scrolls. 

Hotel Regarding Character Clan*i Table 1.: 

Goss of Character is self-explanatory. Multi-classes have boon omitted, 
bur certain facts pertaining to them are given hereafter. 

Hit Dice Type shows the type of die to be rolled by o character of the 
appropriate closs at each level of experience (q.v.) he or she has gained 
so as to determine how many hit points (q.v.) the character has. Multi- 
classed characters determine their hit points as follows: 

I. Roll the hit die {or dice) appropriate to each closs the character is 

2 Total the sum of all dice so rolled, and adjust for constitution (q,v). 

3 + Divide the total by the character's classes (two or three), dropping 
fractions under *h r rounding fractions of Va or greater upwards to ihe 
next whole number. 

4, The number derived (quotient) is the number of hit points the 
multi-classed character gains with the rise in that experience level. 

Noie that when multi-classed characters are no longer able to progress in 
any given class, they no longer gain the hit dice for rhof class, (See 

Maximum Number of* Kii Dice assumes that the character has no racial 
limitation to prevent rise commensurate with the number of hit dice, Note 
that additional hit points are still gained with increase in level, even 
though no additional hff dice can be, in those cases where there is no class 
(or race) level limit. (See CHARACTER HIT POINTS,) 

Spelt Ability simply fndicaies whether or noi the class of character is able 
to employ spetls. (For details of spells see CHARACTER SPELLS,) 

Class Level Limit tells how high in levels the character con progress in the 
closs in question. As shown, most character classes do not have any upper 
limit, although racial limitations might affect non-human or semi-human 

Class of 







sticks, club, crossbow, dagger, hand axe, javelin, jo stick, pole arm, spear, siaff 

nhrs heading includes any magical weapons of the type named unless use by the closs in question is specifically proscribed In the description of the magic 

"This prohibition is strictly for derics who are not of evil alignment; the latter may use poison if permitted in the campaign by the referee. 

■"Characters under E height connot employ the longbow or any weapon aver IT in length. Those under 100 pounds of body weight cannot use the heavy 
crossbow or pole arms in excess of 200 gold piece weighi equivalent. Including two-handed swords. 

* A th ief may use a short sword, brood sword, or long sword but not a bastard sword or a two-handed sword. 

Note Regarding Poison: The question mark indicates that ^he use of poisons is possible providing the referee so allows. Uses and limitations are determined 
by the referee with suggestions from t 




Thm Clerk 

As hos been stofed previously in the section detailing CHARACTER 
ABILITIES, the principal attribute of a cleric is wisdom, A character musl 
have a minimum wisdom ability score of 9(13 Ho multi -classed half-elven 
cleric bur 9 if o multi-dossed ha If -ore cleric}. If wisdom ability is greater 
rhan 15, the character odds 10% lo experience (q.v,) awarded lo him or 
her by the referee, Example: A cleric character gains an award of 975 
experience points from the DM after a successful adventure. Because the 
character hos o wisdom ability score in excess of 15, he or she ihen adds 98 
experience points (975 X JO = 97.5, or 9B E,P.) to the 975, for a total of 
1,073 E.P. Of course, a cleric will benefit in other woys by having a high 
wisdom score. He or she gains bonus spells from high wisdom, as well as a 
belter chance to avoid the effects of certain magical attacks. 

High ability scores In strength and constitution are also desirable for a 
character of this class, ond good dexterity is likewise of benefit. 

This class of character bears a certain resemblance to religious orders of 
knighthood of medieval times. The cleric has an eight-sided die (d8) per 
level to determine how many hit points (q.v.) he or she has. The cleric is 
dedicated to a deity, or dailies, and at the same time a skilled combatant 
at arms. The cleric can be of any o/ignmenf {q.v.) save (true) neutral (see 
Druid hereafter) alignment, depending upon lhat of the deity the cleric 
serves. All clerics have certain holy symbols which aid them and give 
power to their spells, All ore likewise forbidden to use edged and/or 
pointed weapons which shed blood. All clerics hove their own spelts, 
bestowed upon them by their deity for correct ond ditigent prayers ond 

A study of the spells usable by clerics (see CHARACTER SPELLS) will con- 
vey the main purpose of the cleric That is. the cleric serves to foriify, pro- 
tec*, and revitalize, The cleric also has a limited number of attack spells, 
some of which are simply the reverse form of curative incantations. Note 
that all spells must be spoken or read aloud. In addition, the cleric hos the 
ability lo wear armor, carry effective weaponry, and engage in 
hand-to-hand (melee) combat with a reasonable chance of success. 
Anolher important attribute of the clerk is the ability to turn away (or 
actually command into service) the undeod ond less powerful demons and 

The undead ore: ghosts, ghosts, ghouls, liches, mummies, shadows, 
skeletons, spectres, wights, wraiths, vampires, and zombies. These 
creatures, os well as demons and devils, are detailed in ADVANCED 
DUNGEONS 1 DRAGONS, MONSTER MANUAL. The matrix showing what 
effect clerics of various levels hove upon such creatures is for use by the 
Dungeon Master only. As a rule of thumb, a cleric is effective against any 
undeod monster whose hit dice ore not greater than those of the cleric. 
Only high level clerics have any hope of driving away or influencing 
demons or devils. 

nally have clencism as their sole class; thus they are 
limited advancement in level. 

Only humans will no 
the only clerics with i 

Clerks hove nearly as good a prospect of success in melee combat os 
fighters (the best in such situations), They move upwards in combat ability 
in steps consisting of rhree ability levels. Similarly, rhey make saving 
throws (q.v. ) against magical and poison attacks in like steps. 

Clerics can employ a fair number of magic items including most potions; 
clerical and "protection" scrolls; most rings; some wands, rods, and 
stoves; many other magical items; and all of the non-edged, non-pointed 
magical weaponry. As they are able to wear armor, clerics con employ oil 
forms of magic armor and magic shields, too. 

When a cleric achieves 8th level {Patriarch or Moiriorch) he or she 
automatically attracts followers if the cleric establishes o place of worship 
— a building of not less than 2,000 square feet in floor area with on altar, 
shrine, chapel, etc. These followers are fanaiically loyal and serve without 
pay so long as the cleric does not change deities and/or alignment. These 
followers number between 20 and 200 (2dl0\ totaled, and multiplied by 
10), m addition, there will be followers who are men-of-orms (q.v,), ond 
your referee will relay the lypes and numbers at the appropriate lime. 

Upon reaching 9th level (High Priest or High Priestess), the cleric hos the 
option of constructing a religious stronghold. This fortified place must 
contain a large temple, cathedral, or church of not less lhan 2500 square 
feel oil the ground floor. It can be o castle, a monastery, an abbey or the 
like. It must be dedicated to the cleric's deity (or deities). The cost of 

construction will be onty one-half the usual for such a place because of 
religious help. If the cleric then clears the surrounding ierriiory and 
humans dwell in this area, there will be a monlhly revenue of 9 silver 
pieces per inhabitant from trade, taxation, and tithes. 

Dice for 


Exper lenci 

i Accumulated 

1 Level 


Hit Polnti 

































High Priest 



9 + 2 

High Priest (10th level ) 

675,001 — 900,000 


9 + 4 

High Priest (11th level) 

225,000 experience paints per level for each additional level beyond the 

Clerics gain 2 h,p. per level after the 9th, 






Spell Level 




4 5 


























3 2 





3 2 






3 2 





4 2 






6 3 







7 3 







8 3 






8 4 

*Usable only by clerics of 17 or greater wisdom 
**U*able only by clerics of 18 or greater wisdom 

Ths Druid 

The druid is a sub-class of clerics. They ore the only absolute neutrals (see 
ALIGNMENT), viewing good and evil, tow ond chaos, as balancing forces 
of nature which ore necessary for the continuation of all things. As priests 
of nature, they must have o minimum wisdom of 12 and a charisma of 15; 
Soih of these major attributes must exceed 15 if a druid is to gain a 10% 
bonus io earned experience. 

It will be noted In 
ana ine o 

>le by druids ore more attuned io nature 
s of other defies or magic-users. 



Nonetheless, druids servo ro strengthen, protect ond revitalize as the 
usual cleric does. The more powerful druidic spelts, as well as their wider 
range of weaponry, moke up for the fact that druids are unable to use any 
armor or shields other than leather armor and wooden shields (metallic 
armor spoils their magical powers). They must speak or read spells aloud. 
Due to their involvemeni with living, growing things, druids have no 
power to turn or control undead, demons, or devils. 

Druids can be visualized as medieval cousins of what the ancient Celtic 
seel of Druids would have become had it survived the Roman conquest. 
They hold trees (particularly oak and ash), the sun, and the moon as 
deities. Mistletoe is the holy symbol of druids, and it gives power to their 
spells. They have an obligation to protect trees and wild plants, crops, and 
to a lesser extent, their human followers and animals. Thus, druids will 
never destroy woodlands or crops no matter what the circumstances. Even 
though a woods, for example, were evilly hostile, druids would not destroy 
it, although nothing would prevent them from changing the nature of the 
place if the desire and wherewithal existed, in similar fashion, they avoid 
sloying wild animals or even domestic ones except as necessary for self- 
preservation and sustenance. 

If druids observe any creature destroying their charges, the druids are 
unlikely to risk their lives to prevent the destruction, Rather, if is probable 
that Ihe druids will seek retribution and revenge at a later date as 
opportunity presents itself. 

In connection with their nature worship, druids have certain innate powers 
which are gained at higher level Al 3rd level (Initiate of the Ut Circle), a 
druid gains the following abilities: 

1, Identification of plant type 

2. Identification of animal type 

3. Identification of pure water 

4, Power to pass through overgrown areas (undergrowth of 
tangled thorns, briar patches, etc) without leaving a 
discernible trail and at normal movement rate (q.v.) 

At 7th level {Initiate of the 5th Circle), the following additional powers ore 

L Immunity from chorm spells cost by any creature basically 
associated with the woodlands, i.e. dryads, nixies, sylphs, etc. 

2. Ability to change form up to three limes per day, actually 
becoming, in all respects save the mind, a reptile, bird or 

A. Each type of creature form can be assumed but once 
per day. 

6, The size of creature form assumed can vary from as 
smatl as a bullfrog, blue jay, or bat to as large as a large 
snake, an eagle, or a black bear (about double the 
weight of the druid), 

C. Each assumption of a new form removes from KWa to 
60% (d6, multiply by 10) of the hit points of damage, if 
any, the druid has sustained prior to changing form. 

Druids have their own secret language, and all speak it in addition to their 
other tongues (alignment, common, and others known). Upon becoming a 
3rd level druid (Initiate of the 1st Circle), and with each level increase 
thereafter, a druid gains a language of his choice; centaur, dryad, elvish, 
faun, gnome, green dragon, hill giant, lizardman, monticore, nixie, pixie, 
sprile, freantish. 

In melee combat, druids fight as clerics, but they do suffer somewhat from 
their inability to wear protective armor of metal They likewise make 
sawng throws (q.v.) as clerics, but against fire and tighming (electrical) 
attacks they gel a bonus of + 2 on their dice rolls. 

Druids can use those magic items not otherwise proscribed which are for 
all classes and those for regular clerics which are not written, i.e. books 
and scrolls. 

At the upper levels there are only a limited number of characters. At 12th 
level (Druid) there can be but nine of these nature priests. Each such 12th 

level druid is the leader of a body of lesser druids and will have an 
entourage of three of their underlings, i.e. the lowest (in experience) 
Druid (12th level) will have three Aspirants (1st level) to serve him or her, 
while the highest {in experience) will have three initiates of the 7th Circle 
(9th level). Initiates of the 8th and 9th Circle* ore under direct supervision 
of the three Archdruids and The Great Druid respectively. 

Above all other druids is a lone figure. The Greal Druid. The supreme druid 
is always attended by nine initiates of the 9th Circle. 

(Note: It is possible that other henchmen and hirelings, as well as 
worshippers, will be found with any particular druid. All servitors of upper- 
level druids ore faithful protectors, They are not otherwise considered 
henchmen (q.v.) perse. ) 

At such time os a druid class player character attains experience points 
suffkieni lo advance him or her to Druid (12th level), the corresponding 
powers ore gained only; 

1 If there are currently fewer than nine other characters of Druid 
level, or 

2. The player character bests one of the nine Druid level 
characters in spell or hand-to-hand combat. If the combat is 
no* mortal, the losing combatant drops Ihe exact number of 
experience points necessary to place him or her in the 
beginning of the next lower level. 

If the player character succeeds, he or she becomes a Druid, with full 
powers, and the former Druid (assuming case 2, above) becomes an 
Initiate of the 9th Circle. If the player character loses, he or she remains at 
lower level and actually has fewer experience points in the bargain. 

This process is repealed with respect to a Druid becoming an Archdruid 
and for an Archdruid becoming ihe Great Druid. Multiple attempts to move 
upwards are possible os long as the character survives. 



Dice for 



Experience Points 


HH Paints 

Level Title 

0 — 2,000 




2,001 —4,000 




4,001 —7,500 



Initiate nf the 1 si Circle 

7,501 — 12,500 



Initiate of ihe 2nd Circle 

12,501 —20,000 



Initiate of ihe 3rd Circle 

20,001 — as,ooo 


initiate of the 4ih Circle 

35,001 —60,000 



Initiate of the 5ih Circle 




Initiate of the 6ih Circle 

90,001 — 125,000 



Initiate of the 7ih Circle 

125,001 —200.000 



Initiate of the 8th Circle 




Initiate of the 9th Circle 

300,001 —750,000 



750,001 — 1,500,000 







The Great Druid 






Spell Level 

Level 1 




5 4 7 

1 2 

2 2 


4 4 


5 4 



6 4 




7 4 




8 4 




10 5 





11 5 




2 1 

12 5 




3 2 1 



Druids os o class do not dwell permanently in castles, or even in citfes or 
towns. All druids prefer To live in sacred groves, dwelling in sod, log, or 
stone buildings of smallish size. When attaining levels above The 1 1th, 
characters wilt generally inhabit building complexes set In woodlands and 
similar natural surroundings. 

Th.R 9 ht#f 

The principal attribute of o fighter ts strength. To become o fighter, a 
character must hove a minimum strength of 9 and a constitution of 7 or 
greater. A good dexterity rating is also highly desirable. If a fighter has 
strength above 15, he or she adds T0% to experience points awarded by 
the Dungeon Master. Also, high strengih gives the fighter a better chance 
To hii an opponent and causes on increased amount of damage. 

Fighters hove o ten -sided die (dlO) for determination of their hit points per 
level, No other class of character (save the paladin and ranger (qq.v,) sub- 
classes of fighters) is so strong in this regard. Fighters are the strongest of 
characters in regards to sheer physical strength, and they are the best at 
hand-to-hand combat. Any sort of armor or weapon is usable by fighters. 
Fighters may be of any alignment — good or evil, lawful or chaotic, or 

Although fighters do not hove magic spells to use, their ormor and 
weapons can compensate. They have ihe most advantageous combat 
table and generally have good saving throw (q.v.) possibilities as well 

Fighters can employ many magical items, including potions; "protection" 
scrolls; many rings; a few wands; one rod; many other magic items; and 
alt forms of armor, shields and weapons. 

When a fighter attains 9th level (Lord), he or she may opt to establish a 
freeho/d. This is done by building some type of castle and clearing the 
area in a radius of 20 to 50 miles around the stronghold, making it free 
from all sorts of hosiile creatures. Whenever such a freehold is established 
and cleared, the fighter will: 

1 . Automatically attract a body of men-at-arms led by an above- 
average fighter. These men will serve as mercenaries so long 
as the fighter maintains his or her freehold and pays the men- 
at-arms; and 

2. Colled a monthly revenue of 7 silver pieces for each and 
every inhabitant of the freehold due to trade, tariffs, and 



Dke for 


E xperfence 







a— 2,000 











8,001— 18,000 








35,001— 70,000 



















Lord [10th Level) 




Lard { Uth Level) 

250,000 experience points per level for each additional level beyond the 

Fighters gain 3 h-p, per level after the 9th. 
The Paladin 

A paladin character is a fighter sub-class, but unlike normal fighters, all 
paladins must begin as lawful good in alignment (q.v.) and always remain 
lawful good or absolutely lose all of the special powers which are given to 
them. They have both fighting abilities and limited spell powers (at high 
level). To become a paladin a character must be human, have o strength 
of not less lhan 12, a minimum intelligence of 9, o wisdom of 13 or more, o 
minimum constitution of 9, and not less than 17 charisma, tf a paladin has 

both srrengfh and wisdom in excess of 15, he or she gains the benefit of 
adding 10% to the experience points awarded by the Dungeon Master. 

Law and good deeds ore the meal and drink of paladins. If they ever 
knowingly perform an act which is chaotic in nature, they must seek a high 
level (7th or above) cleric of lawful good alignment, confess their sin, and 
do penance as prescribed by the clerk. If a paladin should ever knowingly 
and willingly perform an evil act, he or she loses ihe status of paladinhood 
immediately and irrevocably. AH benefits are then lost, and no deed or 
magic can restore the character to paladinhood; he or she is everafter a 

The benefits of a paladin ore: 

1. Detect evil at up to 60' distance, as often as desired, but only 
when the paladin is concentrating on determining the 
presence of evil and seeking to detect it in the right general 


2. AAake all saving throws (q.v.) at +2 on the dice. 

3. Immunity to all forms of disease. 

4. The ability to "lay on hands", either on others, or on his or her 
own person, to cure wounds; this heals 2 hit points of damage 
per level of experience the palodin has attained, but laying on 
hands can be performed but once per day. 

5. The ability to cure disease of any sort; this con be done once 
per week for each five levels of experience the paladin has 
attained, i.e. at levels t through 5 one disease per week, at 
levels 6 ihrough 10 two diseases, at levels 11 through 15 three 
diseases, etc. 

6. The continuing emanation of a protection from evil (see 
CHARACTER SPELLS) in a 1" radius round the paladin, 


7. At 3rd level, ihe paladin gains the power ro affect undeod and 
devils and demons as if he or she were a 1st level cleric, and 
this power goes upwards with each level of experience the 
palodin gains, so at 4th level the effect is that of a 2nd [eve I 
cleric, at 5lh il is thai of a 3rd level cleric, etc. (See The C/er/c 

8. At 4th level — or at any time thereafter — the paladin may 
call for his warhorse; this creature is an intelligent heavy 
war horse, with 5 +5 hit dice (5d8 plus 5 hit points), AC 5, and 
the speed of a medium warhorse (18"); it will magically 
appear, bui only one such animal is available every ten years, 
so that if the first is lost the paladin must wait until the end of 
the period for another 

9. If a paladin hos o "Holy Sword" (a special Mogic Sword which 
your referee Is aware of and will explain lo yau if the need 
arises), he or she projects a circle of power 1" in diameter 
when the Holy Sword is unsheathed and held; and this power 
dispels magic (see CHARACTER SPELLS, drspef magic } at the 
level of magic use equal to the experience level of the 

10. At 9th level (ihrough 20th level) of experience, paladins gain 
the ability to employ cleric spe^s (q.v ). They may never use 
scrolls of spells, however, except those normally usable by 

The following striciures opply lo paladins: 

1. They may never retain more than ten magic items; these may 
never exceed: 

armor, 1 (suit) 

shield, 1 

weapons*, A 

any other magic items, 4 

*these include daggers, swords, etc.; and such items as magic 
bows and magic arrows ore considered os but 1 weapon 




2. They will never retain wealth, keeping only sufficient 
treasures to support themselves in o modest manner, pay 
henchmen, men-at-arms, and servitors, and to construct or 
maintain o imall castle. (Your DM will give deiaits of this as 
necessary.) Excess is given away, as is the tithe (see 3. below). 

3. An immediate tithe (10%) of all income — be it treasure, 
wages, or whatever — must be given to whatever charitable 
religious msfitutron (nor a clerical player character) of lawful 
good alignment the paladin selects. 

4. Paladins will have henchmen of lawful good alignment and 
none other; they will associate only with characters and 
creatures of good alignment; paladins can join a company of 
adventurers which contains non-evil neutrals only on a single- 
expedition basis, and only if some end which will further the 
cause of lawful good is purposed 

5. If possible, poladins will toke service or form an alliance with 
lawful good characters, whether players or not, who are 
clerics or fighters (of noble status)* 

Paladins do not attract a body of men-at-arms to service as do regular 



Die* for 

Hit Point! 


Points level 

0—2,750 1 

12,001—24,000 4 4 

24.001—45,000 5 5 

45,001—95,000 6 6 

95,001—175,000 7 7 

175.001^350,000 8 8 

700,001—1,050,000 10 9 + 3 

1,050,001—1,400,000 It 9 + 6 




Paladin [10th level) 
Paladin (11th level, etc.) 

350,000 experience points per level for each additional level above the 


Paladins gain 3 h.p. per level after the 9th. 


Unlike alher fighter-types, rangers hove eight-sided hit dice (d8) but at 
first level they get two, rather than but one, hit dice. It should also be noted 
that rangers got 11 hit dice rather than the 9 of other fighier-types. In 
addition lo considerable prowess os fighters, ranger* have druidic and 
magical spell capabilities when they attain high level,- thus, they are very 
formidable opponents, for they hgve other abilities and benefits as well: 




When fighting hu monoid- type crealures of the "giant class", 
listed hereafter, rangers add ) hit paint far each level of 
experience they have attained to the points of damage scored 
when they hit in melee combat. Giant class creatures are: 
bugbeors, ettins, giants, gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, 
ogres, ogre magi, ores, and trolls. Example: a 5th level ranger 
hits a bugbeor in melee combat, and the damage done to the 
opponent will be according to the ranger's weapon rype, 
modified by strength, and +5 (for his or her experience level) 
because the opponent is a bugbear — a "giant class" 

Rangers surprise (q.v.) opponents 50% of the time (do. score 
1 through 3} and are themselves surprised only of the 

time (d6 f score 1). 

Tracking is possible both outdoors and underground in 
dungeons and like settings: 

a. Underground the ranger must have observed the 
creature to be tracked within 3 turns (30 minutes) of the 
commencement of tracking, and the ranger must begin 
tracking at o place where the creature was observed: 

I J Willi ;j 

Creature's Acfion Chance to Track 

going along normal passage or room 65% 

passes through normal door or uses stairs 55% 

goes through a I rap door 45% 
goes up or down a chimney or through 

concealed door 35% 

posses through a secret door 25% 

b. Outdoors there is □ base 90% chance of a ranger being 
able to follow a creature, modified as follows: 

— for each creature above 1 in the parly 

being tracked +02% 
— for every 74 hours which have elapsed 

be twee n making the rrock o nd track ing - 1 0% 

— for each hour of precipitation -25% 

At 8th level, rangers gain limited druidic spell ability, and 
additional spells are added through 17th level. 









At 9th level rangers gain limited magic-user spell ability, as 
with druidic spell ability. Rangers cannot read druid or magic- 
user spells from magic scrolls in ony event. 

At 10th level {Ranger Lord), rangers are able to employ all 
non-written magic items which pertain to dairaudience, 
clairvoyance, ESP r and telepathy. 

Also at 10th level, each ranger attracts a body of 2-24 
followers. Note that these henchmen once lost, can never be 
replaced, although mercenaries can be hired, of course. These 
followers are determined by the DM who then informs the 

* Maximum spell ability 


Rangers are a sub-class of fighter who are odept ai woodcraft, tracking, 
scouting, and infiltration and spying. All rangers must be of good 
alignment (q.v.), although they can be lawful, chaotic, or neutral 
otherwise. A ranger must have strength of not less than 13, intelligence of 
not less thon 13, wisdom of not less than 14, and a 14 or greater 
constitution. If the ranger has ability scores of greater than 15 in strength, 
intelligence and wisdom, he or she gains the benefit of adding 10% to 
experience points awarded by the referee. 

The following restrictions and strictures apply to rangers: 

1. Any change to non-good alignment immediately strips the 
ranger of all benefits, and the character becomes a fighter, 
with eight-sided hit dice, everafter, and can never regain 
ranger status. 

2. Rangers may not hire men-at-arms, servants, aides, or 
henchmen until they attain 8th or higher level. 

3. No more than three rangers may ever operate together at any 




A. Rangers may own only those goods and treasure which they 
can carry on their person and/or place upon their mount; all 
excess must be donated to a wonhy communal or institutional 
cause (but never to another player choracier), (cf. Paladin 

Although rangers do not attract a body of mercenaries la serve ihem 
when, and if, rongers construct strongholds, they conform to the fighter 
class in other respects. 

The Mag renter 

ft is absolutely essential to have high intelligence for a character who is o 
magic-user — especially if a broad selection of spells js to be had, as well 
as ihe use of the highest level spells, A magic-user must have an 
intelligence of no less than 9 and a minimum dexterity of 6. For details of 
the effects of intelligence on spell use, see CHARACTER ABILITIES. A 
mag k- user with intelligence of 16 or more also gains the benefit of adding 
10% to experience points awarded to him or her by the Dungeon Master, 





Point* Level 

2,250 1 
4,500 2 

10,001 —20,000 
20,001 — 40,000 
40,001 — 90,000 
90,001 — 150,000 
150,001 -225,000 
225 001 — 325 000 
325,001 — 650,000 
650.001 _ 975,000 
975,001 — 1 ,300,000 


Dree for 
Hit Points Level Title 

2 Runner 

3 Strider 










1 1 Ranger Lord 

11+2 Ranger Lord (11th level) 
11 + 4 Ranger Lord (12th level) 

325,000 experience points per level for each additional level above ihe 

Rangers gain 2 hup. per level after the tOttv 


I level 




1 2 



2 1 
2 \ 
2 2 



2 1 

2 1 

2 * 

2 2 

•maximum spell ability 

**The ranger must check as to which spells he or she can learn, just as If he 
or she were a magic-user. 



Fighter 1-6 
Paladin 1-6 
Ranger 1-7 
Fighter 7-1 2 
Paladin 7-12 
Ranger 8-1 A 
Fighter 13&up 
Paladin 13&up 
Ranger 1 5 & up 

AMocki par 
Molee Round* 

1/1 round 
1/1 round 
1/1 round 
3/2 rounds 
3/2 rounds 
3/2 rounds 
2/1 round 
2/1 round 

•With any trusting or striking weapon 

Note: This excludes melee combal wilh monsters (q,v.) of less man one 
hit die (d8) and nan-exceptional (0 level) humons and 
semi-humans, i.e. all creatures with less than one eight-sided hit 
die. AM of these creatures entitle a fighter to attack once for each 
of his or her experience levels (See COMBAT). 

Magic- users draw upon arcane powers in order to exercise their 
profession. While ihey have mighty spells of offensive, defensive, and 
informational nature, magic-users are very weak in combat. They have but 
four-sided dice (d4) to determine how many hit paints of damage they can 
withstand, and magic-users have the least favorable table and progression 
os regards missile and melee combat. Furthermore, they can wear no 
armor and have few weapons they can use, for martial training is so 
foreign lo magic-use as lo make the two almosj mutually exclusive. Magic- 
users can be of any a/rgnmenf (explained hereafter). 

When a magic-user begins his or her profession, the character is usually 
assumed to possess a strange lome in which he or she has scribed the 
formulae for some of the spells known to the character. This speff boo k, 
and each book later added [as ihe magic-user advances in levels of 
ability , o book of spells for each higher level of spells which became 
usable will hove to hove been prepared through study and research}, must 
be maintained by the mcgic-user, He or she must memorize and prepare 
For the use of each spell, and its casting makes ii necessary to reabsorb ihe 
incantation by consul ling ihe proper book of spells before it can again be 
cast. (See CHARACTER SPELLS for more details ) As with all other types of 
spells, those of magic-users must be spoken or read aloud. 

There ore many powerful items of magic which only this class of character 
con employ. Most magic scrolls, wands, staves, and many of the 
miscellaneous items of magic ore usable only by this class. Thus, while 
magic- users ore not strong in combot with weapons, they are possibly the 
most fearsome of all character classes when high levels of ability are 
finally attained. Survival to thai point can be a problem, however, as low- 
level magic-users are quite weak. 

When a magic-user aitains 1 1 rh level (Wizard) or higher, he or she may 
enchant items or scribe mogic scrolls, This process requires the undivided 
atlention of the magic-user for quite long periods of lime — weeks to 
months — and it is also costly. As the Dungeon Master is carefully 
insiructed to keep exact record of game lime speni in such activity, the 
magic-user will effectively remove himself or herself from a number of 
adventures while enchanting items or inscribing scrolls of magic spells. As 
mis relative Inactivity means thai ihe choracier will not get experience 
points and treasure (monetary or magical) gained from adventures which 
take ploce during the inaclive period, it is not usual for a Wizard to 
manufacture many items or scrolls. However, as occasional enchantment 
of items or penning of magic scrolls will take place, your referee hos 
complete information on the process, including probabilities, time 
required, materials needed, and costs. 

It is passible for a mogk-user of 12 th or higher level to construct a 
stronghold and clear ihe countryside in a 10 or 20 mile radius of all 
monsiers, thus ruling an area much as a noble, ff this is accomplished, a 
revenue of 5 silver pieces per inhabitant per monlh is generated in ihe 
terriiory ruled. 


Dice for 
► Accumulated 

Experience Points 


Hit Point! 

U vet Title 







10,001 —22,500 




22,501 — 40,000 




40,001 —60,000 















roocrom an cer 

75o!o01— ^25^0M 




11 + 1 


Wizard (12th level) 




1 , 1 JlJ.Vv I 


11 4-? Wi?nrd fl 3th [bva|\ 

i mi 

1 4 

11+1 Wixnrd M 4lh level I 

1 ^ 

114-4 U/J 7 nrH M IauaI 1 


11-4-5 WJTard M Ath level 

Or MoQe) 


— 3,000,000 


1 1 +6 Wizard (17th level) 


— 3,375,000 

11+7 Wizard [18th level 

or Arch-Mage) 

375,000 experience points per level for each additional level beyond the 


Magic-Users gain t h.p. per level after the 1 1 th- 


miscellaneous magic hems usable by every class of 
characters, crystal balls (but not with any added powers), all 
robes (excluding robe of the arch-magi), and books and 
similar written works readable by magic-users 

artifacts which are not proscribed items with respect to 
illusionists (such as armor, swords, axes, etc.) 

magic daggers 

Illusionists are capable of manufacturing those magical items which create 
or sustain illusion. They may do so ai 10th level {Illusionist) and above; this 
is done in much the same manner in which regular magic-users create 
magic items. 

Magk-Uiert Spell Level 
3 4 5 6 7 




The Illusionist 

6 6 6 6 

7 7 7 6 

Illusionists form a sub-class of magic-users, and in most respects they 
conform to the characteristics of the Jaiter. To be an Illusionist, a character 
must have a minimum intelligence of 15 and a minimum dexterity of 16 (a 
high manual dexterity is required in casting of the spells used by this 
class). An important difference between illusionists and magic-users is 
that the farmer do not gain any experience bonus for having high scores m 
their required abilities of intelligence and dexterity. 

While being equal, or even slightly inferior, to normal magic-users in most 
respects, illusionists have different and highly effective spells to employ. A 
perusal of the number and types of spells usable by Illusionists [see 
CHARACTER SPELLS) will reveal that they are at least as powerful as 
normal magic-users and possibly slightly more potent at very high levels. 
The power of illusionists due to their spells is offset, however, by the 
limitations placed upon the magic items ihey can use. The magical items 
usable by illusionist class characters are enumerated below: 

— all potions not restricted to fighters only 

— illusionist scrolls and magic-user scrolls which contain spells 
usable by illusionists 

— all rings 

— fod of cancellation, staff of striking, and wands of enemy 
detection, fear. Illusion, magic detection, melal & mineral 
delect ion, secret door & trap detection, wonder 

Dice for 


o'oOT— 18,000 
220,001 -^140,000 






Hit Po lifts 




imor Trickster 

Moster Trickster 
Cabal 1st 

10 Illusionist 
10+1 Illusionist (11th level) 
10+2 Illusionist (12th level) 

220,000 experience points per level of experience beyond the T2th, 
Illusionists gain \ h.p. per level ofter the ^Olh. 



































































































































The Thief 

The profession of thief is not dishonorable, albeit is neither honorable nor 
highly respected in some quarters. The major obl% for a thief is dexterity, 
and a character musi hove not less than a 9 to become a thief High 
intelligence is also desirable. Any thief character with a dexterity greater 




than 15 gains the benefit of being able 10 odd a bonus of 10% to 
experience points awarded to him or her by Ihe referee. A glance at the 
CHARACTER ABILITY section preceding this will reveal that high dexterity 
also benefits thieves in the performance of their class functions. These 
functions are detailed a bit later. 

All thieves are neutral or evil, although they can be neutral good ( rarely}, 
and of lawful or chaotic nature. Most thieves tend lowards evil. 

Thieves are principally meant to take by cunning and stealth. Thieves hove 
six-sided hit dice (do). They are ( however, able to wear light ( leather) 
armor and use a fair number of weapons, Although they fight only slightly 
more effectively than do magic-users, they are able to use stealth in 
combat most effect* vely by back stabbing. This abiliiy is explained 

The primary functions of a thief ore: 1 ) picking pockets, 2) opening locks, 
3} ffnding/removmg rrops, 4) moving sttemly, and 5) hiding in shadows. 
These functions are basically self-explanatory. The chance for success of 
any performance is based on the ability level of the thief performing it, 
This is modified with respect to picking pockets by ihe experience level of 
his or her victim and by the powers of the observer with respect to hiding 
in shadows. 

These functions are detailed as follows: 

1- Picking packets (or folds of a garment or a girdle) also 
includes such activities as pilfering and filching small items, It 
is done by light touch and sleight of hand. 

2. Opening locks includes figuring out haw to open sliding 
puzzle locks and foiling magical closures. It is done by picking 
with tools and by cleverness, plus knowledge and study of 

such items, 

3. Finding/removing traps pertains to relatively small 
mechanical devices such as poisoned needles, spring blades, 
and the like. Finding is accomplished by inspection, and they 
are nullified by mechanical removal or by being rendered 

4. Moving silently is the obHlty to move with little sound and 
disturbance, even across a squeaky wooden floor, for 
instance. It is an ability which improves with experience, 

5. Hiding in shadows ft the ability to blend into dark areas, to 
flaiten oneself, and by remaining motionless when In sight, to 
remain unobserved. It is o function of dress and practice. 

Secondary functions of a thief are: 1) listening at doors to detect sounds 
behind ihem, 2) ascending and descending vertical surfaces such as walls, 
and 3) back stabbing those who happen upon the thief in the performance 
of his or her profession. 

These functions are described as follows: 

1 . Listening at doors include* like activity at other portals such as 
windows. It is accomplished by moving silently to the door and 
pressing an ear against it to detect sound. 

2. Ascending and descending vertical surfaces is the ability of 
the Thief to climb up and down walls. It assumes that the 
surface is coarse and offers tedges and cracks for ioe and hand 

3. Back stabbing is the striking of o blow from behind, be it with 
club, dagger, or sword. The damage done per hit is iwice 
normal for the weapon used per four experience levels of ihe 
thief, i.e. double damage ot levels 1^4, triple at 5-8, quadruple 
at levels 9-12, and quintuple at levels 13-16. Note thai striking 
by surprise from behind also increases ihe hit probability by 
20% { + 4 on the thief s "to hif die roil J, 

Additional abilities which accrue to thieves are: 

1 . All thi eves, regardless of alignment, ha ve the i r o wn la ng uage , 
the "Thieves' Cant". This language is known in oddlfion to 
others which may be learned because of race and/or 

2. Ai 4th level (Burglar}, thieves are able to read 20% of 
languages, and this ability Increases by 5% with each 
additional level of experience until an 80% probability is 
attained. This enables the possible reading of instructions and 
treasure maps without having to resort to a magic Item or 

3. At 10th Level (Master Thief), thieves ore able to decipher 
magical writings and utilize scrolls of all sorts, excluding those 
of clerical, but not druidlc, nature. However, the fact that 
thieves do not fully comprehend magic means that there is a 
25% chance that writings will be misunderstood. Furthermore, 
magic spells from scrolls can be mispronounced when uttered, 
so that there is an increasing chance per level of the spell that 
it will be the reverse of its intent 

These primary, secondary, and tertiary functions are displayed on a table 

Thieves cannot build strongholds as some other classes of characters do 
They can, however, buifd a tower or fortified building of the small castle 
type (q,v.) for their own safety; but this construction must be within, or not 
more than o mile distant from, a town or city. 

Any thief character of 10th or greater level may use his small castle type 
building to set up a headquarters for a gang of thieves, and he or she will 
accordingly attract from 4-24 other thieves. However, this will bring the 
enmity of the local Thieves Guild, and they will struggle to do away with 
Ihe rival organization. Once begun, warfare will end only when and if ail 
the Master Thieves on either or both sides ore dead, or if the thief 
character removes to another I oca le. 



0—1,250 1 
1,251— S 

iio!ooi - 
























10 + 2 




Dice for 

Hit Paints Level Title 

Rogue (Apprentice) 

Master Thief 

220,000 experience points per level for each additional level beyond the 

Thieves gain 2 h p. per level after the 10th, 








of the 



Hid* In 




Pkk Fodtet* 






















Not#i Regarding Thf«f Function ToWe: 

Percentf/e die© ore rolled to determine whether the thief is successful or 
nor Any score equal to or less than ihe percentage shown for the 
appropriate level of thief performing the designated function will indicate 

Picking Pockets fails if a score above ihe percentage shown for the level of 
thief attempting the function is generated. If the score is 21% or more 
above the number shown, the victim notices the thief's attempt. The 
potential victim reduces the thief's chances for success by 5% for every 
level of experience he or she is above the 3rd, I.*. -5% at 4th level, etc. For 
example, a high level thief (Master Thief, 12ih level) is planning to pick 
the packers of a magic- user he has noticed nearby, The base chance far 
success is 100% r the thief is a half-elf and adds 10% for racial ability; the 
thief also has 1 6 dexterity ability scare, so another 10% is added. This totals 
a nice, safe 120% — can't fail! However, ihe victim happens to be 12th 
level also, so the subtraction is 9 X -5% - -45%. This brings the chance for 
success down to 75%. A good chance, but if 96% or higher is rolled, the 
thief will be noticed, and . . . Success gains an item from the victim; the 
irem is determined at random from a list of possessions unless the exacl 
location of a particular item is known by the thief. 

Openmg Locks may be attempted by any given thief but once per lock. If 
ihe score generated exceeds the adjusted (for ability and race} base 
score, the thief has failed; and no amount of trying will ever enable him or 
her to succeed with that lock, although the thief may iry again when he or 
she has risen to a higher level of experience. Success opens the lock, 

Finding/Removing Traps is accomplished in exactly the same manner as 
opening locks. Roll for each funciion separately (a trap must be located 
before removal can be attempied). One try only per ihief is allowed. 
Success deactivates the trap. 

Moving Silently can be attempted each lime the thief moves. It con be 
used to approach an area where some creature is expected, thus 
increasing chances for surprise (q.v ( ), or to approach to back stab, or 
simply done to pass some guard or watchman. Failure (a dice scafe in 
excess of the adjusted base chance) means that movement was not si tent 
(see SURPRISE) Success means movement was silent, 

Hidmg in Shadows cannot be accomplished under direct observation- It 
con be accomplished with respect to creaiures with fafrwfcfofl (q.v,) only 
if some heal producing light source is near io the creature or to the thief 

attempting to so hide. Success makes the thief virtually invisible until he or 
she moves. Note that spells such as defect invisibility or true seeing will 
reveal a thief hiding in shadows if such sight is directed towards him or 

Hearing Noise is simply listening intently. The thief and his or her 
accomplices must themselves be quiel (but not silent as in moving). This 
function can be repeated as often as desired. It requires a full minute to 
listen, i.e. one-tenth of o normal turn, or time equal to a metee round. 
Note thot sleeping creatures, undeod, and mony other creatures do not 
make sounds discernible through a portal. Success informs ihe Hearer that 
someone or something awaits beyond ihe portal. 

Climbing Walls is attempted whenever needed and desired. It is assumed 
that the ihief is successful until Ihe mid point of the climb. At thai paint the 
dice are rolled to determine continued success. A score in excess of the 
adjusted base chance indicates Ihe thief has slipped ond fallen, (Your 
referee will inform you of what amount of domage has been done from 
the foil.) Success indicates that safe ascent or descent has been 
accomplished. Note thot in some cases a third d10 will have to be rolled to 
determine the success or failure. 

fieoding languages con be attempted but once. Failure — a score greater 
than ihe percentage chance shown for the experience level of the thief — 
means that ihe language is not understood and no amount of reading will 
make it comprehensible. However, the thief can iry again with each new 
experience level he or she gains. 

The A net* in 

Assassins are a sub-class of the thieves, ond they hove the functions of the 
latter as well as their own. Thus, to be on assassin, a character must hove o 
minimum strength of 13, an intelligence of M of more, and a dexferify 
score of nai less than 1 2. Assassins do not gain any experience bonuses for 
having high ability scores 

Jusi as do thieves, ossossins have six-sided dice (do) for determining ihe 
number of hit pomfs (q.v,} they can sustain. Assassins ore evil in alignment 
(perforce, as the killing of humans and other intelligent life forms for the 
purpose of profit is basically held io be the antithesis of weal). They can, of 
course, be neutral as regards lawful ond chaotic evil. As mentioned above, 
assassins have thieving capabilities and their own ability functions. 
Because they can use any sort of shield and weapon, they are generally 
superior to thieves in combat. 




An assossin choracter need not be a member of the Assassins Guild of the 
town or city he or she dwells in, by! ail non-ptoyer assassin characters are 
members of such guilds. There is one such guitd in most towns and cities, 
and each control an area of from 10 to 100 miles radius around rhe 
headquarters town or city. Any assassin discovered in o guild area who is 
not a member of ihe local Assassins Guild will be invited To |oin r thus 
coming under the authority and command of the Guildmaster Assassin, 
The assassin character need not join, but he or she will be under sentence 
of death if ihe character performs an assassination while not a guild 
member. Further discussion of Assassins' Guilds Is given later. 

The primary funciion of assossins <s killing They may use poison — 
ingested or insinuated by weapon. Poison ingested must be put into the 
food or drink, and the character performing this action must detail exactly 
when, where, and how the poisoning will be done. The DM will then 
adjudicate the action. Poisoned weapons (see POISON) used run the risk 
of being noticed by others. All non-assassins within 10' of the bared 
weapon have a 10% cumulative chance each per melee round (q,v,) of 
noting the poison and attacking the poison-using assassin and/or colling 
for the city watch. (There is a 20% chance for attacking ihe assassin, a 50% 
chance for colling for rhe watch, and a 30% chance for shouting for the 
watch and then attacking the assassin.) 

Example: An assassin draws a dagger with a poisoned blade. The first 
melee round it con be seen by two persons. The percentile dice are rolled 
for each, but unless 10 or tess is rolled, they do not noiice the venom. The 
next melee round the two first seeing the weapon have a 20% chance of 
noticing rhe poison, ond any others seeing if for the first time have but a 
10% chance. If any onlooker does see the poison, percentile dice are 
rolled: o score of 01 to 20 indicates attack, 21 to 70 indicates a hue and cry 

Assassins attack on the same combat tables as thieves do, including bock 
stabbing. However, if they surprise (q.v,) a victim, they may attack on the 
ASSASSINATION TABIL This gives o roughly 50% chance of immediately 
killing rhe vlciim; and if this foils, normal damage according to weapon 
type and strengih ability modifiers still accrues to the victim. Thus, if a 
poisoned weapon is used, the victim must also make the saving throw 
versus poison or die. The assassin decides which attack mode he or she 
will use: assassination, back stabbing, or normal melee combat. 

Primary abilities of assassins which enhance their function ore those of 
being able to speak affgnmenf languages and being able to drsgwse, as 

1 Assassins with intelligence of 15 or more ore able to learn an 
alignment tongue ( even those special languages of druids ond 
thieves]. This ability is gained at 9th level (Assassin) and 
with each advance in experience level thereafter. The 
maximum number of alignment languages which can be 
spoken by an assassin is four — one for each point of 
intelligence above 1 4, i.e. one at 1 5, two at 1 6, three at 17, and 
four ol 18 inlelfigence. Note: An assassin would have to be of 

12th level (Chief Assassin) and have 1 B intelligence to be able 
1o speak four alignment languages. The assassin may select 
from the fallowing languages: 






2, Disguise can be donned In order to gain the opportunity to 
poison or surprise a victim — or for other reasons. The assassin 
con disguise himself or herself so as to appear to be a human, 
semi-human, or humanoid creature of either sex. Disguise can 
lower height by two or three mches, or raise it by up to four or 
five inches. It can make the assassin look slimmer or appear 
much heavier. Disguise can make the assassin appear to be 
virtually any cfass of character, a simple pilgrim, a merchant, 
etc. There is a chance, however, that the victim, or one of his 
or her henchmen or guards, will notice the disguise. There is a 
base chance of 2% per doy of o disguised assassin being 
spotted. This chance goes upwards by 2% if the assassin is 
posing as another class, another race, and/or the opposite sex 
(maximum of S% chance). Each concerned party (victim, 
henchmen, bodyguards) in proximity to the assassin will be 
checked f of. immediately upon meeting the disguised assassin 
ond each 24 hour period thereafter. The chance for spotting a 
disguised assassin goes downward by )% for each point below 
24 of combined intelligence and wisdom of the observer 
concerned, i.e. a victim with an intelligence and wisdom 
combined total of 20 has reduced his or her chances of 
spotting the disguised assassin by 4%. The reverse is also true; 
intelligence and wisdom above a combined total of 30 
increase the chance of detection by 1% per point. Nate: True 
seeing or a wond of enemy detection will discover an 
assassin, os will defect evil, or knowa/ignment in some cases. 

The secondary function of the assassin is spying. This mission con be 
coupled with the stealing of some item. 

Tertiary functions of assassins are the same as thieves. They have all 
abilities and functions of thieves; bui, except for back stabbing, assassins 
perform thieving at two levels betow their assassin level, i.e. a 3rd level 
assassin has the thieving abilities of a 1st level thief, a 4th level assassin 
the abilities of o 2nd level thief, m. 

Performing an assassination will gain experience points for the character 
— awarded for both the fee paid and rhe level of the victim. These awards 
are determined by the referee on the basis of a formula given in 

Typical fees paid (in gold pieces) for assassination are: 


of Victim 








10 12 


14 + 




































'Important, popular, and/or noble victims wilt be considered as being above their actual level with respect to tee For example, an elder of a town who is 
generous and just (thus popular) might be only 4th /eve/, but tor purposes of payment for assassination the character would be considered at three times 
actual level. 



An assassin character cannot have any hirelings until he or she attains 4th 
level; at thai time lower level assassins may be taken into service. Upon 
attaining 8th level, the character may also include thieves amongst his or 
her hirelings Upon atlaining 12lh level, the character may hire any class 
desired. Of course, only neutral or evil characters will serve an assassin. 
The rotal number of henchmen is that dictoled by the character's charisma 
score. "Followers" are also possible, but these come only al the two 
uppermost levels of the assassin class. 

In order for an assassin character to gain experience levels above the 1 3th 
(Prime Assossin), he or she must have the requisite experience points and 
then either ossossinole the locol Guildmoster Assossin [Ulh level) or 
challenge him or her to a duel to the death. Likewise, o Uth level player 
character assassin can journey to the place where ihe Grandfather of 
Assassins (15th level) has his or her headquarters and slay him or her by 
assassination or in a duel. Note that duplicity, trickery, ambush, and all 
forms of treachery are considered as fair by assassins, A higher level 
character can accept a challenge and then have the challenger slain by 
archers, for instance. 

AsGuildmasier (or Guild mis tress) Assassin, a character will have a body of 
guild members which numbers between 7-28. Upon change of leadership 
it is 75% likely that each guild member will leave the area. Thus, it will be 
necessary for the new GuiEdmaster to allow new members into the guild. 
These new assassins will all be 1st level and must be worked up Jn 
experience levels. The maximum number of such "followers" of the local 
guild will be set by your referee. They are in addition to normal 
henchmen. Note that guild members ore loyal only to strength, power, and 

The headquariers of a guild is always within a large town or big city, h 
must not be a noticeable fortress or an ostentatious place. It is typically o 
warehouse or other nondescript structure, with safeguards and traps 
added. This avoids attention and unwanted notoriety, All expenses of 
maintaining the guild and its members — excluding the Guitdmaster — 
ore assumed to be fully paid for by normal guild activities. Any 
improvements, changes, the expenses of the leader, and all other special 
costs must be borne by the Guildmosier Assassin, 

The headquarters of the Grondfother of Assassins con be virtuoMy 
anywhere and of any form — cavern, castle, monastery, palace, temple, 
you name It. However, if it is a large and obvious place, the headquarters 
must be located well away from all communities — such as in the midst of 
o murky woods, a dismal marsh or fen, a lonely moor, a deserted island, o 
remote coast, or far into forsaken hills or atop a mountain. Upon otioining 
the headship of all assassins, the new Grandfather or Grandmother must 
pay all remaining followers of the former head 1000 gold pieces for each 
of their experience levels, destroy the old headquarters, ond construct a 
new one somewhere else. 


6 Sided 
Dice for 



Experience Points 


KU Point! 

Level THie ^^^^ 




Bravo (Apprentice) 




















Killer ^^^^^^ 













300 ,00 1— <25.000 



Expert Assassin 



1 1 

Senior Assassin 




Chief Assossin 




Prime Assassin 

1 ,000,001 — 1 ,500,000 



Guitdmaster Assassin 

1 ,500,001 and Over 1 5 15 Grandfather of Assassins 

The monk is the mast unusual of oH characters, the hardest to qualify for, 
and perhaps, the most deadly. Thai Ml why the class is given out of 
alphabetical order or the end of the section pertaining 1o character classes. 

To be a monk a character must have the following minimum ability scores: 
strength 15, wisdom 15, dexterity 15, and constitution 11 . Monks never gain 
any experience paints bonuses. Dexterity gives them no armor doss 

Monks ore monastic aesthetics who practice rigorous mental and physical 
training and discipline in order ro become superior. Therefore They must 
always be lawful in alignment, although they can be evil, good, or neutral 
wilh respecl to their approach to lawfulness. A monk who for any reason 
loses this lawful alignment loses all monk abilities and must begin again 
as a first level character. Nan-player character monks will be aligned as 
follows: 50% lawful goad, 35% lawful neutral, 15% lawful evil. 

A brief study of CHARACTER CLASSES TABLES I and II will reveal that ihe 
monk appears to be quite weak, even considering that at the topmost level 
o monk can have 18, albeil four-sided, hit dice (an average of 45 hir points 
without constitution score additions, if any} and has a good seleciion of 
weapons to choose from. Monks have no spell ability, cannot wear armor 
or use a shield, and not even flaming oil is usable by them. This seems to 
make a weak character class indeed. Bui this impression is false, for monks 
have their own special attack and defense capabilities, certain other 
powers, and most of the abilities of the thief class ond some clerical-type 
capabilities as well. 5a, whi le the class has drawbacks, it is very strong. 

With respect ro combat, monks attack on the some table as thieves. 
However, they odd one-half of a hit point per level of experience to the 
amount of damage they score when they successfully attack an opponent 
wilh a weapon This simulates their study ond knowledge of weapons ond 
anatomy. A 1st level monk scores x + l A HP of damage, where x equals 
(he damage done by the weapon used and HP equals the number of hit 
poinis of damage. A 2nd level monk does x + I when he or she scores a 
hit, a 3rd level x + 1 l h, ond so on oil the way to Grand Master of Flowers 
who scores x + B'/s HP damage. Monks of median level and above 
actually fight better wilhoul weapons, using iheir open hands, despite the 
weapon domage bonus they receive. 

Open hand combat damage is shown on MONKS TABLE II below, in 
addition, the monk has a chance to stun, or even kill, an opponent. An 
opponent is stunned by o monk for 1-6 (do) melee rounds if the score of 
the monk's "to hit" die score exceeds the minimum number required for a 
hit by 5 or more, i.e. if 15 is required, a score of 20 would indicole a stun, 
The "to hit" scores rolled by Ihe monk are never modified by any sirength 
ability bonuses. The chance to kill is a percentage which equals Ihe armor 
class (AC) of the opponent, modified by ihe number of experience levels 
above seven which the monk has attained. AC -1 is a negative chance for 
killing, as on example, bul a monk of 9th level (two above 7th) would 
allow a 1% chance of killing. Note thai 1 ) the monk must score a hit, and 2) 
the hit must stun the opponent, and 3) the percentile dice score must be 
equal to or less than the armor class of the stunned opponent, modified by 
Ihe monk's levels over 7ih, in order to score a kill. 

Open hand fighling also allows the monk multiple attacks at such time as 
the monk has attained the 4lh or higher experience level, 

Monks make saving throws on ihe table used by thieves, but rhey gain 
certain advantages: Non^ magical missiles (arrows, bolts, bullets, ihrown 
doggers, thrown javelins, thrown spears, etc.) which would normally hit 
can be dodged or knocked aside if the monk is able to make his or her 
saving throw against petrification for each such poientiol hir. In other 
respects, if a monk makes his or her saving throw against an attack form, 
ihe monk wilt sustain no domage from the oitack, even if the attack form 
was a f/reba/f, for Instance. At 9lh level (Master of the North Wind) or 
higher, a monk who fails to make his or her saving throw will still sustain 
but one-half the total potential damage which the attack form could 
deliver, if possible. That is, a fireball would do 50% of total damage, but 
ihe gaze of a basilisk would still petrify the monk. 

At 1st level of experience, a monk is as likely io be surprised as any other 
character, i.e. 33 T/3%. This chance goes down to 32% al 2nd level, and it 
thereafter goes down 2% per level, so there is only a 30% chance of 
surprising a 3rd level monk, 28% chance at 4th level, 26% chance at 5th 
level, etc. 

Monks have the following thief abilities which they perform at identical 
level of experience to that of a thief, i.e. a 1st level monk performs as a 1 si 
level thief, a 2nd level monk as a 2nd level thief, etc. The abilities are; 

t. Open Locks 




2. Find/Remove Traps 
3: Move Silently 

4. Hide in Shadows 

5. Hear Noise 

6. Climb Walls 

Although the chance of foiling while climbing walls is the some as that of 
o thief of equal level, monks con escape taking damage as follows: 

— At 4th level (Disciple), a monk con fall up to 20' H he or she is 
within 1' of a wall. 

— At 6th level (Master), o monk can fall up to 30' if he or she is 
within 4' of a walk 

— At 13th level (Master of Winter), a monk can fall any distance 
if he or she is within 8 J of o wall 

The monk must have an opportunity to periodically moke contact with the 
wall during the descent. The wall is used by ihe monk to slow the fall so 
that no hit points of damage are sustained from the foil. Note that when 
reference to a wall is made, any similar surface, such as a tree trunk, cliff 
face, and the like, are equally useful to the monk. 

The other abilities of monks are shown on the MONKS ABILITY TABLE 


Experience Point* 

0 — 2,250 

Experience Accumulated 

Hit Points Level Title 

1 2 Novice 

47 r 501 —96,000 
200,001 — 350,000 

500,001 — 700,000 


950,001 — 1,250,000 

1,250.001 — 1,750,000 

3 I 

2750,001 - 
3,250,001 & + 










I m maculate 

Superior Master 
Master of 
Master of the 
North Wind 
Master of the 
West Wind 
Master of the 
South Wind 
Master of the 

East Wind 
Master of Winter 
Master of Autumn 

16 17 Master of Spring 

17 18 Grand Master of 


Attack i Open 

Armor pirMtlit Hand 

Level Title Level Clan Move Round* Damage AbHltlei 

Novice |H 10 15" 1 1-3 

9 16" 1 \4 

17" 1 1-6 A 

D-iaple 4 7 18" 5/4 1-6 B 

Immaculate 5 7 }<T* 5/4 2-7 C 

Master 6 6 20" 3/2 2^8 D 

7 5 2V 3/2 3-9 E 

<* 22" 3/2 2 12 F 

23" 2 3-12 G 

Master of the West Wind 10 3 24" 2 3-13 H 

Master of ihe South Wind 11 2 25" 5/2 4-13 I 

Master of the East Wind 12 1 26" 5/2 4- 16 J 

Master of Winter 13 0 27" 5/2 5~}7 K 

3 5-20 

Master of Spring 16 -2 30" 4 5-30 

Grand Master of Flowers 17 -3 32" 4 8-32 

•Listings with a slosh indicate extra attacks after the appropriate number of rounds, i.e. 5/4 means 5 attacks per 4 rounds, with the additional attack coming 
at the end of the round sequence. 

Nates Regarding Special Abilities: £■ At 7th level the monk gains the ability to heal damage on his 

or her body. The amount of damage which con be healed is 2- 
Each special abHity is designated by o capital fetter. 5 hli points (d4 + 1 ), and this amount increases by 1 hir point 

with each experience level gained thereafter, i.e. 3-6 HP ar Sm 
A. The ability to speafc with animois as druids do which begins at ,eve, < 4 ' 7 at 9th ' etc. This may be done once per doy. 

3rd level of experience. 

F, The ability to speak with plants as druids do. This power is 
fl. The ability to mask the mind so that ESP has only a 30% chonce attained at 8th level, 

of success. This power begins at 4th level, and with each level 

of experience which the monk gains thereafter, the chance for G - Beguiling, charms, hypnosis, and suggestion spells have only 

success of ESPing ihe monk's thoughts drops by 2%, i,e, 28% ° 50% chance of affecting a monk of the 9th level of 

chonce of success on a 5th level monk, 26% on a 6th level, etc. experience. That is, the monk Is 50% resistani to such magic 

This resistance increases 5% per level thereafter, so that at 
C. At 5th experience levet a monk is not sub|eci to diseases of 10th leve< sucn s P e,,s hovo buT Q 45% chance of affecting the 

any sort, nor is he ever affected by haste or slow spells. monk, 40% at 11th level, and so on. Saving throws apply if 

resistance fails. 

0. The ability to use self-induced catalepsy to appear dead. This 

can be done perfectly, as the 6th (or higher) level monk is R Telepathic and mind blast attacks (see ADVANCED DUN- 

able to lower his or her body temperature and heart rate. The GEONS t DRAGONS, MONSTER MANUAL, Mind Flayer) 

monk is able to maintain this state for twice the number of u P on a monk of 10th or higher level are made as if the 

lurns (10 minute periods) which equal his level, i.e. 12 turns at character had an 18 intelligence, due to the monk's mental 

6thleveU4at7th,etc. discipline. 




f. Ar 11 fh ond higher levels of experience monks are not 
affected by poison of any type. 

J. Geas and quest spells hove no effect upon monks of 12th or 
higher level. 

K. The last ability gained, and perhaps ihe mosi terrible power, is 
thot fabled attack which enables the monk to set up vibrations 
in the body of the victim, and the monk can then control such 
vibrations so as to cause death to occur when the monk stops 
them. Known as the "quivering palm", the monk merely 
touches his victim to set up the deadly vibralions. The victim 
can be virtually any creature. This power is limited os follows: 

1. It can be attempted but once per week, and the monk 
must touch the intended victim within 3 melee rounds 
or the power is drained for one week, 

2. It has no affect on ihe undead or creatures which con 
be hil only by magical weaponry. 

3. The victim cannot have more hit dice than ihe monk 
using the power, and in any event, the total hit paints of 
the victim cannot exceed those of the monk by more 
than 200%, or the power has no effect. 

A. The command to die [the control of ihe vibrations) must 
be given by the monk within a set time limli, or else ihe 
vibrations simply cease of their own accord and do no 
damage whatsoever. The lime limil of death command 
Is one day per level of experience the monk has gained 
at the time the power is used. 

There are a number of strictures which monk characters must abide by. 
These restrictions apply to 1 ) armor and weapons, 2) treasure, 3) magic 
items usable. 4) strength ability adjustments, 5) henchmen, and 6) 
advancement in level, as follows; 

1, Armor, as previously stated, cannot be worn. Weapons usable by 
monk characters are shown on CHARACTER CLASSES TABLE II; 
weapons not listed cannot be used, 

2, Monks, much like paladins (q.v.), may not retain more than a small 
fraction of whatever treasure they gain, A monk may possess no more 
man two magic weapons and three other magic items [see 3 below) 
at any time. While monks may retain money sufficient for their 
modesi needs, and To support their henchmen (see 5 below), all other 
Treasure and excess magic items must be bestowed upon (non player) 
religious institutions, (See also FofJowers hereafTer.) 

3, Magic items usable by monks include all magical varieties of 
weapons listed (unless proscribed), rings, and those miscellaneous 
magic items which are usable by thieves. No other magic Items of ony 
sort may be employed by monks. 

4, Monks do noi gain any bonuses, either with respect to increasing "to 
hit" probability or to increase Mi points of damage, for sirength 

5, Unti] attaining ihe rank of Master, monks may not have any hirelings 
or henchmen at all. At 6th level of experience, monks may hire 
persons on a short-duration basis — for the duration of a single 
adventure only. At this level, they may also acquire up to two 
henchmen. Henchmen may be fighters (but not paladins nor rangers}, 
thieves, or assassins. With each level of experience obove the 6th 
which the monk attains, he or she may add one additional henchman, 
until the maximum number established by The monk's charisma score 
Is reached. Monks will gain foNowers upon attaining 8th level; this Is 
discussed hereafter, 

& There can be only a limited number of monks above 7th level (Superi- 
or Master). There ore Three 8th level (Master of Dragons) and but one 
of each higher level. When o player character monk gains sufficient 
experience points to qualify him or her for Sth level, the 
commensurate abilities ore attained only temporarily. The monk must 
find and defeat in single combat, hand-to-hand, without weapons or 
magic items, one of the Bth level monks — the White, the Green, or 
the Red. The same must be done at ihe ninth and higher levels. The 

loser of These combats loses enough experience points to place him or 
her ot the loweST number possible to aTiain ihe level just beneath the 
new level. The monk character will know where to locate the higher 
level monks; and he or she musT proceed Immediately to do combat or 
else lose experience points equal to the number which will place him 
or her at The lowesi number possible to have attained the level just be- 
neath that of the monk he or she should have sought out but did not 
That is, the player character drops to 7th level in the above case and 
must then work upwards once again. 

Fo/lowers: When a monk pioyer character altarns the Bth level of 
experience, he or she will gain a number of monks as followers upon 
defeating the monk which held the Bth level position thai Ihe player 
charocier has now gotten. He or she will attract from 2-5 1st level monks if 
the pioyer character has a monastery or monostery-like building to use as 
a headquarters. These followers may be worked upwards in levels of 
experience. The player character will atlroct 1 or 2 oddilionol monks of 1 si 
level for each additional level of experience the player gains. 

While followers of a monk are as loyal as his or her other henchmen, They 
automatically leave service when they ottain the level of Superior Master 

All followers will be of the exact same alignment as ihe monk player 
character, If he or she chonges alignment ihe currenl followers will 
desert, but new ones con still be gained by advancement in level. 

The monastery or monastery- like headquarters of the monk can be thot of 
The character he or she defeated to ottain Brh or higher level, or It can be a 
building specially constructed by the monk player character after attaining 
0Th or higher level. In the latter case, the monk may reroin up to 250,000 
gold pieces value in treasure in order to finance construction of The place. 
He or she may also retain sufficient funds thereafter to maintain such a 

Nate thai monk followers require no support, upkeep, or pay of any sort. 

The Mu It 1 -Classed Character 

The game assumes that only non- or semi-human characters con be 
multi-classed, and only certain class combinations are possible, depending 
on the race of the character. Although these are listed in the section 
dealing with each race of characTer, mulli-class charocier possibilities ore 
also shown below in order to aid In selection of your character's class or 
multi-class, Cleric combinations (with fighter types) may use edged 

O eric/Fighter: This combination Is strong In defensive and revitalization 
capabilities, plus the offensive missile and melee combat power of the 
fighter. Hil points average will be good. Hatf-elves and hotf-orcs may be 

D er/c/Frgh ter/Magic- use r: One of the best of the multi-class options, this 
gives good offensive and defensive spell capability plus the fighter's 
melee combat strength, Hoff-e/ves may be cleric/f Ighier/magic-users. 

Clerk/Ranger: See cleric/fighter above. This combination is potent in out- 
door situations os well. Hooves may be cleric/ranger*. 

Gerfc/Magic-user; This combination gives the character a great variety 
and selecTion of spells, as well as The use of armor ond more weapons. Hit 
poinTs are somewhat better than those of the magic-user class alone. 
Half -elves may be cleric/ magic-users. 

Cleric/Thief: This is a combination of classes which gives both defensive 
ond stealth potential. Hit points are Improved wilh regard to the thief doss 
only. As with all thief class combinations, however, any functions as a thief 
are under the restrictions of thot class with regard to armor, i.e. only 
leather armor ond no shield. Half -ores may be cleric/thieves. 

Oerre/Assass/n: Seemingly strange, this combination is quite 
understandable when the race which can operate in these two classes at 
ihe same time is noted. The combination gives great potential in defensive 
and stealth situations and very powerful assassination attack capabilities. 
Hit points are good because of clerical hit dice. Half-ores may be clerical 

Fighrer/Magrc-user: Obviously, this combination allows excellent armor 




protection, the use of weoponry, and spells. Hit points ore good on the 
overage (5'^ + 2Va m 8 + 2 = 4 hit points per double-classed level). Elves 
and holf- elves may be fighter/magic-users. 

Ffghter/l/iusionrsr: See Fighter/Magic- user above. Gnomes may be 

Fighter/Thief: By combining these two classes — the armor, weapons, and 
combat capabilities of the fighter with the stealth and other abilities of the 
ihier — o very effective character is created, even though thieving 
functions restrict the character to leother armor and no shield. Hil points 
are goad. Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half -elves, hofffings, and half-ores may 
be fighter/thieves, 

Fighter/Assassin. This combination gives excellent missile ond meJee 
combat ability, plus assassination and stealth potential. Hit points are 
good. Half-ores may be fighter/assassins. 

Frghter/Magic-user/Thtef 1 Combat, spell, and stealth capabilities are 
given to the character who opts this multi-class combination. This is a very 
powerful mix, Hit points ore good [5ft + 7>h + 3 l /i = IIW + 3 = 4) on 
the average, fives and half-elves may be fighter/magic-user/thieves, 

Mogjc^user/Th/ef; This combination does not offer all of the options open 
to a fighter/ magic- user /thief, but advancement is usually more rapid. 
Average hit points are fair, i.e. 3 per level. Elves and half-elves may be 

Illusionist/Thief: See AAogic-User/Thief above. Gnomes may be 

The Oictrcwter With Two Clou.. 

Unlike multi-classed characters who are of non- or semi-human race, the 
character with two classes must be human. To attain the second class, the 
character must switch his or her profession at some point, Thereafter no 
progression in the original class is possible. 

In order to switch from one class to another, the character must have an 
ability score of 15 or more in the principol attrrbute(s) ability of ihe 
original class ond a 17 or 18 in the principal attribute(s) of the class 
changed to. Note that nearly any combination of classes is thus possible. 
I.e. cleric & fighter, cleric & paladin, cleric & ranger, etc. Alignment will 
preclude some combinations. 

When the character opts lo cease his or her old profession and become a 
new class, the character retains the number of hit dice (and the 
commensurate hit points) due to o character of the level of his or her class. 
However, all other functions of the character are at 1st level of 
experience, for that is his or her ability in the newty espoused class. 
Furthermore, if, during the course of any adventure, the character resorts 
to the use of any of the capabilities of functions of his or her former class, 
the character gains no experience for the adventure. Having switched 
classes, the character must perform strictly within the parameters of his or 
her new profession. Reversion to the former class negates all experience 
potential for the new class with respect to the course of recent activities, 
i.e. the adventure during which original profession functions were 
resorted to. 

At such time as the character has attained a level of experience in his or 
her new class which exceeds the character's former class level, the follow- 
ing benefits ore gained: 

1. A hit die appropriate to the new class is gained for each 
increase in level of experience, up to the maximum normal for 
the class in question (ond thereafter hit paints are likewise 
gained), and 

2. The character may mix functions freely ond still gain 
experience, although restrictions regarding armor, shield, 
and/or weapon apply with regord to operations particular to 
one or both classes, 

Example; A character with ability scores of 15 strength, 17 Intelligence, 12 
wisdom, 10 dexterity, 16 constitution, and 7 charisma is begun as a fighter. 
After attaining 6th level the player switches the character to magic- user. 
This allows the character to retain six ten-sided hit dice, but In all other 
respects he or she must be a 1st level magic-user, wearing no armor, 
carrying those weapons usable by his or her new class, and using spells to 
combat opponents. When 7th level of experience is gained, however, the 

character gets a four-sided hit die for oddiiional hil points he or she can 
sustain at the new level. Furthermore, the character con now carry (but not 
wear} armor ond weapons noi normally usable by mogk-users, and resort 
to their use if the need arises and not be penalized in respect to 
experience as a magic-user, for he or she has already surpassed In the 
new class the disciplines of Ihe former. Thus, no horm accrues to his or her 
experience os a magic-user, Note that this does not allow spell use while 
armor clad, such as an etven fighter/magic user is able to do. 


After generating the abilities of your character, selecting his or her race, 
and deciding upon a class, it is necessary to determine the alignment of 
the character, Ij is possible that the selection of the class your character 
will profess has predetermined alignment: a druid is neutral, a paladin is 
lawful good, a thief can be neutral or evil, an assassin is always eviL Yet, 
except for druids and paladins, such restrictions stilt leave latitude — the 
thief can be lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, chaotic evil, chaotic 
neutral, neutral, or even neutral good; ond the assassin has nearly as 
many choices. The alignments possible for characters are described below. 

Chaatic Evil: The major precepts of this alignment are freedom, 
randomness, and woe. Laws and order, kindness, and good deeds are 
disdained. Life has no value. By promoting chaos ond evil, those of this 
alignment hope to bring themselves to positions of power, glory, and 
prestige in a system ruled by individual caprice and their own whims. 

Chaotic Good. While creatures of this alignment view freedom and the 
randomness of action as ultimate truths, they likewise place value on life 
and Ihe welfare of each individual. Respect far individualism Is also great. 
By promoting the gods of chaotic good, characters of this alignment seek 
to spread their values throughout the world. 

Chaofic Neutral: Above respect for life and good, or disregard for life and 
promotion of evil, the chaatic neutral places randomness and disorder. 
Good and evil are complimentary balance arms. Neither are preferred, 
nor must either prevail, for ullimate chaos would then suffer. 

Lawful Evil: Creatures of thfs alignment are great respecters of laws and 
strict order, but life, beauty, truth, freedom and the like are held as 
valueless, or at least scorned. By adherrng to stringent discipline, those of 
lawful evil alignment hope to impose Iheir yoke upon the world- 
Lawful Good: While as strict in their prosecution of law and order,, 
characters of lowful good alignment follow these precepts to improve the 
common weal. Certain freedoms must, of course, be sacrificed In order to 
bring order; but truth is of highest value, and life and beauty of great 
importance. The benefits of this society are to be brought to all, 

Lawful Neutral: Those of this alignment view regulation as all-important, 
taking a middle rood betwixt evil and good. This is because the ultimate 
harmony of the world — and the whole of the universe — is considered by 
lawful neutral creatures to have its sole hope rest upon low and order. Evil 
or good are immoterio! beside the determined purpose of bringing all to 
predictability and regulation. 

Neutral Evil: The neutral evil creature views law and chaos as unnecessary 
considerations, for pure evil is all-in-all. Either might be used, but bolh ore 
disdained as foolish clutter useless in eventually bringing maximum 
evilness to the world, 

Neutral Good: Unlike those directly opposite them (neutral evil) in 
alignment, creatures of neutral good believe that there must be some 
regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the 
world ~ the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and 
intelligent creatures in particular. 

True Neutral; The "true" neutral looks upon all other alignments as facets 
of the system of things. Thus, each aspect — evil and good, chaos and low 
— of things must be retained in balance to maintain the sratus qua; for 
things as they are cannot be improved upon except temporarily, and even 
then but superficially. Nature will prevail and keep things as they were 
meant to be, provided the "wheel" surrounding the hub of nature does 
not become unbalanced due to the work of unnatural forces — such as 
human and other intelligent creatures interfering with what Is meant to be. 

Naturally, there are all variations and shades of tendencies within eoch 
alignment. The descriptions are generalizations only. A character can h- 



basically good in its "true" neutrality, or tend towards evil. It Is probable 
that your campaign referee will keep a graph of the drift of your character 
on the alignment chart. This is affected by the actions (and desires) of your 
character during the course of each adventure, and will be reflected on 
the graph. You may find that these actions are such as to cause the 
declared alignment to be shifted towards, or actually to, some other. 


While involuntary change of alignment is quite possible, It is very difficuli 
for □ character to vol union ly switch from one to another, except within 
limited areas. Evil alignment can be varied along the Like axis. The neutral 
character can opt for some more specific alignment. Your referee will 
probably require certain stringent sacrifices and appropriate acts — 
possibEy a quest, as well — for any other voluntary alignment change. In 
fact, even axial change within evil or good, or radial movement from 
neutrality may require strong proofs of various sorts. 

Further voluntary change will be even more difficult. Changing back to a 
forsaken alignment is next to Impossible on a voluntary basis. Even 
involuntary drift will bring the necessity of great penance. 


Each character has a varying number of hit points,- just as monsters do. 
These hit points represent how much damage {actual or potential) the 
character can withstand before being killed. A certain amount of these hit 
points represent the actual physical punishment which can be sustained. 
The remainden a significant portion of hit points at higher levels, stands 
for skill, luck, ond/or magical factors. A typical man-at-arms con take 
about 5 hit points of damage before being kilted. Let us suppose that a 10th 
level fighter hos 55 hit points, plus a bonus of 30 hit points for his 
constitution, for a total of 95 hit points. This is the equivalent of about 1 8 hit 
dice for creatures, about what it would take to kill four huge war horses It 
15 ridiculous to assume thai even o fantastic f<qhter cdn lake 'that much 
punishment. The same holds true to a lesser extent for clerics, thieves, ond 
the other classes. Thus, the majority of hit points are symbolic of combat 
skill, luck (bestowed by supernatural powers), and magical forces. 

Hit points are determined by hit dice. At 1st 0 character has but one 
hit die (except/on: rangers and monks begin with two dice each). At each 
successive level another hit die is gained, i.e. the die is rolled to determine 
how many additional hit points the character gets! Hit points can be 
magically restored by healing potions, cure wounds % spells r rings of 
regeneration, or even by wish spells. However, a character's hit points can 
never exceed the totol initially scored by hit dice, constitution bonus (or 
penalty) and magical devices. For example, If a character has 26 hit points 
al the beginning of an adventure, he or she cannot drink a potion or be 
enchanted to above thai number, 26 in this case. * 

As an example, let us assume that the character with 26 hit points 
mentioned above is engaged in an adventure. Early in the course of 
exploring the dungeon, he or she foils Into a deep pit taking one 
six-sided die (1d6) of damage — 4 hit points of dar£j^e* so the character 
drops to 22 hit paints. Next, he or she take? 15 bit r '£l}:ot damage in 
combat, so the character drops to 7 hit points. 'A^d*r' ^Pf^ ve P orr V uses a 
cure serious wounds spell on the character, and mliT restores 10 (for 
example, depending upon the die roll) of his or her lost hit points, so the 
character has a total of )7. Later activities reduce the character lo 3 hit 
points, but the party uses a wish spell to restore all members to full hit 
points, so a r that time the character goes up lo 26 once more. , 

Rest olso restores hit points, for it gives the body o chance to heal uself and 
regain ihe stamina or force which adds the skill, luck, and magical hit 

Your character's class will determine which sort of die you will roll to 
determine hit points. In some campaigns the referee will keep this fatal 
secret, informing players only that they feel "strong", "fatigued" or "very 
weak", thus indicating waning hit points. In other campaigns the Dungeon 
Master will have players record their character's hit points and keep track 
of all changes. Both methods are acceptable, and il is up to your DM as to 
which will be used in the campaign you participate In. 

created your character, Next you must nome him or her, and possibly give 
some family background (and name a next of kin as heir to the 
possessions of the character if he or she should meet an untimely death) to 
personify the character. Having done all that, your Dungeon Master will 
introduce your character to the campaign setting. In all likelihood, 
whether the locale is a village, town, or city, your character will have to 
acquaint himself or herself with the territory. 

The first step will often be getting Into the place, i.e. o gate guard 
demanding to know what business you have in the town or city. Thereafter 
if will be necessary to locate a sofe and reasonably priced place in which 
to lodge — typically an inn of some sort, but perhaps a rented cot, a loft or 
even chambers at o hostel. Since the location selected will have to serve 
as base and depot, it must be relatively safe from intrusion or burglary. 
Once o headquarters has been found., your character can set about 
learning the lay of the land, and attempt to find the trade establishments 
needed to supply the desired equipment for adventuring. Perhaps it will 
also be necessary to locate where other player characters reside in order 
to engage in joint expeditions. 

In any event, your character created, personified, and established will be 
ready to adventure once equipment is purchased and relations with other 
player characters are settled. If player characters are not immediately 
available, or If they are not co-operative, it is advisable that men-at-arms 
be hired. Hirelings of this sort, as well as henchmen (q,v.), are detailed in 
the sections entitled HIRELINGS ond HENCHMEN. 


All humans, as well as those semi-humans and non-humans in close 
contact with people, speak the "common tongue". This language Is 
spoken by all states in the central campaign area, but your referee may 
well have areas in which the common tongue is different from that which 
your character speaks, 

In addition to the common tongue, all intelligent creatures able to 
converse in speech use special languages particular to their alignment. 
These alignment languages are: Chaolic Evil, Chaoiic Good, Chaotic 
Neutral, Lawful Evil, Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, Neutral 
Good, and Neutrality. The alignment of your character will dictate which 
language he or she speaks, for only one alignment dialect con be used by 
a character [cf. CHARACTER CLASSES, The Assassin). If a character 
changes alignment, the previously known language is no longer able to 
be spoken by him or her. 

In addition to the above, druids (q.v,) have their own special tongue, and 
thieves hove their secret speech, the Thieves' Cant, 

Therefore, o character will speak at least two languages — common and 
alignment. He or she mighi also be able to converse En Ihe special patois 
of druids or thieves. Semi-human and non-human characters are able to 
speak racial tongues as well. (See CHARACTER RACES.) In most 
campaigns, it is likely that open alignment speech will be frowned upon as 
a serious breach of social etiquette. 

A character can learn additional languages. Even the rather slow (80 LQ.) 
can learn one additional language, However, his vocabulary, usage, and 
ability to translate must, perforce, be limited. The very bright can learn 
five, six, or even seven. (For details of the number of tongues which can 
be learned see CHARACTER ABILITIES, Intelligence.) Here is how a new 
language is learned; 

The character must find a person (human, semi-human, or non-human) or 
talking creature who speaks the language which fs to be learned. The 
character must then be in close proximity to his or her instructor for up to 
one year, ond prior lo that period the language can be learned one month 
early for each point of intelligence above 12. Thus, a character with 13 
intelligence learns the new language in 1] months, 14 intelligence learns 
in 10 months, all the way to 18 intelligence when requires but six months 
to learn. Only one new language can be studied at any given time. 

Which languages ore knowable in a campaign is strictly up to the DM who 
runs it. The following list gives some of the languages typically used: 


By determining abilities, race, class, alignment, and hit points you have 

Owarvish Holfling Uzardman 

Elvish Hobgoblin Ogrish 

Goblin Kobald Orcish 



All of ihe above may not normally be available due to campaign 
circumstances, and languages not listed might be common. Consult your 
Dungeon Master. Note thai if, for example, you capture a centaur or 
talking dragon of some sort, it is possible to learn the appropriate creature 


starring iwons-y 

Your character is unusual, exceptional as compared to the norm. This 
applies to abilities and funds as well. Thus, he or she will hove a large 
supply of coins with which to purchase equipment and supplies to begin 
adventuring. The possible number of gold pieces wiih which a , 
begins depends upon the character class; 






30-180 g.p. (3d6) 
50-200 g.p. (5d4) 
20- 80g.p.{2d4) 
20-1 20 g.p. (2d6) 
5- 20g.p.(5d4) 

To determine the number of gold pieces your character has at the start, 
simply roll the appropriate dice and total the sum (adding a decimal place 
if necessary). 

Most of these funds will quickly be spent on the costs of staying in Ihe 
adventuring area and acquiring the equipment which will be used for 


Careful selection of equipment and supplies for characters is very 
important. Often there will not be sufficient funds to purchase everything 
desired, so intelligent choices will hove to be made. Also, the choice of 
equipment should always be done with respect to encumbrance (see 
MOVEMENT) restrictions. 

In many campaigns it is necessary for the characters to shop in a number of 
ploces in order to obtain everything they desire. A few games will hove o 
trader's establishment in which everything, or nearly everything, can be 
found, but the average costs will be higher because these traders ore 
middle- men. 

As in most dealings, the buyer should always beware. Things may be as 
they appear or they might be otherwise . . . 

A list of goods typically desired by characters follow*. 




Helmet, great 
Helmet, small 

75 g.p 
15 g.p 
5 g.p 

400 g.p 

Ring 30 g.p. 

Scale 45 g.p. 

Shield, large 15 g.p. 

Shield, small 10 g.p. 

Shield, small, wooden 1 g.p. 

Splinted 60 g.p. 

Studded 15 g.p. 

The basic unit of exchange is the goW piece (g.p. hereafter}. There are 
coins of lesser and greater value, ond these are shown on the table below. 
it i 5 also common to use gems of various sorts and values as coin. 

10 copper pieces (c.p.) 
20 silver pieces (s.p.) 

2 electrum pieces (e p. ) 

1 platinum piece (p.p.) 

= 1 silver piece 

= i gp 

= 5 g.p. 


200 c.p. = 20s,p, = 2e.p. = 1 g.p. = 1/5 p.p. 

It is assumed thai the size and weight of each coin is relatively equal to 
each other coin, regardless of type. 

Your character will most probably be adventuring in an area where money 
is plentiful, Think of the situation as similar to Alaskan boom towns during 
the gold rush days, when eggs sold for one dollar each and mining tools 
sold for $20, $50, and $100 or morel Costs in the adventuring area ore 
distorted because of the low of supply and demand — the supply of coin is 
high, while supplies of equipment for adventurers are in great demand. 

Large sums of lower value coins can be changed to a smaller number of 
larger value coins, and vice versa, at a relatively small cost — typically 3% 
of the transaction. This is done at the money changer's. The money 
changer will also score as a banker, keeping funds and giving a marker to 
vouch for the omounl. Note that bankers will not usually give any interest. 

Bonkers will give loans according to the reliability, reknown, status, and 
material possessions of the Individual, An unknown and low- level 
character is unlikely to get a loan without giving security for the value of 
the amount borrowed. Furthermore, Ihe interest rote will be high — 
typically 10% per month or even 5% per week. A well-known ond 
propertied character can typically get large loans at relatively low interest 
— 1 % per week or thereabouts. 

Jewelers, and gem merchants, will buy and sell jewelry and gems. The 
buying price will usually be 20% under the actual value of the piece or 


Arrow, normal, single 

2 s.p. 



Arrow, normal, dozen 

i gp 


6g p- 

Arrow, silver, single 

1 gp 

Mace, footman's 


Axe, bottle 

5 g.p. 

Mace, horseman's 


A*e, hand or throwing 

l g.p. 

Morning Star 

5 g.p. 


7 g-P 


10 g.p. 

Bee de corbin 


Pick, Military, footman's 

8 g p- 


6 g.p. 

Pick, Military, horseman's 

5g p- 
3 q.p, 

Bow, composite shori 

75 g.p. 

Pike, awl 

Bow, composite, long 

100 g.p. 

Quarrel (or Bolt), light, 

Bow, long 

60 g.p. 


1 S.p, 

Bow, short 

15 g.p. 

Quarrel {or Boll), heavy, 

Crossbow, heavy 

20 g.p. 

2 g,p. 

Crossbow, light 

12 g.p. 


Dagger and scabbard 





5 s.p, 

Sling & Bullets, dozen 

15 p- 

Fa uc hard 


SlFng Bui lets, score 

10 s.p. 

Fa u chord — Fork 



1 g-P 

Flail, footman's 

3 g.p. 


Flail, horseman's 

8 g.p. 

Sword, bastard. 

Fork, Military 


& scabbard 

25 gp. 


6 g.p. 

Sword, broad, & scabbard 




Sword, long & scabbard 

15 g.p, 


5 g.p. 

Sword, short & scabbard 


Guisarme — Voulge 


Sword, two-handed 



9 g.p. 



Hammer, Lucern 

7 g.p. 


1 g.p. 

Characters should carefully shop around whenever possible to deiermine 
which establishment offers ihem the best value. 



Boots, high, hard 
Boots, high, soft 
Boots, low, hard 
Boots, low, soft 


Bellodona, sprig 
Garlic, bud 

3 s.p. 

1 g.p, 
1 g.p, 
8 s.p. 
1 s.p. 

4 s.p. 

5 c.p. 


Girdle, broad 
Girdle, normal 

Wolvesbane, sprig 


2g T p. 
10 s.p. 
6 s.p. 

10s>p t 





i f 1 ,■ 1 t- 1 

tin it^c n 

3 c.p* 

Horse, medium war 

no c _ _ 



10 g. p. 

norse, riomg ( rignr ) 

25 g. p. 


■ V i "J I e 

20 g.p. 

Dog, hunting 



Do n k ey 




z c.p. 

i g.p. 


1 g>p> 

Hawk,, large 

40 a d 



Hawk, small 

18 g.p. 



Horse, draft 

30 g. p. 



Horse, heavy war 

300 g.p. 


4 c.p. 

Horse, light war 

150 g.p. 

monster. Although a creature might be given a very high armor class 
because of its exceptionally thick hide, armor plating, chitinous 
exoskelelon, or the like, other factors ore considered in such ratings. Far 
example, the size of Ihe creoiure, Its speed, its ogllily, and perhaps its 
supernatural (extra-dirnenstonol or multi-planed existence) aspects are 
considered in the armor class of all non-human type monsiers Therefore, 
a monster with an armor class of 2 will not be corrytng a shield. 

Armor types are given on ihe table below, Note fhal ihe inclusion of a 
shield raises ormor class (AC) by a factor of 1 (5%) t but that assumes attack 
from Ihe front where Ihe character can interpose il between himself and a 

Backpack, leaiher 2 g.p. 

Box, iron, targe 28 g.p. 

Box, iron, small 9 g.p. 

Candle, fallow 1 c.p, 

Candle, wax 1 s.p. 
Case, bone, map or scroll 5 g.p. 
Case, leather, map or scroll 15 s.p. 

Chest, wooden, large 17 s.p. 

Chest, wooden, small 8 s. p. 

Lantern, builseye 12 9, p. 

Lantern, hooded 7 g.p. 

Mirror, large meial 10 g.p. 

Mirror, small, silver 20g.p. 

Oil, flask of 1 g.p. 

Pole, 10' 3 c.p. 

Pouch, bell, large 
Pouch, bell, small 
Quiver, 1 do*, arrows cap. 8 s. p. 
Quiver, 1 score arrows cap. 12 s, p. 
Quiver, 1 score bolts cap, 1 5 s p 
Quiver, 2 score bolts cop 
Rope, 50" 
Sack, large 
Sack, small 
Skin for water or wine 
Spike, iron, large 
Thieves' picks & tools 
Tinder Box, with flint & steel 1 g.p. 
Torch 1 c.p. 

1 9 P 

1 g.p. 

4s, p. 
16 c.p. 
10c. p. 
1 5 s,p. 

30 g.p. 

— A small shield can be counted against only one attack per 
melee round. 

— A normalized shield con effeclively be counted against two 
attacks per melee round. 

— A large shield is counted against up to three attacks per melee 

Attacks from the right flank and rear always negaie the advantage of the 

The cost of armor and shield varies. Generally speaking, the better the 

Note: Magic armor negates weight, so thai movement does noi consider 
any encumbrance from magic ormor. There ore otherwise various lypes of 
magic armor. 


Ale, pint 1 s.p. 

Beer, small, pini 5 c.p. 

food, merchant's meal I s + p, 

food, rich meal 1 g.p. 

Groin, horse meal, 1 day 1 s.p. 

Rellgioui Ittmi 

Beads, Prayer 1 g.p. 

Incense, stick 1 g.p. 

Symbol, HolyV iron 2 g.p. 

Symbol, Holy*, sifver 50 g.p. 

Tock and Harness 

Barding, chain 250 g.p. 

Barding. leaiher 100 g.p, 

Barding, pJaie 500 g.p. 

Bit and Bridle 15 s.p. 

Harness 12 s.p. 

Meod, pint 
Rations, Iron, 1 week 
Rations, standard, 1 
Wine, pint, good 
Wine, pint, watered 

Symbol, Holy*, wooden 
Waier, Holy*, vial 
• or Unholy 

5 s.p, 
5 g.p. 
3 g.p. 

5 s.p. 

7 s.p. 
25 g.p. 


Saddle Bags, large 
Saddle Bags, small 
Saddle Blanket 

4g P 
3 9 P 

Type of Armor 


Shield only 

Leather or podded armor 

Leaiher or podded armor + shield/ 

studded Seaiher/rtng mail 
Studded feather or ring mail + shield/ 

scale moil 
Scale moil + shield/chain moil 
Chain mall + shleld/splinl mail/ 

bonded mail 
Splint or banded mail + shield/ 

plate mail 
Plate mail + shield 

Armor Clan 


For each + 1 of magic armor or magic shield, o decrease in armor class of 
1 is given. For example, a non-armored character wilh a + 1 shield is AC 8 r 
a +2 shield AC7, etc. The same is true with regard 1o pluses of magic 
armor of any type. A +1 converts to o 5% probability. Thus +2 equals a 
10% lesser likelihood of being hit. Magic plate mail +3 and magic shield 
+ 5 are equal to AC or can be ireoted as AC 2 wilh a subtraction of 8 
from attackers' "to hit" dice rolls, 



Barge {or Raft) p smoll 
Boat, small 
Boat, long 

Galley, large 


50 g.p. 
75 g.p. 
50 g p. 
25,000 g p. 

Galley, small 10,000 g.p. 

Ship, merchanl, large 15,000 g.p. 

Ship, merchant, small 5,000 g.p. 

Ship, war 20,000 g.p. 

Armor, along with the use of a shield, is the basis far determination of how 
easily a character con be struck by an opponent's weapon. Olher factors 
modify this, of course. Dexterity and magical effects ore the two principal 

Do not confuse ormor which is worn with the ormor class (AC) rating of a 

The choice of weapons used by your character might be circumscribed by 
the class of your character, bul selection is oiherwise a maiter of your 
preferences based on various factors presented hereafter. Of course, the 
Initial cosl of the weapon mighi affect your selection at the beginning. 
Beyond this consideration, there are factors of size ond weight. The 
damage inflicted by the weapon is important, as is the amount of space 
required to wield it. These deiailsare given hereafter. 

Weapon Proficiency 

At the start, your character will be able to employ but a limiied number of 
weapons The number is determined by class. When ihe character moves 
up in levels of experience lo the next higher combat melee lable, he or 
she is assumed to hove acquired proficiency in an additional weapon. The 
new weapon is of his or her choice. Note thai proficiency with a normal 
weapon is subsumed in using a magical weapon of the same type. If 
proficiency with any given weapon is not held by ihe character, it is used 
ot a penally as shown on the table which follows 






Claif of 

Initial Number Hi 

Hi- proficiency 

Proficiency L 



of Wmdoiii 

3 ^ 

Weapons Per Li 


1/4 levels 




1 /5 levels 




1/3 levels 




1 /3 levels 




1/3 levels 




1/6 levels 




1/6 levels 



1/4 levels 




1/4 levels 




1/2 levels 

Notes Regarding Weapon Proficiency Table; 

Initial Number of Weapons shows ihe number which the character may 
select to be proficient with, i.e. □ cleric could select a flail and staff, club 
and mace, or any combination of two permitted weapons. 

Non-proficiency Penalty indicates the subtraction from the character's "to 
hit" dice which opphes to attacks by the character using such a weapon in 
missile or melee combat (See COMBAT.) 

Added Proficiency m Weapons gives the number of additional weapons 
the character can use with proficiency upon attaining the indicated 
number of levels above the 1st. Thus, at 1st level a cleric can use two 
weapons with proficiency, at 5th level the cleric selects another for o total 
of three, at 9th leveJ ihe total is four, ot 1 3th five, etc. 


Weapon Type Approximate Weight In Gold Pieces 

A*e, Battle 

Axe, Hand or throwing 



Damage vi. Opponent 
Size 5 or M Site L 

1-6 1-6 
1^8 t-8 

1- 6 1-4 

2- 8 3-12 


Bo Stick 

Fa uc hard 
Fauc hard-Fork 
Flail, footman's 
Flail, horseman's 
Fort. Military 

Glaive — Gursorme 



Halberd -^b^^— 

Hammer, Lucern 



Jo Stick 

Lance- (light horse] 

Lance' (medium horse) 
Lance* (heavy horse) 
Mace, footman's 
Mace, horseman's 
Morning Stor 

Pick, Military, footman's 
Pick. Military, horseman's 
Pike. Awl 

Sling bullet 
Slmg stone 
Staff, Quarter 
Sword, 80s lard 





1- 8 

2- 7 


1- 2 

2- 8 

includes Scorpion 

1- 6 

2- 8 

1- 10 

2- 8 


1- 8 

2- 8 



includes Couteoux de EVeche 

includes Bill/Bill Hook 
includes lochober A*e 


2- 7 

3- 9 

1- 6 

2- 6 

1- 6 

2- 7 

2- 12 

3- 18 

1- 4 

2- 7 

includes Godentag and Holy Water Sprinkler 
includes Bohemian Ear-Spoon 

Sword! Broad 





1- 8 

2- 5 

1- 6 

2- 7 

1- 6 

2- a 


1- 10 

2- B 

includes Chauves Souris, Ransom, Rhonca, Roncie, Runka 
includes Cutlass, Sabre, Sickle-sword. Tulwar, etc. 

includes Corseque, Korseke 


Sword, Long 
Sword. Short 

Sword. Two-handed 





1 -8 includes oil pointed cutting & thrusting weapons with blade 
length between 1 5" ond 24". 


italics: Indicates weapon does twice the damage indicated by the die (dice) roll to larger than man-sized creatures (L) when it is set (firmly grounded) to 
receive a charging opponent. 

• This weapon does twice indicated damage against creatures of any size when it is employed by an attacker hdmg a charging mount. 
** This weapon also does twice the damage indicated to any opponent when the weapon js sei to receive iheir charge. 





Hand H«ld 
Wtapon Type 

Axe. Battle 
Axe, Hand 

Bee de Corbin 
Bo Stick 
F is I of Open Hand 
Flail, Footman's 
Flail, Horseman's 
Fork, Military 

Guiso rm Vo uig e 

Hammer, Lucem 


Lance (heavy horse) 
Lance flight horse) 
Lance [medium horse 1 ! 
Mace, Footman's 
Mace, I 
Morning Star 

Pick. Military, Footman's 
Pike, owl 



Staff, quarter 
Sword, bastard" 
Sword, bro 

Sword, long 
Sword, shori 
Sword, two-handed 


c. 4* 


c 5' 

8' + 


2' + 
c. 4' 
c. T 


8' + 
6' + 
T 4 
5' + 

c 3' 
c 1 4' 


c 2W 

c. 4' 

7' 4 
c. 4' 
c. 2' 

18' + 

B' + 
c 3' 

5'- 13' 4 


c. 4 V 
c 2W 
c 3»/a' 
c. 2' 

















4' + 


















+ 2 



+ 1 

+ 1 

+ 3 

+ 1 

f 2 
+ 1 




+ 2 


+ 2 


+ 2 

+ 1 
+ 1 
+ 1 

+ 3 
+ 1 
4- 1 
+ 1 
+ 1 
■ 2 
+ 1 
+ 2 

Armor Clan Adjustment 



+ 2 



+ 1 

■ 1 


4 1 

+ 2 

+ 2 

+ 1 


4 1 


t 1 


+ 1 

+ 2 



+ 1 
+ 2 
+ 1 
+ \ 

+ 1 



4 2 



+ 1 






■4- ] 



+ 1 

+ 2 
+ 2 

+ 2 

+ 1 



+ 1 






+ 1 





+ 1 


+ 1 





+ 2 




+ 1 
■+ 3 




4- 1 

4- 1 
+ 1 

! di 
+ i 

+ 2 

4- i 

4- 1 


+ 1 
4 1 


+ 1 



+ 1 


+ 1 
+ 1 


+ 1 


+ 1 
+ 1 
+ 2 


4 1 



+ 2 

+ 1 

4 1 
4- 1 
+ 1 
4- 1 
+ 1 

+ I 


+ 3 
■ 1 
+ 3 
+ 3 
+ 1 
+ 1 






+ 2 
+ 1 
4 3 
i- 2 
+ 1 
+ 2 
+ 2 

fraiics indicate weapon capable of dismounting a nder on a score equal Jo or greater than the "to hit" score 

'Weapon capoble of disarming opponent on a 
••Treat as long sword if used one-handed. 

Any weapon strikes at 4- 2 against an opponent's back (or similarly unseen); against stunned, prone, and motionless opponents, any weapon strikes at +4, 

Hurled Weapon* 



Armor Clan Adjustment 

and Missiles 













Axe* hand 













Bow. composite, Jong 








4 1 

+ 2 


+ 3 


Bow, composite, short 









+ 1 

+ 2 

+ 2 


+ 3 

Bow, long 









4 2 




+ 3 

Bow. short 











+ 2 













Crossbow, heavy 


■ $jfc' 




+ 1 




+ 4 

+ 4 


Crossbow, light 








+ 1 



+ 3 

























+ 1 






























Sling (bullet) 











+ 2 



Sling (stone) 

























Rate of fire Is based on the turn (for table-top miniatures) or the melee round, Ranges are: S = Short, M — Medium, L = long, 

Armor Class Adjustment is based on the weapon or missile being discharged at short range. Adjust by 2 at all medium ranges, -Satalt long ranges. 





At any time, a character may attempi to hire various different som of 
workers, servants, or guards. The success of such hiring is entirely 
dependent upon availability of the type desired, wage and bonus offers, 
and to some extent the character's charisma. Typical hirelings ore; 

Alchemist Blacksmith Linkboy Teamster 

Armorer Crossbowman Man-at-arms Vafel 

Bearer Engineer Steward 

Your character will have to locate the whereabouts of whatever type of 
hirelings he ar she desires to take into service, and it will be up to your 
character 10 determine wages and salaries in ihe area he or she is in. 

Employment can be by the hour, day, week, month, or year according to 
the desires of the character and agreeabillty of the persons to be hired. 
Your referee will handle alt such matters as they occur. 

Note that the number of hirelings is in no way limited by charisma, and 
hirelings differ considerably from henchmen who are discussed 
immediately hereafter. The loyalty of hirelings Is quite similar to thai of 
henchmen, ihough, and the discussion of the loyalty of henchmen can be 
applied to hirelings of oil sorts, (See HENCHMEN hereafter.) 


As discussed in the preceding section regarding CHARACTER ABILITIES. 

charisma has a greol effect on the number of henchmen a character is 
able to attract, 

A henchman is a more or less devoted follower of a character. In return for 
the use of his or her abilities and talents, the henchman receives support, 
lodging, and a share of his or her master's or mistress' earnings — in Ihe 
form of stipends or as a share of treasure taken, Henchmen are always of a 
character roceand character closs, but are never player characters. 

The alignment of o henchman should be compatible with lhat of the player 
character whom he or she serves, Difference in alignment will certainly 
affect the loyalty of all henchmen, if alignment is radically different. 

II will usually be necessary for your character to visit various inns and 
drinking establishments in search of henchmen. It is also possible that a 
number of notices will have to be posted, perhaps in conjunction with ihe 
employment of a crier to announce the employment offered The cost of 
such is often high — in rounds of drinks, food, tips, gratuities, bribes, fees 
and so forth. These costs are in addition to actual sums paid to the 
henchmon eventually employed Locating non-human characters such as 
dwarves, elves, and the like might be even more protracted, difficult, and 
costly than the hiring of human ond semi-human henchmen. This depends 
on campaign circumstances — such as whether or not non-humans are 
common in the area and whether or not non-humans tend to associate 
wirh humans ond frequent the inns and taverns. 

Once o henchman is brought into your character's service, it will be 
necessary to pay a wage plus suppon and upkeep. Your referee will 
inform you as to such costs. When a henchman accompanies your 
character on adventures, he or she musi be given a portion of treasure, 
both money and magic, just as o player character would. However, the 
share can be lesser, for all of the henchman's expenses ore paid for by his 
or her master or mistress. Naturally, ri is a good idea 10 give o henchman 
as much treasure as possible, for in that way Ihe henchman gains 
experience points. 

Experience awarded to henchmen is usually much less than that which 
would be given 10 a player character. This is because the henchmen ore 
acting under ihe direction of their master or mistress. So you should expect 
thai your character's henchmen will get about 50% of the experience 
points which their share in the slaying of opponents and garnered treasure 
actually roials — possibly even less if your character bore the brunt of the 
aciion and closely directed the henchmen, The loyally of henchmen is 
bosed on many factors. Charisma of ihe player character is very important, 
Remuneration — suppon, upkeep, wages, bonuses, and shoring of 
treasure — plays a big part also. The involvement of henchmen in 
advem'uring is important, as are the activities of the character (and what 
he requires of the henchmen) during the course of adventuring, For 

Assuming the character has above average charisma, he or she could be 
somewhot less than generous in remuneration and still have henchmen 
with obout average loyally. If remuneration or activity were above the 
minimum required, loyalty would be correspondingly higher, If both 
remuneration and activity were exceptional, the loyahy base of henchmen 
would be likewise exceptional. Actions to protect ihe fives and welfare of 
henchmen, or saving Ihe fife of or resurrecting henchmen, give loyalty 
above average, 

Disloyalty will come into ploy in combat and other stress situations. 
Disloyal henchmen will betray or desert Iheir master or mistress, (See 


Time in the campaign is very important. Your referee will keep Strict 
account of the time consumed by various characters, for it is likely to 
separate them, since not all participants are likely to ploy at the same 
actual lime. Time costs characters money in support, upkeep, and wage 
payments li takes time la adventure, to heal wounds, to memorize spells, 
to learn languages, to build strongholds, to create magic items — a very 
long time in the last given case. 

In adventuring below ground, a turn in the dungeon lasts 10 minutes (see 
also MOVEMENT). In combal, the turn is further divided inlo 10 melee 
rounds, or simply rounds. Rounds are subdivided into 10 segments, for 
purposes of determining initiative (q.v.) and order of attacks. Thus a turn is 
1 0 minutes, a round 1 minute, and a segment 6 seconds 

Ouidoors, time is measured in days, usually subdivided Into daylight 
(movement) and night (resi) periods. Thus, while actual lime playing is 
about The same for a dungeon adventure, the game lime spent is much 
greater in the case of outdoor adveniures. 


For purposes of the game distances are bosically one-third with respeci io 
spell and missile range from outdoors to indoors/underground situations. 
Thus most ranges ore shown as Inches by means of the symbol Le, V\ 
etc. Outdoors, \" equals 10 yards Indoors 1" equals 10 feel. Such a ratio Is 
justifiable, to some extent, regardless of game considerations. 

Actual effective range of an arrow shol from a longbow is around 210 
yards maximum, in cleor light and open terrain. Underground, with little 
light ond low ceilings overhead, a bowshot of 210 feet is aboul maximum. 
Archery implies arching arrows. Slings are in this category as are hurled 
darts and javelins, all arching in flight to achieve distance. Crossbows are 
a noiable exceplion, bul under the visibility conditions of o dungeon 
setting, a yards lo feel conversion is not unreasonable. 

Magic and spells are, most certainly, devices of the game. In order to 
make ihem fit the conslhcfions of the underground labyrinth, a one for 
Ihree reduction is necessary. Il would be folly, ofler all, to try to have such 
as effective oftack modes if feel were not converted to yards outdoors, 
where visiblEity, movement, and conventional weapons attack ranges are 
based on actual fact. (See MOVEMENT.) 

Distance scale and areas of effect for spells (and missiles) are designed to 
fit Ihe garnet The tripling of range outdoors is reasonable, as il allows for 
recreaiion of actual ranges for hurled javelins, arrows fired from 
longbows, or whatever. In order io keep magic spells on a par, their range 
ONLY, NEVER FOR SPELL AREA OF EFFECT (which is kept oil " = 1 0') UNLESS 
A FIGURE RATIO OH : 1 0 OR 1 : 20 ( 1 casting equals 10 or 20 actual creatures 
or things in most cases) IS USED, AND CONSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS 
TO GROUND SCALE. Note that the foregoing assumes lhat a ground scale 
of 1" to 10 yards is used. 

Movement scale is kept as flexible os passable in order to deal with ihe 
mulntude of applications il has, i.e. dungeon movement (exploring and 
otherwise), city travel, ireks through the outdoors, and combat situations 
arising during the course of any such movements. Your referee will have 
informahon which will enable him or her to adjust the movement rate la 
the applicable lime scale for any situation. 





It is necessary to stress thai the usage of the term "monster" is generic for 
any creature encountered during the course of adventuring. A monster con 
be exactly what the name implies, or it can be a relatively harmless 
animal, a friendly intelligent beast, a crazed human, a band of dwarves, a 
thief — virtually anything or anyone potentially threatening or hostile. 

When your referee indicates your character has encountered a monster, 
that simply indicates a confrontation between your character and some 
type of creature is about to take place. The results of such o meeting will 
depend on many factors, including the nature of the monster and your 
character's actions. All monsfers are not bad... 


The casting of spells, clerical and magical, is o very important aspect of 
play. Most spells hove a verba! component, and so must be uttered. Most 
spells also have a somatic (movemenl of the coster's body, such as 
gesturing) component. Some spells have a third component, that of 

Clerical spells, including the druidic r are bestowed by the gods H so that the 
cleric need bul pray for a few hours and the desired verbal and somatic 
spell components will be placed properly in his or her mind. First, second, 
third, and even fourth level spells are granted to the cleric through 
meditation and devour prayer This spell giving is accomplished by the 
lesser servants of the clerk's deity. Fifth, sixth, and sevenih level spells con 
be given to the cleric ONLY by the cleric's deity directly, not through some 
intermediary source. Note that the cleric might well be |udged by his or 
her deity at such time, as the cleric must supplicate the deity for the 
granting of these spells. While the deity may grant such spells full 
willingly, o deed, or sacrifice, atonement or abasement may be required. 
The deity might olso ignore a specific spell request and give the cleric 
some other spell (or none at alt). Your Dungeon Master wilt handle this 
considering a cleric's alignment and faithfulness to it and his or her deity. 
Note that some cleric spells (and all druid spells) also require material 
ingredients in order for the desired effect lo take place. Such components 
must be supplied by the cleric (or druid), as material is not bestowed. 

Magical spells, those of the magic-user and illusionist, ore not bestowed 
by any supernatural force. Rather, the magic-user (or illusionist} must 

memorize each spell, verbal and somatic components, and supply himself 
or herself with any required materials as welt, Such memorization requires 
the character to consult his or her spell books In order to impress the 
potent, mysiical spell formulae upon ihe mind. Additional items for the 
material component must then be acquired, if necessary. 

Speifs of any sort must therefore be selected prior to setting out on on 
adveniure, for memorization requires considerable time. (Your Dungeon 
Master will inform you fully as to what state of refreshment the mind of a 
spell caster must be in, as well as ihe lime required to memorize a given 
spell.) As a rule of thumb, allow 15 minutes of game time for 
mornohzolion of one spell level, i,e, a 1st level spell or half of a 2nd level 
spelt. Such activity requires a mind rested by a good sleep and nourished 
by ihe body. 

Once cast, a spell is totally forgotten. Gone. The mystical symbols 
impressed upon the brain carry power, and speaking the spell discharges 
this power, draining all memory of the spell used. This does not preclude 
multiple memorization of the same spell, but it does preclude multiple use 
of a single spell memorized but once. When a spell caster shoots his or her 
spell-bolt, so to speak, it is gone. 

As previously shown in ihe CHARACTER CLASSES section, the number of 
spells usable by a character depend upon class and level. Details of spell 
casting are given later in the section on comtraf <q.v.). 

The nature and components of the various spells ore given in the section 
immediately after the spell tobies. These spell descriptions also contain 
such information as is pertinent, i.e. range, duration, effect, etc. Your 
Dungeon Master may add to or delete from a spell (s) and may even add or 
delete entire spells. He will inform you of these changes pnor to selecting 
spells or when new spells become available to your character. 

Material components for spells are assumed to be kept m little pockets, 
stored in the folds and small pockets of the spell caster's garb. Of course, 
same materials are too bulky, and in these cases the materials must be 
accounted for carefully. Also, some materials are rare, and these must be 
found and acquired by [he spell user. 

Special cases which pertain to each class of spell-using character type will 
be noted before each set of spell explanations. 


Number lit Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 




Create Water 

Cure Light Wounds 
Detect Evil 


Detect Charm 

Animate Dead 
Continual Light 
Create Food & Water 



Find Traps 
Hold Person 

Cure Blindness 
Cure Disease 


Detect Magic 

Know Alignment 

Dispel Magic 



Protection From Evil 
Purify Food & Drink 

Resist Fire 
Silence 15' Radius 
Slow Poison 

Feign Death 
Glyph Of Warding 
Locate Object 




Remove Fear 
Resist Cold 

Snake Charm 
Speok With Animals 
Spiritual Hammer 


Remove Curse 
Speak With Dead 


4th Level 

5th Level 

6th l#v*l 

7th Level 

T Cure Serious Wounds 

2 Detect Lie 

3 Divination 

4 Exorcise 

5 Lower Water 

6 Neutralize Poison 

7 Protection from 

Evil 10' Radius 

Cure Critic 
Dispel Evil 
Flame Strike 
Insect Plague 
Plane Shift 

Aerial Servant 
Animate Object 
t Barrier 

Conjure Animal? 
Find The Path 

Part Water 

Speak With Monsters 

Word Of Recall 

Astral Spell 
Control Weather 


Holy (Unholy) Word 



Wind Walk 




DRUIDS (Clwlca) 

Number 1st Level 

1 Animal Friendship 

2 Delect Magic 

Detect S 


4 Entangle 

5 Faerie Fire 

6 Invisibility To 

7 Locate Animals 

8 Pass Without Trace 
t Kreaict weatner 

10 Purify Water 

11 Shillelagh 

12 Speok With Animals 

2nd Level 


Charm Person Or 

Create Water 

Cure Light Wounds 

Fe«cjn Death 

Fire Trap 

Heal Metal 
Locate Plants 

Produce Flame 


Warp Wood 

3rd Level 

Call Lightning 
Cure Disease 

Hold Animal 

Neutralize Poison 
Plant Growth 
Protection From 


Summon Insects 

Water Breathing 

4th Level 

Animal Summoning 1 
Call Woodland Beings 

Control Temperature 

10'' Radius 
Cure Serious Wounds 
Dispel Magic 
Hallucinatory Forest 

Hold Plant 
Plant Door 
Produce Fire 
Protection From 

Repel Insects 
Speak With Plants 



5th Level 

6th Level 

7th Level 


Animal Growth 
Animal Summoning 17 
Anti-Ploni Shell 

Animal Summoning III 
Anii-Antmal Shell 

Animate Rock 
Chariot Of Sustarre 



Commune With Nature 
Control Winds 
Insect Ptague 

Cure Critical Wounds 


Fire Seeds 

Conjure Earth Elemental 
Control Weather 
Creeping Doom 


Pass Plant 
-Slides To Snakes 

Transport Via Plants 
Turn Wood 

finger Of Death 
Fire Storm 

Wall Of Fire 

Weather Summoning 

Transmute AAeto I To Wood 


2nd Level 

3rd Level 

5th Level 






Affect Normal Fires 
Burning Hands 
Charm Person 

Comprehend Languages 
Dancing Lights 
Detect Magic 
En large 

Feather Fall 

Find Familiar 


Hold Portal 




Magic Missile 


Audible Glamer 
Continual L 
Darkness \i 

Detect Evil 
Detect Invisibility 

fools Gold 
Leomund's Trap 
Lev i rate 
Locale Object 
Magic Mouih 
Mirror tmage 


Nyslul's Magic Aura 
Protection From Evil 

Read Magic 

Shocking Grasp 

Spider Climb 
Tenser's Floating I 

Unseen Servant 

[V,,. t _ _ l_ _ I _ _ 


Ray Of Enfeeblement 
Rope Trie it 
Stinking CI 



C loir audi ei 
Clairvo 1 
Dispel Magic 
E*plosive Runes 
Feign Death 
Flame Arrow 

Gust Of Wind 

Hold Person 
Infra vision 
Invisibility 10'Rodius 
leomund'sTiny Hut 

Lightning Ball 

Monster Summoning I 
Phantasmal Force 
Protection From Evil 10' Radius 
Proteciion From Normal i 

Water Breathing 

Charm Monster 



Dimension Door 
Enchanted Weapon 
Extension I 

Fire Charm 
Fire Shield 

Fire Trap 

Hallucinatory Terrain 
Ice Storm 
Minor Globe of 

Monster Summoning It 

Plant Growth 
Polymorph Other 
Polymorph Self 
Rary's Mnemonn 
Remove C 
WoFI Of Fire 
Wad Of Ice 
Wizard Eye 

Airy Water 

Animal Growth 

Animate Dead 

Bigby's Interposing Hand 


Conjure Elemental 
Cone Of Cold 
Contact Other F 
Distance Disto 
Extension II 
Hold Monster 
Learn und's Seer* Chest 
Mogic Jar 

Monster Summoning 111 

Mordenkainen's Faithful 

Stone Shape 
Transmute Ro 
Wall Of Force 
Wall Of Iran 
Wall Of Stone 





6th Level 

7th Level 

8th Level 

9th Level 








Anii-Magic Shell 
Bigby's Forceful Hgnd 
Control Weather 

Death Spell 

Enchant An Item 
Extension III 
Glass ee 

Globe Of Invulnerability 
Guards And Wards 
Invisible Stalker 
Legend Lore 
Lower Waler 
Monster Sumi 
Move Earth 

Otiluke's Freezing Sphere 
Parr Water 
Project Jmage 
Stone To Flesh 
Tenser's Transformation 

Bigby's Grasping Hand 
Charm Plants 
Delayed Blast Fireball 
Drawmij's Instant 

Limited Wish 
Mass Invisibility 
Monster Summoning V 
Mordenkainen's Sword 
Phase Door 
Power Word, Stun 
Reverse Gravity 

Bigby's Clenched Fist 
Incendiary Cloud 

Moss Charm 

Mind Blank 

Monster Summoning Vt 
Otto's Irresistible Dance 
Polymorph Any Object 
Power Word, Blind 
Serten's Spell In 

Trap The Soul 

As ira I Spell 
Bigby's Crushing Hand 

Meteor Swarm 

Monster Summoning VII 
Power Word, Kill 
Prismatic Sphere 
Shape Change 

Temporal Stasis 
Time Slop 




1st Level 

Audible Glamer 

Dancing Li 
Detect Illusion 
Detect Invisibility 
Gaze ft 

Phantasmal Force 
Wall Of Fog 

2nd Level 


Detect Magic 
Fog Cloud 
Hypnotic Pattern 
Improved Phantasmal Force 

Mirror Image 

3rd Level 

Continual Darkness 


Hallucinatory Terrain 
lllusionary Script 
Invisibility 10' Radius 
Rope Trick 
Spectral Force 


Minor Creation 

Phantasmal Killer 

Projected Image 
Shadow Door 

Shadow Magic 
Summon Shadow 

6th Level 

Conjure Animals 
Demi-Shadow Magic 
Moss Suggestion 

Permanenl Illusion 

Programmed Illusion 

True Sight 

7th Level 

Alter Reality 
Astral Spell 
'ismatic ! 
ismatlc Wall 


First Level Magic- 
User Spells 





Each spell is preserved here in exactly the same format The spell is first 
identified by name and type of magic it involves. Thereafter its level, 
range (distance il can be cast), duration, area of effect, components, cost- 
ing time, and saving throw are shown. Fmolly, an explanation of the spell 
and a description of its effects are given in some detail. 

Range is shown in inches (See DISTANCE) or as "touch", which indicates 
the caster must physically contact the recipient of the spell with his or Her 

Duration is given as number of turns, rounds, or simply "instontaneous", as 
in the cose of a lightning bolt which lasts only a brief moment. (See TIME) 

i (Con jurat ion/ Summoning) Reversible 

Area of Effect shows how large on area the spell covers, or how many 
persons or creatures it will affect 

Components, as previously mentioned, are verbal (V), somatic (S), and/or 
material (AA). This indicates which are part of the spell . 

Costing Time shows the number of melee rounds, or segments of a melee 
round, required to cast the spell Remember that there are 10 segments to 
o melee round, 10 melee rounds to a lurn. Some spells require additional 
time and preparation. 

Saving Throw tells whether a saving throw js possible, ond if it is possible, 
wheiher success negates (rregj the spell or reduces its effects by 50% 


All material components required for the various spells are used by 
completion of the spell in question with the notoble exceptions of standard 
religious items, i.e. religious symbols and prayer beads or similar devices. 

The reversol of some spells might well place the cleric in a questionable 
position with respect to alignment- The use of spells which promote weal 
musi be shunned by evil clerics in many cases. Likewise, spells which are 
baneful may be used only at peril by clerics of good alignment. Incautious 
use of spells will change the clerk's alignment, if such usage continues 
unchecked, and it is up to the player to guard his or her character's 
alignment with care. In any event, the clerk must decide which 
application of a reversible spell will be used prior to learning it, i.e. it is 
noi possible to have one spell both woys. In like manner, the mere request 
for a spell (or its opposite) through prayer will not guarantee that ihe spell 
will be given to the cleric. As the spell level becomes higher, confidence 
will decrease that that deity will concur. 

Your Dungeon Master might alter the material components of spells, 
require only religious adjuncts as material, or just do away with them. 

h ir nsfft/fte* fn fhit r«i™inr<H nnrl n*L U.* n ili nn s-irkj-l r*» n en n i fi j-i 

Level: I 
Range; 6" 

Duration; 6 me;ee rounds 
Area of Effect: 5" X 5" 

Components: V, 5, Art 
Costing Time: T round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Upon uttering the bless spell, the caster raises the 
morale of friendly creatures by + 1. Furthermore, it raises their "to hit" 
dice rolls by + 1 A blessing, however, will affect only those not already 
engaged in melee combat. This spell can be reversed by the cleric ta a 
curse upon enemies which lowers morale and "to hit" by -1. The caster 
determines ot what range (up to 6") he or she will cast the spell, and It 
then affects all creatures in on area 5" square centered on the paint the 
spell wos cast upon. In addition to the verbal and somatic gesture 
components, the b/ess requires holy water, while the curse requires the 
sprinkling of specially polluted water. 


Level: ! 

Range: r 

Duration: I round 

Area of effect: One creature 

Components: V 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: Specie/ 

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the cleric ta issue a command 
of a single word. The command must be uttered in a language which the 
spell recipient * able to understand. The individual will obey to ihe best of 
his/her/its ability only so long as the command is absolutely clear ond 
unequivocal, i.e. "Suicide'" could be a noun, so the creature would ignore 
the command. A command to "Die!" would cause the recipient to fall in a 
faint or cataleptic state for 1 round, but thereafter the creature would be 
alive and well. Typical command words are: back, halt, flee, run, stop, fall, 
fly, go, leave, surrender, sleep, rest, etc. Undead are not affected by a 
command. Creatures with intelligence of 13 or more, and creatures with 6 
or more hit dice (or experience levels) are entitled ta a saving throw 
versus mogic. (Creatures with 13 or higher intelligence and 6 hi! 
dice/levels do no) get 2 saving throws! ) 

Create Water (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: I 
Range: T" 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Up to 27 cubic Feet 

Components: V*, S, M 
Casting Time: T round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When the cleric casts a create water spell, four 
gallons of water are generoted for every level of experience of the caster, 
i.e. a 2nd level cleric creates eight gaHons of water, a 3rd level twelve 
gallons, a 4th level sixteen gallons, etc. The water is clean ond drinkable 
(it is |ust like rain water). Reversing the spell, desfroy water, obliterates 
without trace (such as vapor, mist, fog or steam) a like quantity of water. 
Created water will last until normally used or evaporated , t spilled, etc. 
Waier can be created or destroyed in an area as small as will actually 
contain the liquid or In an area as large as 27 cubic feet (one cubic yard). 
The spell requires ot least a drop of water to create, or a pinch of dust to 
destroy, water. Note thai water cannot be created within a living thing. 

Cure Light Wounds (Necromantic) Reversible 

Level: I 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect; Character touched 

Components: V, 5 
Casting Time: 5 segmenfs 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Upon laying his or her hand upon a creature, the 
cleric causes from 1 to B hit points of wound or other Injury damage to the 
creature's body to be healed. This healing will not affect creatures without 
corporeal bodies, nor will it cure wounds of creatures not living or those 
which can be harmed only by iron, silver, and/or magical weapons, fot 
reverse, cause light wounds, operates in the same manner; and if a person 
is avoiding this touch, a melee combat "to hit" die is rolled to determine if 
the cleric's hand strikes the opponent and causes such a wound. Note that 
cured wounds are permanent only Insofar as the crealure does not sustain 
further damage, ond that caused wounds will heal — or can be cured — 
just as any normal injury will. Caused light wounds ore 1 to 8 hit points of 




D*t»c! Evil (Divinoiion) Reversible 

Purify Food 1 Drink (Alteroiion ) Reversible 

Level: J 
Range: 12'* 

Duration: I turn 4- X A turn/level 
Area of Effect: V path 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: ) round 
Savrng Throw: None 

Explanation /Description: This is o spell which discovers emanations of evil, 
or of good in the case of the reverse spell, from any creature or object. For 
example, evil alignment or an evilly cursed object will radiate evil, but a 
hidden trap or an unintelligent viper will not. The duration of a detect evil 
{or detect good) spell is 1 turn + turn (5 rounds, or 5 minutes) per level 
of the cleric. Thus a cleric of 1st level of experience can cast a spell with a 
lVa turn duration, al 2nd level o 2 turn duration, 2$$ at 3rd, etc. The spell 
has o path of detection 1" wide in the direction in which the cleric is 
facing. It requires the use of the cleric's holy (or unholy) symbol as its 
material component, with the cleric holding it before him or her. 

Detect Magic (Divination) 

Leveh T 
Range: 3" 
Duration: \ rum 

Areo of Effect: 1 " poth, 3" fongj 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: J round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description : When the detect magic spell is cast, the cleric 
detects magical radiations in a path 1" wide, and up to 3" long, in the 
direction he or she is facing. The caster can turn 60' per round. Note that 
stonewalls of 1' or more ihickness. solid metal of but 1/12' thickness, or 3' 
or more of solid wood will block thespelL The spell requires the use of the 
clerfc's holy (or unholy) symbol. 

Components: V, S 
Casimg Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Light (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: J 
Range: IT' 

Duration: 6 turns + 7 turn/level 
Area of Effect: 2" radius globe 

Explanation/Description: This spell causes excitation of molecules so as to 
make ihem brightly luminous. The tight thus caused is equal to torch light 
in bnghtness, but its sphere is limited to 4" in diameter. It lasts for the 
duration indicated (7 turns al 1st experience level, 8 at 2nd, 9 at 3rd, etc. ) 
or until the caster utters a word to extinguish the light. The light spell is 
reversible, causing darkness in the same area and under the same 
conditions, except the blackness persists for only one-half the duration that 
light would last. If ihls spell is cast upon a creature, the applicable magic 
resistance and sovmg throw dice rolls must be made. Success indicates 
lhai the spell affects the area immediately behind the creature, rather than 
the creature itself. In all oiher coses, the spell takes effeci where the cosier 
directs as long as he or she has a line of sight or unobstructed path for the 
spell, light can spring from oir, rock, metal, wood, or olmost any similar 

Level: I 
Range: 3" 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: I cubic foot/level, 
V square area 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 1 round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When cast, the spell will make spoiled, rotten, 
poisonous or otherwise contaminated food and/or water pure and suitable 
for eaiing and/or drinking. Up to 1 cubic foot of food and/or drink can be 
thus made suitoble for consumption. The reverse of the spell puirefres food 
and drink, even spoiling holy water Unholy water is spoiled by purify 

Remove Fear ( Abjuration) Reversible 

Level: F 
Range: Touch 
Duration: special 
Areo of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V 4 S 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By touch, the cleric instills courage in the spell 
recipient, raising the creature's saving throw against magical fear attacks 
by +4 on dice rolls for 1 turn. If the recipient has already been affected by 
fear, and foiled the appropriate saving throw, the touch allows another 
saving throw lo be made, with a bonus of + 1 on the dice for every level of 
experience of the caster, i.e. a 2nd level cleric gives 0+2 bonus, a 3rd 
level +3, etc. A "to hit" dice roll must be made to touch on unwilling 
recipient The reverse of the spell, cause fear, causes the victim to flee in 
panic at maximum movement speed away from the caster for 1 round per 
level of the cleric causing such fear Of course, cause fear can be 
countered by remove fear and vice versa. 

Reilit Cold (Alteration) 

Level: J 

Range: Touch 

Duration: I rurn/Jeve/ 

Areo of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S, Art 
Casting Time: 1 round 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description When this spell is placed on a creature by a 
cleric the creature's body is mured to cold. The recipient can stand zero 
degrees Fahrenheit without discomfort, even totally nude. Greater cold, 
such as that produced by a sword of cold, ice storm, cold wand, or white 
dragon's breath, must be saved against. All saving throws against cold are 
mode with a bonus of 4- 3, and damage sustained is one-half ( if the saving 
throw is not made) or one-quarter (if the saving throw is mode] of damage 
normal from that attack form. The resistance lasts for 1 turn per level of 
experience of the coster, A pinch of sulphur is necessary to complete this 

Protection From Evil (Abjurotion) Reversible 

Level: I 

Range: Touch 

Duration: 3 rounds/level 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V r S, AA 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, it acts as if it were a 
magical armor upon ihe recipient. The protection encircles the recipient ot 
a one foot distance, thus preventing bodily contact by creatures of an 
enchanted or conjured nature such as aerial servants, demons, devrls, 
djinn, efreet, elemenials, imps, invisible stalkers, night hags, quasiis. 
salamanders, water weirds, wind walkers, and xorn. Summoned animals 
or monsters are similarly hedged from the protected creaiure. 
Furthermore, any and all attacks launched by evil creatures incur a penalty 
of -2 from dice rolls "to hit" the protected creature, and any saving throws 
caused by such attacks ore made at +2 on the protected creature's dice. 
This spell can be reversed to become protection from good, although ir still 
keeps out enchanted evil creatures as well. To complete this spell, the 
cleric must trace a 3' diameter circle upon the floor (or ground} with holy 
water for protection from evil, with blood for protection from good — or in 
the air using burning incense or smoldering dung with respect lo 

Sanctuary {Abjuration} 

Level: I 
Range: Touch 
Duration; 2 rounds + J 

round/ 1 eve J 
Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Exp/anaffon/Descriptron: When the cleric casts a sanctuary spell, any 
opponent musi make a saving throw versus magic in order to strike or 
otherwise atiack him or her. If the saving throw is not made, the creaiure 
will attack another and totally ignore the cleric protected by the spell. If 
the saving throw is mode, the cleric is subject to normal attack process 
including dicing for weapons lo hit, saving ihrows, damage Note thai this 
spell does noi preveni the operation of area attacks ( fireball, ice storm, 
etc.}. During ihe period of protection afforded by this spell, the cleric 
cannot take offensive action, but he or she may use non-attack spells or 
otherwise aci in any way which does not violate the prohibition against 
offensive action. This allows ihe cleric lo heal wounds, for example, or to 
biess, perform an augury, chant, cast o light in the area [noi upon an 
opponentl), and so on. The components of the spell include the cleric's 
holy/unholy symbol and a small silver mirror. 




Second Level Spells: 

Augury (Divination) 

Level: 2 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 

Components: V, 5, M 
Costing Time: 2 rounds 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The cleric casting an augury spell seeks to divine 
whether an action in the immediate future (within 3 turns) will be for the 
benefit of r or harmful to, the parly. The base chance for correctly divining 
the augury is 70% r plus 1 % for each level of the cleric casting the spell, i.e. 
7)% at 1st level, 72% at 2nd, etc. Your referee will determine any 
adjustments due for the particular conditions of each OLrgury. For example, 
assume thoi a parly is considering the destruction of o weird seal which 
closes a portal Augury is used to find if weal or woe will be the ultimate 
result to the party. The material component for augury is a set of gem- 
inlaid sticks, dragon bones, or similar tokens, or the wet leaves of on 
infusion which remain in the container after the infused brew is 
consumed, If the last method is used, a crushed pearl of at least 100 g.p, 
value must be added To the concoction before it is consumed. 

Chant (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 2 
Range: 0 

Duration: 77m e of chanting 
Area of Effect: 3" rod /us 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time; I turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of the chanf, the cleric brings into 
being a special favor upon himself or herself and his or her party, and 
causes norm to his or her enemies. Once the chant spell is completed, alt 
attacks, damage and saving throws mode by those in the area of effect 
who ore friendly to the cleric are at + ], while those of the cleric's enemies 
are at -1, This bonus/penalty continues as long as the cleric coniinues to 
chant the mystic syllables and is stationary. An interruption, however, such 
os an attack which succeeds and causes damage, grappling the chanter, or 
a magical sNence, will break the spell. 

(Divination) Reversible 

Level: 2 

Range: 3" 

Duration: ? turn 

Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V, 5 
Casting TEme: T round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When used by a cleric, this spell will detect 
whether or not a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell 
Up to 10 creatures can be thus checked before the spell wanes. The reverse 
of the spell protects from such detection, but only a single creature can be 
so shielded. 

Find Traps (Divination) 

Level: 2 
Range: 3" 
Duration: 3 turns 
Area of Effect: I' path 

Components: V* S 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When a cleric costs a find rrops spell, all traps — 
concealed normally or magically — of magical or mechanical naiure 
become visible to him or her. Note that this spell is directional, and the 
caster must face the desired direction in order to determine if a trap is laid 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Hold Person (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 2 
Range: 6" 

Duration: 4 rounds + T 

Area of Effect: One to three 


Explanation/Description: This spell holds immobile, and freezes in j 
from 1-3 humans or humanoid creatures (see below) for 5 or more melee 
rounds. The level of the clerk casting the hold person spell dictates the 
length of time the effect will lost. The basic duration is 5 melee rounds oi 

1 si level, 6 rounds at 2nd level, 7 rounds at 3rd level, etc. If the spell is cast 
at three persons, each gets a saving throw at the normal score; if only two 
persons are being en spelled, each mokes their saving throw at -1 on their 
die; if the spell is cast ot but one person, the saving throw die is at -2. 
Persons making their saving throws ore totally unaffected by the spell 
Creatures affected by a ho id person spelt are: brownies, dryads, dwarves, 
elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, haif-elves, halflings, half-arcs, hobgoblins, 
humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, ores, pixies, sprites, and troglodytes. 
The spell caster needs a small r straight piece of <ron as the material 
component of this spell. 

Know Alignment ( Demotion} Reversible 

Level: 2 
Range: I" 
Duration: 7 rum 
Area of Effect: One 
creature/ round 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: T round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: A know alignment spell enables the cleric to 
exactly read the auro of a person — human, semi-human, or non-human. 
This will reveal the exact alignment of the person. Up to 10 persons can be 
examined with this spell. The reverse totally obscures alignment, even 
from this spell, of a single person for 1 turn, iwo persons for 5 rounds, etc. 
Certain magical devices will negate the ability to know alignment. 

Resist Hre (Alteration) 

Level: 2 

Range: Touch 

Duration: J turn/level 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S, N\ 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation Description When this spell is placed upon o creoiu-s bv 9 
cleric, the creature's body Is toughened to withstand heat, and boiling 
temperature is comfortable. The recipient of the resist fire spell can even 
stand in the midst of very hot or magical fires such as those produced by 
red-hot charcoal, a large amount of burning oil, flaming swords, fire 
storms, fire ba Ms, meteor swarms, or red dragon's breath — but these will 
affect the creature, to some extent. The recipient of the spell gains a bonus 
of +3 on saving throws against such attack forms, and all damage 
sustained is reduced by 50%; therefore, if the saving throw is not made, 
the creature sustains one-half damage, ond if the saving throw is made 
only one-quorter damage is sustained. Resistance to fire lasts for 1 turn for 
eoch level of experience of the cleric placing the spelt. The coster needs a 
drop of mercury as the material component of this spell. 

Silence. 15' Radius (Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Range: T2" 

Duration: 2 rounds/leve/ 

Area of Effect: 30' diameter sphere 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, complete silence prevails 
In the area of its effect. All sound is stopped, so all conversation is 
impossible, spells cannot be cost, and no noise whatsoever issues forth, 
The spell can be cast into the air or upon an object. The spell of silence 
lasts for 2 rounds for each level of experience of the clerk, i.e. 2 rounds ot 
1st level, 4 ot 2nd, 6 at 3rd, 8 at 4th and so forth. The spell can be cast upon 
a creature, and the effect will then radiate from the creature and move as 
it moves. If the creature is unwilling, it saves against the spell r and if the 
saving throw is made, the spell effect locates about one foot behind the 
torget creature. 

Slow Poison (Necromantic) 

Level: 2 

Range: Touch 

Du rot ion: J fiour/fevel 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: t segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is placed upon a poisoned 
individual it greatly slows the effects of any venom, even causing a 
supposedly dead individual to hove life restored if it is cost upon the victim 
within a number of turns less than or equal to the level of experience of 
the cleric after the poisoning was suffered, i.e. o victim poisoned up to 10 
turns previously could be temporarily saved by a 10th or higher level cleric 




who cast stew poison upon the victim. White this spell does not neutralize 
the venom, ii does prevent it from substantially harming the individual for 
the durarian of its magic, but each turn the poisoned creaiure will lose 1 hit 
point from the effecl of the venom (although the victim will never go 
below 1 hit point while the sfow poison spell's duroiion lasts). Thus, in the 
example above, the victim poisoned 10 turns previously hos only 10 hit 
points, so when the 10th level cleric casts the spell, the victim remains with 
1 hit point until the spell duration expires, ond hopefully during that period 
a full cure can be accomplished. The material components of this spell are 
the cleric's holy/unholy symbol and o bud of gorlic which must be crushed 
and smeared on the victim's bare feet 

Components; V, S 
Costing Time: 5 segments 
Soving Throw; None 

Level: 2 
Range: 3" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, a hypnotic pattern is set 
up which causes one or more snakes to cease all activity except a semi- 
erect postured swaying movement. If ihe snokes are charmed while in a 
torpor, the duration of the spell is 3 to 6 lurns (d4 + 2); if the snakes are not 
torpid, but are not aroused and angry, the charm lasts 1 to 3 turns; if the 
snakes are ongry and/or attacking, the snake charm spell will last from 5 
io 8 melee rounds [d4 + 4). The cleric casting the spell con charm snakes 
whose hit points are less lhan or equal to those of the cleric. On the 
average, a 1st level cleric could charm snokes wilh a total of 4 or 5 hit 
points; a 2nd level cleric 9 hit poinls, a 3rd level 13 or 14 hit points, etc, The 
hir points can represent a single snake or several of the reptiles, but the 
total hit points cannot exceed those of the cleric costing the spell 

Spoak With Animals (Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Range: 0 

Duration; 2 rounds/level 
Area of Effect: One animal within 
3" radius of cleric 

Components: V, S 
Costing Time: 5 segm ems 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By employing this spell, the cleric is empowered 
to comprehend and communicate wilh any warm or cold-blooded animal 
which is not mindless (such as an amoeba), The cleric is able io ask 
questions, receive answers, and generally be on amicable terms with the 
animoL This ability lasts for 2 melee rounds for eoch level of experience of 
the cleric employing ihe spelL Even if the bent of the animal is opposite lo 
that of the cleric (evil/good, good/evil), it and any others of the same kind 
with it will not attack while the spell lasts. If the animal is neutral or of the 
same general bent as the cleric (evil/evil, good/good), there is o 
possibility that the animal, and its like associates, will do some favor or 
service far the cleric. This possibility will be determined by the referee by 
consulting o special reaction chart, using the charisma of the cleric and his 
actions as the mafor determinant. Note that this spell differs from speak 
with monsters (q.v.), for it allows conversation only with basically normal, 
non-fantastic creatures such as apes, bears, cats, dogs, elephants, and so 

Spiritual Homm»r( Invocation) 

Level: 2 
Range: 3" 

Duration: I round/levei 
Area of Effect: One opponent 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 5 segmenfs 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explonation/Oescription: By calling upon his or her deity, the cleric casting 
a spiritual hammer spell brings into existence a field of force which is 
shoped vaguely like a hammer. This area of force is hammer-sized, and as 
long as the cleric who invoked it concentrates upon the hammer, it will 
strike at any opponent within its range os desired by the cleric. The force 
orea strikes os a magical weapon equal to one plus per 3 levels of 
experience of the spell caster for purposes of being able to strike 
creatures, although it has no magical plusses whatsoever "to hit", and the 
damage it causes when it scares a hit is exactly the same as a normal wor 
hammer, i e , 1-6 versus opponents of man-size or smaller, 1-4 upon larger 
opponents. Furthermore, the hammer strikes al exactly the same level as 
ihe cleric controlling it. |ust os if the cleric was personally wielding the 
weapon As soon as the cleric ceases concentration, the spiritual hammer 
is dispelled. Note; If the cleric is behind an opponent, the force can strike 

from this position, thus gaining all bonuses for such an attack and negaiing 
defensive protections such as shield and dexterity. The material 
component of this spell is a normal wor hammer which the cleric must hurl 
towards opponents whilst uttering a plea to his or her deity. The hammer 
disappears when ihe spell is cost. 

Third Leva! Sp»Hi: 

Animate Dead (Necromantic) 

Level: 3 
Range: I' J 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, $, M 
Casting Time: I round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; This spell creates the lowest of the undeod 
monsters, skeletons or zombies, from the bones or bodies of dead humans. 
The effect is to cause these remains to become animated and obey the 
commands of the cleric casting the spell. The skeletons or zombies will 
follow, remain in an area and attack any creature (or |ust a specific lype of 
creature) entering Ihe place, etc The spell will animate the monsters unlil 
they are destroyed or unlil ihe magic is dispelled. {See dispel magic spell). 
The cleric is able to animate 1 skeleton or 1 zombie for each level of 
experience he or she hos otlained. Thus, a 2nd level cleric can animate 2 
of ihese monsters, a 3rd level 3, etc. The act of animoting dead is noi 
basically a good one, and it must be used with careful consideration and 
good reason by clerics of good alignment. It requires a drop of blood, a 
piece of human flesh, and a pinch of bone powder or a bone shard to 
compleie ihe spelL 

Continual Ugh* {Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 3 

Range: 12" 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: 6" radius globe 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to a light spell, excepi that it 
lasts until negated [by a continual darkness or dispel magic spell) and its 
brightness is very great, being nearly as illuminoting as full daylight. It can 
be cast into air, onto an ob|ect, or at a creature. In the third case, the 
continual light affects the space about one foor behind the creaiure if the 
latter makes ils saving ihrow. Note thoi this spell will blind a creature if it is 
successfully cast upon the visual organs, for example. Its reverse causes 
complete absence of Hghl. 

Create Food A Water (Alteration) 

Level; 3 
Range: )" 

Duration: Permanem 

Area of Effect: f cubic foot/level 

Components: V, $ 
Casting Time: f turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is casL the cleric causes food 
and/or water to appear. The food thus created is highly nourishing, and 
eoch cubic foot of the material will sustain three human-sized creatures or 
one horse-sized creature for a full day. For each level of experience the 
cleric has attained, 1 cubic fool of food and/or water is created by the 
spell, i.e. 2 cubic feet of food are created by a 2nd level cleric, 3 by a 3rd, 4 
by a 4th, and so an; or the 2nd level cleric could create 1 cubic foot of food 
and 1 cubic foot of water, etc. 

Core Blindness (Abjuration) Reversible 

Level: 3 

Range*. Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, 5 
Casting Time: I round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By touching the creature afflicted, ihe cleric 
employing the spell can permanently cure most forms of blindness, lis 
reverse, cause blindness, requires a successful touch upon Ihe victim, and 
if the victim then makes the saving throw, the effect is negated. 

Cure Dliease (Abjuration) Reversible 

Level: 3 
Range: Touch 

Components: V, 5 
Casting Time: f turn 




Durotion: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The cleric cures mosr diseases — including those 
of a parasitic, bacterial, or viral nature — by placing his or her hand upon 
the diseased creature. The affliction rapidly disappears thereafter, making 
the cured creature whole and well in from 1 turn to 1 week, depending on 
the kind of disease and the state of its advancement when the cure took 
place, The reverse of I he cure disease spell is cause disease. To be 
effective, the clerk must touch the intended victim, and the victim must 
fail the saving throw. The disease caused will begin to affect the victim in 
1-6 turns, causing the afflicted creature to lose 1 hit point per turn, and 1 
point of strength per hour, until the creature Is at 10% of original hit points 
and strength, at which time the afflicted is weak and virtually helpless. 

DlipelMapJc [Abjuration) 

Level: 3 
Range: 6" 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: 3" cube 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When a cleric casts this spell, it neutralizes or 
negates the magic it comes in contact with as follows: A dispel magic will 
not affect a specially enchanted item such as a scroll, magic ring, wand, 
rod, staff, miscellaneous magic item, magic weapon, magic shield, or 
magic armor. It will destroy magic potions (they ore treated as 12th level 
for purposes of this spell), remove spells cast upon persons or objects, or 
counter the casting of spells in the area of effect. The base chance for 
success of a dispel magic spell is 50%. For every Level of experience of the 
character casting the dispel magic above that of the creature whose magic 
is to be dispelled {or above the efficiency level of the object from which 
the magic is issuing), the base chance increases by 5%, so that if there are 
10 levels of difference, there is a IOWq chance. For every level below the 
experience/efficiency level of the creature/object, the base chance is 
reduced by 2%. Note that this spell can be very effective when used upon 
charmed and similarly beguiled creatures. It is automatic in negating the 
spell caster's own magic 


Level: 3 
Range: Touch 

Duration: I turn + 1 round/levet 
Area of Effect: One person 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same os 
the third level magic-user spell, (eign death {q.v.). Note that a character of 
any level may be affected by the cleric costing this spell, and that the 
material components ore a pinch of graveyard din and the clerk's 
holy/unholy symbol. 

Glyph of Wording (Abjuration-Evocation) 

Level: 3 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent until 

Area of Effect: 25 square feet per 

fevelof fhe spe// casfer 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: Specie/ 
Saving Throw: Speaaf 

Explanation/Description: A gfyph of wording is a powerful inscription 
magically drawn to prevent unauthorized or hostile creatures from 
passing, entering, or opening. It can be used to guard o small bridge, ward 
on entry, or as a trap on a chest or box. When the spell is cast, the cleric 
weaves a tracery of faintly glowing lines around the warding sigil. For 
every square foot of area to be protected, ) segment of time is required to 
trace the wording lines from the glyph, plus the initial segment during 
which the sigil itself is traced. A maximum of a 5" X 5' area per level can 
be warded. When the spell is completed, the glyph and tracery become 
Invisible, but any creature touching the protected area without first 
speaking the name of the glyph the cleric has used to serve as a ward will 
be subject to the magic ii stores. Saving throws apply, and will either 
reduce effects by one-half or negate them according to the glyph 
employed. The cleric must use incense to trace this spell, and then sprinkle 
the area with powdered diamond (at least 2,000 g.p. worth) if it exceeds 
50 square feet. Typical glyphs shock for 2 points of electrical damage per 
level of the spell caster, explode for a like amount of fire damage, 

paralyze, blind, or even drain a life energy level (if the cleric Is of high 
enough level to cast this glyph). 

Locate Objact (Divination) Reversible 
Level: 3 

Range: 6" 4- 1'Vievel 
Duration: 1 raund/level 
Area of Effecl: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 1 turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell aids in location of a known or familiar 
object. The cleric casts the spell, slowly turns, and knows when he or she is 
facing in the direction of the object to be located, provided the object is 
within range, i.e. 7" for 1st level clerks, 6" for 2nd, 9" for 3rd, etc. The 
casting requires the use of a piece of lodestone. The spell will locate such 
objects as apparel, jewelry, furniture, tools, weapons, or even a ladder or 
stairway. By reversal (obscure abject), the cleric is able to hide on object 
from location by spell, crystal boll, or similar means. Neither application of 
the spell will affect a living creature. 

Prayer (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 3 
Range: 0 

Duration; 1 round/We/ 
Area of Effect: 6 "radius 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segmenfs 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell exactly duplicates the effects of a chonf 
with regard to bonuses of 4- 1 for friendly attacks and saving throws and -1 
on like enemy dice. However, once the prayer is uttered, the cleric can do 
other things, unlike a chant which he or she must continue to make the 
spell effective. The cleric needs a silver holy symbol, prayer beads, or a 
similar device as the material component of this spell. 

Remove Cunt (Abjuration) Reversible 

Level; 3 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: Specie/ 

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the cleric is usually able 
to remove a curse — whether it be on an object, a person, or in the form of 
some undesired sending or evil presence. Note thai the remove curse spell 
will not affect a cursed shield, weapon or suit of armor, for exomple, 
although the spell will typically enable the person afflicted wiih any such 
cursed item to be rid of it. The reverse of ihe spell is not permanent; the 
bestow curse lasts for 1 turn for every level of experience of the cleric 
using the spell. It will lower one ability of the victim to 3 (your DM will 
determine which by random selection) 50% of the time; reduce the 
victim's "to hit" and saving throw probabilities by -A 25% of the time; or 
make Ihe victim 50% likely per turn to drop whatever he, she, or it is 
holding (or simply do nothing in the case of creotures not using tools) 25% 
of the time. It is possible for a cleric to devise hts or her own curse, and it 
should be similar in power to those shown. Consull your referee. The 
targei of a besrow curse spell must be touched. If the victim is touched, a 
saving throw is still applicable; and if It is successful, the effect is negated. 




Speak With The Deed (Necromantic) 

Level: 3 
ftange: } 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: I turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Upon casting a speak wrth the dead sped, the 
cleric is able to ask several questions of a dead creature in a set period of 
time and receive answers according to ihe knowledge of thai creature. Of 
course, the cleric must be able to converse in the language which the dead 
creature once used. The length of time the creature has been dead 3s a 
factor, since only higher level clerics can converse with the long-dead. 
Likewise, the number of questions which can be answered and the length 
of time in which the questions can be asked ore dependent upon the level 
of experience of the cleric. The cleric needs o holy symbol and burning 
mcense in order to cast this spell upon the body, remains, ox portion 

Level a* 

Maximum Length of 


Number of 


Time Dead 




\ week 

1 round 


7th ^ 8th 

1 month 

3 rounds 


9th — 12th 

) yeaf 

1 lurn 


13th— 15th 

1 0 years 

2 turns 


loth 20th 

100 years 

3 turns 


2Ui and up 

1,000 years 

6 turns 


Fourth Level Spells: 

Cure Serious Wounds (Necromantic) Reversible 

level: 4 

Range: Touch 

Duration; Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V,S 
Costing Time: / segments 
Saving Throw: None 

considering the facts regarding actual area being divined. If the result is 
not correct, inaccurate Information will be obtained. The materia! 
components of the divination are a sacrificial creature, incense, and the 
holy symbol of the cleric. If an unusually poteni divination is attempted, 
sacrifice of particularly valuable gems or jewelry and/or magic items may 
be required. 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: t- 100+ turns 
Saving Throw: None 

Level: 4 
Range: | 

Duration: Permonenr 
Area of Effect: One creature or 

Explanation/Description: The spell of exorcism will negate possession of a 
creature or an object by any outside or supernatural force. This includes 
control of a creoture by some force in an object, possession by magic /or 
(q.v.) spell, demonic possession, curse, and even charm, for the exorcise 
spell is similar to a dispel magic spell. Furthermore, it will off ect a magical 
item if such is the object of the exorcism. Thus a soul object of any sort 
which comes under successful exorcism will moke the life force of the 
creature concerned wholly inhabit its nearest material body, wholly and 
MANUAL, DemonJ The exorcise spell, once begun, cannot be interrupted, 
or else it is spoiled and useless. The base chance for success is a random 
1% to 100%, Each turn of exorcism the dice ore rolled, and if the base 
chance number, or less, is rolled, the spell is successful. Base chance of 
success is modified by -1% for each level of difference between the 
cleric's level of experience and the level of the possessor or possessing 
magic, where the smaller number is the cleric's level. In the obverse, a 
+ 1% cumulative is added. The referee can determine base chance 
according to the existing circumstances if he or she so desires. Material 
components for this spell are the holy object oHhe cleric and holy water 
(or unholy, in the case, of evil clerics, with respect to object and water). A 
religious anifact or relic can increase the chance of success by from \% to 
50%, according to the power of the artifact or relic. 

Explanation/Description: This spell is a more potent version of ihe cure 
light wounds spell (q.v.) Upon laying his or her hand upon a creature, the 
cleric causes from 3 to 17 (2d8+l) hit points of wound or other injury 
damage lo the creature's body to be healed. This healing will affect only 
those creatures listed in the cure fight wounds spell explanaiion. Cause 
serious wounds, the reverse of the spell, operates similarly to the cause 
light wounds spell, the viclim hoving to be touched first, and if the touch is 
successful, it witl inflict 3 to 17 hit points. 

Defect Lie (Divination) Reversible 

Level: 3 
Range: 3" 

Du rot ion: 1 round/level 
Area of Effect: One person 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When the cleric employs this spell, the recipient 
is immediately able to determine if truth is being spoken. The spell lasts 
one round for each level of experience of the cleric casting the defect lie. 
Gold dust is necessory for this spell. Its reverse, undetectable tie, makes 
bald-face untruths seem reasonable, or simply counters the detect tie spell 
powers. The reverse spell requires brass dust as its material component. 

DMnation (Divination) 

Level: 4 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: I turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Similar to on augury spell, a divination spell is 
used to determine information regarding an area. The area can be a small 
woods, large building, or section of a dungeon level. In any cose, its 
location must be known, The spell gives Information regarding the relative 
strength of creatures in the area; whether a rich, moderate or poor 
treasure is there; and the relative chances for incurring the wrath of evil or 
good supernatural, super powerful beings if the area is invaded and 
attacked. The base chance for correct divination is 60%, plus 1% for each 
level of experience of the cleric casting the spell, i.e. 65% at 5th level, 66% 
at 6th, etc, The Dungeon Master will make adjustments to this base chance 

Lower Water (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 4 
Range; 12" 
Duration: I tumAevet 
Area of Effect: 1" X V 
squore/tevei area 

Components: v", S, M 
Casting Time: 1 turn 
Saving Throwr None 

Explanation/Description: The cleric casting a lower water spell causes 
water or similar fluid in the area of effeel to sink away. Lowering is 5% of 
original effect for every level of experience of the cleric, i.e. 40% at 8th 
level, 45% at 9th, 50% at 10th, etc. The effect of the spell lasts for 1 turn for 
each level of experience of the cleric costing It. Likewise, the area of 
effect increases by level of experience, an 8th level cleric affecting an 
area of B" X 8", a 9th level an area of 9" X 9'\ and so forth. Material 
components of this spell are the cleric's religious symbol and a pinch of 
dust. The reverse of the spell causes the water or similar fluid to return to 
its normal highest level, plus one foot for every levei of experience of the 
ciertc costj ng iir 

Neutralise Poison (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 4 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Creature touched or 
I cubic foot of substance/2 levels 

Components: V, S 
Costing Time: 7 segments 
Saving Threw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of a neutralize poison spell, the cleric 
detoxifies any sort of venom in the creature or substance touched. Note 
that an opponent, such as a poisonous repfile or snake (or even an 
envenomed weapon of an opponent) unwilling lo be so touched requires 
the cleric to score a hit in melee combat. Effects of the spell are permanent 
only with respect to poison existing in the touched creature at the time of 
the touch, i.e, creatures (or objects) which generate now poison will not 
be permanenily detoxified. The reversed spell, poison, likewise requires 
an attack (a "to hit" touch which succeeds), and the victim Is allowed a 
saving throw versus poison. 1f the latter is unsuccessful, the victim is killed 
by the poison. 




Protection From Evil, 10' 

(Abjuration) Reversible 

Level: 4 

Range; Touch 

Duration; 1 turn/level 

Area of Effect: 30' diameter sphere 

Components: V, M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The globe of protection of this, spell is Identical in 
oil respects to a protection from evil (q.v.) spell, except that it 
encompasses o much larger area and the duration of ihe projection from 
evil, )0' radius spell is greater. To complete this spell, the cleric musl trace 
a circle 20* in diameter using holy woler or Mood, incense or a 
dung as according to the protection from evil spell. 

Speak With Plants (Alteration) 

Level: 4 
Range: 0 

Duration: T round/level 

Areo of Effect: 6" diameter circle 

Components: V t S, M 
Casting Time: ? rum 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanotion/Descriplion; When cast, a speak with plants spell enables the 
cleric to converse, in very rudimentary terms, wilh afl sorts of living 
vegetables- Thus, the cleric can question plants as la whether or not 
creatures have passed through them, cause thickets to part to enable easy 
passage, require vines to entangle pursuers, and similar things. The spell 
does not enable the cleric to animate non-ambulatory vegetation. The 
power of (he spell lasts for 1 melee round for each level of experience of 
the clerk who cast it. All vegetation within the area of effect are under 
command of the spall, The material components for this spell are a drop of 
water, a pinch of dung, and a flame. 

Stick i To Snakes (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 4 
Range; 3" 

Duration: 2 rounds/level 
Area of Effect: I cubic " 

Components: V,$,M 
Costing Time: / segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; By means of this spell the cleric is able to change 
\ stick to a snake for each level of experience he or she has attained, i.e. a 
9th level cleric can change 0 sticks into ° snakes. These snakes will attack 
as commanded by the cleric There must, of course, be sticks or similar 
pieces of wood (such as torches, spears, etc.) to turn into snakes. Note that 
magical items such as staves and spears which are enchanted are nof 
affected by the spell. Only sticks within the area of effect will be changed. 
The probability of a snake thus changed being venomous is 5% per level of 
experience of the spell caster, so that there is a 55% probability of any 
given snake created by the spell being poisonous when sticks ore turned to 
snakes by on 11th level cleric, 60% at 12th level, etc. The effect lasts for 2 
melee rounds for each level of experience of the spell caster. The material 
components of the spell are a small piece of bark and several snake 
scales. The reverse changes snakes to sticks for the duration appropriate, 
or It negates the sf/cks to snakes spelt according to the level of the cleric 
countering the spell, i.e. a 10th level cleric casting the reverse spell can 
turn only 10 snakes back to sticks. 

Tongues {Alteration) Reversible 


Range: 0 
Duration; \ turn 

Area of Effect: 6" diameter circle 

Components: V, 5 
Costing Time: /segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Thfc spell enables the cleric to speak the 
language of any creature inside the spell area, whether it is a racial 
tongue of an alignment language. The reverse of the spell cancels the 
effect of the tongues spell or confuses verbaf communication of any sort 
within the area of effect 

Fifth Level Spells: 

I (Abjuration) 

Level: 5 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: One person 

Components: V, £, Art 
Casting Time: J turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is used by the cleric to remove the onus 
of unwilling or unknown deeds from the person who is the subject of the 
atonement. The spelt will remove the effects of magical alignment change 
as well. The person far whom atonement is being made must be either 
truly repentant or not in command of his or her awn will so as la be able to 
be repentant. Your reterse will judge thts spell in Ihis regard, noting any 
pasi instances of Its use upon the person. Deliberate misdeeds and acts of 
knowing and willful nature cannot be atoned for with this spell. The 
material components of this spell ore the cleric's religious symbol, prayer 
beads or wheel or book, and burning incense. 


Level: 5 
Range: 0 

Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Spec ia/ 

Components: V, S, Art 
Costing Time: 1 turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: fly use of a commune spell the cleric is able to 
contact his or her divinity — or agents thereof — and request information 
m the form of questions which can be answered by o simple "yes" or 
"no". The cleric is allowed one such question for every level of experience 
he or she has attained. The answers given will be correct. It is probable 
that the referee will limit the use of commune spells to one per adventure, 
one per week, or even one per month, for the "gods" dislike 1 
interruptions, The material components necessary to a c 
the cleric's religious symbol, holy/unholy water, and incense. 

Level: 5 

Range; Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 8 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

on: The cure critical wounds spell is a very potent 
version of the cure light wounds spell (q.v.). The cleric lays his or her hand 
upon a creature and heals from 6 to27{3d8+3) hit points of damage from 
wounds or other damage. The spell does not affect creatures excluded in 
the cure light wounds spell explanation. Its reverse, cause serious wounds, 
operates in the same fashion as other cause wounds spells, requiring a 
successful touch to inflict the 6-27 hit points of damage. Caused wounds 
heal as do wounds of other sorts. 

Dispel Evil (Abjuration) Reversible 

Level: 5 

Range: Touch 

Duration: I round/level 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Component: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 8 segments 
Soving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: The cleric using this spell causes summoned 
crealures of evil nature, or monsters enchanted ond caused to perform evil 
deeds, to return to their own plane or place. Examples of such creatures 
are: aerial servants, demons, devils, djinn, afreet, elemental, and 
invisible stalkers. Note that this spell lasts for 1 melee round for each level 
of experience of the caster, and while the spell is in effect all creatures 
which could be affected by it attack at o -7 penalty on their "to hit" dice 
when engaging the spell coster. The reverse of the spell, dfSpef good, 
functions against summoned or enchanted crealures of good alignment or 
sent to aid the cause of good. The material components for this spell ore 


Level: 5 
Range: 6" 
Duration: t segment 
Area of Effect: 1" diameter by 3" 
high column 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: 4 

Explanation/Description: When the cleric calls down a flame strike spell, a 
column of fire roars downward in the exact location called for by the 
caster, If any creature Is within the area of effect of a flame strike, if must 
make a saving throw. Failure to make the save means the creature has 
sustained 6-48 (6d8) hit points of damage; otherwise, 3-24 |3d8) hit points 
of damage are taken. The material component of this spell Is a pinch of 




Plogu* (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Roi*« Dead (Necromantic) Reversible 

Level: 5 
Range; 36" 
Duration: I turn/level 
Area of Effect: 36" diameter, 6" 
high cloud 

Components^ V, 5, M 
Casting Time; J turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Expfa not ion/ Description: When this spell is cast by the cleric, a horde of 
creeping, hopping, and flying insects swarm in a thick cloud. These insects 
obscure vision, limiting it to 3". Creatures within the insect plague sustain 
1 hit point of damage for each melee round they remain in it due to the 
bites and stings of the insects, regardless of armor class. The referee will 
cause all creatures with fewer than five hit dice to check morale. Creatures 
with two or fewer hit dice will automatically move-at their fastest possible 
speed in a straight line in a random direction until they are not less than 
24" distant from the cloud of insects. Creatures with fewer than five hit 
dice which foil their morale check will behave likewise. Heavy smoke will 
drive off insects within Its bounds. Fire will also drive insects away; a wait 
of fire in a ring shope will keep the insect plague outside its confines, but a 
fire ball will simply clear insects from its blast area far 1 turn, Lightning and 
cold/ice act likewise. The plague losts for 1 turn for each level of 
experience of the cleric cosiing the spell, and thereafter the insects 
disperse. The insects swarm in an area which centers around a summoning 
point determined by the spell caster, which point can be up to 36" distant 
from the cleric. The rnsecr p/ogue does not move thereafter for as long as it 
lasts, Nole that the spell can be countered by casting a dispel magic upon 
the summoning point. A cube of force (a special magic item) would keep 
insects awoy from a character seeking the center of the swarm, but 
invisibility would afford no protection, The material components of this 
spell are a few grains of sugar, some kernels of grain, and a smear of fgi. 

Plane Shift (Alteration) 

Level: 5 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 8 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When the plane shift spell is cast, ihe cleric 
moves himself or herself or some other creature to another plane of 
existence. The recipient of the spell will remain in the new plane until sent 
forth by some like means. If several persons link hands in a circle, up to 
seven can be affected by the plane shift ol Ihe same lime. The material 
component of this spell is o smoll, forked metal rod — the exact size and 
metal type dictating to which plane of existence the spell will send the 
affected creature(s) to. (Your referee will determine specifics regarding 
how and what planes are reached.) An unwilling victim musl be touched 
in order to be sent thusly; and in addition, the creature also is allowed a 
saving throw, and if the latter is successful the effect of the spell is 

Quest { Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 5 
Range: 6" 

Duration: Until fulfilled 
Area of Effect: One creoture 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 8 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg 

Explanation/Description: The quest is o spell by means of which the cleric 
requires the affected creoture to perform a service and return to the cleric 
with proof that the deed was accomplished, The quest can, for example, 
require the location and return of some Importanl or valuable abject, ihe 
rescue of a notabie person, the release of some creoture, the capture of a 
stronghold, the slaying of a person, the delivery of some Item, and so 
forth. If the quest is not properly followed due lo disregard, delay, or 
perversion, the creature offected by the spell loses 1 from its saving throw 
dice for each day of such action, and this penalty will noi be removed until 
the quest is properly discharged or the cleric cancels it. [There are certain 
circumstances which will temporarily suspend a quest, and other which 
will discharge or cancel it; your Dungeon Master will give you appropriaie 
information as the need to know arises,) The material component of this 
spell is the cleric's religious symbol. 

Level: 5 
Range: 3 
Duration: Permanent 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: j round 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description* When the cleric casts a raise dead spell, he or 
she can restore life to a dwarf, gnome, half-elf, halfling, or human. The 
length of time which the person has been dead is of importance, as the 
cleric can raise dead persons only up to a certain point, the limit being 1 
day for each level of experience of the cleric, i.e. a 9th level clerk can 
raise a person dead for up to 9 days. Note that the body of the person must 
be whole, or otherwise missing parts will still be missing when the person 
is brought back to life. Also, the resurrected person must make a special 
saving throw to survive the ordeal (see CHARACTER ABILITITIES. 
Constitution), furthermore, the raised person is weak and helpless in any 
event, and he or she will need one full day of rest in bed for each day he 
or she was dead. The somatic component qf the spell is a pointed finger. 
The reverse of the spell, slay living, allows the victim a saving throw, and if 
n is successful, the victim sustains damage equal only to thot caused by a 
cause senous wounds spell, i,e, 3-17 hit points. An evil cleric can freely use 
the reverse spell; o good cleric must exercise extreme caution in its 
employment, being absolutely certain thot the victim of the slay living 
spell is evil and that his or her death is a matter of great necessity and for 
good, otherwise the olignment of the cleric will be sharply chonged. Note 
thai newly mode undeod, excluding skeletons, which fall within the days 
of being dead limit are affected by raise dead spells cost upon them. The 
effect of the spell is to cause them to become resurrected dead, providing 
Ihe constitution permits survival; otherwise, they are simply dead. 


(Divination) Reversible 

Level: 5 
Range: Touch 
Duration: J round//eveJ 
Area of Effect: 12" sight range 

Components: V,S f M 
Casting Time: 8 sej 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When the cleric employs this spell, all things 
within the area of the true seeing effect oppear as they actually are. Secret 
doors become plain. The exact location of displaced things is obvious. 
Invisible things and those which are astral or ethereal become quite 
visible. Illusions and apparilrons are seen through, Polymorphed, 
changed, or magicked things ore apparent. Even the aura projected by 
creatures becomes visible, so that Ihe cleric is able to know whether they 
are good or evil or between. The spell requires an ointment for the eyes. 
The ointment is made from very rare mushroom powder, saffron, ond fat. 
The reverse of the spell, faJse seeing, couses the person to see things as 
they are not, rich being poor, rough smooth, beautiful ugly. The ointment 
for the reverse spell is concocted of oil, poppy dust, and pink orchid 
essence. For both spells, the ointment must be aged for 1 ~o months. 

Sixth L ove I Spell si 

Aerial Servant (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level; 6 
Range: J r ' 

Duration: f day 'level 
Area of Effeci: Special 

Components: V t S 
CaslingTime: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell summons an invisible aerial servant 

the bidding of the cleric who conjured it. The creature does not f Ighl, but it 
obeys the command of the cleric with respect to finding and returning with 
whatever object or creature that is described to it. Of course, the object or 
creoture musl be such as to allow the aerial servant to physically bring It to 
the cleric or his or her assign. The spell caster should keep in mind the 
consequences of having an aerial servant prevented, for any reason, from 
completion of Ihe assigned duty. The spell lasts for a maximum of 1 day for 
each level of experience of the cleric who cast it. The aerial servant returns 
to its own plane whenever the spell lapses, its duty is fulfilled, It is 
dispelled. Ihe cleric releases it or the cleric is slain. The cleric must have a 
protection from evil spell, or be within a mogic circle, thaumaturgic 
triangle, or pentagram when summoning on aerial servant unless the 
cleric has his or her religious symbol or a religious artifact or relic to use to 




control the creature. Otherwise, the crealure will slay its summoner and 
return from whence it come. The aerial servant will always attack by 
complete surprise when sent on o mission, and gain the benefit of 4 free 
melee rounds unless the creature involved is able to detecl invisible 
objects, in which cose o six-sided die is rolled, and 1 = 1 free round, 2=2 
free rounds, 3=3 free rounds, 4—4 free rounds, and 5 or 6 = 0 free 
rounds (the opponent is not surprised at all). Each round ihe oena\ servant 
must dice to score a hit, and when o hit is scored, it means the aerial 
servant has grabbed ihe item or crealure it was sent to take and bring back 
lo ihe cleric. If a creature is involved, the aerial servant's strength is 
compared to ihe strength of the creature lo be broughl. If the creature in 
question does not have o strength rating, roll the appropriate number of 
the correct type of hit dice for the aerial servant ond for the creature ii has 
grabbed. The higher total is the stronger. 

Animate Object {Alteration ) 

Level: 6 
Range: 3 " 

Duration: I round/level 

Area of Effect: J cubic footle vef 

Components: V, $ 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; This powerful spell enables the cleric casting it lo 
imbue inanimate objects with mobility and a semblance of life. The 
animaied object, or objects, then attack whomever or whatever ihe cleric 
f irsi designates. The object con be of any material whatsoever wood, 
metal, Stone, fobric, leather, ceramic, glass, eic. The speed of movement 
of ihe object is dependent upon its means of propulsion and Its weight. A 
large wooden table would be raiher heavy, but its legs would give it 
speed. A rug could only slither along. A [or would roll. Thus a lorge sione 
pedestal would rock forward at 1" per round, a stone siaiue would move 
at 4" per round, a wooden statue 8" per round, an ivory stool of light 
weight would move at 12". Slithering movement is about T J to 2" per 
round, roiling 3" to 6" per round. The damage caused by the attack of an 
animaied object is dependent upon Its form and composition. Light, supple 
objects can only obscure vision, obstruct movemeni, bind, trip, smother, 
etc. Light, hard objects can fall upon or otherwise sirike for 1-2 hit points of 
damage or possibly obstruct and trip as do light, supple objects. Hard, 
medium weighi objects can crush or sirike for 2^8 hit points of damage, 
those larger and heavier doing 3-12, 4-16 r or even 5-20 hit poinrs of 
damage. The frequency of attack of animated objects is dependent upon 
their method of locomohon. appendages, and method of attack. This 
varies from as seldom as once every five melee rounds to as frequenily as 
once per melee round. The armor class of Ihe object animated is basically 
a function of material and movement ability with regard to hitting. 
Damage is dependent upon ihe type of weapon and the object struck. A 
sharp cuiting weapon is effective against fabric, leather, wood and like 
substances. Heavy smashing and crushing weapons are useful agamsi 
wood, stone, and metal objects. Your referee will deiermine all of these 
factors, as well as how much damage the animated object can sustain 
before being destroyed. The cleric can animate 1 cubic foot of moier iai for 
each level of experience he or she has attained. Thus, a Uth level cleric 
could animate one or more objects whose solid volume did noi exceed U 
cubic feet, i.e. a large statue, two rugs, three chairs, or a dozen average 

Blad»Borri»r (Evocation) 

Level: a 
Range: 3" 

Duration: 3 rounaV revel" 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 9segmenrs 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanaiion/Description:The cleric employs this spell to set up a wall of 
circling, razor-sharp blades. These whirl and flash in endless movement 
around an immobile point. Any creature which attempts lo pass through 
the bfode barrier suffers 8-64 (8d8) hit points of damoge in doing so. The 
barrier remains for 3 melee rounds for every levei of experience of the 
cleric casting 11. The barrier con cover any area from as small as 5' square 
to as large as 2" square, i.e. 20' X 20' under ground, 60' X 60 r outdoors. 

Con|ure Anlmali (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 6 
Range: 3" 

Duralion: 2 rounds/ level 
Area of Effect: Speciar 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The conjure ontmah spell enables the cleric to 
summon a mammal, or several of them, to his locale in order that the 
crealure(s) can attack the cleric's opponents. The conjured onimal(s) 
remain in the cleric's locale for 2 melee rounds for each level of experi- 
ence of the cleric conjuring it {them), or until slain. The spell caster can, by 
means of his incantaiion, call up one or more mammals with hit dice 
whose total does noi exceed his or her level. Thus, □ cleric of 12th level 
could conjure one mammal with 12 hrt dice, two with 6 hit dice each, three 
with 4 hit dice each, 4 with 3 hit dice each, six with 2 hit dice each, or 12 
with 1 hit die each. For every + 1 (hit point) of a creature's hit dice, count 
1/4 of a hit die, i.e. a creature with 4 +3 hit dice equals a A 3/4 hil dice 
creature. The creolure(s) summoned by the spell will unfailingly attack the 
opponents) of the cleric by whom the spell was cast. 

Find The Perth (Divinaiion) Reversible 

Level: 6 
Range: Touch 
Duration: i rurn/fevei 
Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components; V, S, M 
Costing Time: 3 rounds 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanotion/Descripiion: By use of this spell, the cleric is enabled to find 
Ihe shortesi, most direct route that he or she is seeking, be it ihe way to or 
from or out of a locale. The locale can be outdoors or underground, a trap 
or even a maze spell. The spell will enable the cleric to seleci the correct 
direction which will eventually lead him or her to egress, the exact path to 
follow (or actions lo take), and this knowledge will persist as long as the 
spell lasts, I.e. 1 turn for each level of experience of the cleric casting frnd 
the path. The spell frees the cleric r and ihose with him or her from a maze 
spell in a single melee round and will continue to do so as long as ihe spell 
lasts. The material component of this spell is a set of divination counters of 
the sort favored by the cleric — bones, ivory counters, sticks, carved runes, 
or whatever. The reverse, lose the path, makes the creature touched totally 
lost and unable to find its way for the duration of the spell, ollhough it can 
be led, of course. 

Heal (Necromantic) Reversible 

Level : 6 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: } round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The very poteni heol spell enables the clerk to 
wipe away disease and in|ury in the creature who receives the benefits of 
the spell. It wilt completely cure any and all diseases and/or blindness of 
the recipient and heal all hit points of damage suffered due to wounds or 
injury, save 1 to 4 (d4). It dispels a feeblemind spell. Naturally, the effects 
can be negated by later wounds, m|unes r and diseases. The reverse, harm, 
infects the victim with a disease and causes loss of all hit points, as 
damage, save 1 to 4 {64), If a successful touch is inflicted. For creatures not 
affected by the heal (or harm; spell, see cure light wounds. 

Port Water (Alteration) 
Level: 6 

Range: 2"/ level 
Duration: J turn/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 1 turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; By employing a parr water spell, the cleric is able 
10 couse woler or similar liquid to move apart, thus forming a trough. The 
depth and length of ihe trough created by the spell is dependent upon the 
level of the cleric, and a irough 3' deep by 1' by 2" (20' or 20 yards) is 
created per level, i.e. ot 1 2th level the cleric would parr water 36' deep by 
1 2' wide by 24" (240' or 240 yards) long. The Irough will remain as long as 
ihe spell lasts or until ihe cleric who cost it opts to end its effects (cf t 
mogfc). The material component of this spell is the cleric's 

Speak With Montter* (Alteration) 
Level: 6 

Range: 3" radius 
Duration: 1 round/hvef 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When cosi, the speak with monsters spell allows 
the cleric to converse with any type of creature which has any form of 
communicative ability. That is, the monster will understand the inteni of 




what is said to it by the cleric. The creature or creatures thus spoken to will 
be checked by your referee in order to determine reaction AM creatures of 
the same type as that chosen by the cleric to speak to can likewise 
understand if they are within range. The spell lasts for 1 melee round per 
level of experience of the cleric casting tt H and during its duration 
conversation can toke place as the monster is able and desires. 

Stone Tell (Divination) 

Level: 6 
Range: Touch 
Duration: I turn 

Area of Effect: One cubic yard of 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: T turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When the cleric costs a stone tell upon an area, 
the very stones will speak and relate to the coster who or what has touched 
them as well as relfing what is covered, concealed, or simply behind the 
place ihey are. The stones will relate complete descriptions as required. 
The material components for this spell are a drop of mercury and o bit of 

Word Of Recall (Alteration) 

Range: 0 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Spec ial 

Components; V 
Costing Time: f segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The word of recoil spell takes the cleric instanily 
back to his or her sanctuary when the word is uttered, The sanctuary must 
be specifically designated in advance by the clerk. It must be a well 
known place, but it con be any distance from the cleric, above or below 
ground Transportation by the ward of recall spell fs infallibly safe, The 
cleric is able io transport, in addition to himself or herself, 250 gold pieces 
weight cumulative per level of experience. Thus, o 15th level cleric could 
transport his or her person and 3,750 (375 pounds) gold pieces weight in 
addition; this extra matter can be equipment, treasure, or living material 
such as another person* 

Seventh Level Spell si 
Aitrol Spell (Alteration) 

level: 7 
Range: Touch 
□uralion: Special" 
Area of Effect: Spec lot 

Components: V, S 
Costing Time: 3 turns 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of ihe astro) spell a cleric is able to 
project his or her astral body into the Astro/ Plane, leaving hts or her 
physical body and material possessions behind on the Prrme Material 
Plane, (the plone on which the entire universe and all of its parallels have 
existence]. Only certain magic Hems which have multi-planed existence 
can be brought into the Astral Plane. As the Astro/ Plane touches upon all 
of the first levels of ihe Outer Planes, the cleric con Travel astrally lo any of 
these Outer Planes as he or she wills. The cleric then leaves the Astral 
Plane, forming o body on the plane of existence he or she fias chosen to 
enter. It is also possible to travel astrally anywhere in the Prime Material 
Plane by means of the astral spell, but a second body cannot be formed on 
the Prime Material Plane. As a general rule, a person astrally projected 
can be seen only by creatures on the Astral Plane. At oil times the astral 
body is connected to the material by a silvery cord. If the cord is broken, 
the affected person is killed, astrally and materially, but generally only the 
psychic wind con normally cause the card to break. When o second body is 
formed on o different plane, ihe silvery cord remains invisibly attached to 
the new body, and the cord simply returns to the latter where it rests on the 
Prime Material Plane, reviving it from its state of suspended animation. 
Although astrally projected persons are able to funciion on the Astral 
Plone, their actions do not offect creatures not existing on the Asrraf Plane. 
The spell lasts until the cleric desires to end it, or until it is terminated by 
some outside means (dispel magic or destruction of the cleric's body on 
the Prrme Material Plane). The cleric can take up to five other creatures 
with him or her by means of the astral spell, providing the creatures ore 
linked in a circle with the clerk. These fellow travelers are dependent 
upon the cleric and can be stranded. Travel in the Astral Plane can be slow 
or fast according to the clerk's desire. The ultimate destinaiion arrived oi is 

subject to the conceptualization of the cleric. [See APPENDIX IV, THE 
KNOWN PLANES OF EXISTENCE, for further information on the Astral 
Plane and astral projeclksn.) 

Control Weather (Alteration) 

Level: 7 
Range: 0 

Duration: 4-48 hours 

Area of Effect: 4- 16 square miles 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: ) turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The control weather spell allows a cleric to 
change the weather in the area he or she is in at the time the spell is cost. 
The spelt will affect the weather for from 4 to 48 hours {4d^ 2) in an areo of 
from 4 to 16 square miles (4d4) li requires I turn to cost the spell, ond on 
additional 1 to 4 (d4) turns for the effects of the weather to be felt. The 
control weather spell will not radically change the temperature, t,e, from 
below zero to a 100 degree temperature heat wove. The weather control 
possible depends upon the prevailing conditions: 


Very clear 

Light clouds or hazy 

Clear weother 


Mist/Light rain/small hail 
Sleet/Light snow 
Partly cloudy 
Deep clouds 

Heavy rain/Large hail 
Driving sleet/Heavy snow 


Warm weother 
Sweltering heal 

Hot weather 
Cool weather 

Warm weather 
Cold weather 

Cool weother 
Arctic cold 


Dead calm 
Light breeze 


Strong wind 

Light wind 


Strong wind 




All three aspects of the weal her (clouds/precipitation, temperature, and 
wind) can be controlled, but only as shown. For example, o day which is 
clear, warm, and with light wind can be controlled to become hazy, hot 
and calm. Contradictions ore not possible — fog and strong wind, for 
example. Multiple control weother spells can be used only in succession. 
The material components for this spell are the cleric's religious symbol, 
incense, and prayer beods or similar prayer object. Obviously, this spell 
functions only in areos where there are appropriate climatic conditions. 

Earthquake (Alteration) 

Level: 7 

Ronge: 12" 

Duration: 1 round 

Area of Effect: W l diameter/level 

Components: V, $, M 
Casting Time: 1 turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast by a cleric, a local tremor 
of fairly high strength rips the ground. The shock is over in one melee 
round. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and 
creatures in its locale, The area of effect of the earthquake spell is circular, 
the diameter being '/*" for every level of experience of Ihe cleric casting 
it, i.e. a 20th level cleric casts an earthquake spell with a 10" diameter 
areo of effect: 

Effects are as follows: 


Cave or cavern 




Collapses roof 

— Crumble causing landslide 

— Cracks open, co using creatures to 
fall in ond be killed as follows: 

— SizeS— 1 in4(d4) 

— SizeM— 1 In 6 (do) 

— SizeL— 1 in8(d8) 

— Drains water off to form muddy, 
rough ground 

— Caves in 







Small growth 

All structure* 

See above 

— No effect 

— Hn 3 ore uprooted and foil 

— Sustain from 5 to 60 points (5dl2) 
of structural damage; those taking full 
damage are thrown down in rubble 

The materiol components for this spell are a pinch of dirt, a piece of rock, 
and a lump of clay. 


Level: 7 
Range: 1" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Exp la not ion/Description: The casting of a gore spell has two effects: first, it 
causes an ultra-dimensionol connection between the plane of existence 
the cleric is on and that plane on which dwells o specific being of great 
power, the result enabling the being to merely step through the gate, or 
portal, from its plane to that of ihe cleric; second, the utterance of the spell 
attrocts the attention of the dweller on the other plane. When casting the 
spell, the cleric must name the demon, devil, demi god, god, or similar 
being he or she desires ro make use of the gate and came to the cleric's 
aid. There is a 100% certainty that something will step through the gate. 
The actions of the being which comes ih rough wiJI depend on many 
factors, including the alignment of the cleric, the nature of those in 
company with him or her, and who or what opposes or threatens the cleric. 
Your Dungeon Master will have a sure method of dealing with the 
variables of the situation. The being gated in will either return 
immediately (very unlikely} or remain to takeocilon, 

Holy (Unholy) Word (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 7 
Range: 0 
Duration: Speciol 
Areo of Effect: 3" rod/us 

Components: V 
Costing Time: I segment 
Soving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The utterance of a hofy (unholy) word has 
tremendous power. It drives off evil (goad) creatures from other planes, 
forcing them to return to their own plane(s) of existence. It further affects 
other creatures of differing alignment as follows: 

Creature s 

Hit Dice or 







less lhan 4 


4 to 7+ 

paralyzes 1-4 

6 to 1 1 + 

stuns 2-8 




1 2 or more 

deafens 1 -4 




50% chance 

of failure 

Affected creatures must be within the 6" diameter area of effect centering 
on the cleric costing the spell. 

(Necromontic) Reversible 

Level: 7 

Range; Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 rounds 
Saving Throw: None 

Exp la not ion/ Description: When a regenerate spell is cost, body members 
(fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, toils, or even the heads of 
multi-headed creatures), bones, or organs will grow back. The process of 
regeneration requires but 1 round if the member(s) severed is (are) 
present and touching the creature, 2-8 turns otherwise. The reverse, 

causes the member or organ touched to shrivel and cease 
functioning in 1 round, dropping off into dust in 2-6 turns. As is usual, 
creatures must be touched In order to have harmful effeci occur. The 
material components of this spell are a prayer device and holy/unholy 

(Necromantic) Reversible 

Level: 7 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 3 rounds 
Soving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the life energy level of 
the recipient creature is raised upwards by one. This subsumes previous 
life energy level drain of the creature by some force or monster. Thus, if a 
10th level character had been struck by a wight ond drained to 9th level, 
the restoration spell would bring the character up la exoctly ihe number of 
experience points necessary to restore him or her to lOlh level once again, 
ond restoring additional hit dice (or hit points) ond level functions 
accordingly. Restoration is only effective if the spell is cast within 1 
day/level of experience of the dene costing it of the recipient's loss of life 
energy. The reverse, energy drain, draws away a life energy level (cf 
such "undeod" as spectre, wight, vampire). The energy drain requires ihe 
victim to be touched. A restoration spell will restore the intelligence of a 
creaiure affected by a feeblemiad spell (q, v.), 

mecromannc ) Keversioie 

Level: 7 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Person touched 

Components: V, $, M 
Casting Time: J turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The cleric employing lni * is odI * tQ restore 
life ond compleie strength to the person he/she bestows the resurrection 
upon. The person can have been dead up to 10 years cumulative per level 
of ihe cleric casting me spell, i.e. a 1 9th level cleric can resurrect tfw bones 
of a person dead up to 190 years. See raise dead for limitations on what 
persons can be raised. The reverse, destruction, causes the victim of the 
spell to be instantly dead and turned to dust. Destruction requires a tauch r 
either in combat or otherwise. The material components of the spell are 
the cleric's religious symbol and holy/unholy water. Employment of this 
spell makes it impossible for the cleric to cast further spells or engage in 
combat until he or she has had one day of bed rest for each level of 
experience of the person brought back to life or destroyed. 

Symbol (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 7 
Range: Touch 
Duration: \ lurn/tevei 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg, 

Explanation/Description: The cleric casting this spelt inscribes a symbo/ in 
the air or upon any surface, according to his or her wish. The symbol glows 
for 1 lurn for each level of experience of the cleric casting it. The particular 
symbol used can be selected by the cleric at the time of casting, selection 
being limited to: 




— Creotures seeing it must turn bock in dejection 
and/or surrender to capture or attack unless they 
save versus magic. Its effects last for 3 to 1 2 turns. 

— Creatures affected suffer -4 on "to hit" 
ond 2 on dexterity ability score due to wracking 
pains. The effects last for 2-20 turns* 

— Creatures seeing the symbol become of the 
some alignment os and friendly to the cleric who 
scribed the symbol for from 1 to 20 turns unless a 

The material components of this spell are mercury ond phosphorus, (cf. 
eighth level magic- user symbol spell.) 




Wind Wolk (Alierotion) 

Level: 7 
Range: Tot/eh 
Duration: 6 turns/level 
Area of Effect: Spec fa I 

Components: V, 5, M 
Coaling Time: J round 
Saving Throw: None 

Expl on ot i on /Descr i pt i a n : This spell enables the cleric, and possibly one or 
two other persons, to alter the substance of his or her body to cloud-like 
vapors. A magical wind then wafts the clerk along ot a speed of up to 60" 
per turn, or as stow as 6" per turn, as the spell coster wills. The wind wo/k 
spell lasts os long as the clerk desires, up to a maximum duration of 6 turns 
(one hour) per level of experience of the caster. For every B levels of 
experience the clerk has attained, up to 24, he or she is able to touch 
another and carry that person, or those two persons, along with the wind 
walk, Persons wind walking are nol invisible but appear misty and are 
transparent. If fully clothed in white they are 60% likely to be mistaken for 
clouds, fog. vapors, etc. The material components of this spell are fire and 
holy/unholy water 


Nate* Regarding Druid (Cleric) Spell*; 

The religious symbol of druids is mistletoe. Of lesser importance is holly. 
Some magical power resides in oak leaves. A fj of the druidic spef/s with a 
material component assume the use of mrstiefoe, as gathered by the druid 
character in the manner described hereafter. Lesser mistletoe, as well as 
holly and oak leaves, will reduce spell effectiveness as follows: 


Lesser mistletoe 
Borrowed mistletoe 

Oak leaves 







• or + ) on saving throw, if any, if category is not applicable 
** or + 2 on saving throw, if any, if category is not applicable 

Greater mistletoe, thai is, mistletoe which is properly harvested by the 
druid, must be gathered by the druid as follows. On Midsummer's Eve, the 
druid must locate his mistletoe, cut it with a gold or silver sickle and catch 
it in a bowl before it touches the ground. 

Lesser mistletoe is that which is not harvested on the eve of midsummer, or 
thai which the druid takes in a way which is not prescribed (such os picking 
by hand). 

Training for eoch such "irick" must be done over a period of 1 week, and 
oil musi be done within 3 months of acquiring the creature. During the 
training period the animal will not harm Ihe druid, but if the creature is left 
alone for more than 3 days It will revert to its natural state and act 
accordingly. The druid may use this spell to attract up to 2 hit dice of 
animaifs) per level of experience he or she possesses. This also means 
that the druid can never have more hit dice of animals so attracted and 
trained than are equal lo or less than twice his or her levels of experience. 
Only neutral animals can be attracted, befriended, and trained. The 
material components of this spell are mistletoe and a piece of food 
attractive to the animal subject. 

Defect Magic (Divination) 

Level: ) 
Range; 0 

Duralion: 12 rounds 

Area of Effect: I " path, 4" fong 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except a$ noted above, this spell is the same as 
the first level cleric spell of the same name. 

Detect Snare* t Plti (Divination) 

Level: T 
Range: 0 

Duration: 4 rounds/ level 
Area of Effect: J " porh, 4" /ong 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
SavingThrow: None 

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spelt, the druid is able to detect 
snores & pits along the 1" wide by 4'* long area of effeel path and thus 
avoid such deadfalls. Note ihat in ihe underground only simple pits, not all 
farms of traps, would be detected by means of this spell. Ouldoors, the 
spell detects all forms of traps — deadfalls, missile trips, snares, etc. The 
spell lasts 4 melee rounds for each level of experience of ihe druid casiing 
it, i.e. 4 rounds at the 1st level, 6 ot the 2nd, 12(1 turn plus 2 rounds) at the 
3rd, etc. 

Entangle (Alteration ) 

Level; I 

Range: 8" 

Dura r ion: I turn 

Area of Effect: 4" diameter 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: 16 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the druid is able to cause 
plants in the area of effect to entangle creatures within Ihe area. The 
grasses, weeds, bushes, and even trees wrap, twist, and entwine about 
creatures, thus holding them fasl for the duration of the spell. If any 
creature in the area of effect makes its saving ihrow, the effect of the spell 
is to slow its movement by 50% for the spell duration. 

Borrowed mistletoe Is any mistletoe which is not personally harvested by 
the druid. 

Holly and oak [eaves must be gathered by the druid, but these may be 
picked or gathered in any manner. 

Fire (Alteration) 

Level: I 
Range: 8" 

Duration: 4 rounds/level 
Area of Effect: 12 linear feet/level 
within a 4" radius 

Components: V 
- Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

First Lewi Spoils: 

i (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: | 
Range: I" 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: One animal 

Components: V, $, M 
Casting Time: 6 turns 
Saving Throw; Neg, 

Explanation/Description; By means of this spell the druid is able to show 
any animal which is of at leasi animo! intelligence (but not above 
semi- intelligent rating) that the druid is disposed to be its friend. If the 
animal does not make Its saving throw versus magic immediately when 
the spell is begun, it will stand quietly while the druid finishes the spell. 
Thereafter, It will follow the druid about, and he or she can leach It 3 
specific "tricks" or tasks for each point of Intelligence it possesses, (Typical 
tasks are those taught a dog or similar pet, I.e. they cannot be complex.) 

Explanaiion/Description: When the druid casts this spell, he or she outlines 
on object or creature with a pale glowing light. The completeness of the 
lining is dependent upon the number of linear feet the druid is able to 
affect, about 12' per level (i.e. one 6' man or two 3" kobolds). If there is 
sufficient power, several objects or creatures can be covered by the faerie 
fire, but one must be fully outlined before the next is begun, and all must 
be within the area of effect. Outlined objects or creatures ( including those 
otherwise invisible} ore visible at 8" in the dark, 4" if the viewer is near a 
brighl light source. Outlined creatures are easier to strike, thus opponents 
gain +2 on "to hit" dice. The foene fire can be blue, green, or violet 
according to the word of the druid at the time he or she casts the spell. The 
faerie fire does not itself cause any harm to the object or creature lined. 

Invltlblllty To Animals (Alteration) 

Level: I 
Range: Touch 

? nts: S, M 
gTime: 4 segment 




Duration: I turn + T round/level 
Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When an invisibility to animals spoil is cost by a 
druid, the recipient of the magic becomes totally undetectable with 
respect to normal animals with Intelligence under 6, Normal animals 
includes giant-sized varieties, but it excludes any with magical abilities or 
powers. The magicked individual is able la walk amongst animals or pass 
through them as if he or she did not exist. For example, this individual 
could stand before the hungriest of lions or o tyronnosaurus rex and not be 
molested or even noticed. However, a nightmare, hell hound, or winter 
wolf would certainly be aware of the individual. The material component 
of ihis spell is holly rubbed aver Ihe individual 


Level: ? 
Range: 0 

Duration: I round/level 
Area of Effect: 2" path 2" 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: I round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The druid with o locate animaU spell is able to 
determine the direction and distance of any of the desired animals within 
the area of effect. The sought after animal con be of any son, but the druid 
must concentrate on the sort desired. The cleric faces in a direction, thinks 
of she animal desired, and he or she then knows if any such animal is 
within spell range. During a round of spell effect duration, the druid must 
face in only one direction, i.e., only a 2" wide path can be known. The 
spell lasts 1 round per level of experience of the druid, while the length of 
Ihe path is 2" per level of experience. 

Pots Without Troce (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: } 

Range: Touch 

Duration: f turn/level 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, £, M 
Costing Time: i round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is casi, the recipient con move 
through any type of terrain — mud, snow, dust, etc. — and leave neither 
footprint nor seem. Thus, tracking a person or other creature covered by 
this dweomer is impossible. The material components of this spell are a 
leaf of mislletoe (which must be burned thereafter and the ashes 
powdered and scattered) and a sprig of pine or evergreen. Note: The area 
which is passed over will radiate o dweomer for 6-36 turns after ihe 
affected creature i 

Components: V, S, Afl 
Casting Time; J round 
Saving Throw: None 

Predict Weather (Divination) 

Level: I 
Range: 0 

Duration: 2 hours/revel 

Area of Effect: Nine square miles 

Explanation/Description: When a predict weather spell is cast by a druid, 
he or she gains 100% accurate knowledge of the weather (sky, 
temperature, precipitation} in a nine square mile area centering on the 
druid. For each level of experience of Ihe druid casting the spell, two hours 
advance weather can be forecast Thus, at 1st level the druid knows what 
the weather will be for two hours; at second level he or she knows the 
weother for 4 hours in advance, etc. 

Purify Water (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 1 
Range: 4" 

Duration: Perm on en f 
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot//evel, 
J "square area 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: I round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation /Description: This spell mokes dirty, contaminated water clean 
and pure, suitable for consumption. Up to one cubic foot per level of the 
druid casting the spell can be thus purified. The reverse of the spelt, 
contaminate wafer, works in exactly the same manner, and even 
holy/unholy water con be spoiled by its effects. 

Shillelagh (Alteration) 

Level: J 
Ronge: Touch 
Duration: f round/level 
Area of Effect: One normoJ oaken 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell enobles the druid to change his awn 
oaken cudgel into a magical weapon which is + 1 to Hit and inflicts 2-8 hit 
points of damage on opponents up to man-sized, 2-5 hit points of damage 
an larger opponents. The druid must wield the sh/Ketogh, of course. The 
material components of this spell ore an oaken club, any mistletoe, and a 
shamrock leaf. 

spec* Vi itn Amman [AneraTionj 

Level: r 
Range: 0 

Duration: 2 rounds/) evel 
Area of Effect: One animal type in 
4" radius of druid 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same os 
Ihe second level cleric spell of the same name, 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 


Level: 2 
Range: Touch 
Duration: 4 rounds + T 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Explanation/Description: When the druid casts the bork&kin spell upon a 
creature, its armor class Improves 1 place because the creature's skin 
becomes as tough as bark. In addilion, saving throws versus all attack 
forms except magic increase by + 1. This spell can be placed on the druid 
casting it or on any other creature he or she touches. In addition to 
mistletoe, the caster must hove a handful of bark from an oak as the 
material component of the spell. 

Charm Person Or Mammal (Enchantment/Chorm) 

Level: 2 
Range: 8" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: One person or 

Components: V, $ 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: This spell will affect any single person at 
mammal it is cast upon. The creature then will regard the druid who cast 
the spell as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The spell 
does not enable the druid to control the charmed creature as if it were an 
automaton, but any word or action of ihe druid will be viewed in its most 
favorable way, Thus, a charmed creature would not obey a suicide 
command, but might believe the druid if ossured that the only chance to 
save the druid's life is if the creature holds back on onrushing red dragon 
for "just a round or two". Note also thai the spell does not empower Ihe 
druid with linguistic capabilities beyond those he or she normally 
possesses The duration of the spell is a function of the charmed creature s 
intelligence, and it is tied lo the saving throw. The spell may be broken if a 
saving throw is made, and this saving throw is checked an a periodic basis 
according lo the creature's intelligence: 

3 or less 

3 months 

4 tod 

2 months 

7 to 9 

1 month 


3 weeks 


2 weeks 


1 week 


3 days 


W or more 




If the druid harms, or attempts to harm, the charmed creature by same 
overl action, or If a dispel magic (q,v,) is successfully cast upon the 
charmed creature, the chorm will be broken automatically. The spell 
affects all mammalian animals and persons. The term person includes all 
bipedal human and humanoid creatures of approximately man-size, or 
less than man-size, including those affected by the hofd person spell 
(q.v,). If the recipient of the charm person/charm mammal spell makes iis 
saving throw versus the spell, its effeci is negated. 

a*at» Water [Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Range: I" 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: I cubic fool/ level 

Components: V, 5 
Casting Time: I turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The druid can create pure, drinkable water by 
means of a create wofer spell. He or she creates 1 cubic foot of water far 
each level of experience attained. The water can be created at a 
maximum distance of V* from the druid. 

Cure Light Woundt (Necromantic) Reversible 

Level: 2 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Character touched 

Components: V*,S,M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: With the exception of the fact that the druid must 
hove mistletoe (of any sort) to effect this spell, it is the same as the first 
level cleric cure light wounds spell. 

Feign Oeoth (Necromontic) 

Level: 2 
Range: T" 

Duration: 4 rounds +2 

Area of Effeci: One creature 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Expfonation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as 
the third level magic-user feign death spell (q.v.). The material 
component is a piece of dead oak leaf (in addition to mistletoe, of course). 

Fire Trap (Evocation) 

Level: 2 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent until 

Area of Effect: Object touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: ) turn 
Saving Throw: 14 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the some as the fourth level 
magrc-user fire trap spell (q.v,) except os shown above and far the fact 
lhat the material components are holly berries and a stick of charcoal to 
trace the outline of the closure. 

H«at Metal (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 2 
Duration: 7 rounds 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casli ng Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

By means of the hear metal spell, the druid is 
able to excite the molecules of ferrous metal (iron, iron alloys, steel} and 
thus cause the affected metal lo become hot. On the first round of the 
spell, the effect is merely to cause the metol to be very warm and 
uncomfortable to touch, and this is also the effect on the last melee round 
of the spell's duration. The second and sixth (next to the last) round effect 
is to cause blisters ond damage; the third, fourth, and fifth rounds the 
metal becomes searing hot, causing disability and damage lo exposed 
flesh, as shown below: 

Per Round of Expoiur« 

very warm 


1-4 hit 
2^6 hi- 

hands or feet 

1-4 turns 

1 ^4 days 

Note also that materials such as wood, leather, or flammable doth will 
smoulder and burn if exposed to searing hot metal, and such materials will 
then cause searing damage to exposed flesh on the next round. Fire 
resistance (potion or ring) or a protection from fire spell totally negates the 
effects of a heat metal spell, as will immersion in water or snow, or 
exposure to a cold or ice storm spell (qq.v.). For each level of experience 
of the druid casting the spell, he or she Is able to affect the metal of one 
man-sized creature, i.e. arms and armor, or a single mass of metal equal 
to 500 gold pieces in weighl, cumulative. The reverse, chill metal t counters 
o heat metal spell or else causes metol to act as follows: 

Per Round of Expocur* 





1 -2 hi! 

1-4 hits 


amputation of 
fingers, toes, 
nose, or ears 

The chill metal spell is countered by a resist cold spell, or by any great 
hear, i.e. proximity to a blazing fire ( not a mere torch), a magical fJommg 
sword, a wo/I of fire, etc. 

Locate Plant* (Donation) 

Level: 2 
Range: 0 

Duration: I turn/level 
Area of Effeci : ? " d'sam eter/ level 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: Ground 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is used by a druid, he or she is 
able to locate any desired type of plant within the area of effect. Note: the 
plant type must be singular and concentrated upon. The spell's area of 
effect centers on, and moves with, the druid. 




Obtcur*m«nt {Alteration) 

LeveE: 2 
Range: 0 

Duration: 4 rounds//© veJ 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S 
Casiing Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanat ion/Description : This spell causes a misty vapor to arise around 
the dm id. It persists in this locale for 4 rounds per leve l of experience of 
the druid costing the spell, and it reduces visibility of any sort (including 
infravision) to 2' to 8' (2d4). The area of effect is o cubic progression based 
on (he dru id's level of experience, a 1 " cube at 1st level, a 2" cube at 2nd 
level, a 3" cube at 3rd level, and so on. Underground, the height of the 
vapor is restricted to 1", although the length and breadth of the cloud is 
not so limited. A strong wind will cut the duration of an obscuremenf spell 

Components; V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Level: 2 
Range: 0 

Duration: 2 rou-noV/eveJ 
Area of Effect: Special 

Ex planet ion /Description: A bright flame, equal in brightness to a torch, 
springs forth from ihe druid' s palm when he or she casts a produce flame 
spell. This magical flame lasts for 2 melee rounds for each level of Ihe 
druid costing the spell. The flame does not harm the druid's person, but it is 
hoi, and It will cause combustion of inflammable materials (paper, cloth, 
dry wuod, oil, etc. ). The druid is capable of hurling the magical flame as a 
missile, with a range of 4". The flome will flash on impact, igniting 
combustibles within a 3' diometer of its center of impact, and then 
extinguish itself. The druid can cause it to go out any time he or she 
desires, but fire caused by the flame cannot be so extinguished. 

Trip (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 2 

Range: Touch 

Duration: ) turn/tevef 

Area of Effect: One W fang object 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time; 4 segmenfs 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

E xpl on at i on/ Description: The spell caster must use a length of vine, a stick, 
pole, rope, or similar object to cast this mogic upon. The trip spell causes 
the object to rise slightty off the ground or floor if is resting on and trip 
creatures crossing it if they fail To moke iheir saving throw versus mogic. 
Note thai only as many creatures can be tripped as are actually stepping 
across the magicked object, i.e. a 3' long piece of rope could trip only 1 
mon-sized creature. Creatures moving at a very rapid pace (running) 
when tripped will take 1-6 (do) hit paints of damage and be stunned for 
2-5 (d4+l ) rounds if ihe surface they fall upon is very hard, but if il is lurf 
or non-hard they will merely be stunned for 2-5 segments. Very large 
creatures such as elephants will not be at all affected by a trip. The object 
magicked will continue to trip all creatures passing over it, including ihe 
spell caster, far as long as the spell duration lasts. Creatures aware of the 
object ond its potential odd +4 to their saving throw when crossing it. The 
object is 80% undetectable without magical means of detection. 

Warp Weed (Alteration) 
Level: 2 

Range: f "/fever 1 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanalion/Descripiion; When this spell is cost ihe druid couses a volume 
of wood to bend ond worp, permanently destroying its stroightness, form, 
ond strength, The range of o warp wood spell is V* for each level of 
experience of ihe druid costing it. It affects approximately a fifteen inch 
shaft of wood of up to one inch diameter per level of the druid. Thus, at 1st 
level, a druid mighl be able to warp a hand axe handle, or four crossbow 
bolts, at 5th level he or she could warp the shaft of a typical magic spear. 
Note thai boards or planks can also be affected, causing a door to be 
sprung or a boat or ship to teak. 

Third Level SpclU: 

Call Lightning (Alteration) 

Level: 3 
Range: 0 

Duration: t turn/level 
Area of Effect: 72" diameter 

Components; V,S,M 
Costing Time: I turn 
Saving Throw! 54 

Explanation/Description: When a coif lightning spell is cast, there must be 
a storm of some sort in the area — a rain shower, clouds ond wind, hot and 
cloudy conditions, or even a tornado. The druid is then able to call down 
bolts of lightning from sky to ground. Each bolt will cause damage equal to 
2 eight-sided dice (2d8) plus 1 like die (d8) for each level of experience of 
the druid casting the spell. Thus, a 4th level druid colls down a six-die 
(6d8) bolt. The boll of lightning flashes down in o perpendicular stroke at 
whatever distance the spell coster decides, up to the 36" radial distance 
maximum. Any creature within o 1" radius of the path or the point where 
the lightning strikes will take full damage, unless a saving throw is made, 
in which cose only one-half damage is taken. Full/half damage refers to 
the number of hit dice of Ihe lightning boll, i.e. if it is of eight dice strength, 
the victim will take either eight dice (Bd8) or four dice (4d8). if the saving 
throw is made, of damage. The druid is able to coll one boll of lightning 
every 10 melee rounds (1 turn), to a maximum number of turns equal to 
the level of experience he or she hos attained, i.e. 1 bolt/turn for each 
level of experience. Note: This spell is normally usable outdoors only. 

Care DIihm (Necromantic) Reversible 

Level: 3 

Range; Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creorure touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: I round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the 3rd level cleric cure 
disease spell (q.v.), with the exception thot the druid must have mislletoe 
to effect it. It is reversible to cause disease also. 

Hold Animal (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 3 
Range: 8" 

Duration: 2 rounds// eve I 

Area of Effect; One to fourommofs 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 5 segmenfs 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the druid holds one to four 
animals rigid. Animals affected are normal or giant-sized mammals, birds, 
or reptiles, but not monsters such as centaurs, gorgons, harpies, naga, etc. 
That is, apes, bears, crocodiles, dogs, eagles, foxes, giant beovers, ond 
similar animals ore subject to this spell. The hold lasts for 2 melee rounds 
per level of experience of the druid casting it. It is up io the druid as to how 
many animals he or she wishes to hoW with the spell, but the greater the 
number, the better chance each will have of not being affected by the 
spell. Note thot a maximum body weight of 400 pounds (100 pounds with 
respect to non-ma m ma ls)/animal/ level of experience of the druid can be 
affected, i.e. an 6ih level druid con affect up to four 3,200 pound mammals 
or a like number of 800 pound non-mammals such os birds or reptiles. Each 
animal gets a saving throw: if only 1 is the subject of the spellj il has a 
penalty of -4 on its die roll to save; if 2 are subject, they each receive a 
penalty of -2 on Iheir die rolls; if 3 ore subject, they each receive a penalty 
of -1 on their die rolls; if 4 are subject, each makes a normal saving throw. 

Neutralize Poison [Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 3 

Range: Touch 

Duration; Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creofure touched 

Components: V, 5 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the 4th level cleric 
neutralize poison spell (q.v,). 

PI pet Growtk (Alteration) 

Level: 3 
Range: 16" 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: 2" X 2" square 

Components: V, S, M 
Casti ng Time: t round 
Saving Throw: None 




£xplonotion/Description: When a plant growth spell Is cast by the druid, he 
or she causes normal vegetation to grow, entwine, and entangle to form a 
thicker or jungle which creatures must hack or force a way through at a 
movement rate of 1" per, or 2" per with respect to larger than man-sized 
creatures. Note thai the area must have brush and trees in it In order to 
allow this spell to go into off eel. Briars, bushes, creepers, lianas, roots, 
saplings, thistles, thorn, trees, vines, ond weeds become so thick and 
overgrown in the orea of effect as to form a barrier. The area of effect is 2" 
X 2" square per level of experience of me druid, in any square or 
rectangular shape that the druid decides upon at the time of the spell 
casting, Thus an 8th level druid con affect a maximum area of 16" X 16" 
square, a 32" X 8" rectangle, o 64" X 4" rectangle, 128" X 2" rectangle, 
etc. The spell's effects persist in the oreo until it is cleared by labor, fire, or 
such magical means as a dispef magic spelt (q,v.). 

causing 1-6 hit points of damage to the creature trapped, and lifting it off 
the ground by the trapped member(s) (or strangling ii if the head/neck 
triggered the snore). If no such sapling or tree is available, the cord-like 
ob[ecl will tighten upon the member (sj and then enwrap the entire 
creature, doing no damage, but tightly binding it. The snore is magical, so 
far 1 hour it is breakable only by storm giant or greater strength (23); each 
hour thereafter, the snare material loses magic so as to become 1 polrtl 
more breakable per hour — 22 after 2 hours, 21 after 3, 20 after 4 — unti I 6 
full hours hove elapsed. At that time, 18 strength will break the bonds 
After 12 hours have elapsed, the materials of the snare Lose all of the 
magical properties, and the loop opens, freeing anything It had held. The 
druid must have a snake skin and a piece of sinew from a strong animal to 
weave into the cord-like object from which he or she will make the snore. 
Only mistletoe is otherwise needed. 

Protection From Fire (Abjuration) 

Level: 3 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, $, M 
Costing Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The effeci of a protection from fire spell differs 
according to the recipient of the magic — - the druid or some other creature. 
If the spell is cast upon The druid, it confers complete invulnerability to 
normal fires (torches, bonfires, oil fires, and the like) and to exposure to 
magical fires such as demon fire, burning hands, fiery dragon breath, fire 
bolt, fire seeds, fire storm, flame strike, hell hound breath, mefeor swarm, 
pyrohydro breath, etc, until an accumulation of 12 hit points of potential 
damage per level of experience of the druid has been absorbed by the 
protection from fire spell, ai which time the spell Is negated. Otherwise the 
spell lasts for 1 turn per level of experience of the druid, If the spell is cost 
upon another creature, it gives invulnerability to normal fire, gives a 
bonus of +4 on saving throw die rolls made versus fire attacks, and 
reduces damage sustained from magical fires by 


Level: 3 
Range: T6" 
Ouraiion: Special 
Area of Effect : 10 or 100 rimes the 
fire source 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

A pyrotechnics spell can have either of two 
effects. It produces a flashing and fiery burst of glowing, colored aerial 
fireworks which lasts 1 segment per experience level of the druid casting 
the spell ond temporarily blinds those creatures in the oreo of effect or 
under iter within 12" of the area (and in any event in unobstructed line of 
sight); or it causes a thick writhing stream of smoke to arise From ihe fire 
source of ihe spell and form a choking cloud which lasts for 1 round per 
experience level of the druid casting it, covering a roughly globular area 
from the ground or floor up (or conforming to the shape of a confined 
oreo}, which totally obscures vision beyond 2', The spell requires o fire of 
some sort in range. The orea of pyrotechnics effect is 10 times the volume 
of the fire source with respect to fireworks, 100 times with respect to 
smoke. In either cose, the fire source is immediately extinguished by the 
employment of the spell, 

Components: V,S t M 
Casting Time: 3 rounds 
Saving Throw: None 

Snare (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 3 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent until 

Area of Effect: T diameter circle 

plus 1/6' per level of the spe/l 


Explanation/Description: This spell enables the druid to make a snare 
which is 90% undetectable without magical aid. The snare can be mode 
from any supple vine, a thong, Of a rope. When the snore spell is cast upon 
it, the cord like object blends with the background of Its location. One end 
of the snare is tied in a loop which will coniract about 1 or more of the 
limbs of any creaiure stepping inside the circle (note that the head of a 
worm or snake could also be thus ensnared). If a strong and supple iree is 
nearby, the snare will be fastened to it, and the dweomer of the spell will 
cause it to bend and then straighten when the loop is triggered, thus 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: J round 
Saving Throw: None 

Stone Shape (Alteration) 

Level: 3 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Three cubrc feet, 
p/us one cubic foot per level 

Explanation/Description: This spell is exactly the same as the fifth level 
magic-user spell, stone shape (q.v,), except as noted above and for the 
requiremeni of mistletoe as an additional component to enable o druid to 
cast the spell. 

( Con | urat i on/Su mmo n i ng ) 

Level: 3 
Range: 3" 

Duration: J round/level 
Area of Effect: Special' 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: J round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When a summon insects spell is cast by a druid, 
he or she attracts flying insects 70% of the time, The exaci insects called 
will be bees, biting flies, hornets, or wasps if flying insects are indicated, 
or biting ants or pinching beetles if non-flyrng insects are determined. A 
cloud of the flying type, or a swarm of the crawling sort, will appear after 
the spell is cast. They will attack any creature the druid points to. The 
attacked creature will sustain 2 hit points of damage per melee round, and 
it can do nothing but attempt to fend off these insects during the time it is 
so attacked. The summoned insects con be caused to attack another 
opponent, but there will be oi least a 1 round delay while they leave the 
former recipient and attack the new victim, and crawling insects can travel 
only about 12' per round (maximum speed over smooth ground). It is 
possible in underground situations that the druid could summon 1-4 giant 
ants by means of the spell, bui the possibility is only 30% unless giant ants 
are nearby. The materials needed for this spell are mistletoe, a flower 
petal ond a bit of mud or wei clay. 

Tree (Alteration) 

Level: 3 

Range: 0 

Duration: 6 turns + I fum//eve/ 
Area of Effect: Persona/ 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; By means of this spell the druid is able to assume 
the form of a small living tree or shrub or that of a large dead tree trunk 
with but a few limbs. Although the ciosest inspection will not reveal that 
this plant is actually a druid, and for oh normal tests he or she is, in fact, a 
tree or shrub, the dru id is able to observe all that goes on around his or her 
person just as if he or she were in human form. The spell caster may 
remove the dweomer at any time he or she desires, instantly changing 
from plant to human form, and having full capability of undertaking any 
action normally possible to the druid. Note that all clothing and gear 
worn/carried change with the druid. The material components of this spell 
ore mistletoe and a twig from a tree. 

I (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 3 

Range: Touch 

Duration: 6 turns/level 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 



Explanation/Description: The recipient of □ wafer breathing spell is able to 
freely breathe underwater for the duration of the spell, i.e. 6 turns for each 
level of experience of the druid costing the spell. The reverse, air 
breathing, allows water breathing creotures ro comfortably survive in the 
atmosphere far an equal duration 

Fourth Level Spoils: 

Animal Summoning 1 [Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level; 4 

Ranges 4'Vlevef 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Spec ial 

Components: V 4 $M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the druid calls up to eight 
animals of whatever sort the druid names when the summoning is mode, if 
such type are within spell range. These animals can have no more than 
four hit dice each. The animals summoned will aid the druid by whatever 
means they possess, staying until a fight is over, a specific mission is 
finished, the druid is safe, he or she sends them away, etc. The druid may 
try three limes to summon three different sorts of animals, i.e. suppose thai 
wild dogs ore first summoned to no avail, then ha wits are unsuccessfully 
called, ond finally the druid calls for wild horses which may or may not be 
within summoning range. Your referee will determine probabilities if the 
presence of a summoned animal type is not known, Other than various 
sorts of giant animals, fantastic animals or monsters cannot be summoned 
by this spell, i.e. no chimerae, dragons, gorgons, manticores, etc. 

Call Woodland Beings (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 4 

Range: 12" + J'7feve/ 
Duration: Spectal 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: Special 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the druid is able to 
summon certain woodland creatures to his or her location. Naturally, this 
spell will only work outdoors, but not necessarily only in wooded areas. 
The druid begins the incantation, and the spell must be continued 
uninterrupted until some called creature appears or 2 turns have elapsed. 
(The verbalization and somatic gesturing are easy, so this is not 
particuiarly exhausting to the spell caster, } Only 1 type of the following 
sorts of beings can be summoned by the spell, and they will come only if 
they are within the range of the call: 

2-6 brownies 
1-4 centaurs 
1-4 dryads 
1-8 pixies 

(Your referee will consult his outdoor map or base the r ,- 
such creature being within spell range upon the nature of 
druid is in ol the time of spell casting.) 

The creoture(s) called by the spell are entitled To a saving throw versus 
magic (ol -4} to avoid the summons. Any woodland being answering the 
call will be favorably disposed to the spell caster and give whatever aid it 
is capable of. However, if the caller or members of the caller's party are of 
evil alignment, the creatures are entitled to anoiher saving throw versus 
magic (this time ai -M) when they come within \' r of the druid or other 
evil character with him or her, and these beings will seek immediately to 
escape if the saving throw is successful. In any event, if the druid requests 
that the summoned creaiures engage in combat on behalf of the druid, 
they ore required to moke o loyalty reaction score based on the druid's 
charisma and whatever dealings he or she has hod with the called 
creoture(s). The material components of this spell ore a pinecone and 8 
holly berries. 



Level: 4 
Range: 0 

Duration; 4 turns + J turn/level 
Area of Effect: 20' diameter sphere 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Temperature surrounding the druid can be altered by 9 degrees Fahrenheit 
per level of experience of the spell coster, either upwards or downwards. 
Thus, a 10th level druid could raise the surrounding temperature from 1 to 
90 degrees, or lower it by from 1 to 90 degrees. The spell lasts for a number 
of Turns equal to 4 plus The level of experience of the drutd, i,e H when cost 
by a 10th level druid the spell persists for U turns. 

CureSeHoui Woundi (Necromantic) Reversible 


Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: creorure pouched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the some as the 4th level cleric cure 
serious wounds spell (q.v.}, with the exception of The fact That the spell 
requires the use of any sort of mistletoe. 

Dispel Mqglc (Abjuration) 

Level: 4 
Range: 6 " 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effeci:d" cube 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted obove. this spell is the same as 
the 3rd level cleric dispel magic spell (q.v.). 

Hallucinatory Forest (Illusion/Phantasm) Reversible 

Level: 4 
Range: 8 " 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: 4 " squore/ieve/ 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell the druid causes the 
appearance of an hallucinatory foresf to come into existence. The 
illusionary forest oppears lo be perfectly naturoi and is indistinguishable 
from a real forest. Other druid* — as well as such creotures as centaurs, 
dryads, green dragons, nymphs, satyrs, and treants — will recognize the 
forest for what it is. All other creatures will believe it is there, and 
movement and order of march will be affected accordingly. The 
hoiJucrnOfory forest will remain until it is magically dispelled by a reverse 
of the spell or a dispel magic. The area shape is either rectangular or 
square, in general, at least 4" deep, and in whatever location the druid 
casting the speH desires. The forest can be of less than maximum area if 
the druid wishes. One of its edges will appear up to 8" away from the 
druid, according to the desire of the spell coster. 

Hold Plant (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 4 
Range: 6" 

Duration: J round/revel 
Areo of Effect: Specie/ 

Components; V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explonation/Oescription: The hold plant spell affects vegetable matter as 
follows: 1 ) if causes ambulatory vegetation to cease moving; 2) ii prevents 
vegetable matter from entwining, grasping, closing, or growing; 3) It 
prevents vegetable matter from making any sound or movement which is 
not caused by wind. The spell effects apply to all forms of vegetation, 
including parasitic and fungoid types, and those magically animated or 
otherwise magically empowered. It affects such monsters as green slime, 
molds of any sort, shambling mounds, shriekers, treants, etc. The duration 
of a hold plant spell is 1 melee round per level of experience of the druid 
casting the spell. It affects from 1 to 4 plants — or from 4 to 16 square yards 
of small ground growth such os grass or mold. If but one plant (or 4 square 
yards) is chosen as the target for the spell by the druid, the saving throw of 
the plant for area of plant growth) is made at a -4 on the die; if two plants 
(or 8 square yards) are ihe target, saving throws are at -7; if three plants 
(or 12 square yards) are the target, saving throws are at -1; and if the 
maximum of 4 plants (or 16 square yards of area) are the target, saving 
throws are normal. 

Explanation/Description: Wherv this spell is cosi by The druid, The 

Plant Door [AlteraTionJ 

Level: 4 
Range: Touch 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 




Duration: J turn/levei 
Area of Effect; Special 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The plant door spell opens a magical pqrtal or 
passageway through trees, undergrowth, thickets, or any similar growth — 
even growth of a magical nature. The plant door is open only lo the druid 
who cast the spell, dry ids of a higher level, or dryads. The door even 
enables The druid to enter into a solid tree trunk and remain hidden there 
until the spell ends. If the tree is cut down or burned, the druid must leave 
before the tree falls or is consumed, or else he or she is killed also. The 
duration of the spell is 1 turn per level of experience of the druid casting it. 
ff the druid opts to stay within on oak, the spell lasts 9 times longer, if on 
osh tree it lasts 3 times os long. The path created by the spell Is up to 4' 
wide, r high ond 1 2'/1ev*l of experience of me druid long. 

Produce Fire (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 4 
Range: 4" 
Duration: I round 
Area of Effect: 72' square 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; By means of this spell the druid causes a 
common-type fire of up to 12' per side in area boundary. While It lasts but 
a single round, the fire produced by the spell will couse 1-4 hit points of 
damage on creatures within its area; and it will ignite combustible 
materials such as cloth, oil, paper, parchment, wood ond rhe like so as to 
cause continued burning. The reverse, quench fire will extinguish any 
normal fire (coals, oil tallow, wax, wood, etc.) within the area of effect. 

Protection From Lightning (Abjuration) 

Level: 4 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is exactly the same as the 3rd level 
protection from fire spell (q.v.) except that it applies to electrical/lightning 


Level: 4 
Range: 0 

Duration: 1 furn//evef 
Area of Effecl; W radius of the 
spelf coster 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 1 round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast ihe druid creates an 
invisible barrier to all sorts of insects, and normal sorts will not approach 
within 10* of the druid while rhe spell is in effect, although any giant 
insects with 2 or more hit dice will do so if they make a saving throw versus 
mogic. and even those which do so will sustain 1 -6 hit points of damage 
from the passing of the magical barrier. Note that the spell does not in any 
way affect arachnids, myriapods, and similar creatures — it affects only 
true insects. The material components of the repel insecfs spell are 
mistletoe and one of the following: several crushed marigold flowers, a 
whole crushed leek, 7 crushed stinging nettle leoves or a small lump of 
resin from a camphor tree. 


Level: 4 
Range: 0 

Duraiion: 2 rounds// eve/ 

Area of Effect: 5" d/omeferc/rc/e 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: f turn 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, and that the material 
component is that typically druidic (mistletoe, et oi) t the spell is the same 
qs the 4th level cleric spel I speak with plants. 

Fifth Level Spells: 

AnJmal Growth (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 5 
Range: &' 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 

Duration: 2 rounds/re ve J 
Area of Effect; Up to 8 animals in a 
2" square area 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the druid causes oil 
animals, up to a maximum of 8, within a 2" square area lo grow to twice 
their normal size. The effects of this growth ore doubled hit dice (with 
resultant improvement in attack potential) ond doubled damage In 
combat. The spell lasts for 2 melee rounds for each level of experience of 
the druid casting the spell. Note thai the spell is particularly -useful in 
conjunction with a charm person or animal or o speafc with animals spell 
The reverse reduces animal stre by one half , and likewise reduces hit dice, 
attack damage, etc. 

Animal Summoning II (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 5 

Range: 6"/7eveJ 
Duraiion: Special 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 7 
Saving Throw: None 

Hon: This spell is the some in duration and effect as 
the 4th level onrmol summoning / spell, excepi thai up to six animals of no 
more than eight hit dice each can be called, or 1 2 animols of no more than 
four hi) dice each can be called. 


Level: 5 
Range: 0 

Duration: T turn/level 
Area of Effect: ^6^ 

Components: V, S, Art 
Cosiing Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The anu~plam shell spell creates an invisible 
barrier which keeps out all creatures or missiles of living vegetable 
material. Thus, the druid (and ony creatures within the shell) is protected 
from attacking plams or vegetable creatures such as shambling mounds or 
treanis. The spell lasts for one turn per level of experience of the druid. 

Nature (Divination) 

Level: 5 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Speciai 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: J turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the druid to become one with 
nature in the oreo, thus being empowered with knowledge of the 
surrounding territory. For each level of experience of the druid, he or she 
may "know" one fact, i.e. the ground ahead, left or right, ihe plants 
ahead, left or right, the minerals ahead, left or right, the water 
courses/bodies of water ahead, left or right, the people dwelling ahead, 
left or right, etc. The spell is effective only in outdoors settings, and 
operates in o radius of one half mile for each level of experience of the 
druid casting the commune w*rh nature spell. 

Control Wlndi (Alrerolion) 

Level: 5 
Range: 0 

Duration: 1 turn/level 
Area of Effect: 4"/ievel radius 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 7segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of a control wind spell the druid is able 
to alter wind force In the area of effect. Far every level of his or her 
experience, the druid is able to increase or decrease wind force by 3 miles 
per hour. Winds in excess of 30 miles per hour drive small flying creatures 
(those eagle-sized and under) from the skies and severely Inhibit missile 
discharge. Winds in excess of 45 miles per hour drive even man-sized 
flying creatures from the skies. Winds in excess of 60 miles per hour drive 
all flying creatures from the skies ond uproot trees of small size, knock 
down wooden structures, tear off roofs, etc. Winds in excess of 75 miles per 
hour ore of hurricane force and cause devastation ro all save rhe srrongesi 
stone constructions. A wind above 30 miles per hour makes soiling 
difficult, above 45 miles per hour couses minor ship damage, above 60 

S^an °e "^"V"* ^ ° nd . obove 75 mi!es * hoof si " ks 




higher level druid con use a control winds spell lo counter the effects of □ 
like spell cost by a lower level druid (cf. control weather). The spell 
remains in force for 1 turn for each level of experience of ihe druid casting 
it. Once the spell is cost, the wind force increases by 3 miles per hour per 
round until maximum speed is attained. When the spell is exhausted, ihe 
force of the wind diminishes at the same rate. Note that while the spell can 
be used in underground places, the "eye" will shrink in direct proportion 
to any confinement of the wind effect, i.e. if the area of effect is a 48" 
radius, and ihe confined space allows only a 46" radius, ihe "eye" will be 
a 2" radius; and any space under 44" radius will completely elf mi note the 
"eye" and subject the spelt caster to the effects of the wind. 

Insect Plague (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 5 

Range: 32" 

Duration: I turn/level 

Area of Effect: 32" diameter, 4" 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: t furn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, and other than the fact 
that the material component needed for the spell is mistletoe or the holly 
or oak leaves substitute, the spell is the same as the Sth level clerk insect 
plague spell [a.. v. ). 

Pom Ptarrt (Alteration) 

Level: 5 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V ( S, M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: 8y using this spelt a druid is able to enter a iree 
and move from inside it to another of the same type which lies in 
approximately the direction desired by the spell user and is within the 
range shown below: 







The iree entered and that receiving ihe druid must be of the some type, 
living, and of girth at least equal to the druid. Note thai if the druid enters 
a tree, suppose on ash, and wishes to pass north as far as possible (54"), 
bui the only appropriate ash in range is south, the druid will pass to the ash 
in the south. The pass plant spell functions so thot the movement takes only 
one segment (6 seconds} of a round. The druid moy, ot his or her opiion, 
remain within the receiving tree for a moximum of 1 round per level of 
experience. Otherwise, he or she moy step forth immediately, Should no 
tike tree be in range, the druid simply remains within the iree, does not 
pass elsewhere, and musi step forth in the applicable number of rounds 
(See pfanr door for effects of chopping or burning such a tree.) 

Stick* to Snake* (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 5 
Range: 4" 

Duration: 2 rounds/level 
Area of Effect: I'* cube 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, and for the fact that the 
material component of the spell is typical for druids, this is the same as the 
4th level cleric sticks to snakes spell (q.v.). 

Transmute Rock to Mud (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 5 

Range: W 

Duration: Special 

Area of Effect; 2" cvbe/tevel 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: ? segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell turns natural rock of any son into an 
equal volume of mud. The depth of the mud can never exceed one -ha If its 
length and/or breadth. If it is cast upon a rock, for example, the rock 
affected will collapse into mud. Creatures unable to levitate, fly, or 
otherwise free themselves from the mud will sink and suffocate, save for 
lightweight creatures which could normally pass across such ground. The 
mud will remain until a dispel magic spell or a reverse of this spell, mud to 
rock, restores its substance — but nor necessarily its form. Evaporation will 
turn the mud to normal dirt, from 1 to 6 days per cubic 1" being required. 
The exact Time depends on exposure io sun, wind and normal drainage. 
The mud to rock reverse will harden normal mud into soft stone (sandstone 
or similar mineral) permanently unless magically changed. 

Wall of Fire (Evocation) 

Level: 5 
Range; 8" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S t M 
Casting Time: 7 segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The wo/I of fire spell brings forth a blazing 
curtoin of magical fire of shimmering color — yellow-green or amber In 
case of drufdical magic. The wail of fire inflicts 4 to 16 hit points of 
damage, plus I hit point of damage per level of the spell caster, upon any 
creature passing through it. Creatures within 1" of the wall take 2-8 hit 
points of damage, those within 2" take 1-4 hit points of damage. Creatures 
especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undeod always 
take twice normal damage. Only the side of the wall away from the spell 
caster will inflict damage. The opaque waN of frre lasts for as long as the 
druid concentrates on maintaining il, or 1 round per level of experience of 
the druid in the event he or she does not wish to concentrate upon it. The 
spell creates a sheet of flame up to T square per level of the spell caster, 
or as a ring with a radius of up to W per level of experience from the 
druid la its flames, and a height of 2". The former is stationary, while the 
latter moves as the druid moves. 


Level: 6 

ftange: 8"//eveJ 
Duration: Spec/a/ 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 8 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same in duration and effect as 
the 4th level animal summoning I spell except that up to 4 animals of no 
more than 16 hll dice each can be summoned, or eighl of no mare than 6 
hit dice, or 1 6 creatures of no more than 4 hit dice each can be summoned. 


Level: 6 
Range: 0 

Duration: I turn/level 
Area of Effect: 20' diameter 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: T round 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell the druid brings into being a 
hemispherical force field which prevents ihe entrance of any sort of 
animal matter of normal (not magical) nature. Thus, o giant would be kept 
out, but an dead could pass through the shell of force, as could such 
monsters as aerial servants, demons, devils, etc. The anti-animal shell lasts 
for 1 turn for each level of experience ihe druid has attained. 

Conjure Fire Elemental (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible 

Level: 6 
Range: 8** 

Duration: I turn/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 6 rounds 
Saving Throw: None 

Explonotion/Descrlption: Upon casting a con/ure fire elemental spell r the 
druid opens a specfal gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, and a strong fire 
AL) is summoned to the vicmiiy of the spell caster. It is 85% likely that a 16 




die elemental will appear, 9% likely that 2 to 4 salamanders (q,v.) will 
come, a 4% chance exist* lhat an efreeti (q.v.) will come, and a 2% chance 
exists that a huge fire elemental of 21 to 24 Hit dice (d4 + 20) will appear. 
Because of ihe relationship of druids lo natural and elemental forces, the 
conjuring druid need not fear that the elemental force summoned will turn 
on him or her, so concentration upon the activities of the fire elemental (or 
other creatures summoned) or the protection of a magic circle is not neces- 
sory. The elemental summoned wilt help the druid however possible, 
including attacking opponents of the druid. The fire elemental or other 
creaiure summoned remains for a maximum of 1 turn per level of the 
druid casting the spell — or until it is senl back by attack, a dispel magic 
spell or the reverse of the spell (dismiss ffre elemental). Only a druid can 
dismiss summoned salamanders, efreeti, or u I iro- powerful elementals. 

Cure Critical Wounds (Necromantic) Reversible 

Level; 6 Components; V, 5, M 

Range; Touch Casting Time: 8 segments 

Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None 
Area of Effecl: Creature touched 

Transport Via Plants (Alteration) 

Level: 6 Components: V, S 

Range* Touch Casting Time: 3 segments 

Duration: Special Saving Throw: None 

Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description; By means of this spell, the druid is able fa enter 
any large plant and pass any distance to o plant of the same species in a 
single round regardless of the distance separating the two. The entry plant 
must be alive. The destination plant need not be familiar to the druid, but 
it also must be alive. If the druid is uncertain of the destination plant, he or 
she need merely determine direction and distance, and the transport via 
plont spell will move him or her as near os possible to the desired location. 
There is a basic 20% chance, reduced }% per level of experience of the 
druid, that the transport will deliver the druid to an allied species of plant 
from 1 to 100 miles removed from the desired destination plant. If a 
particular desi motion plant Is desired, but the plani is not Jiving, the spell 
foils and the druid must come forth from the entrance plant within 24 
hours. Harm to o plant housing a druid can affect ihe druid {cf< plant door). 

Explanation/Description: This spell is ihe same as the 5th level cleric cure 
critical wounds spell (q.v + )> with the exception of the fact that the spell 
requires the use of any sort of mistletoe. 

Level: A Components: V, S 

Range: 16" Casting Time: 8 segments 

Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Neg. 

Area of Effect: One creature 

Explanation/Description: A spell which is solely for employment against 
those persons or creatures who use magic spelts, feeb/emfnd causes the 
victim's brain to become that of a moronic child. The victim remains in this 
state until a heoi restoration or wish spell is used to do away with the 
effects The spell is of such o nature that the probability of it affecting the 
torget creaiure is generally enhanced, i.e. saving throws ore lowered. 

Type of Spoilt Used Saving Throw 

by Target Creature Adjustment 

Cleric +t 

Druid -1 

Magic- user (human) -4 

Illusionist -5 

Combination or non-human -2 

Note thai the spell has no material component. 

Turn Wood f Alteration) 

Level: 6 Components: V, 5, M 

Range: 0 Costing Time: 8 segments 

Duration: 4 rounds// eve/ Saving Throw: None 

Area of Effect: 12" wide path. T* 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, waves of force roll forth 
from the druid, moving in the direction he or she faces, and causing all 
wooden objects in the path of ihe spell to be pushed away from the druid 
to the limit of the area of effect. Wooden objects above three inches 
diameter which are fixed firmly will not be affected, but loose ob|ects 
(movable mamlets, siege towers, etc) will move back. Objects under 3 
inches diameter which are fixed will splinter and break and the pieces will 
move with the wave of farce. Thus, objects such as wooden shields, spoors, 
wooden weapon shafts and hafts, and arrows and bolts wilt be pushed 
back r dragging those carrying ihem with ihem; and if a spear is planled in 
order to prevent this forced movement, It will splinter. The turn wood spell 
lasts for 4 rounds per level of experience of the druid costing it, and the 
waves of force will continue to sweep down Ihe set path for this period. 
The wooden objects in ihe area of effect are pushed back at a rate of 4" 
per melee round. The length of the path is 2" per level of the druid, i.e. a 
14th level druid casts a turn wood spell with an area of effect 12" wide by 
28" long, and the spell would last for 56 rounds (5.6 turns). As usual, the 
obove assumes the druid is using greater mistletoe when casting Ihe spell. 
Note that after casting Ihe spell the path is set, and the druid may then do 
other things or go elsewhere wilhaul affecting the spell's power. 

Fire Seeds (Conjuration) 

level: 6 
Range: 4" 
Duration: Special 
/\rea o* crrec?. 

Wall of Thorns (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Components: V f S, M 
Casting Time: 1 round/seed 
Saving Throw: Y* 

Explanation/Description; The spell of fire seeds creates special missiles or 
timed incendiaries which burn with great heat. The druid may hurl these 
seeds up to 4" or place them to ignite upon a command word. Acorns 
become fire seed missiles, while holly berries ore used as the timed 
incendiaries. The spell creates up to four acorn fire seeds or eight holly 
berry fire seeds. The acorns bursi upon sinking their target, causing 2 lo 16 
hit points (2d8) of damage and igniting any combustible materials within a 
1" diameter of ihe point of impact. Although the holly berries are too light 
to make effective missiles, they can be placed, or tossed up to 6' away, to 
burst into flame upon a word of command. The berries ignite causing 1 to 8 
hit points (d6) of damage to any creature in a W* diameter burst area, and 
their fire ignites combustibles in the burst area. The command range for 
holly berry fire seeds is 4". All fire seeds lose their power after the 
expiration of 1 turn per level of experience of the druid casting the spell, 
i.e. a 13th level druid has fire seeds which will remain patent far a 
maximum of 13 turns after their creation. Targets of acorn fire seeds must 
be struck by ihe missile, tf a saving throw is made, creatures within the 
burst area take only one-half damage, but creatures struck directly always 
take full damage. Note that no mistleioe or other material components 
beyond acorns or holly berries are needed for this spell. 

Level: 6 
Range: 8" 

Duration: f turn/level 

Area of Effect; JO" cube/level 

Components: V, S # M 
Casting Time: 8 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Exp la nation^ Description: The wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of very 
lough, pliable green tangled brush bearing needle- sharp thorns as long as 
a person's finger. Any creature breaking through (or merely impacting 
upon) the wall of thorns takes 6 hit paints of damage plus an additional 
amount of hit points equal to the creaiure's armor class, i.e. 10 or fewer 
additional hit points of damage, wiih negative armor classes subtracting 
from the base 8 hit points of damage. Any creature within the area of 
effect of the spell when it is cast is considered to have impacted on the 
wall of thorns and In addition must break through to gain movement 
space. The damage is based an each \" thickness of the barrier. If the wall 
of thorns is chopped at, it will take at least 4 turns lo cut a path through a 
1" thickness. Normal fire will not harm the barrier, but magical fires will 
burn away the barrier in 2 turns with Ihe effecl of creating a wall of fire 
while doing so, (See wo// of fire spell.) The nearest edge of the wail of 
thorns appears up to 8" distant from the druid, os he or she desires. The 
spell lasts for 1 turn for each level of experience of the druid casting it, and 
covers on area of ten cubic inches per level of the caster in whatever form 
the caster desires. Thus a 14tb level druid could create a wall of thorns 7" 
long by 2" high (or deep) by 1" deep (or high), a 1" high by 1" wide by 
14" long wait to block a dungeon passage, or any other sort of shape thai 
suited his or her needs. 



Weather Summoning (Conjuraiion/Summoning) 

Level: 6 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Spec ial 

Components: V, £, M 
Costing Time; I rum 
Saving Throw: None 

Expianalion/Descripiion: The druidic weather summoning spell is similar 
to the control weather spell (q<v.) of clerical nature. By casting the spell, 
the druid calls forth weather commensurate with the climate ond season of 
the area he or she is in at the time. Thus, in spring a tornado, thunderstorm, 
co!d r sleet storm, or hot weather could be summoned, In summer a 
torrential ram, heat wave, hail storm, etc, can be coded for. In autumn, hot 
or cold weather, fog, sleet, etc. could be summoned. Winter allows great 
cold, blizzard, or thaw conditions to be summoned, Hurricane-force winds 
can be summoned near coastal regions in ihe late winter or early spring. 
The summoned weather is not under the control of the druid. It might last 
but o single lurn in [he cose of o tornado, or for hours or even days in other 
cases. The area of effect likewise varies from about 1 square mile to 100 or 
more squore miles. Note that several druias can act in concert to greatly 
affect weather, controlling winds and/or working jointly To summon very 
extreme weather conditions. Within 4 turns ofter Ihe spell is cast, the trend 
of the weather to come will be apparent, i.e., clearing skies, gusts of warm 
or hot air, a chill breeze, overcast skies, etc. Summoned weather will 
arrive 6 to 17 turns (dl2 + 5} after the spell is cast. Anything less than 
greater mfst/etoe as the material component will sharply curtail the 
weather extremes desired. 

Seventh Level Spoilt; 
Animate Rack (Alteration) 

Level: 7 
Range: 4" 

Duration: 1 round/level 

Area of Effect: 2 cubic feet/level 

Components: V, % M 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Sy employing an animate rock spell, the druid 
causes a lithic abject af a size up to thai indicated to move. (See animate 
object, the Sixth Level cleric spell ) The animated stone object must be 
separate. I.e. not a piece of a huge boulder or the like. It will follow the 
desire of the druid costing the spell — attacking, breaking ob|ects, 
blocking — while the magic lasts. It has no intelligence nor volition of its 
own, but it follows instructions exactly os spoken. Note that only one set of 
instructions for one single action [the whole being simpfy worded and very 
brief — 12 words or so), can be given to the rock animated. The rock 
remains animated for 1 melee round per level of experience of the spell 
caster, and the volume of rock which con be animated is also bosed on the 
experience level of the dru id — 2 cubic feet of stone per level, i.e. 24 cubic 
feel at the 1 2th level. 


Level: 7 
Range: V 

OurotJon: 6 turns + J turn/Jeve/ 
Area of Effect: Specraf 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: ? turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanalion/Oescriplion: When ihis spell is casl by a druid, it brings forth a 
large flaming chariot pulled by iwo fiery horses which appear in a clap of 
thunder amidst cloud-like smoke. This vehicle moves at 24" on the ground. 
48" flying, and it can carry the druid and up to 8 other man-sized creatures 
whom he or she first touches so as to enable these creatures to be able to 
ride aboard this burning transport. Creatures other than the druid and his 
or her designated passengers will sustain damage equal to that of a wolf 
of fire spell if they are within 5' of the horses or chariot, voluntarily or 
involuntarily. The druid controls the chariot by verba! command, causing 
the flaming steeds to stop or go, walk, trot, run or fly, turning left or right as 
he or she desires. Note that the Chariot of* Sustarre is o physical 
manifestation, and con sustain domage. The vehicle and steeds are struck 
only by magical weapons or by water (one quart of which will cause 1 hit 
point of damage), they are armor class 2, and each requires 30 hit points of 
damage to dispel. Naturally, fire has absolutely no effect upon either the 
vehicle or its steeds, but magical fires will offect the riders if they are 
exposed to them (other than those of the chariot itself). In addition to 
mistletoe, the druid casting this spell must have a small piece of wood, 2 
holly berries, and a fire source at least equal lo a torch. 

Confuilan (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 7 Components: V, S, M 

Range: 8" Casting Time: 9 segment 

Duration: J round/fevef Saving Throw: Special 
Area of Effect: Up to 4 lt by 4" 

Explanation /Description; This spell causes confusion in one or more 
creatures wilhin spell range. Confused creatures will react as follows: 

Die Roll Action 

01-10 Wand e r away for 1 t urn 

1 1 -60 Stand confused for 1 round 

61 -BO Attack nearest creature for 1 round 

81430 Attack druid or his party for 1 


The spell fasts for 1 melee found for each level of experience of the spell 
caster. It will affect 2 to B creatures, plus a possible additional number of 
creatures determined by subtracting the level or number of hit dice of the 
strongest opponent creature within the spell range and area of effect from 
the level of the druid who cast the spell of confusion. If a positive number 
results, it is added to the random die roll result far number of creatures 
affected; a negative number Is Ignored. All creatures affected will be 
those closest to Ihe druid within the area of effect. Each affected creature 
must make a saving throw each round, unless they are caused to "wander 
oway for 1 turn" in which case ihey will go as far away from the druid as is 
possible in one turn of normal movement, as conditions permit. All saving 
throws are at -2. Confused creatures acl according to the table of actions 
shown above, but saving throws and actions are checked at the beginning 
of each round. 

Con|ur# Earth Elemental (Conturaiion/Summomng) Reversible 

level. 7 


Duration: I turn //eve; 
Area of Effect: Spec ial 

Components: V, S, AA 
Casting Time: J turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When a druid casts a con/ure earth elemental 
spell, he or she summons an earth elemental of 16 hit dice to do the dru id's 
bidding. Furthermore, the druid need but command it, and then do as he or 
she desires, for the elemental does not regard the druid who conjured it 
with enmity. The elemental remains until destroyed, dispelled, or sent 
away by dismissal (cf. con/ure fire elemental}. 

Control Weather (Alteration) 

Level: 7 
Range: 0 

Duration: 3-96 hours 

Area of Effect: 4-32 square miles 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: T turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explonation/Description: The druidic confroi weorher spell is more 
powerful than the clerical spell of the some name (q.v.). The spell caster is 
able to change weather by two places from the prevailing conditions if 
greater mistletoe is used. H otherwise is the same os the 7th level cleric 
conrroJ weofher spell. 

Level: 7 
Range: 0 

Duration: 4 rounds/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explonation/Description: When the druid utlers Ihe spell of creeping 
doom, he or she calls forth a mass of from 500 to 1000 (d6 + 4) venomous, 
biting and stinging arachnids, insects and myriapods. This carpet- 1 ike mass 
will swarm in an area of 2" square, and upon command from the druid 
will creep forth al 1*' per round towards any prey within 8", moving in the 
direction in which the druid commanded. The creeping doom will slay any 
creature subject to normal attacks, each of the small horrors inflicting 1 hit 
point of damage {each then dies after their attack), so that up to 1,000 hit 
points of damage can be inflicted on creatures within the path of the 
creeping doom, If ihe creeping doom goes beyond 8" of the summoner, it 
loses 50 of its number for each 1" beyond 8", i.e. at 10" its number has 




shrunk by 100. There ore <j number of ways to thwon or destroy the 
creatures forming the swarm, al I of which methods should be obvious. 

Finger Of Death (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 7 
Range: 6" 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 5 segment 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: The finger of death spell causes the victim's 
heart to stop. The druid utters ihe incantation, points his or her index finger 
at the creature to be slain, and unless the victim succeeds &n making the 
appropriate saving throw, death occurs. A successful saving throw negates 
the spell 

Fire Storm (Evocation) Reversible 

Level: 7 
Range; 16" 
Duration: J round 
Area of Effect; 2" cube/levet, . 
minimum 16 cubic " 

Components: V, M 
Costing Time: P segments 
Saving Throw: 4 

Explanation/Description: When a fire spell is cost by a druid, a 

whole area is shot through with sheets of roaring flame which are equal to 
a wall of fire (q.v.) In effect. Creatures within the area of fire and 1" or 
less from the edge of the affected area receive 2 to 16 hit poinis of 
damage plus additional hit points equal to the number of levels of 
experience of the druid unless they make a saving throw, in which case 
they take only one-half damoge. The area of effect is equal to 2 cubic " 
per level of the druid, i.e. a 13th level druid can cast a fire storm which 
measures 1 3" by T by 1 * The height of the storm is 1" or 2"; the balance 
of its area must be in length and width. The reverse spell, fire quench, 
smothers double the area of effect of a fire storm with respect to normal 
fires, and with respect to magical fires it has a 5% chance per level of the 
caster of extinguishing a magical fire (such as a fire storm) of proportions 
up to the normal orea of effect of the no reversed spell. 

Reincarnate ( N ecroma nt ic ) 

Level: 7 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

t\rea o' cnecf. renson roucnea 

Components: VI $, M 
Casting Time: I turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Druids hove the capability of bringing back the 
dead in another body if death occurred no mare than a week before the 
casting of the spell. The person reincarnated will recall the majority of his 
or her former life and form, but the class they hove, if any, in their new 
incarnation might be differeni indeed. Abilities and speech are likewise 
often changed. The table below gives the reincarnation possibilities of ihis 

Dim Roll 





bear, black 


bear, brown 


boar, wild 

































use magic-user reincarnation 

Any sort of player character can be reincarnated, If an etf, gnome or 
human is indicated, the character must be created. When the corpse is 
touched, the new incarnation will appear in the area within 1 to 6 turns, 
(Cf. sixth level magic-user spell reincarnation.) 

Transmute meiai jo woo a { Alteration j 

Level: 7 
Range: 3" 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: One meroi object 

Components: V f S 4 M 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw; Special 

Explanation/Description: The fransmute metal to wood spell allows the 
druid casting it to change an object from metal to wood. The volume of 
metal is equal lo a maximum weight of 80 gold pieces per level of 
experience. Magicat objects of metal are only \0% likely to be affected by 
the spell. Note that even a dispef magic spell will not reverse the spell 
effects, Thus, a metal door changed to wood would be forevermore a 
wooden door. 


Notes Regarding Magic-User Spells r 

Magic-users employ a greater variety of material components than do 
other character classes employing spells. i<e* clerics and drgids. Some of 
ihe required components will be difficult to find and/or expensive, but 
alternative spells can always be chosen. 

The relatively short casting time for those spells with a material 
component assumes that the magic-user has decided upon which spell he 
or she will employ, and the material or materials needed are ai hand in 
the numerous pockets and folds of the magic-user's garb. If this is not the 
case, there will be a delay commensurate to the situation. It has been 
recommended to ihe referee ihai actual time relate to the game time in 
such situations if at all possible, if it takes 6 seconds to decide on which 
spell to cast, 1 segment of the round Is gone. Having to search through a 
pock to locate some component is as good as wasting 5 segments — 30 

Substitute materials might be allowed. This Is up to your Dungeon Master. 
It should be noted that such substitution could affect spell ronge, duration, 
area of effect, effect, etc. 

In general, reversible or multiple application spells require the magic-user 
to determine which form he or she is memorizing prior to the adventure. 
Consult your referee m this regard. 

First Level Spells: 

Affect Normal Fires (Alteration) 

level: I 

Range: ti'Vlevel 
Duration: 1 round//eveJ 
Area of Effeci: 3' diameter fire 

Components; V, $ 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the magic-user to cause small 
fj re£ — from as small as o torch or lantern to as lorge as a normal bonfire 
of 3' maximum diameter — to reduce In size and lighi to become match- 
like or increase in light so as to become as bright as a fight spell. Reducing 
the fire will cul fuel consumption to half normal, and increasing the fire 
will double consumption, Note that heat output is not altered in eilher 

Components: V, 5 
Casting Time: f segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Burning Bonds ( Alteraiion) 

Level: 1 
Range: 0 
Duralion: 1 round 
Area of Effect: Specie/ 

Explanation/Description; When the magic user casts this speH, jets of 
scoring flame shoot from his or her fingertips. Hands can only be held so 




as 10 send forth a fan-like sheet of flames, as (he magic-user's thumbs 
must louch each oiher and fingers must be spread. The burning hands send 
out flame jets of 3' length in o horizontal ore of about 120 c in front of the 
magic-user. Any creature in ihe area of flames takes 1 hit point of damage 
for each level of experience of the spellcaster, and no saving throw Is 
possible. Inflammable materials touched by the fire will burn r i,e, cloth, 
paper, parchment, ihin wood, etc. 

Charm Person (Enchantmenl/Charm) 

Level: I 
Range: 12" 
Duration: Specj'oJ 
Area of Effect: One person 

Components: V,5 
Casting Time: ? segment 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: Except as shown above, this spell is the same as 
the second level druid spell, charm person or mammal (q.v.), but the 
magic-user can charm only persons, i.e. brownies, dwarves, elves, gnolls, 
gnomes, goblins, half-elves, holflings, half-ores, hobgoblins, humans, 
kobolds, lizard men, nixies, ores, pixies, sprites, ond troglodytes. All other 
comments regarding spell effects apply with respect lo persons, 

Comprehend Languages (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: T 
Range: Touch 
Duration: 5 rounaVJevef 
Area of Effect: One written object 
or speaking creature 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 1 round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanaiion/Description: When mis speM is cast, the magic-user Is able to 
reod an otherwise incomprehensible written message such as a treasure 
map (but noi o magical writing, other than to know it is "magic") or 
understand the language of a speaking creature. In either case, the magic- 
user must touch the object to be read or the crealure to be understood, and 
the spell does not enable the spell caster to write or speak the language. 
The malerial components of this spell are a pinch of soot and a few grains 
of salt. The reverse, confuse fanguages, prevents comprehension or 
cancels a comprehend languages spell. 

Dancing Light* (Alteration) 
Level: t 

Range: 4" + TV/eve/ 
Duration: 2 rounds/level 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time; J segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explonotion/Description: When a dancing lights spell is cost, the magic- 
user creates, at his or her option, from 1 to 4 lights which resemble either 
A) torches and/or lanterns (and casi thai amount of light), B) glowing 
spheres of light (such as evidenced by wlll-o-wisps), or C) one faintly 
glowing, vaguely man-like shape, somewhat similar to that of a creature 
from the Elemental Plane of Fire. The dancing lights move as the spell 
easier desires, forward or back, straight or turning corners, without 
concentration upon such movement by the magic-user. The spell will wink 
out if the range or duration is exceeded. Range is a bose of 4" plus 1" for 
each level of the magic-user who cost the spell. Duration is 2 melee rounds 
per level of the spell caster. The material component of this spell Is either a 
bit of phosphorus or wyrchwood or a glowworm. 

Detect Magic (Divinalion) 

Level: J 
Range: 0 

Duration: 2 rounds/level 
Area of Effect: I r " path, 6" long 

Components: V, S 
Costing Time: J segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanaiion/Description: The only differences between this spell and the 
first level cleric detect magic spell ore noted above (duration, area of 
effect, and no material component). 

Enlarge (Alleraiion) Reversible 
Level: 1 

Range: ti'Vlevet 
Duration: ? turn/level 
Area of Effect: Spec/a/ 

Components: V, S, N\ 
Costing Time: 1 segment 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explonotion/Description: This spell couses instant growth of o creature or 
object. Enlargement causes increase in both size and weight. It can be cast 
upon only a single creature or objecl. Spell range is W* for each level of 
experience of the magic-user, and its duration is 1 turn per level of 
experience of the spell caster. The effect of the en/orgemenr spell is to 
increase ihe size of a living creature {or a symbiotic or community entity) 
by 20% per level of experience of the magic-user, with a maximum 
additional growth of 2QO%. The effect on objects Is one-half that of 
creotures, i.e. )0% per level to a 100% maximum addiiional enlargemenr. 
The crealure or object musi be seen in order to effect the spell. The 
maximum volume of living material which can be initially affected is 10 
cubic feet — for non-living matter, 5 cubic feel — per level of the magic- 
user. While magicol properties ore not increased by this spell — a huge 
-h i sword is still only +1, a staff-sized wand is still only capable of its 
normal functions, o giont-saed potion merely requires a greater fluid 
intake to make its mogical effects operate, etc. — weight, moss and 
strength are. Thus, a table blocking a door would be heavier and more 
effective; o hurled stone would have more mass (ond be more hurtful 
providing en /org em en f look place just prior io impact); chains would be 
more massive; doors thicker; o thin line turned to a sizable, longer rope; 
and so on. Likewise, a person 12' tall would be os on ogre, while on 16' toll 
person would octually be a gianl for the duration of the spell. The reverse 
spell, reduce, will negate the effects or aciually moke creatures or ob[ects 
smaller in the same ratios as the regular spell application functions. 
Unwilling victims of Ihe spell, or its reverse, are entitled to o saving throw, 
which, if successful, indicates Ihe mag^c does noi function, ond the spell is 
wasted The material component of this spell is o pinch of powdered iron. 


Level: 1 
Range: 3" 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: One scroli or two 
facing poges 

Components: V t S 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: The erase spell removes writings of either 
magicol or mundane nature from a scroll or one or two pages or sheets of 
paper, parchment or similar surfaces. It will not remove explosive runes or 
o symbol (see these spells hereafter), however There is o bosic chonce of 




50%, plus 2% per level of experience of the spell cosier with respect to 
magical writings, plus 4% per level for mundane wriiing, thot the spell will 
lake effect. This represents the saving throw, and any percentile dice score 
in excess of the adjusted percentage chance means the spell fails. 

Feather Fall (Alteration) 
Level: ) 

Range: V'/level 
Duration: T segment/level 
Area of Effect: Specie/ 

Component: V, M 

i 1/10 segment 
: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the aeature(s) or 
obfect(s) affected immediately assumes the mass of a feathery piece of 
down Rate of falling is thus instantly changed to a mere constant 2' per 
second or 12 r per segment, and no domage is incurred when landing when 
the spell is in effect. However, when the spell duration ceases, normal rote 
of fall occurs. The spell can be cast upon the magic-user or some other 
creature or object up to the maximum of 1" per level of experience 
of the spell caster. Ii lasts for 1 segment for each level of the magje-user. 
The feather fall affects an orea of 1 cubic inch, and the maximum weight 
of creatures and/or objects cannot exceed a combined total equal to o 
base 2,000 gold pieces weight plus 2,000 goEd pieces weight per level of 
the spell caster. Example: a 2nd level magic -user has o range of 2" r o 
duration of 2 segments, a weight maximum of 6,000 gold pieces (600 
pounds) when employing ihe spell. The spell works only upon free-foiling 
or propelled obiects. It will not affect a sword blow or a charging creoiure, 
bui it will affect a missile. The material componeni is a small feaiher or o 
piece of down somewhere on the person of the spell caster. 

Find Familiar (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: } 

Range: J mile/ level 

Duration; Speech 

Area of Effect: As spell range 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 1-24 hours 
Saving Throw: Neg, 

Explanation/Descripiion: A familiar is of certain benefit to o magic-user, os 
the creature adds to the spell caster's hit points, H conveys its sensory 
powers to its master, and it can converse with and will serve os a 
guord/scoul/spy as well. However, ihe magic-user has no control over 
what sorr of creature will answer the summoning, or if any at all will come, 
and the power of the conjuration is such that it can be attempted but once 
per year, At such time as the magic-user determines to find a familiar, he 
or she must stoke up a brass brazier with charcoal, and when this is 
burning well, add 100 g.p. worth of incense, herbs {basil savory, and 
catnip for sure), and fat. When these items are burning, the spell easier 
begins his or her incantation, ond it must be continued until the familiar 
comes or the casting time is finished. Your referee will secretly determine 
all resufts. The magic-user has absolutely no control over what sort of o 
creature appears to become his or her familiar. This will be determined on 
the table below: 


Roll (d20) Familiar Sensory Powers 

1-4 cot, block excellent night vision & superior hearing 

5-6 crow excellent vision 

7-8 hawk very superior distance vision 

9-10 owl, screech night vision equals human daylight visual 

ability, superior hearing 
11-12 tood wide angle vision 

13-14 weasel superior hearing & very superior olfactory 


15 special — see sub-table below for details 
16-20* no fomiliar available wilhin spell range 

'Subtract 1 from the die score for each 3 levels of experience 
of the spell caster, and if the score is 15 or less roll again 
using d!6, and if o 16 is rolled then the result is final. 

If a score of 15 is rolled, use the table below for a special familiar: 

Alignment of 

chaotic evil or 
neutral chaotic 

Result of Special Fa ml Mar 

quasit (see ADtO, MONSTER MANUAL) 

chaotic good, 
neutral, or neutral 

pseudo-dragon (see AD&D, MONSTER 

lawful neutral or 
lawful good 

lawful evil or 
neutral evil 


Normal familiars have 2-4 hit points ond ormor class of 7 (due to size, 
speed, etc.). Each is abnormally intelligent and totally faithful to Ihe 
magic-user whose familiar ki becomes. The number of the familiar's hit 
points is added to the hil point total of the magic-user when it is within 12" 
of its master, but if the familiar should ever be killed, the magic-user will 
permanently lose double that number of hit points 

If a special familiar is Indicated, details of the powers it conveys are given 
cept the brownie, This creature becomes a friend and companion to the 
magic-user, and he or she will gain dexterity equal to the brownie's ()8) 
ond the advantage of never being surprised, as well as +2 on all saving 
throws. Note thai special familiars are entitled to a saving throw versus 
magic when summoned by the spell, and if they succeed, Ihey will ignore 
the spell, and NO familiar will be available that year to the caster. 

A familiar will fight for the life of the magic-user it serves only in a life- 
and-deaih situation, and imps and quosits will be 90% likely no! to do so at 
the risk of their own life. 

Friends (Enchantmen t/Charm ) 

Level: 1 
Range: 0 

Duration: I round/level 
Area of Effect: 1" 4- V'/level of 
spell cosier radius sphere 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: / segment 
Saving Throw: Spec/of 

Explanotion^Description: A friends spell causes the magic-user to gain a 
temporary increase of 2-8 points in chorisma — or a temporary lowering of 
charisma by 1-4 points — depending on whether creatures within the areo 
of effect of the spell moke — or fail — their saving throw versus mogic. 
Those thot fail their saving throw will be very impressed with the spell 
caster and desire greatly to be his or her friend and help. Those thai do not 
fail will be uneasy in the spell caster's presence and tend to find him or her 
irritating. Note that this spell has absolutely no effect on creatures of 
animal intelligence or lower. The components for this spell are chalk (or 
white flour), lampblack (or soot), and vermillion applied to the face 
before casting the spell. 

Hold Portal (Alteration) 
Level; I 

Range: 2 ' /level 
Duration: 1 round/level 
Area of Effect: 80 


Components: V 
Casting Time: 1 segment 
Saving Throw; None 


Explanation/Description: This spell magically bars a door, gate or valve of 
wood, metal or stone. The magical closure holds the portal fast just as if it 
were securely stopped ond locked. The range of the spell is 2' per level of 
experience of Ihe caster, and it lasts for 1 round per level. Note that any 
extra-dimensional creaiure (demon, devil, elemental, etc.) will shatter 
such a held portal. A magic-user of four or more experience levels higher 
than the spell caster can open the held portal at will. A knock spell (q.v.)or 
dispel mogrc spell (q.v.) will negole the hold portal. Held portals can be 
broken or battered down. 

Identify (Divination) 

Level: 1 
Range: 0 

Duration: I segmenf/feveJ 
Areo of Effect: One item 

Components: v*. M 
Casting Time: I furti 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: When an rdemjfy spell is cast one item may be 




touched and handled by the magic-user in order that ha or she may 
possibly find what dweomer ii possesses. The item in question must be 
held or worn as would be normal for any such abject, i.e. a bracelet must 
be placed on the spell caster's wrist, a helm on his or her head, boots on 
the feet, a cloak worn, a dogger held, and so on. Nole that any 
consequences of this use of the item fall fully upon the magic-user, 
although any saving throw normally allowed is still the privilege of the 
magic-user. For each segment the spell is In force, ft is 1 5% -f- 5% per level 
of the magic-user probable that 1 property of the object touched can 
become known — possibly that the item has no properties and is merely a 
ruse (the presence of Nysru/'s Magic Aura or a magic mouth being 
detected). Each time a property can be known, the referee will secretly roll 
to see if the magic- user made his or her saving throw versus magic. If the 
save was successful the property is known: if ins 1 pom! short, a false 
power will be revealed; and if it is lower than 1 under the required score 
no information will be gained. The item will never reveal its exact pJusses 
to hit or rts damage bonuses, although the fact that it has few or many such 
plusses can be discovered. If it has charges, the abject will never reveal 
!he exact number, but it will give information which Is -f/-25% of actual. 
I.e. a wand with 40 charges could feel as if it had 30, or 50, or any number 
in between. The item to be identified must be examined by the magic-user 
within 1 hour per level of experience of ihe examiner after it has been 
discovered, or all readable impressions will have been blended Into those 
of the characters who have possessed it since. After casting the spell and 
determining what con be learned from it, the magic-user loses B points of 
constitution. He or she must rest for 6 turns per 1 point In order to regain 
them. If the B paint lass drops the spell caster below a constitution of 3, he 
or she will fall unconscious, and consciousness will not be regained until 
full constitution is restored 24 hours later. The motoric I components of this 
spell are a pearl (of at least 100 g.p. value] and an owl feather steeped in 
wine, with the infusion drunk and a live miniature carp swallowed whale 
prior to spell casting. If a JucJt stone is powdered and added to the infusion, 
probability increases 25% and all saving throws are made at +4. 

Jump [Altera i ion) 

Level: J 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S f M 
Casting Time: 1 segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the individual is 
empowered to leop up to 30' forward or 10' backward or straight upward. 
Horizontal leaps forward or backward are in only a slighi arc — about 
2710' of distance traveled. The /ump spell does not insure any safety in 
landing or grasping at the end of the leap. For every 3 additional levels of 
experience of the magic-user beyond the 1 st, he or she is able to empower 
1 additional leap, so a 4th level magic- user can cast a Jump spell which 
enables the recipient to moke 2 leaps, 3 leaps at 7th level, etc. All leaps 
must be completed within 1 turn after the spell is cast, for after that period 
has elapsed the spell wears off. The material component of this spell is a 
grasshopper's hind teg, one for each leap, io be broken when the leap is 

Light (Alteration) 

Level: I 
Range: 6" 

Duraiion: 1 turn /level 

Area of Effect: 2" radius globe 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: With the exceptions noted above, this spell is the 
same as the first level cleric light spell (q.v.). 

Magic Mliill. (Evocation) 
level; T 

Range: 6" + )' '/level 
Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: One or more 
creatures in a 10 square foot area 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: J segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Use of the magic missile spell creates one or 
more magical missiles which dart forth from Ihe magic-user's fingertip and 
unerringly strike their target, Each missile does 2 to 5 hit points (d4-H ) of 
damage, If the magic-user has multiple missile capability, he or she can 
have them strike a single target creature or several creatures, as desired. 
For each level of experFence of the magic-user, the range of his or her 

magic missife extends 1" beyond the 6" base range. For every 2 levels of 
experience, the magic-user gains on additional missile, Le, 2 at 3rd level, 
3 at 5th level, 4 at 7th level, etc 

Mending (Alteration) 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: J segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell repairs small breaks in objects. It will 
weld a broken ring, chain link, medallion or slender dagger, providing but 
one break exists. Ceramic or wooden objects with multiple breaks can be 
invisibly rejoined io be as strong as new. A hole in a leather sack or 
wineskin is completely healed over by o mending spell. This spell will not 
repair magic items of any kind. The material components of this spell are 
two small magnets of any type [lodestone in alt likelihood) or Two burrs. 


Level: I 

Range: 6" + T'/feveJ 
Duration: 5 segments + I 

Areo of Effect: 1/4" path 

Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the magic-user can 
whisper a message and secretly, or openly, point his or her finger while so 
doing, and fhe whispered message will travel in a straight line and be 
audible to Ihe creatu<e pointed at. The message must fit spell duration, 
and if there is time remaining, the crealure who received the message can 
whisper a reply and be heard by the spell coster. Note that ihere must be 
on open and unobstructed path between the spell caster and the recipieni 
of the spelL The material component of the spell is a short piece of copper 
drawn fine. 

Nystul't Magic Aura (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: I 
Range: Touch 
Duration: 1 day/level 
Area of Effect: Specie/ 

Components: V t S, M 
Casting Time: ! round 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell any one item of a weight 
of 50 g>p. per level of experience of the spell caster can be given an aura 
which will be noticed if dated ion of magic is exercised upon the object If 
the object bearing the Nystui's Magic Aura is actually held by the creature 
detecting for a dweomer, he, she or it is entitled to a saving throw versus 
magic, and if this throw is successful, the creature knows that the aura has 
been placed to mislead the unwary. Otherwise, the aura is simply magical, 
but no amount of testing will reveal what the magic is. The component for 
this spell Is a small squore of silk which must be passed over the object to 
bear the aura, 

Protection From Evil [Abjuration) Reversible 

Level: I 

Range: Touch 

Duraiion: 2 rounds//evei 

Areo of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, $, M 
Casting Time: I segment 
Sovtng Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: With the differences shown above, and the 
requirement of powdered iron and silver as the material components for 
tracing the magic circle for protection from evH, 1 
first level cleric protection from evil spell {q.v.)- 

Push (Conjuration/Summoning) 
Level: I 

Range: I" + J/4'Vreve/ 
Duration: Insranfaneous 
Areo of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: \ segment 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: Upon pronouncing the syllables of this spell, the 
magic -user causes an invisible force to strike against whatever object he 
or she ts pointing a I. The force of the push is not greot, being 1 fool pound 




per level of the magic- user casting the spell, but if can move small objects 
up to 1 ' in a direction directly away from the easier, topple an object under 
the proper conditions, or cause a creature Id lose its balance. An example 
of the latter use is causing a creature attacking to lose its balance when it 
is attacking, for if the creature falls its. saving throw, if will not be able la 
attack that round. Of course, the mass of the creature attacking cannot 
exceed the force of the push by more than a factor of 50, i.e. o 1st level 
magic-user cannot effectively push a creature weighing mare than 50 
pounds, A push spell employed against an object held by a creature will 
cause it to subtract the force of the spell in foot pounds ( 1 , 2, 3, etc.) from 
Its chance to hit or add to opponent saving throws as applicable if the 
creature foils to moke its saving throw against magic when the spell is cast. 
The material component of this spell is a small pinch of powdered brass 
which must be blown from the palm prior to pointing at the object of the 

Read Magic (Divination J Reversible 

Level: I 
Range: 0 

Duration: 2 rounds/fevef 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: I round 
Saving Throwr None 

Exp Jo not ion /Description: By means of a read mogfc spell, the magic-user 
is able to read magical inscriptions on objects — books, scrolls, weapons 
and the like — which would otherwise be totally unintelligible to him or 
her. (The personal books of the magic-user, and works already magically 
read, are intelligible.) This deciphering does not normally invoke the 
magic contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a curse 
scroll Furthermore, once the spell is cast and the magic-user has reod the 
magical inscription, he or she is thereafter able to read thai particular 
writing without recourse to the use of the read magic spell. The duration of 
the spell is 2 rounds per level of experience of the spell caster. The 
material component for the spell is a dear crystal or mineral prism. Note 
that the material is not expended by use. The reverse of the spell, 
unreadable magic, makes such writing completely unreadable to any 
creature, even with the aid of a read magic, until the spell wears off or the 
mogic is dispelled. The material components for the reverse spell are a 
pinch of dirt and a drop of water. 

Shield (Evocation) 

Level: J 
Range; 0 

Duration: 5 rounds/level 
Area of Effect: Spec iat 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: ? segment 
Saving Throwr None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell Is cast, an invisible barrier before 
the front of the magic- user comes into being. This shield will totally negate 
mogic missile: attacks. It provides the equivalent protection of armor class 2 
against hand hurled missiles (axes, darts, javelins, spears, etc.), armor 
class 3 against smoll device-propelled missiles (arrows, bolts, bullets, 
m ami core spikes, sling stones, etc.), and armor class 4 against all other 
forms of attack. The shield also adds + 1 to the magic-user's saving throw 
dice vs, attacks which are basically frontal. Note that all benefits of the 
spell accrue only to attacks originating from the front facing the magic- 
user, where the shield con move to interpose itself properly 

Shocking Greta (Alteration) 

Level: ? 

Range: Touch 

Duration: One touch 

Areo of Effect: Creole touched 

Components: V t S 
Costing Time: \ segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When the magic-user casts this spell, he or she 
develops a powerful electrical charge which gives a jail to the creature 
touched. The shocking grasp delivers from 1 to 8 hit points damage (d8}, 
plus 1 hit point per level of the magic-user, i.e. a 2nd level magic-user 
would discharge a shock causing 3 to 10 hit points of damoge. While the 
magic-user must only come close enough so his or her opponent to lay a 
bond on the opponent's body or upon on electrical conductor which 
touches the opponent's body, a like touch from the opponent does not 
discharge the spell, 


Level: J 

Range: 3"+ TV/eve/ 
Duration: 5 rounds/ieveJ 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description. When a magic-user casts a sleep spell, he or she 
will usually cause a comatose slumber to come upon one or mare 
creatures [other than undead and certain other creatures specifically 
MANUAL) from the spell's effects]. Ah creatures to be affected by the 
sleep spell must be within o 3" diameter circle. The number of creatures 
which can be affected is a function of their life energy levets, expressed os 
hit dice and hit points: 

numnr nrTVCTw-a 

4-16 (4d4) 

Hit Dice 

up to 1 
1+1 to 2 
2 +1 to 3 
3+1 to 4 
4+1 to 4+4 




(VacU, roundoff) 

The area of effed is determined by the range ond oreo center decided 
upon by the spell caster. Slapping or wounding will awaken affected 
creatures, but noise will not do so. Awakening requires 1 complete melee 
round. Note that sleeping creaiures can be slain automatically ai a rate of 
1 per slayer per melee round. The material component for this spell is a 
pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a live cricket. 

Spider Gimb (Alteration) 

Level: I 
Range: Touch 

Duration: J round + ) round/level 
Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: / segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: A spider climb spell enables the recipient to 
climb and travel upon vertical surfaces just as a giant spider is able to do, 
Le> at 3" movement rate, or even hang upside down from ceilings. Note 
that ihe affected creature must hove bare hands and feet in order to climb 
in This manner. During the course of the spell the recipient cannot handle 
objects which weigh less than 50 g,p.. for such objects will stick to the 
creoture's hands/feet, so a magic-user will find it virtually impossible to 
cast spells if under a spider dimb dweomer. The material components of 
this spell are o drop of bitumen and a live spider, both of which must be 
eaten by the spell recipient. 

Tenter's Floating Disc (Evocation) 

Level: 1 
Range: 2" 

Duration: 3 turns + 1 turn/level 
Area of Effect: Speciaf 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 1 segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: With this spell, ihe caster creates the circular 
plane of null-gravity known as Tenser's Hoofing Disc after the famed 
wizard of that appellation (whose ability to locate treasure and his greed 
to recover every copper found are well known). The disc is concave, 3 J in 




diameter, and holds ],000 g.p. weight per level of the magic-user casting 
the spell The disc floats at approximately 3' above the ground at all limes 
and remains level likewise. It maintains a constant interval of 6' between 
itself and the magic-user If unbidden. It will otherwise move wiihin its 
range, as well as along with him at a rate of 6". ai the command of ihe 
magic-user If ihe spell caster moves beyond range, or if the spell duration 
empires, the Hearing disc winks out of existence and whatever it was 
supporting is precipitated to the surface beneath it. The material 
component of the spell is a drop of mercury. 

Unseen Servant (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: I 
Range: 0 

Duration 6 turns + I tum/levet 
Areu of Effect: 3" radius of sped 

Components: V, 5, M 
Costing Time: / segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation.- Description: The unseen servant is a non-visible volet, o 
butler to step and fetch, open doors and hold chairs, as well as to dean 
and mend The spell creates a force which is not strong, but which obeys 
the command of the magic-user, h con carry only light-weight items — o 
maximum of 200 gold pieces weight suspended, twice that amount 
moving across o relatively friction-free surface such as a smooth stone or 
wood floor. It can only open normal doors, drawers, lids, etc. The unseen 
servant cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as if is a force rather than a 
creature ft can be magically dispelled, or eliminated after taking 6 hil 
points of magical damage. The material components of ihe spell are a 
piece of string and a bit of wood 

Ventrtlequftm (Illusion/' Phantasm } 
Level: I 

Range: V level, maximum 6" 
Duration: 2 rounds 4- T 

Area of Effect: One object 

Components: V,M 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanaiion/Descriphon: This spell enables the magic-user to make it 
sound as if his or her voice - or someone's voice or similar sound — is 
issuing from someplace else, such as from another creature, a statue, from 
behind a door, down a passage-, etc. The spell caster is able fo make his or 
her voice sound as if a different creature were speaking or making the 
noise; of course, in a language known by him or her, or a sound which the 
coster can normally make. With respect to such voices and sounds, there is 
a 10% chance per point of intelligence above 12 of the hearer that the ruse 
will be recogmzed. The material component of the spell is a small cone of 

Writ. [Evocation) 

Level: } 
Range: 0 

Duration: ! hour/ ("eve/ 
Area ot Ettecr: One magical spelt 

Components: V r S, M 
Casting Time: t round 
Saving Throw: Specja/ 

Explanation -Description- &y means of this spell a magic-user might be 
able to inscribe a spell he or she cannoi understand at the lime (due to 
level or lock of sufficient intelligence) into the tome or oiher compilation 
he or she employs to maintain a library of spells. The magic-user must 
make a saving throw versus magic to attempt the writing of any spell, +2 
If it is only up to 1 level greater than he or she currently uses, 0 at 2 levels 
higher, and -1 per level from 3 levels higher onwards. If this throw fails, 
the magic user is subject to 1 d4 of damage for every level of the spell he or 
ihe was attempting to transcribe into his or her magic book, and 
furthermore be knocked unconscious for a like number of turns. This 
damage, if not fatal, con only be healed at ihe rate of 1-4 points per day, 
os it is damage to psyche and body. Furthermore, a spell will take ] hour 
per level to transcribe in this fashion, and during this period, the magic- 
user is in a trance state and can always be surprised by any foe In addition 
to the writing surface upon which ihe spell is to be transcribed, the spell 
cosier needs o fine ink composed of rare substances {minimum cost 200 
g p- pef bottle, if available at all without manufacture by the magic-user). 

Second Level Spells: 
Audible Glamer ( Illusion/Phantasm) 
Level: 2 

Range: 6" + J J V7eve/ 
Duration: 2 rounds// eve I 

Components: V, M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw; Special 

Explanation/Description: When the audible gtamer spell is cast, the magic- 
user causes a volume of sound to arise, at whatever distance he or she 
desires (within range), and seeming to recede, close, or remain tn a fixed 
place as desired The volume of sound caused, however, is directly related 
io the level of the spell caster. The relative noise is based upon the lowest 
level at which the spell can be cast, 3rd level. The noise of Ihe audible 
gtamer at this level is thoi of 4 men, maximum. Each additional expenence 
level adds a like volume, so at 4th level the mogic-user con have the spell 
cause sound equal to thot of 8 men, maximum, Thus, talking, singing, or 
shouting, and/or walking, marching or running sounds can be caused, The 
auditory illusion created by an audible gtamer spell con be virtually any 
type of sound, but the relative volume must be commensurate with the 
level of ihe magic-user costing the Spell A horde of rats- running and 
squeaking is about the same volume as 8 men running and shouting. A 
roaring lion is equal to the noise volume of 16 men, while a roaring 
dragon is equal fo the noise volume of no fewer than 24 men. If a 
character slates that he or she does not believe the sound, a saving throw 
is made, and if it succeeds, the character then hears nothing, or possibly 
|usi a faint sound. Note that this spell is particularly effective when cast in 
conjunction with phantasmal force (see below). The molenal component 
of the spell is a bit of wool or a small lump of wax. 


Level: 2 
Range: b" 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: 6" radius globe 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is Ihe same as the third level clerk 
spell continual light, except thot the range is only 6", not 12", and it 
cannot be reversed by the caster, 

Dorkneis, 15' Radius (Alierotion) 
Level: 2 

Range: /"/level 

Duration: 1 torn + 1 round/ievei 
Area of Effect: I W ' radius globe 

Components: V, M 
Costing Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell causes total, impenetrable darkness m 
the area of its effect. Infravision or ultravision are useless. Neither normal 
nor magical light will work unless a light or cortfinuai light spell Is used. In 
the former event, the darkness spell is negated by the light spell and vice 
versa, The material components of this spell are a bit of bat fur and either 
a drop of pi tch or a piece of coal 

Detect Evil (Divination) Reversible 

Level: 2 
Range: 6" 

Duration: 5 rounds/leve/ 
Area of Effect: I" path 

Components: V, 5 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the 
ihe firsl level cleric detect evfj (q.v.). 

Detect inviiibtltty {Divination) 
Level: 2 

Range: TV/evef 
Duration: 5 rounds/level 
Area of Effeci: I "path 

Components: V r S,M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: When the magic-user casts a detect invisibility 
spell, he or she is able to clearly see any objects which are invisible, as 
well as astral, ethereal, hidden, invisible or out of phase creatures. 
Detection is in the magic-user's line of sight along a 1" wide path to the 
range limit. The material components of this spell are a pinch of talc and a 
smal I sprinkl ing of powdered silver. 




ISP (Divination) 
Level: 2 

Ronge: J4'"/ieveJ, 9" maximum 

Duration: I round// eve/ 

Area of Effect: One creature per 

Components: V, S, Art 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Thrown None 

Explanation/Description: Whan on ESP spell is used, the caster is able to 
detect the surface thoughts of any creatures in range — except creatures 
with no mind (as we know it}, such as all of the undead. The ESP is stopped 
by 2 or more feet of rock, 2 or more inches of any metal other than lead, or 
a thin sheet of lead foil. The magic-user employing the spell Is able to 
probe the surface thoughts of 1 creature per turn, getting simple instinctual 
thoughts from lower order creatures. Probes can continue on the same 
creature from round to round. The easier con use Ihe spell to help 
determine if same creoture lurks behind a door, for example, but the ESP 
will not always reveal what sort of creature it is. The material component 
of this spell is a copper piece. 

Foots Gold (Alteration) 

Level; 2 
Range: I'* 

Duration: 6 turnsStevel 
Area of Effect: I cubic foot per 
level of the mag ic- user 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: I round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Capper coins can temporarily be changed to gold 
pieces, or brass items turned to solid gold for the spell duration by means 
of this dweomer. Note that o huge amount of copper or brass con be 
turned to gold by the spell — assume 4,000 g.p. are equal to a cubic foot 
for purposes of this spell. Any creature viewing fools gofd Is entitled to a 
saving throw which must be equal to or less than its intelligence score, but 
for every level of the magic-user the creature must add 1 to his dice score, 
so it becomes unlikely that fools gold wifl be detected if it was created by o 
high level caster, tf the "gold" is struck hard by an abject of cold- wrought 
iron, there is a slight chance it will revert to its natural state, depending on 
ihe material component used to create the "gold": if a SO g.p. citrine is 
powdered and sprinkled over the metal to be changed, the chance that 
cold Iran will return it to its true nature is 30%; if a 100 g,p, amber stone is 
powdered, there is a 25% chance that iron will dispel the dweomer; if a 
500 g.p. topaz is powdered, the chance drops to 10%; and if a 1,000 g.p. 
oriental (corundum) topaz is powdered, there is only a 1 % chance thai the 
cold iron will reveal that it is fools go/d. 

Forget (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 2 
Range: 3" 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect; 2" X 2" 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Expto not ion/Description: By means of this dweomer the spell caster causes 
creatures within the area of effect to forget the events of the previous 
round (1 minute of time previous to ihe utterance of the spell). For every 3 
levels of experience of the spell caster another minute of past time is for- 
gotten. Naturally, forget in no way negates any charm, suggestions, 
geases, quests, or similar spells, but it is possible that the creature who 
caused such magic to be placed upon the victim of a forget spell could be 
forgotten by this means. From 1-4 individual creatures can be affected by 
the spell, at the discretion of the caster. If only 1 is to be affected, the 
recipient saves versus magic at -2 on the dice; if 2 ore spell objects, they 
save ot -1; and if 3 or 4 are to be made to forger by this dweomer, they 
save normally. A clerical heal or restoration spell, specially cast for this 
purpose, will restore ihe lost memories, as wilt o wish, but other means 
will not serve to do so. 

invisibility (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 2 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Spec jo/ 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V f S r M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; This spell causes the recipient to vanish from 
sight and not be detectable by normal vision or even infravision, Of 
course, the invisible creoture is not magically silenced with respect to 

noises normal to it. The speil remains in effect uniil it is magically broken 
or dispelled, or the magic-user or the other recipient cancels it or until he, 
she or it attacks any creature. Thus r the spell caster or recipient could open 
doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, etc., but if any form of attack is made, the 
invisible creature immediately becomes visible, olthough this will allow 
the first attack by the creature because of the former invisibility. Even the 
allies of the spell recipient cannot see the invisible creature, or his, her or 
its gear, unless these allies can normally see invisible things or employ 
magic to da so. Note that all highly intelligent creatures with 10 or more hit 
dice, or levels of experience, or the equivalent in intelligence/dice/levels 
have a chance to automatically detect invisible objects. The material 
components of the invisibility sped are an eyelosh and a bit of gum arabic, 
the former encased in the latter. 

Knock (Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Range: 6" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: JO square 

Components; V 
Casting Time: J segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The knock spell will open stuck or held or wizard- 
locked doors. It will also open barred or otherwise locked doors. It causes 
secret doors to open. The knock spell wilt also open locked or trick- 
opening boxes or chests. El will loose shackles or chains as well. If it is used 
to open a wizard- /ocked door, the knock does noi remove the former spell, 
but it simply suspends its functioning for 1 turn. In all other cases, the knock 
will permanently open locks or welds — ollhough the former could be 
closed and locked ogain thereafter. It will not raise bars or similar 
impediments (such as a portcullis). The spell will perform two functions, 
but if a door is locked, borred, and held, opening it will require two knock 

Leomund f Trap (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 2 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Object touched 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time; 3 rounds 
Saving Throw. None 

Explanation/Description: This false trap is designed to fool the dwarf 
and/or thief attempting to pilfer or otherwise steal the spell caster's goods. 
It enables ihe magic-user to place a dweomer upon any small mechanism 
or device such as a lock, hinge, hasp, screw-on cap, ratchet, etc. Any 
examination by a character able to detect traps will be 30% likely to note 
the leomund's Trop and believe it to be real. This probability reduces by 
4% for each level of experience of the examiner beyond the first. If the 
supposed "trap" is then to be removed, it is only 20% likely that the 
creature attempting it will believe he or she has succeeded, +4% 
probability per level of experience of the remover. Of course, the spell is 
illusory, nothing will happen if the trap is ignored, and its primary purpose 
is to frighten away thieves or make them waste precious time. The 
material component of the spell is a piece of iron pyrite touched to the 
object to be "trapped". Only one Leomund's Trap may be placed within a 
50' by 50" area. 

levitate (Alteration) 
Level: 2 

Range; TVlevel 
Duration: I turn/level 
Area of Effect' Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time; 2 segmenfs 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: When a levitate spell is cast, the magic-user can 
place it upon his or her person, or upon some other creature, subject to a 
maximum weight limit of 1,000 gold pieces equivalence per level of 
experience, i.e., a third level magic user can levitare up to 300 pounds 
(3,000 g.p.) maximum. If the spell is cast upon the person of the magic- 
user, he or she can move vertically oi o rote of 20' per round. If cast upon 
another creature, the magic-user can levitate it at a maximum vertical 
movement of W per round. Horizontal movement is not empowered by 
this spell, but Ihe recipient could push along the face of a cliff, for 
example, to move laterally. The spell caster can cancel the spell as 
desired. If the recipient of the spell is unwilling, that creature is entitled to 
a saving throw to determine if the levitate spell affects it. The material 
component of this spell is either a small leather bop or a piece of golden 
wire bent into a cup shape with a long shank on one end. 




Locat* Object (Divination) Reversible 
Level* 2 

Range: 2"//eve/ 
Durotlon: I round/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Component V, S, M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the third level dene 
locate object (q,v.) excepi that its range differs. 

Magic Mouth (Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Range: Special 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect; One objecf 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cost, the magic-user empowers 
the chosen objeel with an enchanted mouth which suddenly appears and 
speaks Ihe message which the spell caster imparted upon the occurrence 
of a specified event. The mogk mouth can speak any message of 25 words 
or less in a language known by the spell caster, over a 1 turn period from 
start ro finish, ft connot speak magic spells. The mouth moves to the words 
articulated, so if ft is placed upon a sroiue, for example, the mouth of the 
statue would actually move and appear to speak. Of course. Ihe magic 
maufh can be placed upon a tree, rock, door or any other object excluding 
intelligent members of the animal or vegetable kingdoms. The spell will 
function upon specific occurrence according to Ihe command of the spell 
caster, i.e. speok to the firsl creature thai touches you — or to the first 
creature that passes within 30'. Command can be as general or specific 
and detailed as desired, such os the following: "Speak only when an 
octogenerian female human carrying a sack of groat clusters sits cross- 
legged within IV Command range is W per level of the magic-user, so a 
6th level magk-user con command the magic mouth to speok ai a 
maximum encounter range of 3", i.e. "Speak when a winged creature 
comes within 3'." Until the speak command can be fulfilled, the mpgic 
mouth will remain in effect, thus spell duration is variable. A mag^c mouth 
cannot distinguish invisible creatures, alignments, level or nil dice, nor 
class, except by external garb The material component of ihis spell is o 
small bH of honeycomb. 

Mirror Image ( Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 2 
Range: 0 

Duration: 2 rounds/level 

Area of Effect: 6' radius of spell 


Components: V f S 
Casting Time: 2 segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When a mirror image spell is invoked, the spell 
caster causes from 1 to 4 exact duplicates of himself or herself lo come into 
being around his or her person. These images do exactly what the magic- 
user does, and as the spell causes a blurring and slight distortion when it is 
effected, it is impossible for opponents to be certain which are the 
phantasms and which is the aclual magic-user. When an image is struck by 
a weapon, magical or otherwise, it disappears, bui any other existing 
images remain intact until struck. The images seem lo shift from round to 
round, so that if the actual magic-user is struck during one round, he or she 
cannot be picked out from amongst his or her images the next. To 
determine the number of images which appear, roll percentile dice, and 
add 1 to the resulting score for each level of experience of the magic-user; 
25 or less = 1 mirror image, 26-50 = 2 r 51-75 = 3, 75 or more = 4 At the 
expiration of the spell duration all images wink out. 

* (Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Range: 72" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: 10 or 100 nmes the 
fire source used 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: With the exception of the differences noted 
above, this spell is the same as ihe third level druid spell pyrotechnics 

Roy Of Enfeeblomvnt (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 2 

Range: I" + 1/4'VJeve/ 
Duration: I round/levei 
Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V, 5 
Costing Time: 2 segments 
Soving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: By means of a ray of enreeb/ement, a magic- 
user weakens an opponent, reducing strength — and attacks which rely 
upon it — by 25% or more. For every level of experience beyond the ihird 
of the magic -user casting the spell, there is an additional 2% strength 
reduction, so that at 4th level, strength loss is 27%. Range and duration of 
the spell are also dependent upon the level of experience of the spell 
caster For example, if a creature is struck by a ray of enfeebiemenr, it wtll 
lose the appropriate percentage of hit points of damage it scores on 
physical attacks (missiles, thrusting/cutting/crushing weapons, biting, 
clawing, goring, kicking, constriction, etc.). Your referee will determine 
any other reductions appropriate to ihe affected creature. If the target 
creajure makes us saving throw, the spell has no effect. 

Rape Trick (Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Range: Touch 
Duration: 2 turns/level 
Area of Effect: Spec/a/ 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 2 segments 
Soving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast upon a piece of rope from 
5' lo 30' in length, one end of the rope rises into the air until the whole is 
hanging perpendicular, as if affixed at ihe upper end. The upper end is, in 
fact, fastened in an extra-dimensional space, and the spell caster and up 
to five others can climb up the rope and disappear into ihis ploce of safety 
where no creature con find them. The rope cannoi be taken into ihe extra- 
dimensional space if six persons have climbed il, but otherwise it can be 
pulled up. Otherwise, the rope simply hangs in air, and will stay there 
unless removed by some creature. The persons in the extra-dimensional 
space must climb down the rope prior to the expiration of the spell 
duration, or else they are dropped from the? heicjhl lo which they originally 
climbed when the effect of the spell wears out. The rope con be climbed 
by only one person at a time. Note that the rope trick spell allow* climbers 
to reach a normal place if ihey do not climb all the way to the rope's upper 
end, which is in an exlra-dimensionol space. The material components of 
this spell are powdered corn exlract and a twisted loop of parchment. 

Score (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 2 
Range: V* 

Duration: 3- 12 rounds 
Areo of Effect: One creature 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Timer 2 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: When this spell Is directed at any creature with 
fewer than 6 levels of experience/hit dice, It must save versus magic or 
fall into a fii of trembling and shaking. The frightened creature will not 
drop any items held unless it is encumbered. If cornered, the spell 
recipient will fight, bui at -1 on "lo hit" and damage dice rolls and all 
saving throws as welL Note that this spell does not have any effect on 
elves, half-elves, the undeod (skeletons, zombies, ghouls, shadows, 
ghasts, wights, wraiths), larvae, lemures, manes, or clerics of any sort. The 
material component used for this spell is a bit of bone from an undeod 
skeleton, zombie, ghoul, ghast or mummy. 

{ Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Range: 6" 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 




Dura t ion: Permanent 
Area of Effect: One object 

Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Descripnon: The shatter spell affects nan-magical ob|ecls of 
crystal, glass, ceramic, or porcelain such as vials, botltes, flasks, jugs, 
windows, mirror*, ere. Such objects are shivered into dozens of pieces by 
ihe spell. Objects obove 100 gotd pieces weight equivalence per level of 
the spell coster are not affected, but oH other objects of the appropriate 
composition must save versus a "crushing blow" or be shattered The 
material component of this spell is a < 

Stinking Cloud (Evocation) 

Level: 2 
Range: 3" 

Duration: J round/I eve f 
Area of Effect: 2" X 2" X 2" 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: When o sfinfcfng cloud Is cast, the magic-user 
causes a billowing moss of nauseous vapors to come into being up to 3" 
distant from his or her position. Any creature caught within the cloud must 
save versus poison or be helpless due to nausea from 2 to 5 rounds (d4 + 
1). Those which make successful saving throws are helpless only for as 
long as they remain within the cloud, and for the round after they emerge, 
because of its irritating effects on visual and olfactory organs. The material 
components of the spell is a rotten egg or several skunk cabbage leaves. 


Level: 2 

Ronge: Touch 

Duration: 6 turns/level 

Area of Effect: Person touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 7 turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; Application of this spell increases the strength of 
the character by o number of points — or tenths of points after 18 strengih 
is attained and the character is in the fighter class. Benefits of the strength 
spell last for the duration of the magic. The amount of additional strength 
accruing to a character upon whom this spell is cast depends upon his or 
her class and is subject to all restrictions on strength due to race, sex or 






Strength Gain 

1-8 (d8) 

If a fighter (palodin or ranger as well) has an 18 strength already, from 
10% to 80% is added to his extraordinary strength roll. All Strength addition 
scares above 18 are likewise treated as 1 equalling an extra 10% on the 
extraordinary strength rating. The material component of this spell is o few 
hairs or a pinch of dung from a particularly strong animal — ape, bear, ox. 

Web (Evocation) 
Level: 2 

Ronge: J4 "/level 
Duration: 2 tums/tevel 
Areo of Effect: Special 

Components: V H S, M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. or W 

Explanation/Description: A web spell creates a many-layered mass of 
strong, sticky strands similar to spider webs, bul far larger and tougher. 
These mosses must be anchored to iwo or more points — floor and ceiling, 
opposite walls, etc. — diametrically opposed. 

The web spell covers a moximum areo of 8 cubic inches, and the webs 
must be at leasi If' thick, so a moss 4" high, 2" wide, and 1 " deep may be 
cast. Creaiures caught within webs, or simply touching ihem, become stuck 
amongst ihe gluey fibers. Creatures with less than 13 strength must remain 
fast until freed by another or until the spelt wears off. For every full turn 
entrapped by a web, o creature haso 5% cumulative chance of suffocating 
lo death. Creatures with strength between 13 and 17 can break through 1 ' 

of webs per lurn. Creatures with 18 or greater strength break through 1' of 
webs per round. (N.B. Sufficient mass equates to great strength in this 
case, and great mass will hardly notice webs.) Strong and huge creolures 
will break through 1' of webs per segment. It is imporiant to note Ihot the 
strands of a web spell are flammable, A magic flaming sword will slosh 
them away as easily as a hand brushes away cobwebs. Any fire — torch, 
flaming oil, flaming sword, etc. — will set them alight and burn them 
owoy m a single round. All creolures wrthin the webs will take 2-8 hit 
points of damage from the flames, but those freed of the strands will not 
be harmed. Saving throw Is made ot -2. ff the saving throw versus web is 
mode, two resulls may have occurred. If the creature has room to escape 
then be is assumed to have jumped free, ff there is no room to escape then 
ihe webs ore only Vt strength. The material component of this spell is o bit 
of spider web. 

Wlzord Lock (Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: 30 square 

Components: V f $ 
Costing Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When a wizard lock spell is cast upon a door, 
chest or portal, it magically locks it. The wizard-locked door or object con 
be opened only by breaking, a dispel magic, a knock spell (qq.v.) f or by a 
magic-user 4 or more levels higher than the one casting ihe spell. Note 
that the last two methods do nor remove the wizard lock, they only negate 
it for o brief duration. Creatures of extra-dimensional nature do not affect 
a wrzord lock as ihey do a held portal (see bold portal)* 

Third Level Spelts: 

Blink ( Alteration) 

Level; 3 
Ronge: 0 

Duration: I round/Jevei 
Area of Effecl. Persona/ 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: T segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the magic-user causes his 
or her material form lo "blink" out and back to this plane once again in 
random period and direction during the duration of each minute the spell 
AL Blink Dog J The segment of ihe round that the spell coster "blinks out" 
is determined by random roll with 2d4, and during this same segmem he 
or she will appear ogain 2* distant from his or her previous posiiion. 
(Direction is determined by roll of d8: \ — right ahead, 2 = right, 3 = right 
behind, A = behind, 5 — left behind, 6 = left, 7 = lefl ahead, 8 = 
ahead,) If some ob|eci is already occupying ihe space where the spell 
caster is indicated as "blinking" into, his or her form is displaced in a 
direction away from original (round storting) position for any distance 
necessary to appear in empty space, but never in excess of an additional 
10'. ff that extra distance still dictates the magic-user and another solid 
abject are to occupy the same space, the spell caster is ihen tropped on ihe 
ethereal plane. During and after the blink segment of a round, the spell 
caster can be attacked only by opponents able to strike both locations at 
once, e.g. a breath weapon, fireball, and similar wide area ottock forms. 
Those not so able con only strike the magic-user if they managed to attack 
prior to the "blink" segment. The spell cosier is only 75% likely to be able 
lo perform any acts other than physical attack with o hand-held stabbing or 
striking weapon during the course of this spelt. That is, use of any spell, 
device, or item might not be accomplished or accomplished in an incorrect 
manner or in the wrong direction. Your referee will determine 
success/foilure and the results thereof according to the particular action 
being performed. 

Clalraudl once (Divi notion) 

Level: 3 
Range: Speciol 
Duration: I round/feve/ 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The clairaudience spell enables the magic-user 
to concenirate upon some locale and hear in his or her mind whatever 
noise is within a 6" radius of his or her determined c/airaudience locole 
center. Distance is not o factor, but the locole must be known, i.e. a place 




familiar ta the 5pell caster or an obvious one (such as behind a door, 
around a corner, in a copse of woods, eic). Only sounds which ore 
normally detectable by the magic-user can be heard by use of this spell. 
Only metal sheeting or magical protections will prevent the operation of 
the spell. Note that it will function only on the plane of existence on which 
the magic-user is at the time of casting. The material component of the 
spell is a small silver horn of at least 100 g.p. value, and casting the spell 
i it lo disappear. 

Components: V, S, Art 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Clairvoyance (Divination) 

Level: 3 
Range: Special 
Duration: J rovnaWeve/ 
Area of Effect: Specfo^ 

Explanation/Description: Similar to the dOFraud/ence spell, the 
clairvoyance spell empowers the magic-user to see in his or her mind 
whatever is within sight range from the spell locale chosen. Distance is not 
a factor, but the locale musl be known — familiar or obvious. Furthermore, 
light is a factor whether or not the spell caster has the ability to see into ihe 
infrared or ultraviolet spectrums. If the area is dark, only a 1" radius from 
the center of the locale of the spell's area of effecl can be clairvoyed; 
otherwise, the seeing extends to normal vision range. Metal sheeting or 
magical protections will foil a clairvoyance spell. The spell functions only 
on the plane on which the magic-user is ai the time of casiing. The 
material component of the spell is o pinch of powdered pineal gland from 
a human or humanoid creature. 

Ditpel Magic (Abjuration ) 

Level: 3 
Range: T2" 
Duration; Permanent 
Area of Effect: 3" cube 

Components: V,S 
Costing Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the some as 
the third level cleric spell dispel magic (q.v.). 

Explosive Runes (Alteration) 

level: 3 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Specie/ 
Area of Effect: V radius 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: l A 

Explanation/Description: By tracing the mystic runes upon a book, map, 
scroll or similar instrument bearing written information, the magic-user 
prevents unauthorized reading of such. The explosive runes are difficult to 
detecl, 5% per level of magic use experience of the reader, thieves having 
only a 5% chance in any event. When reod, the explosive runes detonate, 
delivering a full 1 2 to 30 (odd + 6) hit paints of damage upon the reader, 
who gets no saving throw, and either a like amount, or half that if saving 
throws are made, on creatures within the blast radius. The magic-user who 
cast ihe spell, as well as any other magic-users he or she instructs, can use 
the instrument without triggering the runes. Likewise, the magic-user can 
totally remove them whenever desired. They can otherwise be removed 
only by a dispel magic spell, and the explosive runes lost until the spell is 
triggered. The Instrument upon which the runes are placed will be 
destroyed when the explosion takes place unless it is not normally subject 
to destruction by magical fire. 

Feign Death (Necromantic) 

Level: 3 
Range: Touch 

Duration: 6 rounds + I round/ 

Areo of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: ? segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By meons of this spell, the caster or any other 
creature whose levels of experience/hit dice do not exceed the magic- 
user's own level can be put into a cataleptic slate which is impossible To 
distinguish from actual death. Although the person/creature affected by 
the feign death spell can smell,, hear, and know what is going on, no 
feeling or sight of any sort is possible; thus, any wounding or mistreatment 
of the body will not be felt and no reaction will occur and damage will be 

only one-half normal In addition, paralysis, poison, or energy level drain 
will not affect the Individuol/creoiure under the Influence of this spell, but 
poison injected or otherwise introduced into the body will become 
effective when the spell recipient is no longer under the influence of this 
spell, allhough a saving throw is permitted. Mote that only a willing 
individual can be affected by feign death. The spell coster Is able to end 
the spell effects at any time desired, but it requires 1 full round for bodily 
functions to begin again. 

Fireball (Evocation) 
Level: 3 

Range: JO' + J'V/evel 
Duration: Instantaneous 
Area of Effect: 2" rod/ us sphere 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: ^ 

Explanation/Description: A fireball is an explosive burst of flome, which 
detonates with a low roar, and delivers damage proportionate to the level 
of the mogic-user who cost it, i.e. 1 six-sided die (da) for each level of 
experience of the spell easier. Exception; Mogic fireball wands deliver 6 
die fireballs (6d6), magic staves with this capability deliver S die fireballs, 
and scroll spells of this type deliver a fireball of from 5 to 10 dice (d6 -f 4} 
of damage. The burst of the fireball does noi expend a considerable 
amount of pressure, and the burst will generally conform to the shape of 
ihe area in which it occurs, thus covering on areo equal to its normal 
spherical volume. [The area which is covered by the fireball is a total 
volume of roughly 33,000 cubic feel (or yards)]. Besides causing damage 
to creatures, the frrebolJ ignites all combustible materials within its burst 
radius, and the heal of the fireball will melt soft metals such as gold, 
copper, silver, etc. Items exposed to the spell's effecis musl be rolled for to 
determine if ihey are affected. Items wilh a creature which makes its 
saving throw are considered as unaffected. The magic-user points his or 
her finger and speaks the range (distance and height) at which the fireball 
is to bursl. A streak flashes from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts 
upon a material body prior to attaining the prescribed range, flowers into 
the fireball If creatures fall iheir saving throws, they all lake full Ml point 
damage from the blast. Those who make saving throws manage lo dodge, 
fall floi or roll aside, taking V? the full hit point damage — each and every 
one within the bios I area. The material component of this spell is a tiny 
ball composed of bat guano and sulphur. 

Flome Arrow (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level] 3 
Range: Touch 
Duration: J segment/ieve/ 
Area of Effecl: Each arrow/bo It 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Once ihe magic-user has cast this spell, he or she 
is able to touch one arrow or crossbow bolt (quarrel) per segment for the 
duration of the flome arrow Each such missile so touched becomes magic, 
allhough it gains no bonuses "to hit". Each such missile must be 
discharged within 1 round, for after that period flame consumes it entirely, 
and the magic is lost. Fiery missiles will certainly have normal probabilities 
of causing combustion, and any creature subject to additional fire damage 
will suffer + 1 nil point of damage from any flame arrow which hits it. The 
malerial components for this spell are a drop of oil and a small piece of 

Fly (Alteration) 

Level: 3 
Range: Touch 

Duration: J turn/level + 1-6 turns 
Areo of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V ( S, M 
Casiing Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell enables ihe magic-user to bestow the 
power of magical flight, The creature affected is able to move vertically 
and/or horizontally at a rate of 1 2" per move (half thai if ascending, twice 
that if descending in a dive). The exacl duration of the spell is always 
unknown to the spell caster, as the 1-6 turns variable addition is 
determined by the Dungeon Master secretly. The material component of 
ihe fly spell is a wing feather of any bird. 

Guil Of Wind (Alteration) 

Level: 3 
Range: 0 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 



Duration: J segment 
Area of Effect: Vpoth, J 'per 
level in length 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; When this spell is cast, a strong puff of air 
originates from the magic-user and moves in the direction he or she is 
facing. The force of this gusf of wmd is sufficient to extinguish candles, 
torches, and similar unprotected flames. It will cause protected flames — 
such as those of lonlerns — to wildly dance and has a 5% chance per level 
of experience of the spell caster to extinguish even such lights, It will also 
fan large fires outwards \ ' to 6' in ihe direction of the wind's movement. It 
will force back small flying creatures 1 " to 6" and cause man-sized ones to 
be held moiionless if attempting to move into its force, and similarly slow 
large flying creatures by 50% for I round. It will blow over lighl objects. Its 
path is 1" wide by 1" of length per level of experience of the mogic-user 
casting the gust of wind spell i.e. on 8th level magic-user causes a gust of 
wind which travels 8". The material component of the spell is a legume 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Hotte (Alteration) 

Level: 3 
Range: 6" 

Duration: grounds 4* ? 

round/ level 
Area of Effeci: A" X 4" area, f 


Explanation/Description: When this spell is cost, affected creatures 
function at double their normal movemenl and attack rotes. Thus, a 
creature moving at 6" and oltockmg 1 time per round would move at 12" 
and attack 2 times per round. Spell casting is not more rapid. The number 
of creatures whrch can be affected is equal to the level of experience of 
the magic-user, those creatures closest to the spell caster being affected in 
preference to those farther oway, ond all affected by haste must be in the 
designated area of effect. Nole that this spell negates the effects of a slow 
spell (see hereafter). Additionally, this spell ages the recipients due to 
speeded metabolic processes. Its material component is a shaving of 
licorice root' 

Level: 3 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: 
creature touched 


JO' radius of 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Expianaiion/Description: This spell is essentially the same as invisibility 
(q v. ) Those affected by it cannot see each other. Those affected creatures 
which attack negate the invisibility only with respect to themselves, not 
others made invisible, unless the spell recipient causes the spell to be 

leomund* Tiny Hut (Alteration ) 

Level: 3 
Range: 0 

Duration: 6tums/levei 

Area of Effect: I0 r diameter sphere 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the mogic-user causes on 
opaque sphere of force to come into being around his or her person, half 
of Ihe sphere projecting above the ground or floor surface, the lower 
hemisphere possing through ihe surface. This field causes the interior of 
the sphere to maintain at 70* F. temperaiure in cold io 0" F. ( and heal up to 
105* F. Cold below 0" lowers inside temperature on o 1' for 1* basis, heat 
above 105" roises the inside remperoture likewise. The liny hut will with- 
stand winds up to 50 m.p.h. without being harmed, but wind force greater 
than thai will destroy it. The interior of the rrny hut is a hemisphere, ond 
the spell easier can illuminate it dimly upon command, or extinguish the 
light as desired. Note that although the force field is opaque from positions 
outside, it is transparent from within. In no way will Leamund's Tiny Hut 
provide protection from missiles, weapons, spells, and the like. Up io 6 
other man-sized creatures can fit into the field with its creator, and these 
others can freely pass in and out of the tiny hut without harming \\ v bul if 
the spell coster removes himself from it, the spell will dissipate. The 
material component for this spell is a small crystal bead which will shatter 
when spell duration expires or the hut is otherwise dispelled. 

Hold Person (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 3 Components: V 

Range: 12" Casting Time: 3 segments 

Duration: 2 rounds/ieve/ Saving Throw: Neg. 

Area of Effect: One to four persons 

Explanation/Description: Similar to the second level cleric hold person 
(q.v), ihis spell immobilizes creatures, within range, as designated by ihe 
magic-user. If three or four persons are attacked, their saving throws are 
normal, but if two are attocked, their saving throws are made at -1 ; and if 
only one creature is attacked, the saving throw versus the hold person 
spell is made at -3 on ihe die. Partial negation of a hold person spell, such 
as would be possible by a ring of spelt turning, causes the spell to function 
as a slow spell (q,v,) unless ihe saving throw is successful. Creatures 
affected by the spell ore: brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, 
gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-ores, hobgoblins, humans, 
kobolds, lizard men, nixies, ores, p.xies, sprites, and troglodytes. 

Infraction (Alteration) 

Level: 3 Components: V, 5, M 

Range: Touch Casting Time: I round 

Duration: 72 firms 4- 6 turns/level Saving Throw: None 
Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Explonation/Description: By means of this spell the mogic-user enables ihe 
recipient of infravision io see light in the infrared spectrum. Thus, 
differences in heat wave radiations can be seen up to 6". Note that slrong 
sources of infrared radiation [fire, lanterns, torches, etc.) tend to blind or 
cosi "shadows" [ust as such light does with respect to normal vision, so the 
infravision is affected and does not function efficiently in the presence of 
such heat sources. (Invisible creatures are not usually detectable by 
rnfrovfsron, as ihe infrared light waves are affected by invisibility, just as 
those of ihe ultraviolet and normal spectrums are.) The material 
component of ihis spell is either a pinch of dried carrot or an agate. 

Lightning Bolt (Evocation) 

Level: 3 Components: V, $, M 

Range: 4" 4 I'Vlevel Costing Time: 3 segments 

Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: ti 

Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description; Upon costing this spell, the magic user releases a 
powerful stroke of electrical energy which causes damage equal to 1 six- 
sided die (d6) for each level of experience of the spell caster to creatures 
within its area of effect, or 50% of such damage to such creatures which 
successfully save versus the attack form. The range of ihe bolt is the 
location of Ihe commencement of the stroke, i.e. if shot to 6", the bolt 
would extend from this point to n inches further distance. The lightning 
bott will set fire to combustibles, sunder wooden doors, splinter up to \* 
thickness of stone, and melt metals with a low melting point (lead, gold, 
copper, silver, bronze). Saving throws must be made for objects which 
withstand the full force of a stroke (cl fireball). The area of Ihe lightntng 
holt's effeci is determined by ihe spell caster, just as its distance is. The 
stroke can be either a forking boll 1 " wide and 4" long, or a single bolt W* 
wide and 8" long r If a 12th level magic-user cast the spell ot its moximum 
range, 16" in this case, the stroke would begin at 16" and flash outward 
from there, as a forked bolt ending at 20" or o single one ending at 24". If 
the full length of the stroke is not possible due to the interposition of a non- 
conducting barrier (such as o stone wall), the lightning bolt will double 
ond rebound towards its caster, its length being the normal total from 
beginning to end of stroke, damage caused to interposing barriers 
notwithstanding. Exomple: An 8" stroke is begun at a range of 4", but the 
possible space in the desired direction is only 3 so ihe boll begins at 
the 3 '/a" maximum, and it rebounds 8" in the direciron of its creator. The 
material components of the spell are a bit of fur and an amber, crystal or 
glass rod. 

Monitor Summoning I (Con|urahan/5ummaning) 

Level: 3 Components: V, 5, M 

Range: 3" Casting Time: 3 segments 




Duralion: 2 round* + f 

Area of Effect: Special 

Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: Wiihin 1-4 rounds of casting this spell, the magic- 
user will cause the appearance of from 2-8 first level monsters (selected at 
random by the referee, but whose number may be either rondomly 
determined or selected personally by Ihe referee, according to the 
strength of the monster randomly determined). These monsters will 
appear In the spot, within spell range, desired by the magic-user, and they 
will attack the spell user's opponents to the best of their ability until he or 
she commands thai attack cease, or the spell duration expires, or the 
monsters ore slain, Note that if no opponent exists to fight, summoned 
monsters can p if communication is possible, and if they ore physically 
capable, perform other services for the summoning magte-user The 
material components of this spell ore a tiny bag and a small (not 
necessarily lit) candle* 


Level: 3 

Range: 8"+ 1'Y/evei 
Duration: Special 

Area of effect: 8 square inches + T 
square inch/level 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: Spec/a/ 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cost, the magic-user creates a 
visual illusion which will affect all believing creatures which view the 
phantasmal farce, even to the extent of suffering damage from 
phantasmal missiles or from falling into an illusory pit full of sharp spikes. 
Note that oudlal illusion is not a component of the spell. The illusion lasts 
until struck by on opponent — unless the spell coster causes the illusion 1o 
read appropriately — or until the magic-user ceases concentration upon 
the spell (due to desire, moving, or successful attack which couses 
damage). Creatures which disbelieve the phantasmal force gain o saving 
throw versus the spell, and if they succeed, they see it for what il is ond 
add -M to associates' saving throws if this knowledge can be 
communicated effectively. Creatures not observing the spell effect are 
immune until they view it. The spell can create ihe illusion of any object, 
or creature, or force, as long as it is within the boundaries of the spell's 
area of effect This area can move within the limits of the range. The 
material component of the spell is a bit of fleece. 

From Evil. 10" Radius (Abjuration) Reversible 

Level; 3 
Range: Touch 
Duration: 2 rounds/level 
Area of Effect: 10' radios sphere 
around creature touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; This spell is the same as the first level protection 
from evil spell except with respect to its area of effect. See also the first 
level cleric protection from evil spell for general information, 


Level: 3 

Range: Touch 

Du rot ion: J turn/1 eve J 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of ihis spell, the magic-user bestows 
total invulnerability lo hurled and projected missiles such as arrows, axes, 
bolts, javelins, small stones and spears. Furthermore, it causes a reduction 
of 1 from each die of damage Inflicted by large and/or magicol missiles 
such as bollisto missiles, catapult stones, and magical, arrows, bolts, 
javelins, etc. Note, however, lhal this spell does not convey any protection 
from such magical attacks as fireboHs, lightning bolts, or magic rmssi/es. 
The material component of this spell is a piece of tortoise or turtle shell. 


Level: 3 

Ronge:9"+ I "/level 
Duralion: 3 rounds + I 

Area of Effect: 4" X 4" 


Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: A sfow spell causes affected creatures to move 
and attack at one-half of the normal or current rote. Thus, it negates a 
haste spell (q.v.) f has cumulative effect if cast upon creoiures already 
slowed, and otherwise affects magically speeded or slowed crea lures. The 
magic will affect as many creatures as the spell caster has levels of 
experience, providing these creatures are wiihin the area of effect 
determined by the magic-user, i.e. the 4" X 4" area which centers in the 
direction and at the range called for by the caster. The material 
component of ihis spell is a drop of treacle. 

Suggestion (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 3 
Range: 3" 

Duration: 6 turns + 6 turns/level 
Area of Effect- One creature 

Components: V, Art 
Costing Time: 3segmenrs 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cost by the magic-user, he or 
she influences the actions of the chosen recipient by u tie ranee of a few 
words — phrases, or a sentence or two — suggesting a course of action 
desirable to the spell coster. The creature to be influenced must, of course, 
be able to understand the magic- user's suggestion, i.e., it must be spoken 
in a language which ihe spell recipient understands. The suggestion must 
be worded in such o manner as to make the action sound reasonable; a 
requesr asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, 
immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act will automatically 
negate the effect of the spell. However, a suggestion that a pool of acid 
was actually pure water, and o quick dip would be refreshing, is another 
matter; or the urging thai a cessation of attack upon the magic-user's party 
would benefit a red dragon, for the group could looi a rich treasure 
elsewhere through co operative action, is likewise a reasonable use of the 
spell's power. The course of action of a suggestion can coniinue in effect 
for a considerable duration, such as in the cose of the red dragon 
mentioned above. If the recipient creoture makes its saving throw, Ihe 
spell has no effect. Note that a very reasonable suggestion will cause the 
saving throw lo be made at a penalty (such as -1 , -2, etc. ) ot the discretion 
of your Dungeon Master. Undeod are not subject to suggestion. The 
material components of this spell are a snake's tongue ond either a bit of 
honeycomb or a drop of sweet oil. 

(Alteration) Reversible 

Levei: 3 
Range: 0 

Duralion: 1 round/level 

Area of Effect: 6" diameter circle 

Components: V, M 
Costing Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Descripiion: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as 
the fourth level cleric spell, tongues (q.v ). Also, the material component is 
a small clay model of a ziggurat. which shatters when the spell Is 

( A Iteroti on ) Re versible 

Level: 3 

Range: Touch 

Duration: 3 turns/level 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V, S 4 M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, ond that Ihe material 
componem of the spell is a short reed or piece of strow, this is the same as 
the third level dru id spell, water breathing (q.v,). 

Fourth level Spells: 

( En cha ntm en t/Cha rm ) 

Level: 4 
Range: 6" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Spec/of 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to a chorm person spell (q«v,), 
but it will affect any living creature — or several creatures of lesser level 
as explained hereafter. The magic-user casts the charm monster spell, and 
any affected creature regards the spell caster as friendly, an ally or 
companion to be ireated well or guarded from harm. If communication is 
possible, the charmed creature will follow reasonable requests. 




instructions, or orders most faithfully (cf. suggestion spell). Affected 
creatures will eventually come our from under rhe influence of the spell, 
and the probability of such breaking of a charm monster spell is a function 
of the creature's level, i.e. its number of hit dice: 

lhat the magic-user wears or carries, subject to a maximum weighi equal 
to 5,000 gold pieces of non-living matter, or half that omouni of living 
matter, is transferred with the spell coster. Recovery from use of o 
dimension door spell requires 7 segments. 

Monitir Lovol 

or Hit Dice 

1st or up to 2 
2nd or up to 3 + 2 
3rd or up to 4 + 4 
4th or up to 6 
Sth or up to 7 + 2 
6th or up to 8 + 4 
7th or up to 10 
Sth or up to 12 
9ih or over 12 

Percent Chance/ 
Week of Breaking Spell 


Enchanted Weapon {Alteration ) Reversible 

Naturally, overtly hostile octs by the person charming the monster will 
automatically break ihe spell, or at the very least allow the monster a new 
saving throw versus the charm. The spell will affect from 2-8 1st level 
creatures, 1-4 2nd level creatures, 1 or 2 3rd level, or 1 creature of 4th or 
higher level 

Confusion (Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 4 
Ronger ?2 

Duration: 2 rounds 4- 1 

Area of Effect: Upta6"X6" 

Component: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: Excepi os noted above, this spell is identical to 
ihe seventh level druid spell, confusion (q.v,). However, it affects a basic 
2-16 creatures. Its material component is o set of three nut shells. 

Dig (Evocation) 

Level: 4 
Range: 3" 

Duration: J round/level 
Areo of Effect: 5* cube per /eve/ of 
me mogic-user 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Speaal 

Explanotjon/Oescnption: A djg spell enables the caster to excavate 125 
cubic feet of earth, sond, or mud per round. The hole thus dug is a cube 5 f 
per side. The material thrown from the excavaiion scatters evenly around 
the pit. If the magic-user continues downward beyond 5\ there is a chance 
that the pi! will collapse: 1 5%/additional 5' m depth in earth, 
35%/additional 5' depth in sond, and 55%/oddiiional 5 J depth in mud. Any 
creature at the edge (T) of such a pii uses its dexterity score os a saving 
throw to avoid falling into the hole, with a score equal to or less than the 
dexterity meaning that a fall was avoided. Any creature moving rapidly 
towards a pit area will fall in unless it saves versus magic. Any creature 
caught n, -he cenier a: :j pi- ( usi dug will always, fall in. The spoil caster 
uses a miniature shovel and liny bucket to activate a dig spell and must 
continue to hold these material components while each pit is excavated. 

Dimension Deer (Alteration) 

Level: 4 

Range: 0 

Duration: Special 

Areo of Effect: Spell caster 

Components* V 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of o dimension door spell, the magic- 
user instontly transfers himself or herself up to 3" disiance per level of 
experience of the spell caster. This special form of teleportatlon allows for 
no error, and the mogic-user always arrives at exactly the spot desired — 
whether by simply visualizing the area (within spell transfer distance, of 
course) or by stating direction such as "30 inches straight downwards," or 
"upwards to the northwest, 45 degree angle, 42 inches." If the magic-user 
arrives in a piece which is already occupied by a solid body, he or she 
remains rn the Astro/ Plane until located by some helpful creature willing 
to cast a dispel magic upon the person, for he or she is stunned and cannoi 
successfully perform any spell casiing. If distances are stated and the spell 
coster arrives with no support below his or her feel (i.e., in mid-air), falling 
and damage will result unless further magical means are employed. All 

Level: 4 

Range: Touch 

Duration: 5 rounds/level 

Area of Effect: Weaponf s) touched 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: I turn 
Saving Throw None 

Explonation/Description: This spell turns an ordinary weapon into a 
magical one. The weapon is the equivalent of a + 1 weapon but has no 
bonuses wholsoever. Thus, arrows, axes, bolts, bows, daggers, hammers, 
maces, spears, swords, etc. can be made into enchanted weapons. Two 
small (arrows, bolts, doggers, etc.) or one large (axe, bow, hammer, 
mace, eic.) weapon can be affected by the spell. Note that successful hits 
by enchanted missile weapons cause the spell to be broken, but that 
otherwise the spell duration lasts until the time limit based on the level of 
experience of the mogic-user casting it expires, i.e. 40 rounds (4 turns) in 
the cose of an 8th level magic-user. The material components of this spell 
are powdered lime and carbon. 

Extension I (Alteration) 

Level: 4 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 

Components: V 

Casting Time: 2 segments 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By use of an extension I spell the magic-user 
prolongs the duration of a previously cast first, second, or third level spell 
by 50%. Thus, a levitation spell can be made to function 1 % h turns/level, a 
hold person spell made to work for 3 rounds/level, etc. Naturally, the spell 
has effect only on such spells where duration is meaningful. 

Fear ( 1 1 1 usi on/Phantasm) 

Level: 4 
Range: 0 
Duration: Specfaf 
Area of Effect: 6" long cone, 3' 
diameter at end, H ' at base 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Meg. 

Explanation/Description: When a fear spell is cast, the magic-user sends 
forth an invisible ray which couses creatures within its area of effect to turn 
away from the spell coster and flee in panic. Affecied creatures ore likely 
to drop whatever they are holding when struck by the spell; the base 
chance of this is 60% at 1 st level {or ot 1 hit die), and each level (or hit die) 
above this reduces the probability by 5%, i.e. at lOlh level ihere is only a 
15% chance, and ot 13lh level 0% chance. Creatures affected by fear flee 
ot their faslest rale for the number of melee rounds equal to the level of 
experience of the spell caster. The panic takes effect on the melee round 
following ihe spell casting, but dropping of Items in hand will take place 
immediately. Of course, creatures which make their saving throws versus 
the spell are not affected The material component of this spell is either the 
heart of a hen or a white feolher. 

Fire Chorm (Enchantment/Chorm) 

Level: 4 
Range: V 

Duration: 2 rounds/level 

Area of Effect: 30' diameter of fire 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the magic-user causes a 
normal fire source such as a brazier, flambeau, or bonfire to serve as a 
magical agent, for from this source he or she couses a gossamer veil of 
mulli-hued flame to circle the fire at 5' distance. Any creatures observing 
the fire or the dancing circle of flame oround it must save versus magic or 
be charmed into remaining motionless and gazing, transfixed at the 
flames. While so charmed, creatures are subfeci to suggestion spells of \2 
or fewer words, saving against their Influence at -3. The fire charm is 
broken by any physical attack upon ihe charmed creature, if o ^olid object 
is interposed between the creoture and the veil of flames so os to obstruct 




vision, or when the duration of the spell is at an end. Note that the veil of 
flame is noi a magical fire, and passing through it incurs the same type 
and amount of damage as would be sustained from passing through its 
original fire source. The material component far this spell is a small piece 
of multicolored silk of exceptional thinness which the dweomercraefter 
must ihrow into the fire source. 

Br* Shield: (Evocation-Alteration) 

Level: 4 
Range; 0 

Duration; 2 rounds + ? 

Area of Effect: Persona/ 

Components. V, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell ihe mogiouser appears to 
immolate himself or herself, but the flames are th in and wispy, shedding 
light equal only to half thai of a normal torch (15' radius of dim light), and 
colored blue or green if variation A is cost, violet or blue if variation B is 
employed Any creature striking the spell caster with body or hand-held 
weapons will inflict normal damage upon the magic-user, but the attacker 
will take double the amount of damage so inflkredf The other spell 
powers depend on the variation of Ihe spell used: 

A) The flames are hot, ond any cold -based attacks will be saved 
against ai +2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or 
no damage will be sustained; fire-based attacks are normal, 
but if Ihe magic-user fails to moke the required saving throw 
(if any) against them, he or she will sustain double normal 
damage. The material component for this variation is a bit of 

B) The flames are cold, and any frre-based attack will be saved 
against ai + 2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or 
no damage will be sustained; cold-based attacks are normal, 
but if the magic-user fails to make ihe required saving throw 
(if any) against them, he or she will sustain double normal 
damage. The material component for this variation is a live 
f iref fy or glow worm or the toil portions of 4 dead ones. 

Fire Trap (Evocation) 

Level: 4 

Ronge: Touch 

Duration: Permanent until 

Area of Effect; Object touched 

Components: V. S s M 
Casting Time: 3 rounds 
Saving Throw; 'A 

i^fenaiion/Descripiion: Any closable item (book, box, bottle, chest, 
coffer, coffin, door, drawer, and so forth) Ft affected by o fire trap spell, 
but the Item so trapped connot have o second spell such as hold portal or 
wizard lock placed upon it except as follows: if a fire trap/hold portal is 
attempted, only the spell first cast will work, ond the other will be negated 
(both negated if cast simultaneously). If a fire trap is cast after a wizard 
focie, the former is negated, if both are cast simultaneously both are 
negated, ond if a wizard lock is casi after placement of a fire frop there is a 
50% chance thai both spells will be negated. A knock spell will not offecta 
fire trap in any way — as soon as the offending party enters/touches, Ihe 
trap will discharge, The caster can use the trapped objecl without 
discharging it. When the trap is discharged there will be an explosion of 5' 
rodius r and all creatures within this area must make saving throws versus 
magic. Damage is hit points plus 1 hit point per level of the magic-user 
who cost the spell, or one-half the total amount for creatures successfully 
soving versus magic. The item trapped is NOT harmed by this explosion. 
There is only 50% of Ihe normal chance to detect a ffre trap, and failure to 
remove it when such action is attempted detonates it immediately. To 
place this spell, the cosier must trace the outline of ihe closure with a bit of 
sulphur or saltpeter. 

Fumble (Enchantment/Charm) 
Level: 4 

Range: TV/eve/ 
Duration: 1 round/level 
Area of Effect: I creature 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: 14 

Explanation/Description; When a fumble spell is cast, the magk-user 
causes the recipient of the mogic to suddenly become clumsy and 

awkward, Running creatures will trip and fall, those reaching for an item 
will fumble ond drop it, those employing weapons will likewise 
awkwardly drop them. Recovery from a fali or of a fumbled object will 
typically require the whole of the next melee round. Note that breakable 
items might suffer do mage when dropped. If the victim makes his or her 
saving throw, the fumble will simply make him or her effectively operate 
at one-half normal efficiency (cf srow spell). The material component of 
■his spell is o dab of solidified milk fal. 


Level: 4 

Range: 2" /level 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect; J"X 

I " square 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: I turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the magic-user causes an 
illusion which hides the actual terrain within the area of the spell's effect. 
Thus, open fields or a road can be made to look as if a swamp or hill or 
crevasse or some other difficult or impassable terrain existed there. Also, a 
pond can be mqde io appear as a grassy meadow, a precipice look as if it 
were a gentle slope, or a rock-strewn gully made lo look os if it were a 
wide and smooth road The haffucmafory terram persists until a dispel 
magic spell is cast upon Ihe area or uniil ii is contacted by an intelligeni 
creature. Each level of experience of the magic-user enables him or her to 
affect a larger area. At 10th level, a magic-user can affect on area up to 
10" X 10" square, while at 12th level ihe spell coster affects a 12" X 12" 
square area. The material components of ihis spell are a stone, a twig, and 
a bit of green plant — leaf or gross blade 

ke Storm (Evocation) 

Level: 4 

Range: I "/level 
Duration; I round 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cost, the magk-user causes 
either great hail stones to pound down in an area of 4" diameter and 
inflict from 3 to 30 (3d 10) hft points of damage on any creatures within the 
area of effect; or the ice storm can be made to cause driving sleet to fall in 
on area of 8" diameter and both blind creatures within its area of effect for 
the duration of ihe spell and cause the ground in the area to be icy, thus 
slowing movement within by 50% and making it 50% probable lhat a 
moving creature will slip and fall when trying to move. The material 
components for this spell are a pinch of dust and a few drops of water. 
(Note that this spell will negate a hear metal spell (q,v,), bur its first 
application will also cause damage in the process.} 


Level: 4 

Range: I ' /level 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect; M'X 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: ) rurn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast upon willing creatures of 
man-size or smaller, up to 10 such creaiures per level of experience of the 
magic-user can be made to appear as normal trees of any sort. Thus, a 
company of creatures can be mode io appear as a copse, grove, or 
orchard. Furthermore, these rnassmorphed creatures can be passed 
through — and even touched — by other creatures without revealing the 
illusion. Note, however, that blows to the creature-trees will reveal their 
nature, os damage will be sustained by the creatures struck and blood will 
be seen. Creatures rnassmorphed must be within the spell's area of effect. 
Unwilling creatures are not affecled. The spell persists until the caster 
commands it to cease or until a dispel magic is cast upon the creatures. The 
material component of this spell is a handful of bark chips. 


Level: 4 
Range: 0 

Duration: I round/I eve/ 

Area of Effect; I "diameter sphere 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 




Explanation/Description; This spell Creoles a magical sphere around the 
easier which prevents any firsi, second or third level spells from 
penetraling, i.e. the area of effecf of any such spells does noi include the 
area of the minor giobe of invulnerability. However, any sor! of spells con 
be cast qui of the magical sphere, and ihey pass from the caster of the 
g/obe, through its area of effect, and to their target without effect upon the 
minor g/obe of invulnerability. Founh and higher level spells are not 
affected by the globe. It can be brought down by o dtepei magic spell- The 
material component of the spell is a glass or crystal bead. 

Monster Summoning II (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 4 
Range: 4" 

Duration: 3 rounds + I 

Areo of Effect: Spec/a/ 

Components: V. S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the third level monster 
symmon/ng i spell (q.v.J. Its rnaior difference is that 1-6 second level 
monsiers are conjured up. The material components are the some as those 
of the lesser spel I. There is also a 1 -4 round delay. 

Pldnt Growth {Alteration) 
Level; A 

Range: W\eve\ 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: I " X T" square 

Components: V, S 
Costing Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the some as a 
third level druid spell, plant growth (q.v.). 

Polymorph Other (Alteration) 
Level: 4 

Range: Vi'Aevel 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: One creafure 

Components: V r 5, Art 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw; Neg. 

Explanation/Description: The polymorph other spell is o powerful magic 
which completely allers the form and ability, and possibly the personality 
ond mentality, of Ihe recipient. Of course, creatures with o lower 
intelligence cannol be polymorphed into something with a higher 
intelligence, but the reverse is possible. The creature polymorphed must 
make a "system shock" (cf. CONSTITUTION) roil to see if it survives the 
change. If It is successful, it then acquires all of ihe form and abilities of 
the creature it has been polymorphed into. There Is a base 100% chance 
that this change will olso change its personality and mentality into thai of 
the creature whose form it now possesses. For each 1 point of intelligence 
of the creature polymorphed, subtract 5% from the base chance. 
Additionally, for every hit die of difference between the original form and 
the form li is changed into by the spell, the polymorphed creaiure must 
adjust the base chance percentage by +/-5% per hit die below or above 
its own number (or level in the case of characters). The chance for 
assumption of the personality and mentality of the new form musi be 
checked doily until the change takes place. (Note that all creatures 
generally prefer their own farm and will not wi//rng/y stand the risk of 
being subjected to this spell!) If a one hit die ore of 8 intelligence is 
polymorphed into a white dragon with 6 hit dice, for example, it is 85% 
(100% - [5% X 8 intelligence] + [(6 - 1 ) X S%] = BS%) likely to actually 
become one in all respects, but in any case it will have the dragon's 
physfcal and mental capabilities; and if it does not assume the personality 
and mentality of a white dragon, it will know whal it formerly knew as 
well. Another example: on 8th fevel fighter successfully polymorphed into 
o blue drogon would know combat with weapons and be able to employ 
ihem with prehensile dragon forepows if the fighter did not take on 
drogon personality and mentality. However, the new form of the 
polymorphed creature may be stronger than it looks, I.e. a mummy 
changed to a puppy dog would be very tough, or a brontotaurus changed 
to an ant would be impossible to squash merely from being stepped on by 
a small creature or even a man-sized one The magic-user musi use o 
dispel mogic spell !o change the po/ymorphed creature back to its original 
form, and this loo requires a "system shock" saving throw. The material 
component of this spell is a caterpillar cocoon. 

Polymorph Self (Alteration) 

Level: 4 
Range: 0 

Duration: 2 turns/level 

Areo of Effect: The magic-user 

Components: V 

Casting Time: 3 segments 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cost, the magic-user is able lo 
assume the form of any creaiure — from as small as a wren to as large as o 
hippopotamus — and iis form of locomotion as well. The spell does not 
give the other abilities (attack, magic, etc), nor does it run the risk of 
changing personality and mentality. No "sysiem shock" check is required. 
Thus, a magic-user changed to an owl could fly, but his or her vision would 
be human; a change to a black pudding would enable movement under 
doors or along halls and ceilings, but not the pudding's offensive or 
defensive capabilities. Naturally, the strength of the new form musi be 
sufficient to allow normal movement. The spell caster can change his or 
her form os often as desired, the change requiring only 5 segments. 
Damage to the po/ymorphed form is computed os if it were inflicted upon 
the magic-user, bui when the magic-user returns to his or her own form, 
from 1 to 1 2 ( d 1 2 ) poi nts of damage ore restored. 

Rary'i Mnemonic Enhancer (Alteration) 

Level: 4 

Ronge: 0 

Duration: May 

Area of Effect: The magic-user 

Components: V, S, Art 
Costing Time: I turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the magic-user is able to 
memorize, or retain the memory of, three additional spell levels, i.e. three 
spells of the first level, or one first and one second, or one third level spell. 
The magic-user con elect to immediately memorize additional spells or he 
or she may opt to retain memory of a spell cast by means of the Enhancer. 
The material components of the spell are o piece of string, an ivory plaque 
of ot least 100 g.p, value, and on ink composed of squid secretion ond 
either black dragon's blood or giant slug digestive juice. All components 
disappear when the spell Is cost. 

Remove Curie (Abjuration) Reversible 

Level; 4 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanem 
Area of Effect: Spec ial 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description; Except os noied above, this spell is the i 
the third level cleric spell, remove curse (q.v.). 

Wall OT Fire (Evocation) 

Level; 4 
Range: 6" 
Duration: Special 
Areo of Effect: Special 

Components: V, 5, M 
Costing Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Ex plana i ion /Description: This spell differs from the fifth level druid spell, 
wall of fire (q.v.J only as indicated obove and as stated below: the flame 
color is either violet or reddish blue, base damage is 2-12 hit points (plus 1 
hit point per level), the radius of the ring-shaped wolf of fire is \" + 1/4" 
per level of experience of the magic user casting it, and the moferiol 
componenl of the spell is phosphorus. 

Components: v*, S, M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Level: 4 

Range: J"//eve/ 
Duration: J furn//eve) 
Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, o sheet of strong, flexible 
ke is created. The wall is primarily defensive, stopping pursuers and the 
like. The wall is one inch thick per level of experience of ihe magic-user. It 
covers a 1 " square area per level. I.e. a 10th level magic-user would cause 
a wail of ice up to 10" long and 1" high, or 5" long and T high, and so 
forth. Any creature breaking through the ice will suffer 2 hit points of 




domage per inch of thickness of ihe wall, fire-using creatures will suffer 3 
hit points, cold-using creatures only 1 hit poini when breaking through. If 
ihis spell is cast to form a horizontal sheet to foil upon opponents, II has the 
same effect as an ice storm's (q.v.) hail stones in Ihe area over which it 
falls. Magical fires such as fireballs and fiery dragon breath will melt a 
wall of ice in 1 round, though they will cause a great cloud of steamy fog 
which will last 1 turn, but normal fires or lesser magical ones wilt not 
hasten its melting. The material component of this spell is a smoll piece of 
quartz or similar rock crystal. 

Wfcord Eye (Alteration) 

Level: 4 
Range: 0 

Duration: I round/level 
Area of Effect: Speda* 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 7 turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is employed, the magic-user 
creates on invisible sensory organ which sends visual information to him 
or her. The wizard eye irovelsat 3" per round, viewing on areo ahead as a 
human would or 1" per round examining the ceiling and walls as well as 
The floor ahead and casually viewing the walls ahead. The wizard eye can 
"see" with inf revision at 10', or it "sees" up to 60' distant in brightly lit 
areas. The wizard eye can travel m any direction as long as the spell lasts. 
The material component of the spell is a bit of bat fur. 

Fifth Level Spells: 
Airy Water (Alteration) 

Level: 5 
Range: 0 

Duration: 1 turn/fever 
Area of Effect: 2" dramefer sphere 
or 4* diameter hemisphere 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The airy water spell lurns normal liquid such as 
water or water based infusions or solutions to a less dense, breathable 
substance Thus. If the magic-user were desirous of entering an 
underwater place, he or she would step into the water, cast the spell and 
sink downwards in a globe of bubbling water which he or she and any 
companions in the spell's oreo of effect could move freely in and breathe 
just as if it were air rather ihan water. The globe will move with the spell 
caster. Note that water breathing creotures will avoid a sphere (or 
hemisphere) of orry water, although intelligent ones can enter it if ihey 
are able to move by means other than swimming, but no waler-breathers 
will be able to breathe in an area affected by ihis spell. There is only one 
word which needs to be spoken to actuate the magic, and the material 
component of the spell is a small handful of alkaline or bromine salts. 

Growth (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 5 
Range: 6" 

Duration: f round/lever 
Area of Effect: up to 8 animals in a 
T square area 

Components: V, S 
Costing Time: 5 segments, 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except os noted above, and for the fact that the 
material component of the spell is a pinch of powdered bone, this is the 
same os the fifth level druid spell animal growth (q.v,). 

Animate Dead (Necromantic) 

Level: 5 
Range: I* 4 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 5 rounds 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanolion/Description: Except as noted obove. this spell is the same as 
Ihe third level cleric spell animate dead (q.v. ) 

Bigby i Interposing Hand (Evocation) 
Level: 5 

Range: t "/level 
Duration: 1 round/level 
Areo of Effect: Special 

Components: V, 5, M 
Costing Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Bfgby's interposing Hand is a large to huge-sized 
magic member which appears and places itself between the spell caster 
and his or her chosen opponenl. This disembodied hand then remains 
between the two, regardless of what the spell coster does subsequently or 
how the opponent tries to get around it. The size of the Hand is 
determined by the magic-user, and it can be human-sized all the way up 
to lilan-sized. It lakes as many hit points of domage to destroy as the 
magic user who cast it Any creature weighing less than 2,000 pounds 
trying to push past It will be slowed to one-half normal movement. The 
material componenT of the spell is o glove. 

Cloudkill (Evocation) 

Level: 5 
Range: I" 

Duration: \ round/level 
Areo of Effect: 4" wide, 2" high, 

Components: V, S 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell generates o billowing cloud of ghastly 
yellowish green vapors which is so toxic as to slay ony creature with fewer 
than 4 + t hit dice, cause creatures with 4 + I to 5 -f- ^ hit dice to save 
versus poison at -4 on the dice roll, and creatures up to 6 hit dice 
(inclusive) to save versus poison normally or be slam by the cfoud The 
cloudkill moves away from the spell coster at 1" per round, rolling along 
the surface of the ground. A wind will cause it ro alter course, bui it will not 
move back towards its caster. A strong wind will break it up in A rounds, 
and o greater wind force prevenis the use of ihe spell. Very thick 
vegetation will disperse the cloud in two rounds, i.e. moving through such 
vegetation for T\ As the vapors are heavier than air, they will sink to the 
lowest level of the lond, even pour down den or sinkhole openings; thus, it 
is ideal for slaying nests of giant ants, for example- 
Conjure Elemental (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 5 
Range: 6" 

Duration: J fum//eve/ 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V,, S, M 
Casting Time: I turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Exploration/Description: There are actually four spells in one as I 
con/ure elemental. The magic-user is able to conjure an cir, earth, fire or 
water elementol with this spell — assuming he or she has the material 
component for the particular elemental. A considerable fire source must 
be 111 range to conjure that type of elemental; a large amount of water 
must be likewise available for conjuration of a water elemental. Conjured 
elementols ore very strong — see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, 
MONSTER MANUAL — typically having 16 hit dice (16dB), It is possible to 
conjure up successive elemental* of different type if the spell coster has 
memorized rwo or more of these spells. The lype of elemental to be 
conjured must be decided upon before memorizing the spell. The 
elemental conjured up must be controlled by the magic-user, i.e. the spell 
caster musl concentrate on ihe elemental doing his or her commands, or it 
will turn on the magic-user and attack. The elementol, however, will not 
cease o combat to do so, but it will avoid creatures when seeking its 
conjurer. If ihe magic-user is wounded or grappled, his or her 
concentration is broken. There is always o 5% chance thot the elemental 
will lurn on its conjurer regardless of concentration, and Jhis check is made 
ai the end of the second and each succeeding round. The elementol con 
be controlled up to 3" distant per level of the spell coster. The elemental 
remains until its form on Ihis plane is destroyed due to damage or the 
spell s duration expires Note lhat water elementols are deslroyed if they 
move beyond 6" of o body of water The maieriot component of this spell 
(besides the quantity of the element ot hand) is a small amount of: 

Air Elemental — burning incense 
Earth Elemental — soft clay 
Fire Elementol — sulphur and phosphorus 
Water Elemental water and sand 

N.B. Special protection from uncontrolled elementols is available by 
means of a pentode, pentagram, thoumaturgic triangle, magic circle, or 
protection from evil spell. 

Cone Of Cold [Evocation) 

Level: 5 
Range: 0 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 




Duration: fnsfonfoneous 
Area of Effect: Special 

Saving Throw: 54 

Explanation/Description: When rhis spell is cast, it causes a cone-shaped 
area originating at the magic-user's hond and extending outwards in a 
cone W* long per level of the coster. It drains heat and causes 1 four-sided 
die, plus 1 hit point of damage (1d4 + 1), per level of experience of the 
magic-user, for example, a 1 Oth level magic-user would cast a cone of 
cold causing IGcU ■+■ 10 hit points of damage. Its material component is a 
crystal or glass cone of very small size. 

Contact Other Plane (Divination) 

Level: 5 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V 
Casting Time: I turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When ih is spell is casi, the magic-user sends his 
or her mind to another plane of existence in order to receive advice and 
information from powers there. As these powers are located at random, 
and resent such contact in ony case, only brief answers will be given. 
(Your DM will answer all questions with a "yes", "no", "maybe", 
"never", "irrelevant", etc.) The characier can contact an elemental plone 
or some plane further removed* For every 2 levels of experience of the 
magic-user one question may be asked. Contocl with minds far removed 
from the plane of the magic-user increases the probability of the spell 
coster going insane or dying, but the chance of the power knowing the 
answer, as well as the probability of the bemg telling the correct answer, 





of Insanity* 

of Knowledge 

of VertKfty* 





1 removed 




2 removed 




3 removed 




4 removed 




5 re moved 




6 re moved 




7 removed 




8 removed 




9 or more 





• For every 1 point of intelligence over 15, the magic user reduces 
probability of insanity by 5%< 

•• If Ihe answer is unknown, and the answer is not true, the being will 
answer definitely. If truth Is indicated, it will answer "unknown." 

•••Assumes knowledge of questions pertaining to the appropriate 
elemental plane. 

Insanity will strike as soan as 1 question Is asked. It will last for 1 week for 
each removal of the plane contacted, 10 weeks maximum. There is a \% 
chance per plane that the magic-user will die before recovering unless a 
remove curse spell is cast upon him or her. 

Distance Dlitortlon (Alteration) 
Level: 5 

Range: IVIeveJ 
Duration: J turn/level 
Area of Effect: 100 square " per 

Components: V, S. M 
Casting Time: 6 segmenfs 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell can only be cast when the mogk-user 
has an earth elemental con|ured up, but the elemental will not react 
hostilely to co-operation with the spell caster when he or she announces 
that his or her intent is to cast a dtsiance distortion spell The magic places 
the earth elemental In the area of effect, and the elemental then causes 
the area's dimensions to be distorted in either of two ways: 1 ) the area will 
effectively be one-half the distance to those travelling over it, or 2) the 

i will be twice the distance to those travelling across it. Thus a 10' X 
100' corridor could seem as if ii wos but 5' wide and 50' long, or \\ could 
appear to be 20' wide and 200' long. When the spell duration has elapsed, 
the elemental returns to its own plane. The true nature of an area affected 
by distance distortion is absolutely undetectable to any creatures travelling 
along it, alihough the area will radiate a dim dweomer, and a true seeing 
spell will reveal thai an earth elemental Is spread within the area. 
Material needed for this spell is a small lump of soft clay. 

Extension H (Alteration) 

Level: 5 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V 

Costing Time: 4 segments 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as ihe fourth level 
Exrension f spell, except it extends rhe duration of first rhrough fourth level 
spells by 50%. 

Feeblemlnd (Enchantment/Charm) 
Level: 5 

Range: T'V/evef 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 5 segment 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explonaiion/Oescription Excepi os noted above, this spell is the same as 
the sixth level droid spell, feeblemind (q.v,), The material component of 
this spell is a handful of small clay, crystal, glass or mineral spheres. 

Hold Monster ( Enchantment/Charm) 
Level: 5 

Range: level 
Duration: 1 round/level 
Area of Effect: One to four 
mansfers ( creatures) 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: This spell immobilizes from one lo four creatures 
of any type within spell range and in sight of the spell caster. He or she can 
opt to hold one, two, three or four monsters. If three or four ore attacked, 
each saving throw is at normal, if two are attacked, each saving throw is at 
-1 on the die; and if but one is attacked, the saving throw is at -3 on the 
die, (Partially-negated hold monster spell effects equol those of a s/ow 
spe/U The material component for this spell is one hard metal bar or rod 
for each monster to be held The bar or rod can be small, Le. Ihe size of a 
ihree-penny naiL 

Leomund'f Secret Chest {Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 5 
Range; Special 
Duration: 60 days 
Area of Effect: One chest of about 

Components: V,5,M 
Casting Time: 1 turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: In order to cast this spell the magic-user must 
hove an exceptionally well-crafted and expensive chest constructed for 
him by master craftsmen. If made principally of wood, It must be of ebony, 
rosewood, sandalwood, teak or the like, and all of its corner fittings, nails, 
and hardware must be of platinum. If constructed of ivory, the metal 
fittings of the chest may be of gold; and if the chest is fashioned from 
bronze, copper, or silver. Its fittings may be of eloctrum or silver. The cost 
of such a chest will never be less than 5,000 g.p. Once constructed, the 
magic-user must hove a tiny replica (of the same maleriols and perfecl in 
every detail} made, so that the miniature af the chest appears to be a 
perfecl copy. One magic-user can have but one pair of these chests at any 
given time, and even wrsn spells will not allow exception! 

While touching Ihe chest and holding the tiny replica, ihe caster chanls the 
spetl. This will cause the large chest to vanish Into the ethereal plane. The 
chest can contain one cubic foot of material per level of the magic-user no 
maiter what its apparent size. Living matter makes it 75% likely that the 
spell will fail, so Ihe chest is typically used far securing valuable spell 
books, magic Hems, gems, etc. As long os the spelt caster hos the small 
P the magic chest, he or she can recall the large one from the 
» to the locale he or she is in when the chest is desired I' ' 




miniature of the chest is lost or destroyed there is no way, including a 
wish, mot the large chest will return. 

While on ihe ethereal plane, there Is a 1% cumulative chance per week 
that same creature/ being will find the chest. If this occurs there is Wo 
likelihood that the chest will be ignored, JOVo possibility that something 
will be added to the contents, 30% possibility that ihe contents will be 
exchanged for something else, 30% chance that something will be stolen 
from it. and 20% probability that it will be emptied, In addition, when the 
secret chesf is brought bock to the Prime Moteriol Plane, an ethereal 
window Is opened and remains open for 5 hours, slowly diminishing in 
size. As this hole opens between the planes there Is a 5% chance that some 
ethereal monster will be drawn through, wllh a 1% cumulative reduction 
in probability each hour thereafter until the window is gone. However, no 
creature on the Prime Material Plone can locate the chest, even with a 
gem of seeing, true seeing, etc. 

If Leomund's Secret Chesr is not retrieved before spell duration lapses, 
there is a cumulative chance of 5% per day thai the chest will be lost 
forever, l.e, 5% chance for loss at 61 days, )Cj% at 62 days, and so forth. 

magic /or is the spell's material component. Note that a possessed creature 
with any negative difference or a positive difference less than 5 is entitled 
to a saving throw each round to determine If it is able la displace Ihe 
possessor's mind, o positive difference of 5 to 0 gains a saving throw each 
turn, a positive difference of 9 to 12 gains a saving throw each doy, and a 
positive difference of 13 or better gains a saving throw each week. If the 
magic jarred creaiure regains control of its mind, the magic-user is trapped 
until he or she can take over the mind for control or escape. 

Level: 5 
Range: 5" 

Duration: 4 rounds + I 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 5 segmenrs 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, )~4 third level monsters 
are summoned, coming within 1-4 rounds. See monster summoning I for 
other detal Is. 

it Faithful Hound (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Magic Jar (Possession) 
level: 5 

Range; J'Vfeve/ 

Duration; Special 

Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: I round 
Soving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: Mogic jar is o very unusual spell. It enables the 
magic user la take over the mind of the victim and thus control the 
creature's body. In fact, if the body is human or humanoid, the magic-user 
can even use the spells he or she knows. The possessor can call upon 
rudimentary knowledge of the possessed, bui not upon the real 
knowledge, I.e. a possessor will noi know the language or spells of the 
possessed. The spell coster transfers his or her life force to a special 
container (a large gem or crystal), and from this mogic \or the life force 
can sense and aitock any creaiure within the spell range radius, but what 
the creature is, is not determinable from the magic jar. The special life 
force receptacle must be within spell range of the magic-user's body at the 
time of spell casting. Possession takes place only if the victim fails to make 
the required saving throw. Failure to possess a victim leaves the life force 
of the magic-user in the magic for. Possession attempts require 1 round 
each. If the body of the spell caster is destroyed, the life force in the magic 
\or is not harmed, If the magic far is destroyed, the life force is snuffed out. 
Returning to the real body requires 1 round, and can only be done from a 
mogre far in spell range of the body. The saving throw versus o magic far 
spell is modified by comparing combined intelligence and wisdom scores 
(intelligence only in non-human or non-humanoid creatures) of the 
magic-user and victim, 

Negative 9 or + +4 
Negative 8 to 6 +3 
Negative 5 to 3 +2 
Negative 2 to 0 +1 
Positive 1 to 4 0 
Positive 5 to 8 *} 
Positive 9 to 12 -2 
Positive 13 or + -3 

A negative score indicates the magic-user has a lower score than does his 
or her intended viciim; thus, the victim has a saving throw bonus. The 

Level: 5 
Range: f 

Duration: 2 rounds/fevef 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casiing Time: 5 segment 
Soving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the magic-user summons 
up a phontom watchdog which only he or she can see. He or she may then 
command it to perform as guardian of a passage, room, door, or similar 
space or portal. The phantom watchdog will immediately commence a 
loud barking if any creature larger than a cat approaches the place it 
guards. As the Faithful Hound is able to detect invisible, astral ethereal, 
out of phase, duo-dimensional, or similarly non- visible creatures, It is an 
excellent guardian. In addition. If the intruding creature or creatures allow 
their backs to be exposed to the phantom watchdog, it will deliver a 
vicious attack as if it were a 10 hit dice monster, striking for 3-1 6 hit points 
of damage, and being able to hit oppanenis of all sorts, even those 
normally subject only to magical weapons of +3 or greater The Faithful 
Hound cannot be attacked, but II can be dispelled. Note, however, thoi the 
spell caster can never be more than 3" distant from the area that the 
phantom watchdog is guarding, or the mogic is automatically dispelled. 
The material components of this spell ore a tiny silver whistle, a piece of 
bone, and a thread 

Pottwoll [Alteration) 

Level: 5 
Range: 3" 

Duration: 6 turns + 1 furn/Veve/ 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: A passwati enables Ihe spell coster to open a 
passage through wooden, plaster, or stone walls; thus he or she and any 
associates con simply walk through. The spell causes a 5' wide by S' high 
by 10' deep opening. Note several of these spells will form a continuing 
passage so that very thick walls can be pierced The material component 
of this spell is a pinch of sesame seeds. 

Stone Shape (Alteration) 

Level: 5 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: One cubic foot per 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: i round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By mea ns of this spell the magic-user can form 
on existing piece of stone into o shape which will suit his or her purposes. 
For example, a stone weapon can be made, a special trapdoor fashioned, 
or an idol sculpted. By the same token, it would allow Ihe spell caster to 
reshape a stone door, perhaps, so as to escape imprisonment, providing 
the volume of stone involved was within the limits of the area of effect. 
While stone coffers can be thus formed, secret doors made, etc., the 
fineness of detail is not great. The material component of this spell is soft 
clay which must be worked into roughly the desired shape of the stone 
object and then touched to the stone when the spell is uttered. 




Wall Of Forte {Evocation) 

Level: 5 

Range: I "/level 
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 

Area of Effect: 250 g t p. 


Components; V, S 
Cosiing Time: 5 segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; Sy means of mis spell the magic-user is able to 
move objects by will force, by concentrating on moving them menlolly, 
The telekinesis spell causes the desired object to move vertically or 
horizontally, Movement is 2" the first round, 4" the second, 8" the third, 
16" Ihe fourth, ond so on, doubling each round until o maximum 
lelekinetic movement of 1,024" per round is reached. (Heavy objects 
travelling at high speed con be deadly weapons!) Note that telekinesis 
con be used to move opponents who fall within the weight capacity of Ihe 
spell, but if they are able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an 
en Jorge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the 
maximum spell limit), it is eosity countered. Likewise, ambulation or some 
other form of motive power if the recipient of the spell is not able to 
ambulate, counters the effect of re/efcrnesis, provided the velocity has not 
reached 16" per round, The various Bigby's . . . Hand spells will also 
counter this spell, as will many other magics. 


Level; 5 
Range: Touch 
Duration: ins ton foneo us 

Components: V" 

Casting Time: 2 segments 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is used, The magic-user Instantly 
transports himself or herself, along with a certain amount of additional 
weight which Is upon, or being touched by, the spell caster, to o well- 
known destination. Distance is not a factor, but inter-plane travel is not 
possible by means af o telepart speN. The spell caster is able to feJeporf a 
maximum weight of 2,500 g.p. equivalence, plus an additional 1,500 g,p. 
weight for each level of experience above the 10th, I.e. a 13th level 
magic-user teleports a moximurn weight of 7,000 g,p. (700 pounds). If the 
destination area is very familiar to the magic-user (he or she has o clear 
mental picture through actual proximity to and studying of the area) it is 
unlikely that there will beany error in arriving exactly in the place desired. 
Lesser known areas (those seen only magically or from a distance) 
increase the probability of error. Unfamiliar areas present considerable 
peril. This is demonstrated below: 



Area Is 

Very familiar 
Studied carefully 
Seen casually 
Viewed once 
Never seen 

On Target 




T exporting high means the magic-user will arrive 1" above ground for 
every 1% he or she is below the lowest "On Target" probability — onty 2" 
when the destination is very familiar, and as high os 32" if ihe destination 
areo wos never seen. Any low resuit means the instant death of the magic- 
user if the area into which he or she teleports to is solid. Note that there is 
no possibility of tele porting to an area of empty space, I.e. a substantial 
area of surface must be there, whether a wooden floor, a stone floor, 
natural ground, etc. 

Rock To Mud (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 5 

Range: Wtevel 

Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: 2 cubic "/level 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; Except as noted above, and thar me material 
components far the spell are clay and water (or sand, lime and water for 
the reverse), this spelt is the same as the fifth level druid spell, transmute 
rock to mud. 

Level: 5 

Duration: 1 turn + 1 round//eve/ 
Area of Effect: 20' square/level 

Components; V, S, M 
Costing Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: A waif of force spell creates an invisible barrier 
in ihe locole desired by the coster, up to the spell's range. The wolf of force 
will not move and is totally unaffected by any other spells, including 
dispel magic, save a disintegrate spell, which will immediately destroy ll. 
Likewise, the wait of force is not affected by blows, missiles, cold, heat, 
electricity, or any similar things. Spells or breath weapons will not pass 
through it in either direction. The magic-user can, if desired, shape ihe 
wall to a hemispherical or spherical shape with an area equal to his or her 
ability, maximum of 20 square feet per level of experience. The material 
component for this spell is a pinch of powdered diamond. 

Well Of Iron (Evocation) 
Level: 5 

Range: W/level 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell Is cost, the magic-user causes a 
vertical iron well to spring into being. Typicolly, ihis wall is used to seal off 
a passage or close a breach, for the wall inserts itself into any surrounding 
material if its area is sufficient to do so. The wall of (Von is one quarter of 
an inch thick per level of experience of ihe spell caster. The magic-user Is 
able to evoke an area of iron wall 15 square feet for each of his or her 
experience levels, so at 12th level a wall of iron 1 60 square feet in area 
can be created. If the woll is created in a location where it is not 
supported, ii will foil and crush any creature beneath it. The wail is 
permanent, unless attacked by a dispel magic spell, but subject to all 
forces a normal Iron wall is subject to, I.e. rust, perforation, etc. The 
material component of this spell is a small piece of sheet iron. 

Wall Of Stone (Evocation) 
Level: 5 

Range; l A "/level 
Duration: Permanent 
Areo of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a wall of granite rock which 
merges into adjoining rock surfaces if the area is sufficient to allow it. It is 
typically employed to close passages, portals, and breaches against 
opponents. The wait of stone is 1/4' thick and 20' square in area per level 
of experience of the magic-user casting the spell. Thus, a 12th level magic- 
user creates a wall of stone 3' thick and 240 square feet In surface area (a 
12' wide and 20' high wall, for example, to completely close a 10' X 16' 
passage). The wall created need not be vertical nor rest upon any firm 
foundation (cf. woff of iron); however, it must merge with an existing 
stone formation. It can be used to bridge a chosm, for instance, or as a 
ramp. The wall is permanent unless destroyed by a dispel magic spell or by 
normal means such as breaking, chipping or a disintegrate spell. The 
material component is a small block of granite. 

Sixth Level Spelli: 

Anil-Magic Shell (Abjuration) 

Level: 6 
Range: 0 

Duration: J torn/level 

Area of Effect: I '//eve! diameter 


Components: V f S 
Costing Time: T segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; By means of an ami-magic shell, the magic-user 
causes an invisible barrier to surround his or her person, and this moves 
with the spell caster This barrier is totally impervious to all magic and 
mogic spell effects (this Includes such attack forms as breath weapons, 
gaze weapons, and voice weapons). It thus prevents the entrance of spells 
or their effects, and it likewise prevents the function of any magical items 
or spells within its confines. It prevents the entrance of charmed, 
summoned, and conjured creatures. However, normal creatures (assume o 




normal troll rather man on© conjured up, for instance) can pass through 
the shell, as can normal missiles. While a magic sword would not function 
magically within the shell, it would still be a sword. 

Blgby't Forceful Hand (Evocation) 
level; 6 

Range: 1'Vfevef 
Duraiion: I round/ievei 
Areo of Effect: Special 

Components; V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: fligby's Forceful Hand is a more powerful version 
of 8/gby's /nferposing Hand (q,v.), It exerts a force in addition to 
interposing itself, and this force is sufficient to push a creature away from 
the spell caster if the creature weighs 500 pounds or less, to push so as to 
slow movement to 1" per round If the creature weighs between 500 and 
2,000 pounds, and lo slow movement by 50% of creatures weighing up to 
8,000 pounds. It tokes as many Ml points to destroy as its creaior has. Its 
motenai < 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time; 1 turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Level: 6 
Range: 0 

Duration: 4-24 hours 

Area of Effect; 4- 16 square miles 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, and for the differing 
material components, this spell is the some as the seventh level cleric 
control weather spell (q.v.). The material components of this spelt are 
burning Incense, and bits of earth and wood mixed in water. 

Death Spell (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Timer 6 segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Level: 6 

Range; V /level 
Duration: Instantaneous 
Area of Effect: !4"squore//evel 

Explanation/Description; When a deaffi speH is cast, it slays creatures in 
the area of effect instant ly and irrevocably. The number of crealures which 
ca n be so slain is a function of thei r h it dice: 

Vktim'i Hit Dice 

Less than 2 
2 to 4 

4 + 1 to6 + 3 
6 + 4to8+3 

Maximum Number of 

4-80 (4d2Q) 
3-30 (3dl0) 
2-8 (2d4) 
1-4 (ld4) 

If a mixed group of creatures is attacked with a deofh speN, use the 
following conversion; 

Creature's Hit Dice: 

6+4to8 + 3 
4+1 1o6 + 3 

Equal ■ Creatures with Hit Die* of: 
leu than 2 2 to 4 4+1 to 6 + 3 *+4t©8+3 

10 5 2 

8 3 - .5 

4 - .125 .05 

first, simply roll Ihe dice to see how many creatures of less than 2 hit dice 
are affected, kill all these, then use the conversion to kill all 2 to 4 hit dice 
monsters, etc. If not enough of the number remains to kill the higher 
levels, they remain. This system can be reversed by applying it to higher 
hit dice victims first Example; The 4d20 when rolled indicate a total of 53, 
20 of this is used to kill one 6 + 4 to 8 + 3 die creature (20 X ,05 = 1), 16 
are used to kill two 4 + 1 to 6 + 3 hit dice creatures (16 X J25 = 2), 12 
are used to kill three 2 to 4 die creatures {3X4^ 12), and 5 remainder 
can be used lo kill off 5 less-than-2 dice creatures (5X1=5), i.e. 20+16 
+ 12 + 5 = 53, A death spell does not affect lycanlhropes, undead 
creatures, or creatures from other than the Prime AAateriol Plane. The 
material component of this spell is a crushed black pearl with a minimum 
value of 1000 g. p. 


Level; 6 

Range: W '/level 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Spectaf 

Components; V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segmenrs 
Saving Throw: Neg, 

Explanation/Description; This spell causes matter lo vanish, It will affect 
even matter (or energy) of a magical nature, such as Bigby's Forceful 
Hand, but noi a globe of invu/nerabi/ify or an anti-magic she//. 
Disintegration is instantaneous, and its effects ore permanent. Any living 
thing can be affected, even undead, and non-living matter up To If 1 cubic 
volume can be obliterated by the spell. Creatures, and magical material 
with a saving throw, which successfully save versus the spell ore not 
affected. Only 1 creature or object can be the target of the spell. Its 
material components are a lodestone and a pinch of dust. 

Enchant An Hem (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 6 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: One item 

Components: V, 5, M 
Costing Time: Special 
Saving Throw: Meg. 

Explanation/Description: This is a spell which musl be used by a magic- 
user planning to create a magic item. The enchant an item spelt prepares 
the obfect to accept the magic to be placed upon or within it. The item to 
be magicked must meet the following tests: 1) it must be in sound and 
undamaged condition; 2) the item must be the finest possible, considering 
its nature, i.e. crafted of the highest quality material and with the finest 
workmanship; and 3) its cost or value must reflect the second test, and in 
most cases the item must hove a raw materials cost in excess of 100 g.p. 
With respect to requirement 3), it is not possible to apply this lest to items 
such as ropes, leather goods, cloth, and pottery not normally embroidered, 
bejeweled, tooled, carved, ond/or engraved; however, if such work or 
materials can be added to an item without weakening or harming its 
norma I functions, these are required for the iiem to be magicked. 

The item to be prepared must be touched manually by the spell coster. This 
touching musl be constant and continual during the casting time which is a 
base 16 hours plus an additional 8-64 hours (as ihe magic-user may never 
work over 8 hours per day, and haste or any other spells will nol alter time 
required in any way, this effectively means thot casting lime for this spell 
is 2 days + 1-8 days). All work must be uninterrupted, and during rest 
periods the item being enchanted must never be more than 1' distant from 
the spell caster, for if ll Is, the whole spell is spoiled and must be begun 
again. (Note thai during rest periods absolutely no other form of magic 
may be performed, and ihe magic-user must remain quiet and in 
isolation.) At the end of the spell, the cosier will "know" that the item is 
ready for the final test. He or she will then pronounce the final magical 
syllable, and if the item makes a saving throw (which is exactly the same 
as thot of the magic-user who magicked it) versus magic, the spell is 
completed. (Note that the spell caster's saving throw bonuses also apply to 
the item, up to but nol exceeding +3.) A result of 1 on Ihe die (d20) 
always results in failure, regardless of modifications. Once the spell is 
finished, the magic-user may begin to place the desired dweomer upon 
the item, and the spell he or she plans to place on or within the item must 
be cast within 24 hours or the preparatory spell fades, and the Item must 

Each spell subsequently cast upon an object bearing an enchant an item 
spell requires 4 hours + 4-8 additional hours per sped level of the magic 
being cast. Again, during casting Ihe item must be touched by the magic- 
user, and during rest periods it must always be withfn V of his or her 
person, This procedure holds true for any additional spells placed upon ihe 
item, and each successive dweomer must be begun within 24 hours of the 
last, even if any prior spell failed 




No magic placed on or into an item is permanent unless a permanency 
spell is used as a finishing touch, and this always runs a risk of draining a 
point of constitution from the magic-user casting ihe spell. Il Is also 
necessary to poinl out lhat while it Is possible to tell when ihe basic 
(enchanf on if em) spell succeeds, it is not possible to tell if successive 
castings actually take, for each must make the same sort of saving throw as 
the item itself made. Naturally, items that are charged — rods, stoves, 
wands, javelins of lightning, ring of wishes, etc. — can never be made 
permanent. Scrolls or magic devices can never be used to enchant an item 
or cast mogic upon an object so prepared. 

The material component(s) for this spell vary according to both ihe nature 
of the item being magicked and successive magicks to be cost upon it. For 
example, a doak of displacement might require the hides of 1 or more 
dlsplacer beasts, o sword meant to slay dragons could require Ihe blood 
and some other pan of ihe type(s) of dragon(s) it will be effective ogainsi, 
and a ring of shoofing stars might require pieces of meteoriies and the 
horn of a kt-rin. These specifics, as well as other information pertaining to 
this spell, are known by your Dungeon Master. 

E*t*n*ion Hi [Alteration) 

Level: 6 
Range: 0 
Duration: Speaai 
Area of Effect: Special 

Componenls: V 

Casting Time: 5 segmenfs 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the fourth level 
Extension I except that M wM! extend first through third level spells to 
double duration and will extend ihe duration of fourth or fifth level spells 
by 50% of the indicated duration. 


Level: 6 

Range: Touch 

Duraiion: Special 

Area of Effect: Creature Touched 

Components: V 
CasiingTlme: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: A geas spell places a magical command upon 
Ihe creature (usually human or humanoid) to carry out some service, or 
refrain from same action or course of activity, as desired by the spell 
caster. The creature must be intelligent, conscious, and under its own 
volition. While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill Itself, or to perform 
acts which are likely to result in certain death, it can cause almost any 
other course of action. The spell causes the geased creature to follow the 
instructions until the geas is completed. Failure to do so will cause the 
creature to grow sick and die within 1 to 4 weeks. Deviation from or 
twisting of the instructions causes corresponding loss of strength points 
until the deviation ceoses. A geas can be done oway with by a wish spell, 
but a dispel magic or remove curse will nol negate if. Your referee will 
instruct you as to any additional details of a geas, for its costing and 
fulfillment are tricky, and an improperly cast geas is null and void 
immedioiely {cf. wish). 



Level: 6 
Range: Touch 
Duration: I round/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, Arl 
Costing Time: J round 
Saving Throw: None 

Ewplanaiion/Descripiion: By means of this spell the magic-user is able to 
moke a section of meial, stone at wood os transparent as glass io his gaze, 
or even make it into transparent material as explained hereafter, 
Normally, up to four inches of metal con be seen through, stone up lo 6 J 
thick can be made transparent, and 20' of wood can be affecied by Ihe 
grosses spell. The spell will not work on lead, gold or platinum. The magic- 
user can opt to make the g/assee apply to himself or herself only, and 
apply if up to once per round while spell duration lasts; or the caster can 
actually make a transparent area, a one-way window, in the material 
affected. Either case gives o viewing area 3' wide by 2' high. The material 
component of the spell is a small piece of crystal or glass. 

Globe Of Invulnerability (Abjuraiion) 
Level; 6 

Duration: I rounoV/evef Saving Throw: None 

Area of Effect: V diameter sphere 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same os the fourth level minor 
gJobe of invulnerability (q.v,), except as regards costing lime and for the 
fact that it prevents the functioning of first through fourth level spells 
affecting the magic-user within the globe, while he or she can cast spells 
ihrough it, of course. 

Guards And Wards (Evocation, Alteration, Enchantment/Charm) 

Level: 6 
Range: 0 

Duration: 6 turns/ /eve/ 

Area of Effect: )" radius/level. 

extending from 2" diameter 


Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 3 turns 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This special and powerful spell is primarily used 
to defend the magic-user's stronghold. The following lake place In the 
area of effect upon casting of the spell: 

1 All corridors become misty, and visibility is reduced to 10'. 

2. All doors a r e w r^ard / a c ted. 

3. One door per level of experience of the magic-user is covered by an 
illusion as if it were a plain wall. 

4. Stairs are filled with webs from top to bottom. 

5. Where there are choices in direction — such as o cross or side passage 
— a minor confusion-type spell functions so as to make it 50% probable 
that intruders will believe they are going in the exact opposite di- 

6. The who le area radiates mogk. 

7. The magic-user can place one of the following additional mogics: 

A. Dancing Jrghrs in four corridors, or 

B. Mogic mouths in two ploces, or 
C Stinking Gauds in two places, ar 

D. Gust of wind in one corridor or room, or 

E. Suggesrron in one place. 

Note that items 3 and 7 funclion only when ihe magic-user is totally 
familiar with the area of ihe spell's effect. Dispel magic can remove one 
effect, at random, per casting of a dispel. A remove curse will not work. 
The material componenls of ihe spell are burning incense, a small 
measure of sulphur and oil, a knoited string, a small amount of umber hulk 
blood, and a small silver rod, 

Invisible Stalker (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 6 
Range: J" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: Ground 
Saving Throw: None 

Expalantion/Descrlpiion: This spell summons an rnvisibfe stalker from the 
Elemental Plane of Air This 8 hit die monster will obey and serve the spell 
cosier in performance of whatever tasks are set before it. However, the 
creature is bound to serve; il does not do so from loyalty or desire. 
Therefore, it will resent prolonged missions or complex tasks, and il will 
attempt to pervert instructions accordingly (for complete details of the 
invisible stoker, consult ADVANCED DUNGEONS A DRAGONS, MONSTER 
MANUAL). The invisible stolker will follow instructions even at hundreds 
or thousands of miles distance. The material components of ihis spell are 
burning incense and o piece of horn carved inio a crescent shape. 

Range: 0 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: J round 

Lor* (Divination} 

el: 6 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: Spec/a/ 
Saving Throw: None 




Exp la not ion/Description: The legend lore spell is used to determine 
information available regarding o known person, ptoce or thing. If the 
person or thing is at hand, or if the magic-user is In fhe place in question, 
me likelihood of the spell producing results is for greater and the casting 
time is only T to A turns. If detailed information on the person, place or 
thing is known, casting lime is 1 to 10 days. If only rumors are known, 
casting lime is 2 to 1 2 weeks. During the casting, the magic-user cannot 
engage in other activities other than routine- eating, sleeping, etc. When 
completed, the divination will reveal if legendary material is available, It 
will often reveal where this material is — by place name, rhyme, or riddle. 
It will sometimes give certain information regarding the person, place or 
thing (when ihe object of the legend /ore is at hand), but this data will 
always be in some cryptic farm (rhyme, riddle, anagram, cipher, sign, 
etc.). The spell is cast with incense and strips of ivory formed into a 
rectangle, but some item must be sacrificed in addition — a potion, magic 
scroll, magic Item, creature, etc Naturally, legend lore will reveal 
information only if the person, place or thing is noteworthy or legendary. 

Lower Water (Alteration) fteversible 

Level: 6 
Range: 8" 

Duration: 5 rounds/I eve/ 
Area of Effect: !6"X tt" square 

Components; V, 5, W 
Casting Time; T rum 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, and for the facts that the 
reverse spell raises water only l /? '/level of experience of the spell caster, 
and the material components for the spell are a small vial of water and a 
smofl vial of dust, it is the some as the fourth level cleric spell, lower water 

Monster Summoning IV (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 6 
Range: rT 

Duration: 5 rounds + 1 

Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell summons 1 to 3 fourth level monsters, 
and they appear within 1 to 3 rounds. See monster summoning I for other 

Move Earth (Alteration) 
Level: 6 

Range: I'VJeve/ 

D urat i on : Permon e n t 

Components: V, 5, Art 
Casting Time: Special 
Saving Throw: None 

Ex pi an or ion/ Description; When cast, the move earth spell moves dirt (clay, 
loom, sand) and its other components. Thus, embankments can be 
collapsed, hillocks moved, dunes shifted, etc. The area to be affected will 
dictate the casting lime, for every 4" square area, 1 turn of casting time is 
required. If terrain features are to be moved — as compared to simply 
caving in banks or walls of earth — it is necessary that an earth elemental 
be subsequently summoned to assist. All spell casting ond/or summoning 
must be completed before any effects occur. In no event can rock 
prominences be collapsed or moved. The material components for this 
spell are o mixture of soils (clay, loam, sand) in a small bog, and an iron 

Otltufcet f reeling Sphere (Alteration-Evocation) 

Components; V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 

Level: 6 
Range: SpeoaJ 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description: dilutee's Freezing Sphere is a multi-purpose 
dweomer of considerable power. If Ihe caster opts, he or she may create o 
globe of matter ai absolute zero temperature which spreads upon contact 
with water or liquid which is principally composed of water, so as to freeze 
it to o depth of 6 inches over an area equal to 100 square feet pe* level of 
the magic-user costing the spell. The ice so formed lasts for 1 round per 
level of the caster. The spell can also be used as a thin my of cold which 
springs from the caster's hand to a distance of 1" per level of the magic- 

user; this ray will inflict 4 hit points of damage per level of the caster upon 
the creature struck, with a saving throw versus magic applicable, and alt 
damage negated if it is successful (as the ray is so narrow a save indicates 
it missed), but the path of the roy being plotted to its full distance, as 
anything else in its path must save (if applicable} or take appropriate 
damage. Finally, Qtiluke's Freezing Sphere can be cost so as to create a 
small globe about the size of a sling stone, cool to the touch, but not 
harmful. This giobe can be casi, and it will shatter upon Impact, inflicting 
4-24 hit points of cotd damage upon all creatures within a 10* radius (one- 
half damage if saving throw versus magic is mode). Note that if the globe 
is not thrown or slung within a time period equal to 1 round times the level 
of ihe spell caster, it automatically shatters and causes cold domoge as 
stated above. This timed effect can be employed against pursuers, 
although it can also prove hazardous to Ihe spell caster and/or his or her 
associates as well The material components of the spell depend upon in 
which form it is to be cast, A thin sheet of crystal about an inch square is 
needed for the firsi application of the spell, a while sapphire of not less 
than 1,000 g.p, value for the second application of the spell, and a 1,000 
0<p< diamond Is minimum for the third application of the spell. All 
components are lost when the spell is cast. 

Part Water (Alteration) 
Level: 6 

Range: I "/level 
Duration: 5rounds//eve/ 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 1 turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation /Description: Except as shown above, and also that the 
material components for Ihis spell are two small sheets of crystal or gloss, 
this spell is the same as the stxih level cleric spell, part wafer (q.v.). 

(Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: * 

Range: TV/eve/ 
Duration: 1 round/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Ex plo not ion/Description: By means of ihis spell, the magic-user creates a 
non-moterial duplicate of himself or herself, projecting it to any spot 
within spell range which is desired. This image performs actions identical 
lo the magic-user — walking, speoking, spell-casting — as Ihe magic-user 
determines. A special channel exisis between the image of the magic-user 
and the actual magic-user, so spells cast actually originaie from the image. 
The image con be dispelled only by means of a dispel mog/c spell (or upon 
command from fhe spell coster), and attacks do not affect it. The image 
musr be within view of the magic-user projecting it at all times, and if his 
or her sight is obstructed, the spell is broken. The material component of 
this spell is a small replica {doll) of the magic-user. 

Rel nca rnatlo n ( Necroman t i c) 

Level: 6 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Person fouched 

Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: J turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the seventh level druid 
spell of the some name (q.v, ). It does not require any saving throw for 
system shock or resurrection survival. The corpse is touched, and a new 
incarnation of the person will appear in ihe area in 1 to 6 turns, providing 
the person has not been dead for longer than 1 day per level of 
experience of the magic-user. The new incarnation will be: 


I near nat lor 














half -elf 
















ogre mdge 

Note: Very good or very evil persons will not be reincarnated os creatures 
whose general alignment is the oppoiite. The material components of the 
spell are a small drum and a drop of blood. 


Level: 6 

Range: Whvel 
Duration: J round/2 levels 
Area of Effect: J "path 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Exp la not ion/Description: When this spell is cast, the magic-user is able tc 
cause oil creatures In the path of the area of effect to move away from his 
or her person. Repulsion is at 3" per round, or a I the motive speed of the 
creature attempting to move towards the spell caster. The repelled 
creature will continue to move away for the balance of a complete move 
even though ihis takes it beyond spell range. The material component of 
this spoil is a pair of small magneiized iron bars attached to two smalt 
canine statue res, one h 

t (Evocation/ Abjurotion) 

Level: 6 

Range: t h + I'//eve/ 
Duration; Special 
Area of Effect: Specrai 

Components: V, M 
Casting Time: Special 
Saving Throw: Specs/ 

Explanation/Description: A sprrffwrocfe spell is a very strong 
protection/punishment spoil against the powerful creatures of the nether 
plones (Abyssal, HodeSj Hell, etc), but to employ the magic, the spell 
caster must know the name of the being at whom he or she will direct the 
energy. Prior to actual utterance of o spmrwracfc spell the magic-user must 
prepare an illuminated sheet of vellum, carefully inscribed in special inks 
made from powdered rubies and the ichor of a slain demon of type I, If, or 
III and covered with gold leaf In a continuous border. The spell caster musi 
personally prepare this document, including the being's name thereon. 
(This will require from 8^32 hours of time ond cost 1,000 g.p. lor vellum, 
special pens, gold leaf and other miscellaneous materials alone; the cost 
of ihe powdered rubies is a minimum of 5,000 g,p. for each document.) If 
the demon < devil, or other powerful being from a nether outer plane is 
present in some form (ond not possessing another creature's body 
instead), the magic-user can then begin actual spell incontalion. 

Immediately upon beginning the reading of the document, the being 
named will be rooted to the spot unless tt makes its magic resistance 
percentage (adjusted for the level of the magic-user] as a saving throw; 
and even if such a saving throw is made, the monster feels greatly 
uncomfortable, and if it has not been magically forced to Ihe locale and so 
held there, it is 90% likely to retreat to its own (or another) plane, as the 
named being is powerless to attack the magic-user while He or she is 
reading the spell 1 document. This first part of the documeni continues for 1 
full round, with the discomfort to the named being becoming greoier at 
the end. During ihe second minute of the incantation, the being named 
undergoes acute pain and loses 1 hit point per hit die it possesses. At the 
end of ihis round of reading, the being is in wracking pain. The third and 
final round of utterance of the condemnation will cause a loss to the being 
of 50% of its existing hit points, horrible pain, ond ai ihe end consign it to 
some confined space on its own plane — there to remain in torture for a 
number of years equal to the level of the magic-user who prepared the 

Obviously, the being so dealt with will be the sworn foe of the magic -user 
forever afterwards, so the magic-user will be loath to finish the spell but 
rather use il as a threat 1o force submission of the being. Each round of 
reading will cause the being forced to listen to be a cumulative 25% likely 
to concede even without any other offerings or payment. 

Stone To Flesh (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 6 


Components: V, 5, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: One creature 

Saving Throw: Spec/ol 

Explanation/Description: The stone to f/esh spell turns any sort of stone 
into flesh — if ihe recipieni stone objeci wos formerly living, 11 will restore 
life (and goods), although the survival of the creature Is subject to the 
usual system shock survival dice roll. Any formerly living creature, 
regardless of size, can be thus returned to flesh. Ordinary stone can be 
likewise turned to flesh at a volume of 9 cubic feet per level of experience 
of the spell caster. The reverse will turn flesh of any sorl to stone, just as 
the stone io flesh spell funciions. All possessions on the person of the 
creature likewise turn to stone. This reverse of the spelt will require a 
saving throw be allowed the intended victim. The material components of 
the spell ore a pinch of earth and a drop of blood; lime and water ond 
earth are used for the reverse. 

Tenser's Transfer motion ( Alteration-Evocation) 

Level: 6 
Range: 0 

Duration: J round/level 
Area of Effeci: Persona/ 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description : Tenser's Transformation is a sight guaranteed to 
astound any creature not a wore of its power, for when the magic -user 
casts the dweomer, he or she undergoes a startling transformation. The 
size and strength of the magic-user increase to heroic proportions, so he or 
she becomes a formidable fighting machine, for the spell causes the caster 
to become a berserk fighter! The magic-user's hit points double, and all 
damage he or she sustains comes first from the magical points gained; so 
if damage does not exceed original hit points, none is actually taken, bui if 
damage beyond the additional amounl is sustained, each point counts as 2 
(double damage). The armor class of the magic-user is a full 4 factors 
better than that he or she possessed prior to casting the spell (AC 10 goes 
to 6, AC 9 to 5, AC 8 to 4, etc. ), all attacks are at a level equal io those of a 
fighter of the same level as the magic-user (i.e., ihe spefl caster uses Ihe 
combat table normally restricted to fighters), and although he or she can 
employ a dagger only in attacking, damage inflicted by the weapon is at 
-r-2 additional hit paints, and 2 such attacks per round are made by ihe 
magic -user. However, it is worth noting that this spell must run its full 
course, and ihe magic-user will continue attacking until all opponenis are 
slain, he or she is killed, the magic is dispelled, or the Transformation 
duration expires, The material component for casting this dweomer Is a 
potion of heroism (or superhero ism J which the mogic-user must consume 
during the course of uttering the spell. 

i Level Spells: 
Blgby i Grasping Hand (Evocation) 
Level: 7 

Range: r'/Jevef 

Duration: J round/ievef 


Area c 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: B/gby's Grasping Hand is a superior version of 
ihe sixth level Brgby's forceful Hand spell (q<v>), being like il in many 
ways. The Grasping Hand can actually hold motionless a creature or object 
of up to 1,000 pounds weight, or move creatures as a double strength 
jncf. The material component is a leather glove. 

Cacodemo n ( Con ] urati on/Su m mo n i ng ) 

Level; 7 
Range: f" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Creature 

Component: V, $ f M 
Casting Time: Special 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: This perilous exercise in dweomer era eft 
summons up a powerful demon of type IV, V, or VI, depending upon the 
demon's name being known to the magic- user. Note thai this spell is not of 
sufficient power to bring a demon of greater power, and lesser sorts are 
not called as they have no known names. In any event, the spell caster 
must know the name of the type IV, V, or VI demon he or she is 
summoning. As the spetl name implies, the demon so summoned is most 
angry and evilly disposed. The spell caster musi be within a arcle of 



protection {or o thaumoturgic triangle with profecfiori from evil) and the 
demon confined within o pentagram (circled penfacle) if he or she is ro 
avoid being slain or carried off by the summoned cocodemon. The 
summoned demon can be treated with as follows: 

1) The magic-user can require the monster to perform a desired 
course of action by force of threat and pain of a spintwrack 
spell (q.v), allowing freedom whenever the demon performs 
the full extent of the service, and forcing the demon la pledge 
word upon It, This is exceedingly dangerous, as a minor error 
in such □ bargain will be seized upon by the monster to 
reverse the desired outcome or simply to kill and devour the 
summoner Furthermore, the demon will bear great enmity for 
the magic- user forever offer such forced obedi ence, so the 
spell caster hod better be most powerful and capable. 

2) By tribute of fresh human blood and the promise of 1 or more 
human sacrifices, the summoner can bargain with the demon 
for willing service. Again, the spell caster is we! I advised ro 
hove ample protection and power lo defend himself or 
herself, os the demon might decide the offer is insufficient — 
or It is easier to enjoy the summoner's slow death — and 
decide not to accept the bargain as offered. Although the 
demon will have lo abide by a pledge, os his name is known, 
he will have to hold only to the exact word of the 
arrangement, not to the spirit of the agreement. On the other 
hand, only highly evil magic-users are likely to attempt to 
strike such a bargain, ond the summoned cocodemon might 
be favorably disposed towards such o character, especially if 
he or she is also chaotic. 

3} The summoned demon can be the object of o trap fhe sou/ 
spell (q.v,),, In this cose, the magic-user will not speak wilh or 
bargain for the demon's services, although the cocodemon 
might be eager to reach an accord with the d we o m e rcraef te r 
before he is forced into imprisonment. The trapping of the 
demon is risky only if proper precautions have not been token, 
far failure to confine the monster usually means only that it is 
oble to escope to its own plane. Once trapped, the demon 
must remain imprisoned until the possessor of his object of 
confinement breaks it and frees him, ond this requires one 
service from the now loosed monster. If the individual(s) 
freeing the demon foils to demand a service when the mon- 
ster asks what is required of him, the demon is under no con- 
straint not to slay the liberator(s) on the spot, but if o service is 
required, the creature must first do his best to perform it and 
then return to the Abyss. 

The duration of service of any demon must be limited unless the demon is 
willing to serve for an extended period. Any required course of action or 
service which effectively requires an inordinate period of lime to perform, 
or is impossible to perform, is 50% likely to free the demon from his 
obligations and enable him to be unconstrained fn his vengeance upon 
the spell caster ff he or she is not thereafter continually protected, for a 
demon so freed can remain on the plane it wos summoned to for os long 
as 666 days. 

The demon summoned will be exceptionally strong, i.e. 8 hit points per hit 


Casting Time is 1 hour per type (numeric) of the demon lo be summoned, If 
there is any interruption during this period, the spell fails. If ihere is an 
interruption while the cocodemon is summoned, it Is 10% probable that it 
will be oble to escape its boundaries and attack the magic-user, this 
percentage rising cumulatively each round of continued interruption. 

Each demon is entitled to a saving throw versus this summoning spell, if o 
score higher than the level of the magic-user summoning is rolled with 3d6 
{2dl0 with respect la type VI demons), that particular spell foiled lo bring 
the desired demon. When this occurs, it is certain that the named demon is 
imprisoned or destroyed or the name used was not perfectly correct, so the 
speil coster will have to calf upon another name to bring forth o 

The components of this spell ore 5 flaming black candles; a brazier of hot 
coals upon which must be burned sulphur, bat hairs, lard, sool, mercuric- 
nitric acid crystals, mandrake root, alcohol, and a piece of parchment with 
the demon's name Inscribed in runes Inside a pentode; and a dish of 
blood from some mammal (preferably a human, of course} placed inside 
the area where the cocodemon is to be held. 

Charm Pi ants (Enchantment/Charm) 

level: 7 Components; V, S, M 

Range: 3" Costing Time: 1 rum 

Duration: Permonenf Saving Throw: Neg. 

Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description: The charm pfoms speil allows the spell caster to 
bring under command vegetable life forms, communicate with them, ond 
these plants will obey instructions to the besi of their ability. The spell will 
charm p/onte in a 3" X 1" area. While the spell does not endow the 
vegetation with new abilities, it does allow the magic-user to command 
the plants to use whatever they have in order to fulfill his or her 
instructions, and if the plants in the area of effect do hove special or 
unusual abilities, these will be used os commanded by the magic-user. The 
saving throw applies only to intelligeni plants, and it is mode at -4 on the 
die roll. The material components of the spell ore o pinch of humus, o drop 
of woter ond a twig or leaf. 

Delayed Blatt Fire Sail [Evocation) 

Level: 7 Components; V, S, M 

Range: JO" + J'Vfevef Casting Time: 7 segment 

Duration: Special Saving Throw: Vt 

Area of Effect: 2" rod' us globe 

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a fire bail with + 1 on each of 
its dice of damage, and it will not release its blast for from I to 50 
segments (1/10 to 5 rounds), according lo the command upon costing by 
the magiC'User. In other respects, the spell is the some os the third level 
fireball spell (q.v,). 

Drowml|s Instant Summon ■ (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 7 Components: V, S, tA 

Range: Infinite + speoaf Costing Time: I segmertf 

Duration; /nsfanfoneous Saving Throw: None 

Area of Effect: One smalt object 

Exp la not ion/ Description: When ihfs spell is cosl, the magic-user releports 
some desired item from virtually any location directly to his or her hand. 
The object must be singular, can be no larger than a sword is long, have no 
more mass ond weight than o shield (about 75 g.p. weight), and It must be 
non-living. To prepare this spell, the magic-user must hold o gem of not 
less than 5,000 g.p. value in his or her ha nd and utter al I but the final word 
of the conjunction. He or she then must hove this same gem available to 
cast the spell. All shot is then required is that the magic -user utter the final 
word while crushing the gem, and the desired Item Is transported Instantly 
into the spell caster's fight or left hand os he or she desires. The item must, 
of course, hove been previously touched during ihe initial incantation and 
specifically named, and only that particular Item will be summoned by the 
spell. If the item is in the possession of another crealure, the spell will not 
work, but the casfer wilt know who the possessor is and roughly where he, 
she, or it is located when the summons is cast. Items con be summoned 
from other planes of existence, but only if such items are not in the 
possession (nor necessarily physical grasp) of another creature. For eoch 
level of experience above the 14th, the magic-user is able lo summon a 
desired item From 1 plane further removed from the plane he or she is 
upon at the time the spell Is cast. I.e. 1 plane ai 14th Level, bur 2 at 15th, 3 
or 16th, etc. Thus, a magic-user of loth level could effect the spell even If 
the item desired was on the second layer of one of the outer planes, but at 
14th level the magic-user would be able ro summon the item only if it 
were on one of the Elemental Plones or the Astral or the Ethereal Plane. 

Duo'Qlmeniion (Alteration) 

Level: 7 Components: V, $, M 

Range: 0 Costing Time: 7 segments 

Duration: 3 rounds + I Saving Throw: None 

Area of Effect: Personal 

Explanation/Description: A duo-oVmension spell causes the caster to have 
only two dimensions, height ond width but no depih. He or she is thus 
invisible when a sideways rum is made, and this invisibility can only be 
detected by means of a true seeing spell or similar means. In addition, the 
duo-dimensionai magic- user con poss through the thinnest of spaces as 
long as they hove the proper height according to his or her actual length — 



going through The space between a door and Its frame is a simple matter. 
The magic-user can perform all actions on a normal basis He or she can 
turn and become invisible, move in this state, and appear again next 
round and cast a spell, disappearing on the fallowing round. Note that 
when turned the magic- user cannot be affected by any form of attack, but 
when visible he or she is subjeci to triple the amount of damage normal 
for an attack form, i.e. a dagger thrust would inflict 3-12 hit points of 
damage if H struck a duo~d/menstonol magic-user. Furthermore, the 
magic-user has a portion of his or her existence on the Astral Plane when 
the spell Is in effect, and he or she is subject to possible notice from 
creatures thereupon. If noticed, it is 25% probable that the magic- user will 
be entirely brought to the Astral Plane by attack from the astral creaiure. 

The material components of this spell are a thin, f lor ivory likeness of the 
spell caster {which must be of finest workmanship,, gold frligreed, and 
enameled and gem-studded at an overage cost of 5,000 to 10,000 g.p.) and 
a strip of parchment. As the spell is uttered, the parchment is given a half 
twist and pined at the ends. The figurine is then passed through the 
porchmeni loop, and both disappear forever. 

limited Wlih (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 7 

Range: Unlimited 
Duration: Spec ia J 
Area of Effect: Specif 

Components: V 
Casting Time: Special 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: A limited wish is a very potent but difficuli spell 
It will fulfill literally, but only partially or for a limited duration, the 
utterance of the spell caster. Thus, the actuality of the post, present or 
future might be altered [out possibly only for ihe magic-user unless ihe 
wording of the /»rmred wish is most carefully stated) in some limited 
manner. The use of o limited wish will not substantially change major 
realities, nor will it bring wealth or experience merety by asking. The spell 
can, for example, restore same hit points (or all hit points for a limited 
duration) lost by the magic -user. It con reduce opponent hit probabilities 
or damage, it can increase duration of some magical effect, it can cause a 
creature to be favorably disposed to the spell caster, and so on [cf. wish). 
The limited wish can possibly give a minor clue to some treasure or magic 
item. Greedy desires will usually end in disaster for the wisher. Casting 
time is the actual number of seconds — at six per segment — to phrase the 
iimited wish. 

Invisibility f 1 1 I-js ion /Phantasm ) 

Level; 7 

Range: I'Vteve/ 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Spedof 

Components: V, S, M 
Costing Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This is the same as an Invisibility spell (q.v,) 
except that it can hide crealures in a 3" X 3" area, up to 300 to 400 man- 
sized creatures, 30 to 40 giants, or 6 to 8 large dragons. 

ing V [Conjuration/Summoning) 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Level; 7 
Range: 7" 

Duration: 6 rounds + } 

Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description: This spell summons 1-2 fifth level monsters, and 
they will appear in 1-3 rounds. See monster summoning I for other details. 

Mordenkalnen't Sword (Evocation) 

Level; 7 
Range; 3" 

Duration: T round//eveJ 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the magic-user brings 
inro being a shimmering sword-like plane of force. The spell caster is able 
to mentally wield this weapon (to the exclusion of activities other than 
movement), causing It to move and strike as if it were being used by a 
fighter. The basic chance for Mordenkoinen's Sword to hit is the some as 
the chance for a sword wielded by a fighter of one-half the level of the 

spell caster, i,e. if cast by a 14th level magic-user, the weapon has the 
same hit probability as a sword wielded by a 7th level fighter. The sword 
has no magical "to hit" bonuses, but it can hit any sort of opponent, even 
those normally siruck only by +3 weapons or astral, ethereal or out of 
phase; and it will hit any armor class on a roll of 19 or 20. It inflicts 5-20 hit 
points on opponents of man-size or smaller, and 5-30 on opponents larger 
than man-sized. It can be used to subdue ii lasts until the spell duration 
expires, a dispel moglc is used successfully upon it, or Its caster no longer 
desires it. The material component is a miniature platinum sword with a 
grip and pommel of capper and zinc which costs 500 g.p. io construct, and 
which disappears after the spell's completion. 

Components: V 

Casting Time; 7 segments 

Saving Throw: None 

Phase Deer (Alteration) 

Level: 7 
Range; Touch 
Duration: 1 usage/2 leveh 
Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the magic- user attunes his 
or her body, and a section of wait Is affected as if by a passwoti spell 
(q.v.). The phase door is invisible to all creatures save the spell caster, and 
only he or she can use the space or passage the spell creates, disappearing 
when the phase door is entered, and appearing when it is exited. The 
phase door lasts for 1 usage for every 2 levels of experience of The spell 
caster. It can be dispelled only by a casting of dispel magic from a higher 
level mogic-user, or by several lower level magic-users, casting in concert, 
whose combined levels of experience ore more thon double that of the 
magic-user who cost the spell. 

Power Word, Stun (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 7 

Range: VS'Yfeve/ 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When a power word, stun is uttered, any < 
of the magic-user's choice will be stunned — reeling and unable ro think 
coherently or act — for 2 to 8 (2d4) melee rounds. Of course, the magic- 
user must be facing ihe creature, and it must be within the spell caster's 
range of W per level of experience. Creatures with 1 to 30 hit points will 
be stunned for 4-16 (4d4) rounds, those with 31 to 60 hit points will be 
stunned for 2 to 8 (2d4) rounds, those with 61 to 90 hit points will be 
stunned for 1 to 4 (d4) rounds, and crealures with over 90 hit points will not 
be affected. Note thai if a creature is weakened due to any cause so that 
its hit points are below the usual maximum, the current number of hit 
points possessed will be used. 

KeverseAj^roviry [Alteration } 
Level: 7 

Range: /level 

Duration: J segment 

Area of Effect: 3" X 3" square 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell reverses gravity in the area of effect, 
causing all unfixed objects and creatures within it to "fall" upwards. The 
reverse gravity lasts for 1 second (1/6 segment) during which time the 
objects and creatures will "fall" 16" up. If some solid object is encountered 
in this "foil", the ob|ecl strikes H In the same manner as o normal 
downward fail. At the end of the spell duraiion, the affected objects and 
crealures fall downwards. As the spell affects an area, objects tens, 
hundreds or even thousands of feet In the air can be affected. The material 
components of this spell are a lodestoneand iron filings. 


Level: 7 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: Spec jo/ 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the mogic-user is able to 
creaie a duplicate of any creature. The duplicate appears exactly the same 
as the real. There are differences: the simulacrum will have only 51% to 
60% (50% + 1 % to 10%) of the hit points of the real creature, there will be 
personality differences, there will be areas of knowledge which the 




duplicate does not have, and a detect magic spell will instamly reveal it as 
a simulacrum, as will a true seeing spell. Ar all rimes the simulacrum 
remains under the absolute command of the magic- user who created ftj 
although no special telepathic link exists, so command must be exercised 
in the normal manner. The spell creates the form of the creature, but it is 
only a zombie-like creature, A reincarnation spell must be used to give the 
duplicate a vital force, and a limited wish spell must be used to empower 
the duplicate wiih 40% to 65Vo (35% + 5% to 30%) of ihe knowledge and 
personality of the original. The level, if any, of the simulacrum, will be 
from 20% to 50% of the original creature. The duplicate creature is formed 
from ice or snow. The spell is cast over the rough form, and some piece of 
the creature to be duplicated must be placed inside the snow or Ice. 
Additionally, the spell requires powdered ruby. The simulacrum has no 
ability to become more powerful i.e. it cannot increase its levels or 

Stotuo (Alteration) 

Level: 7 

Range: Touch 

Duration: 6 turns/level 

Area of Effects Creature touched 

Components: V, S, M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw; Special 

Explanation/Description: When a statue dweomer is cast, the magiouser 
or other creature is apparently turned to solid stone, along with any 
garments and equipment worn or carried. The initial transformation from 
flesh to stone requires 1 full round after ihe spell is cast. Thereafter the 
creature can withstand any inspection and appear to be a stone stotue, 
although a faint magic will be detected from the stone if it is checked for. 
Despite being in this condition, the petrified individual can see, hear, and 
smell normally. Feeling Is only as acute as that which will actually offecl 
the gronite-hord suhstonce of the individual's body. I.e. chipping is equal 
to a slight wound, but breaking off one of the statue's arms is another 
matter. The individual under the magic of □ statue spell can return to 
normal state in 1/6 of a segment, and then return to statue state in the 
some period if he or she so desires, as long as ihe spell duration is in 
effect. During the initial transformation from flesh to stone, the creoture 
must make a saving throw of 82% or less, with -1 deducted from the dice 
roll score for each point of his or her constitution score, so an 18 
constitution indicaies ceriain success. Failure indicates system shock ond 
resultant death. The material components of this spell are lime, sand, and 
o drop of water slirred by an iron bar such os a noil or spike. 

Vanish (Alteration) 

Level: 7 
Range: Touch 
Duration; Special 

Components: V 

Costing Time; 2 segments 

Saving Throw: None 

Expl anal ion/Description; When the magic-user employs this spell, he or 
she causes an object to vanish. The magic-user can cause the object to be 
tele ported {see teleport spell ) if h weighs up to a maximum of 500 g.p. per 
level of experience of the spell coster, i.e. a 14th level magic-user can 
vomsh and cause to reappear at his or her desired location 7000 g.p. 
weight. Greater objects con be mode to vanish, but they are simply placed 
into the ethereal plane and replaced with stone. Thus, a door can be made 
to disappear, and it will be replaced by a stone wall of V thickness, or 
equal in thickness to the door, whichever is greater. The maximum volume 
of material which can be affected is 3 cubic feet per level of experience 
Thus, both weight and volume limit the spell. A dispel magic which Is 
successful wilt bring back vanished items from the ethereal plane. 

Eighth Level Spells: 

Antipathy/Sympathy (Enchanlment/Chorm) 

Level: 8 
Range; 3" 

Duration: 12 tums/levei 
Area of Effect; Special 

Components: V, S. M 
Casting Time: 6 rums 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the mogic-user to set up certain 
vibrations which will tend to either repel or attroct a specific type of living, 
intelligent creature or characters of a particular alignment. The mogic-user 
must decide which effect is desired with regard to whoi creature or 
alignment type before beginning the dweomercroefting, for the 

components of each application differ. The spell cannot be cast upon 
living creatures. 

Antipathy: This dweomer causes the affected creature or alignment type to 
feel an overpowering urge to leave the area or not touch the affected 
item, if a saving throw versus magic is successful, the creature may 
stay/touch the item, but the creature will feel very uncomfortable, and a 
persistent itching will cause It to suffer the toss of 1 point of dexterity per 
round ihe area or Item is remained in or touched, subject to o maximum of 
4 points. Failure to save versus magic forces the creature/olignment type 
to abandon the mogicked area or item, shunning it perrnanenily and never 
willingly enter/touch it until the spell is removed or expires. The material 
component for this application of the spell is a lump of alum soaked in 

Sympathy. By costing the sympathy application of the spell, the mogic-user 
can cause a particular type of creature or atignment of character to feel 
elated and pleased to be in an orea or with the prospect of touching or 
possessing an object or item. The desire to stay in the area or 
touch/possess the magicked object/item will be overpowering, and unless 
a saving throw versus magic is made, the creature or character will stay or 
refuse to release the object. If the soving throw is successful, the creature 
or character is released from the enchantment, but a subsequent saving 
throw must be made from 1-6 turns later, and if this one foils, the affected 
creature will return to the area or object. The material components of ihis 
spell are 1 ,000 g.p. worth of crushed pearls and a drop of honey. 

Note that the particular kind of creoture to be affected must be named 
specifically. i.e. red dragons, hill giants, wererats, lammasu, catoblepos, 
vampires, etc- Likewise, the specific alignment type for characters must be 
named, i.e. chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, etc. 

if this spell is cast upon an area, o 10' per side cube can be mogicked per 
level of experience of the mogic-user. If on objed or item is magicked, 
only that single thing can be enchanted, but affected creatures/characters 
save versus the magic thereon at -2< 

Blgby'i Clenched FItt (Evocation) 
Level: 8 

Range: W/evef 
Duration: I round/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, $, M 
Casling Time: 8 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; Bigby's Clenched Fist spell brings forth a huge, 
disembodied hand which is balled into a fist. This magical member is 
under the mental control of the spell caster, and he or she can cause it to 
strike an opponent each round. Mo other spell casting or magical oclivity 
may be undertaken for the duration of the spell. The Clenched fist t 
misses, but the effectiveness of its blow varies from round to round. 

Die Roll 




glancing blow — 1 to 6 hit points 
solid punch — 2 to 12 hit points 
hard punch — 3 to 18 hit points and 

opponent ts stunned next round 
crushing blow — 4 to 24 hit points 

and opponent is stunned for next 3 rounds 

Note: Any stunned opponent allows the magic-user to add + 4 to his or her 
die roll to determine how well ihe fist strikes, as the opponent is not 
capable of dodging or defending against the attack effectively. (This spell 
con be used with any of the other Hand spells of the Arch mage Bigby.) The 
material component of this spell is a leather glove and a small device 
consisting of four rings toined so as to form a slightly curved line, with an 
"I" upon which the bottoms of the rings rest, the whole fashioned of an 
alloyed meial of copper and line. The Fist is destroyed by damage equal to 
the hit points of Its caster being inflicted upon it. 


Level: 8 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, S,/W 
Casting Time; I turn 
Saving Throw: None 




level of experience, memories, etc. However, the duplicate is the person, 
so that if the original and o duplicale exist at The some time, each knows of 
the other's existence; ond the original person and the done will each 
desire to do away with the other, for such qn alter-ego is unbearable to 
both, If one cannot destroy the other, one {95%) will go insane (75% likely 
to be Ihe dons) and destroy itself, or possibly (5%) both will became mod 
and commit suicide. These probabilities will occur within 1 week of the 
dual existence. The material component of the spefl iso small piece of the 
flesh of the person to be duplicated. Note that the done will become the 
person as he or she existed at ihe time at which the flesh was taken, and 
oil subsequent knowledge, experience, etc. will be totally unknown to the 
done Atso, the clone will be a physical duplicate, and possessions of the 
original are another matter entirely. IMoie ihal a clone takes from 2-6 
months to grow, and only after that time is dual existence established. 

upon its intelligence, {Note; AAinolaurs are not affected by this spell.) 


Level: 8 

Range; Touch 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Object touched 

Components; V, 5, M 
Costing Time: 8 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The gJossfeef spell turns crystal or glass into a 
transparent substance which has the tensile strength and unbreakobility of 
actual steel. Only a relatively small volume of material can be affected, a 
maximum weight of 10 pounds per level of experience of the spell caster, 
arid it must form one whole object. The material components of Ihis spell 
ore a smol I piece of glass and a small piece of steel. 

Cloud (Alteration-Evocation) 

Level: 8 

Range: 3" 

Duralion: 4 rounds + t-o rounds 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V, 5, Art 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: 

Explanation/Description: An incendiary cloud spell exactly resembles ihe 
smoke effects of a pyrotechnics spell (q,v.), except that its minimum 
dimensions are a cloud of 10/ height by 20 r length and breadth. This dense 
vapor cloud billows forih, and on the 3rd round of its existence it begins to 
flame, causing Vj hit point per level of the magic-user who cost it. On the 
4th round it does 1 hi! point of damage per level of the caster, and an ihe 
5th round it again drops to % h.p. of damage per level of the magic-user os 
its flames burn out. Any successive rounds of existence ore simply 
harmless smoke which obscures vision within its confines. Creatures within 
the cloud need moke only 1 saving throw if it is successful but if they fail 
Ihe first, they roll again on the 4ih and 5th rounds [if necessary) to at tempi 
to reduce damage sustained by one-haif In order to cast Ihis spell the 
magic-user must have on ovoilable fire source (just os with o pyrotechnics 
spell], scrapings from beneath a dung pile, and a pinch of dust. 

Mom Charm (Enchantment/Charm) 
Level: 8 

Range: WAevel 
Duration; Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components; V 

Casting Time: 8 segments 

Saving Throw: Neg. 

Ex plan at ion /Description: A mass charm spell affecls either persons or 
monsters just as a charm person spell or a charm monster spell (qq v.) 
does. The moss charm, however, will affect a number of creatures whose 
combined levels of experience and/or hit dice does not exceed twice the 
level of experience of the spell cosier. All affected creatures must be 
within the spell range and within a maximum area of 3" by 3" Note thot 
the creatures' saving throws are unaffected by the number of recipients 
(cf. charm person and charm manner), but all target creatures are subject 
to a penalty of -2 on the saving throw becouse of the efficiency and power 
of a moss charm spell. 

Mate (Con jurat ion/Summoning) 
Level: $ 

Range: IW/evei 
Duration; Special 
Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V,5 
Casting Time: 3 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: An extra-dimensional space is brought into being 
upon utterance of a maze spell. The recipient will wander in the shifting 
labyrinth of force planes for o period of time which is totally dependent 

Intelligence of 

under 3 
3 to 5 
9 to 11 
15to 17 
IB and up 


Level; 8 

Range: 3" 

Duration: I day 

Area of Effect: One creature 

Time Trapped In 

2 to 8 turns 

1 io 4 turns 

5 to 20 rounds 
4 to 16 rounds 

3 fo 12 rounds 

2 to B rounds 
1 io 4 rounds 

Components: V*,5 
Costing Time: I segment 
Saving Thro w: None 

Explanation/Description: When the very powerful mind blank spell is cost, 
the recipient is totally protected from all devices and/or spells which 
detect, influence, or read emolions and/or thoughts. Protection includes 
augury, charm, command, confusion, divination, empathy (all forms}, ESP, 
fear, feeble mind, mass suggestion, phanrasmaf killer, possession, 
rulershjp, sou/ trapping, suggestion, and telepathy. Cloaking protection 
also extends to prevention of discovery or information gathering by cry s to J 
balls or other scrying devices, c/oiraudience, clairvoyance, communing, 
contacting other p fanes, or wish-related methods (wishing, limited wish, 
alter reality). Of course, exceedingly powerful deities would be able to 
penetrate the spell's powers. Note ihal this spell also protects from 
psi on ic -related detection and/or influence such os domination {or mass 
domination), hypnosis, invisibility (the psionic sort is mind related), and 
precognition, plus those powers which are already covered as spells. 


Components: V, S, M. 
Costing Time: 8 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Level; 8 
Range: fl" 

Duration: 7 rounds + i 

Area of Effect: Spec/of 

Explanation/Description: This spell summons 1 or 2 sixth level monsters, 
the creoture(s) appearing in 1 to 3 rounds. See monster summoning I for 
other detoi Is, 

Otto's Irresistible Dane* {Enchantment/Charm} 

Level: 8 

Range: Touch 

Duration: 2-5 rounds 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Components: V 

Casting Time: 5 segments 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When Otto's Irresistible Dance is placed upon a 
creature, the spell causes the recipient to begin dancing, feet shuffling and 
topping. This dance makes it impossible for the victim to do anything other 
than caper and prance, this cavorting lowering the armor class of the 
creature by -4. making saving throws impossible, and negating any 
consideration of a shield. Note that the creature must be louched — 
possibly as if melee combai were taking place and the spell caster were 
striking to do damage. 





Level: 3 
Range: Special 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Spedof 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 2 rounds 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell affects the duration of certain 
spells, making I he duration permanent The spells upon which a personal 
permanency will be effective ore: 

comprehend languages 
detecf evff 
defect magic 

protection from evil 
protection from norma I missies 
reod magic 

The magic-user casts the desired spell and 
permanency spell, loch permanency spell lowers the magic-user's 
constitution by 1 point. The magic-user cannot cast these spells upon other 
creatures. In addition to personal use, the permanency spell can be used to 
make the following object/creature or area effect spells lasting: 

prismatic sphere 
stinking cloud 
wait of fire 
wait of force 


gust of wind 
magic mouth 

The former application of permanency can be dispelled only by a magic- 
user of greater level than the spell caster was when he or she initially cast 
iL The permanency application to other spells allows it to be cast 
simultaneously with any of the latter when no living creature is the Target, 
but the permanency can be dispelled normally, and thus i he entire spell 

Components: V,S,M 
Coaling Time: f round 
Saving Throw: Special 

Polymorph Arty Object (Alteration) 

Range: WVfeveJ 
Duration: VonoWe 
Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description: This spell changes one object (living or 
otherwise) into another. When used as a polymorph ofher or stone to flesh, 
simply treat the spell as a more powerful version, with saving throws mode 
at -4 on i he die. When it is cast in order to change other objects, the 
duration of the spelt will depend on how radically removed the original 
was from its magi eked state, as well as how different in size. This will be 
determined by your Dungeon Waster by comparing: 

kingdom — animal, vegetable, mineral 
cross — mammals, bipeds, fungi, metals, spheres, etc. 
relationship — twig is to tree, sand is to beach, etc 
size — smaller, equal, larger 

sKape — comparative resemblance of the original to the 

polymorphed state 
intelligence — particularly with regard to a change in which the end 
product is mare intelligent 

Change in Kingdom mokes the spell work for hours or turns, i.e. hours if 
one removed, turns if two removed. Other changes likewise affect spell 
duration. Thus, changing a lion to an andrasphins would be permanent, 
but turning a turnip to a purple worm would be a change of only hours 
duration; turning a tusk into on elephant would be permanent, but fuming 
a twig Into a sword would be only a change of several lurns duration, All 
pofymorphed objects radiate a strong magic, and if a dispel magic spell Is 
used upon them, they wifl return to their natural form. Note that a stone to 
Flesh, or Its reverse, will affect objects under this spell. The malarial 
components of this spell are mercury, gum arable, and smoke. N.B.: 
System shock applies to living creatures, os do the restrictions noted 
regarding polymorph others and stone to flesh (qq.v,)- 

Power Word, Blind (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 3 

Range: W /level 
Duration: Special 
Area of tireo. J atameter 

Components: V 
Casting Time: J segment 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: When a power word, bffnd is cast, one or more 
creatures within spell range and area of effect will become temporarily 
sightless. The spell affects up to 100 hit points of creatures, but the duration 
is dependent upon how many hit points of creatures are affected, ff 50 or 
less points are affected, blindness lasts far 2 to 5 (d4+ 1 ) turns, if 51 or 
more hii points of creatures ore affected, the spell duration is but 2 to 5 
rounds. Note that the spell coster must indicate which creatures he or she 
desires to affeel with the spell, noting one os target center, prior to 
determining results. Creatures wilh over 100 hii points are not affected. 
Blindness con be removed by cure blindness or dispel magic 

»rr»n ■ ?pvn immunity [rtDjuranon ) 

Level: 8 

Range: Towch 

Duration; I rum//eve/ 

Area of Effect; CreaturefsJ touched 

Components: V,S,M 

Cast i ng Time; 1 ra und/rec ipient 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: fly use of this spell the magic-user is able to 
confer virtual immunity to certain spells and magical atlock forms upon 
those he or she touches and magicks. For every 4 levels of experience of 
the magic-user, I creature can be protected by the Serten's Spell Immunity 
spell, but the duration of the protection is similarly disbursed upon these 
additional figures, (Example: A 16th level mogic-user can cost the 
dweomer upon \ creature and it will last 16 turns, or he or she con place it 
upon 2 creatures for an 8 turn duration, or upon 4 creatures for but 4 turns 
duration.) The protection gives a bonus to saving throws as fallows: 

BeguWng, Charm, Suggestion 
Command, domination, Fear, HoW, Scare 
Geas, Quest 

+ 7 

The material component of this spell is a diamond which must be crushed 
and sprinkled over the spell recipients, and each such aeaiure must olso 
have in its possession a diamond of any size, intact and carried on its 

Symbol (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 8 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V t S,M 
Casting Time: 8 segments 
Saving Throw: Spetial 

Explanation/Description; A syrobof spell causes the creation of magical 
runes which affect creatures which pass over, touch, read, or pass through 
o portal upon which the symbol is inscribed. Upon casting the spell, the 
magic- user inscribes the symbol upon whatever surface he or she desires. 
Likewise, the spell caster is able to place the symbol of his or her choice, 
using any one of the following: 

Death -■ — 
Discord — 

Fear — 

One or more creatures whose total hit points do not 
exceed 80 are slain, 

Alf creatures are affected and immediately fall to 
loudly bickering and arguing; furthermore, there is a 
50% probability that creatures of different alignment 
will attack each other. The bickering lasts for 5-20 
rounds; the fighting for 2-8 rounds. 

This symbof operates as an extra-strong fear spell, 
causing all creatures to save vs. the spell at -4 on the 
die or panic and flee as if affected by a fear spell 

All creatures are affected and must turn back in 
dejection unless they save versus magic. Affected 
creatures will submit lo the demands of any 
opponent, I.e. surrender, get out, etc.; the 
hopelessness lasts for 3 to 12 (3d4) turns, and during 
this period it is 25% probable that affected creatures 
will take no action during any round, and 25% likely 
that those taking action will turn back or retire from 
battle, os applicable. 


Insanity — One or more creatures whose total hit points do not 

exceed 1 20 will become insane and remain so, acting 
os If a confusion spell (q.v.) had been placed upon 
them until a heal, restoration, or wish spell is used to 
remove the madness. 

Pain— All creatures are affected, having wracking pains 

shoot ing through their bodies, which causes them to 
hove -2 on dexterity and -4 on attack dice for from 
2-20 turns. 

Sleep — All creatures under 9+1 hit dice will immediately fall 

into a catatonic slumber and cannot be awakened for 
5 lo 16{d12 + 4) turns. 

Stunning — One or more creatures whose total hit points do noi 

exceed 160 will be stunned and reeling for 3-12 (3d4) 
rounds, dropping anything it or they hold in 
manipulative members. 

The type of symbol con not be recognized without it being read and thus 
activating its effects. The material components of This spell ore powdered 
black opal and diamond dust worth not less than 5000 g.p. each. 

Trap The Soul (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 6 
Ranger V* 

Duration: Permanent until broken 
Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V,S,M 

Casting Ti me: Spec jo f + I segment 

Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the magic /or, except that 
the trap the soul spell forces the subject creature's life farce (and tts 
material body, if any) into a special prison magicked by the spell caster. 
The subject of the spell must be seen by the caster, and the mag Ic- user 
must know the subject's true name as well when the final word Is uttered. 
Preparatory to the actual casting of the trap the sou/, the magic-user must 
prepare ihe soul prison, a gem of 1 ,000 g,p. value for every hit die or level 
of experience the creaiure whose soul is to be trapped possesses, i.e. it 
requires a gem of 10,000 g.p„ volue to trap a 10 hit dice (or 10th level) 
creature by placing on enchant on item spell upon it and ihen placing a 
maze spell into the gem, thereby farming the prison for the soul to be 
trapped. There are 2 manners in which the soul of the victim can be 
imprisoned. The final word of the spell can be spoken when ihe creature is 
within spell range, but this entitles It to exercise its magic resistance (if 
any) and a sawing throw versus magic as well, and if the latter Is 
successful, the gem shatters. The second method of soul trapping is far 
more insidious, for it tricks the victim into accepting a trigger object 
inscribed with the final spell word which will automatically place the 
creature's soul into the trop. If this method is used. It will be necessary to 
name the triggering item when the prison gem is mogicked, A sympathy 
spell may be placed on the trigger Item* As soon as the subject creature 
picks up or accepts the trigger item, its soul is outomaticofly transferred to 
the gem, The gem prison will hold the soul trapped until time indefinite, or 
until it is broken and ihe soul is released, allowing the material body to 
reform. If the creature trapped is a powerful creature from another pi one 
(and this could actually mean a character trapped by some inhabitant of 
another plane of existence when the character Is not on the Prime Material 
Plane), it can be required to perform a service immediately upon being 
freed. Otherwise, the creature can go totally free once the gem 
imprisoning it is broken. 

Ninth Level Spells: 
Aitrol Spell (Evocoiion) 

Level: 9 

Range: Touch 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the 
the seventh level cleric spell, osrra/ speff (q.v.). 

same as 

BIgby'i Crushing Hand (Evocation) 
Level: 9 

Range: fS7W 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 9 segments 

Duration: I round/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Descriplion: Bigby's Crushing Hand causes the appearance of 
a huge disembodied hand which is similar to Bigby's Forceful Hand and 
Bigby's Clenched fist (qq.v.). The Crushing Hand is under the mental 
control of the spell caster, and he or she con cause it to grasp and squeeze 
an opponent, Damage from th?s constriction depends on the number of 
rounds it acts upon the victim: 

1st round 

2nd & 3rd rounds 

4th & beyond 

1- 10 hit points 

2- 20 hit points 
4-40 hit points 

The Hand con sustain hit points equal to those of the magic-user who 
created it before being dispelled The maieriqt components of the spell are 
a glove of snake skin and the shell of an egg. 

(Conjuration/Summoni ng) 

Range: 3** 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect; Special 

Components: V,5 

Casti ng Time; 9 segm enfs 

Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is ihe 
the seventh level cleric spell, gate (q.v,)- 

(Abjuration) Reversible 

Level: 9 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: J creature 

Components: V,5 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When an imprisonment spell is cast and the 
victim is touched, the recipient is entombed in a state of suspended 
animation (cf temporal stasis) in a small sphere far below the surface of 
the earth, The victim remains there unless a reverse of the spell, with the 
creature's name and background, Is cost. Magical search by crysto/ ball, a 
locate objects spell or similar means will not reveal the fact that a creaiure 
is imprisoned The reverse (freedom^ spell will cause the appearance of 
the victim at the spot he, she or it was entombed and sunk into the earth. 
There is o 10% chance that 1 to 100 orher creatures will be freed from 
Imprisonment at the same time If Ihe magic-user does not perfectly get the 
name and background of the creature to be freed, The spell only works if 
ihe name and background of the victim are known. 


Level ; 9 

Range: 4" + ? "/revel 
Duration i Instantaneous 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: H 

Explanation/Description: A meteor swarm is a very powerful and 
spectacular spell which is similar to a fireball in many aspects. When ii is 
cast, either four spheres of 2' dra meter or eight spheres of V diameter 
spring from the outstretched hand of ihe magic- user and streak in a 
straight line up to the distance demanded by the spetl cosier, up to the 
maximum range. Any creature \r\ the straight line path of these missiles 
will receive the full effect of the missile, or missiles, without benefit of a 
saving throw. The "meteor" missiles leave a fiery trail of sparks, and each 
bursts as a fireball (q.v,). The large spheres each do 10 io 40 hit points of 
damage, the four bursting in a diamond or box pattern. Each has a 3" 
diameter area of effect, and each sphere will be 2" apart, along the sides 
of the pattern, so ihat there are overlapping areas of effect, and the center 




will be exposed to all four blasts. The eight small spheres have one-half 
the diomeier (1 W) and one-half the damage potential (5-20), They burst 
in o pattern of a box within o dromond or vice versa, each of the outer 
sides 2" long, and Ihe inner sides being V long. Mote that the center will 
hove 4 areas of overlapping effect, and there are numerous peripheral 
areas which hove two overlapping areas of effect. A saving throw for each 
area of effect will indicate whelher full hit points of damage, or half the 
indicated amount of damage, will be sustained by creatures wtihin each 
area, except as already stated with regard to the missiles impacting, 


Level: 9 
Range: 9" 

Duration: 8 rounds + \ round/level 
Area of Effecl: Spec iof 

Components: V>$M 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell summons 1 or 2 seventh level monsters 
which appear \ round after the spell is casi, or 1 8th level monster which 
will appear 2 rounds after Ihe spell is cast. See monster summoning I for 
olher details. 

Power Word, Kill (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 9 

Range: WV/eve/ 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: 2 " drameter 

Components; V 
Costing Time: 1 segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanal ion/Description: When a power word, kill is uttered, one or more 
creatures within the spelk range and area of effect will be stain. The power 
word will destroy a creature with up to 60 hit points, or it will kill 2 or more 
creatures with 10 or fewer hit points, up to a maximum of 120 hit points. 
The option to attack a single creature, or multiple creatures, must be stated 
along with the spell range and area of effect center. 

Prlimatk Sphere (Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 9 
Range: 0 

Duration: 1 tum/ieve! 

Area of Effect: 2" d-omefer sphere 

Components: V 

Casting Time: 7 segments 

Saving Throw; Special 

Explanation/Description: This spell enables Ihe magic- user to confure up 
an opaque globe of shimmering, multi-colored spheres of tight to surround 
him or her which give protection from all forms of attack. This scintillating 
sphere flashes all ihe seven colors of the visible spectrum, and each of 
lhese spheres of color has o different power and purpose. Any creature 
with fewer than eight hit dice will be blinded for from 2 to 6 turns by Ihe 
colors of the sphere. This phenomenon is immobile and only the spell 
caster can pass in and out the prismatic sphere without harm. Note thot 
typically the upper hemisphere of the globe will be visible, as the spell 
caster Is at the center of the sphere, so the lower half is usually hidden by 
the floor surface he or she is standing upon The colors and effects of the 
prismatic sphere, as well as what will negate each globe, are: 










prevents all non- magi col mis- 
siles _ inflicts 10 hir points of 

prevents all magical missiles — 
Inflicts 20 hit points of damage 

prevents poisons, gasses, and 
petrification — Inflicts 40 hit 
points of damage 

prevents all breath 
save vs. poison or dead 

prevents location/detection and 
psionics — save vs, petrification 
or turned to stone 

cone of told 

gust of wind 

pass waif 
magic missile 

indigo 6th prevents all magical spells — cominvaUight 
save vs. wand or insane 

violet 7th force field protection — save vs« dispel magic 
magic or sent to another plane 

Note thot a rod of* concef/arron will destroy a prismatic sphere. Otherwise, 
anything entering the sphere will be destroyed, any creature subject to the 
effects of each and every globe as indicated, Le. 70 hit points of damage 
pig* death, petrification, insanity and/or instantaneous transportation io 
another plane, and only the four latter effects are subject to saving throws. 
The individual globes may be destroyed by appropriate magical attacks in 
consecutive order, the 1st globe destroyed before any others, then the 2nd, 


Level: 9 
Range: 0 

Duration: T turn/level 
Area of Effect: The spell 

Components: V t $,M 
Casting Ti me: 9 segmenfs 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: With this spelt, the magic-user fs able to assume 
the Form of any creature short of a deml-god, greater devil, demon prince, 
singular dragon type, greater demon or the like. The spell coster becomes 
the creature he or she wishes, ond has all of the abilities save those 
dependent upon Intelligence, for the mind of the creoture is thot of the 
spell caster. Thus, he or she can change into a griffon, thence to an efreet, 
and then lo o titan, etc, These creafures hove whatever hn poinis ihe 
magic-user hos at the time of the shape change. Each alleration in form 
requires 1 segment. No system shock is incurred, Example: A wizard Is In 
combat and assumes the form of o will o' wisp, and when this form is no 
longer useful, the wizard changes into a stone golem and walks away. 
When pursued, the golem-shape is changed to thai of a flea, which hides 
upon a horse until it con hop off and become a bush. If detected as the 
latter, the mogie-user can become o dragon, pool of water, or fust about 
anything else. The material component of the spell is a jade circlet worth 
no less than 5000 g.p. which will shatter ot the expiration of ihe magic's 
duration. In ihe meantime, it is left in the wake of the shape change, ond 
premature shattering will cause the magic to be dispelled. 

Temporal Staili (Alteration) Reversible 

Level: 9 
Range: I- 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: One creoture 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 9 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; Upon casting this spell, the magic-user places the 
recipient creature into a state of suspended animation. This cessation of 
time means that the creature does nol grow older. Its body functions 
virtually cease. This state persists until the magic is removed by a dispel 
magic spell or the reverse of ihe spell (temporal remsfofememj is uttered. 
Note that the reverse requires only a single word and no somatic or 
material components. The material component of a temporal sfosj's spell Is 
o powder composed of diamond, emerald, ruby, ond sapphire dust, one 

Components: V 

Casting Time: 9 segments 

Saving Throw: None 

Time Stop (Alteration) 


ftange: 0 

Duration: M segmenf/leveJ 
+ T-8 segments 




Explanation/Description: Upon costing o time stop spell, ihe m ogle- user 
co uses the flow of time to stop in the areo of effect, end outside this area 
the sphere simply seems to shimmer for an instant. During the period of 
spell duration, the magic-user con move and acf freely within the area 
where rime is stopped, but all other creatures there ore frozen In their 
actions, for they are literal ly between ticks of the time clock, and the spell 
duration is subjective to the coster. No creature con enter the areo of effect 
without being stopped in time also, and if the magic-user leoves it, he or 
she Immediately negates the spell. When spell duration ceases, the magic- 
user will ago sn be operating in normal time, 

Wlih (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 9 Components; V 

Range: Unlimited Costing Time: Special 

Duraiion: Special Saving Throw: Special 

Area of Effect; Spec 10/ 

Explanation/Description; The wfsh spell is a more potent version of a 
limited wrsh (q.v,). If it is used to alter reality with respect to hit points 
sustained by a parly, to bring o dead character to life, or to escope from a 
difficult situation by lifting the spell caster (and his or her party) from one 
place 10 another, it will not cause the magic-user ony disability Other 
forms of w/shes, however, will cause the spell caster to be weak (-3 on 
strength) and require 2 to S doys of bed rest due to the stresses the wish 
places upon time, space, and his or her body, Regordless of what is wished 
for, the exact terminology of the wish spell is likely to be carried through. 
(This discretionary power of the referee is necessary in order to maintain 
gome balance. As wishing another character dead would be grossly 
unfair, for example, your DM might well advance the spell caster to o 
future period where the object is no longer alive, i,e. putting the wishing 
c horocte r out of the ca mpa ig n . ) 

Color Spray {Alteration) 

Level: t Components: V,S.M 

Range: T*V7eve/ Casting Time: I segment 

Duration; I segment Saving Throw; Special 

Areo of Effect; W X 2" X 2" 

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the illusionist causes □ 
vivid fon-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from his or her 
hand. From 1 to 6 creatures within the areo of effect can be affected. The 
spell cosier is able to affect 1 level or hit die of creatures for each of his or 
her levels of experience. Affected creatures are struck unconscious for 2 to 
8 rounds if their level is less than or equal to that of the spell coster; they 
are blinded for 1 to 4 rounds if their level or number of hit dice is \ or 2 
greaier than the illusionist; and Ihey are stunned (cf. power word, stun, 
seventh level magic-user spell) for 2 to 8 segments if their level or number 
of hit dice Is 3 or more greater thon the spell caster. All creatures above the 
level of the spell coster and oil creatures of 6th level or 6 hit dice are 
entitled to o saving throw versus the color spray spell. The material 
components of this spell are a pinch each of powder or sand colored red 
yellow and blue. 

Dancing Lights (Alteration) 

Level: I Components: V,S,M 

Range: 4"+ VVIevel Casting Time: J segment 

Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw; None 
Area of Effect: Special 

Explanatron/Description: This spell is ihe same as the first level magic-user 
spell, dancing lights (q.v.). 


Not** Regarding Illusionist (Magk-Uier) Spells: 

There are fewer illusion fst spells than there are magic-user spells, and 
there is some duplication; at seventh level the list includes all first level 
magic-user spells, several of which ore taken as if they were but one spell 
of seventh level. The illusions of this das* grow progressively more 
powerful as levels increase; the phantasms lake on some actual 
substance, and even other sorts of spells used by illusionists are potent [cf 
no/ kiiter, shades, prismatic spray). 

There are some illusionist spelts which have no verbol (V) component. 
Also, these spells typically need fewer material components than do those 
of other classes. A notable exception is the vision spell which needs great 
material outlay. 

Fir it Level Spells? 

Audible Glome r {Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: T 

Range: 6" 4- T"//evel 
Duration: 3 rounds/ level 
Area of Effect: Hearing range 

Components: V,$ 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the 
the second tevel magic-user spell, audible glamer (q«v«). 

Change Sell (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: T 
Range: 0 

Duration: 2- 12 rounds + 2 

Area of Effect: The illusionist 

Components: V f S 
Casting Time: T segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the Illusionist to alter the 
appearance of his or her form — including cloihing and equipment — to 
appear V shorter or taller; thin, fat, or in between; human, humanoid, or 
any other generally man- shaped bipedal creature. The duration of the 
spell is 2 to 12 (2d6) rounds base plus 2 additional rounds per Level of 
experience of the spell caster. 

Daftness (Alteration) 
Level: \ 

Range; V '/level 
Duraiion; 2-8 rounds. + 1 

round /I eve I 
Area of Effect: T5' radius globe 

Components: V,S 
Costing Timer I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, ihis spell is the some as 
the second level magk>user spell of darkness (q.v,). 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: I segmenf 
Saving Throw: None 

Detect Illusion (Divination) 

Level: J 
Range: Touch 

Duration: Grounds -f 2 rounds/ 

Area of Effect: Line of night I" wide, 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the illusionist is able to see 
an illusion and know it for exactly that. Note that it can be used to enable 
others to see illusions as unreal if the spell caster touches the creature with 
both honds and the creature looks at the illusion while so touched. The 
material component is a piece of yellow tinted crystal, glass, or mica. 

Detect Invisibility (Divination} 
Level: I 

Range: V'/level 
Duration: 5 round&/ievei 
Area of Effect: I "path 

Components: V,S,M 
Costing Time: 1 segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; Except as noted above, this spell is the same < 
the second level magic-user spell, defect invisibility (q.v.). 

Gaxe Reflection (Alteration) 

Level: 7 
Range: 0 

Duration: I round 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 1 segmenf 
Saving Throw: None 

Ion: The gaze reflection spell 





area of air before the illusionist Any gaze attack, such as their of a basilisk 
or a medusa, will be reflected back upon the gazer If it looks upon the 
spell caster. 

Hypnotism (Enchanimenr/Charm) 

Level; I 
Range: 3" 

Duration: 7 round + J round/Jevef 
Area of Effect: One to six creatures 

Camponenis; V,S 
Costing Time; J segment 
Soving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: The gestures of the illusionist, along wilh his or 
her droning incantation, cause from 1 io 6 creatures to become susceptible 
to suggestion (see ihe ihird level magic-user suggestion spell). The 
suggest/on musi be given after the hypnotism spell is cast, and until that 
time the success of the spell is unknown. Note that the subsequent 
suggest/on is not a spell, but simply a vocalized urging. Creatures which 
moke their saving throw ore not under hypnolic influence. 

Light (Alteration) 

Level: J 
Range: 6" 

Duration: f turn/level 

Area of Effect: 2" radius globe 

Components: V,$, 
Casting Time: ! segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the some as ihe first bevel magic-user 
light spell (q.v,) (cf. first level cleric light spell,) 


level: ? 

Range: 6" + iVievel 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: 4 square" + 
square// eve I 


Components: V t S,M 
Casting Time: I segment 
Saving Throw: Spec ial 

above, this spell is the same as 
[force (q.v.), 

Components: V,$M 
Casting Time; I segment 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell, the illusionist creates a wall 
of misty vapors In whatever area within the spell range he or she desires. 
The wall of fog obscures all sight, normal ond/or infra visual, beyond 2\ 
The area of effect is a cube of 2" per side per level of experience of the 
spell coster. The misty vapors persist for 3 or more rounds unless blown 
away by a sirong breeze (cf gusr of wind). The material component is a 
pinch of spl El dried F 

Explanation/Description: Except as 
the third level magic-user spell, 1 

Wall Off Fog {Alteration} 

Level: 7 
Range: 3" 

Duration: 2-8 rounds + I 

Second Level Spells: 


Level: 2 

Range; 3" 

Dura han: Special 

Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V 

Casting Time: 2 segments 

Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explo nation/ Description; The blindness spell causes the recipient creature 
to become blind and able to see only a grayness before its eyes. Various 
cure spells will not remove this effect and only a oVspe/ mogfc or the spell 
caster can do away with the blindness if the creature fails its initial saving 
throw versus the spell. 

Blor ( 1 1 1 u si o n/Pho nta am ) 

Level; 2 
Range: 0 

Duration: 3 rounds + I round/ievei 
Area of Effect: The illusionist 

Components: V f S 
Casting Time' 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Ihe outline of his or her form to become blurred, shifting ond wovery. This 
distortion causes all missile ond melee combat attacks to be made at -4 on 
the first attempt and -2 an all successive attacks, it aiso allows a +1 on the 
saving throw die roll for any direct magical attack. 


Level: 2 

Range; o" 

Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: One creoture 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: The deafness spell causes the recipient creature 
to become totally deaf and unable to hear any sounds [cf. bJmdness). This 
deafness can be done away with only by means of o dispel magic or by 
the spell caster. The victim is allowed a saving throw. The material 
component of the spell is beeswax. 

Detect Meek (Divination) 
Level: 2 

Duration: 2 rounds/levef 
Area of Effect: J " path, 6" long 

Components; V,$ 
Costing Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

EKplanotion/Descripiion: This spell is similar to the first level cleric and the 
first level magic-user spell, detect magic fqq.v.). 

Fog Cloud (Alteration) 

Level; 2 
Range: V 

Duration: A rounds + I round/ievei 
Area of Effect: 4" wide, 2" high, 2" 

Components: V,$ 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The fog cloud Is a billowing mass of misty vapors 
which Is of similar appearance to a doudkill (q.v. ), the fog being greenish. 
The spell coster creates the fog cloud and it moves away from him or her at 
a 1" per round rate. Although it behoves in most respects just as if it were a 
chudkilt, the only effect of the fog is to obscure vision, just as a wafi of fog 

Hypnotic Pattern (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 2 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: 3" X 3" square orea 

Components: $ t M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Soving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is casi the Illusionist creates a 
weaving, turning pattern of subtle colors in the air. This hypnotic pattern 
will cause any creature looking at it to become fascinated and stand 
gazing at it as long as the spell cosier continues io maintain the shifting 
interplay of glowing lines. Nate that the spell can captivate- a maximum of 
24 levels, or hit dice, of creatures, l.e, 24 creatures with 1 hit die each, 12 
with 2 hit dice, etc All creatures affected must be within the area of erf eel, 
ond each is entitled lo a saving throw. The illusionist need not utter a 
sound, but he or she must gesture appropriately while holding a glowing 
stick of incense or a crystal rod filled wilh phosphorescent material. 

Improved Phantasmal Force (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 2 

Range: 6" + Wlevei 
Duration: Spec /a/ 
Area of Effect: 4 square* 

+ r 

Components: V,5,M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw; Special 

Explanation/Description: When a blur spell is cost, the illusionist causes 

Explanation/ Description: Except as noted above, and as detailed 
hereafter, this spell is the same as the third level magic- user phantasmal 
force spell (q.v.), The spell caster can maintain the illusion with minimal 
concentration, i.e. he or she can move at half normal speed (but not cast 
other spells). Some minor sounds are Included In ihe effects of ihe spell, 
but not understandable speech. Also, by concentration on the foTm of the 
phantasm, the fmproved phantasmal force will continue for 2 rounds after 
the illusionisi ceases to concentrate upon the spelL 



Irwlitblltty (Illusion/Phantosm) 

Level: 2 

Range: Touch 

Ou ration: Speooi 

Area of Effect Creature touched 

Components: V,S 
Costing Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Ex pla notion /Description; Except as noted above, this spell is the same as 
ihe second level magic-user spell, invisibility (q.v,). 

Magic Mouth (Alteration) 

Level: 2 
Ronge: Spec fa/ 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: One object 

Components: V<S,M 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as Ihe second level magic- 
user magic mourn spell (q.v.). 

Mirror Image ( Ihusion/Phontosm) 

Level: 2 Components: V # S 

Range; 0 Casting Time: 2 segments 

Duration: 3 rounds/lev*! Saving Throw: None 

Area of Effect: 6' radius of spell coster 

Explanation/DoscHpilon: Except as noted above, and except far the fact 
that there are 2-5 (d4 + 1 ) mirror images created, this spell is the s 
the second level mogk-user spell, mirror image (q.v.). 

Misdirection (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 2 
Range; 3" 

Duration: T round/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the illusionist misdirects 
the Information from a detection-type spell, i.e. detect charm, detect evil, 
detect invisJbi/rry, detect lie, detect magic, and detect snares & pits. While 
the detection spell functions, the information it reveals will indicate the 
wrong area, creature, or the opposite of the truth with respect to detect 
evil ordetecr lie. The illusionisr directs the spell effect upon the creoiure or 
Item which is the object of the detection spell If the caster of the 
detect ion- type spell foils his or her saving throw, the misdirection lakes 

Ventriloquism (HI usion/Phontasm ) 
Level: 2 

Ronge: 7 "/level Maximum 9" 
Duroilon: 4 rounds + I round/level 
Area of Effect: One object 

Components: V,M 
Costing Time: 2 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except os noted above, this spell is the same os 
the first leveJ magic-user spell, venfr/Joqursm (q,v.). 

Third level Spelli: 

Continual Dark nest (Alteration) 

Level: 3 
Range; 6" 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: 3" radius globe 

Components: V,hA 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, □ globe of impenetrable 
darkness is created. The effects of this darkness, as well as the material 
component of ihe spell, are the same os the second level magic-user spell, 
darkness, 15' radius (cf. continual Jighf ). 

Continual Light (Alteration) 

Level: 3 
Ronge: 6" 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: 6" radius globe 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: Ssegmenrs 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the second level cleric 
conrmuoi fight spell ( q.v. ), except as noted above. 

(Afa juration ) 

Level: 3 

Range: }' '/level 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Soving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the spell caster can dispel 
any phantasmal force — with or without audible glamer — cast by a non- 
illusionisi; and the spell has the same chance of dispelling any 
illusion/phantasm spells of another illusionist asa dispel magic spell (q.v.) 
does, i.e. 50% base chonce adjusted by 2% downward, or SYo upward, for 
each level of experience lesser/greater of the illusionist casting the dispeJ 
illusion compared io the illusionist casting the spell to be dispelled, 

Fear (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level; 3 
Range: 0 
Duration: Special 
Areo of Effect: 6" long cone t 3" 
diameter at end r Wat base 

Components: V t S 
Costing Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is (he same as 
the fourth level magic-user spell, fear (q.v.), 

Hallucinatory Terrain (Illusion/ Phantasm) 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 5 rounds 
Saving Throw: None 

, rion; Except as noted obove. this spell is the some as 
ihe fourth level magic-user ho/Jucinafory terrain spell (q.v,). 

Level: 3 

Range: 2" + 2"/7eve/ 
Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: 4" X 4" square area 
+ J"X 1" square area/level 

1 1 lu sionary Script (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 3 
Range: Special 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Creature reading the 

Components: V,S,M 
Costing Time: Specie/ 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the illusionist to write 
instructions or other informarlon on parchment, paper, skin, etc. The 
i/fusronary script appears to be some form of foreign or magical writing. 
Only the person {or class of persons or whatever) whom the Hluslonlsi 
desires to read the writing will be able to do so, although another 
illusionist will recognize it for illusianary script. Others aitempiing to read 
it will become confused as from o confusion spell (q.v.) for 5 to 20 turns, 
minus 1 turn for each level of experience he or she has attained. The 
material component of the spell is a lead-based Ink which requires special 
manufacture by an alchemist. 

Invisibility, 10" Radius (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 3 
Range: Touch 
Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: 10' radios of creature 

Components: V f $ 
Costing Time: 3 segments 
Soving Throw: None 

Expianation/Description: Except os nosed above, this spell is the same os 
the third level magic-user spell, Invisibility, 10' radius (q.v.). See also the 
second level magic-user spell, mvisibi/jfy. 

Non-detection (Abjuration) 

Level: 3 
Ronge: 0 

Duration: J turn/level 
Areo of Effect: 5' radius of spelt caster 

Components: V,S,M 
Costing Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 




Explanation/Description: By costing rh is spoil, the illusionist makes himself 
or herself invisible to divination spells such as cJoiruudrence, clairvoyance, 
"detects 0 , and ESP. It also prevents location by such magic items as crystal 
balls and ESP medallions. The maieriol component of the spell is o pinch of 
diamond dust. 

n (lllus ion/Phantasm) 

Level: 3 

Range: J'V/eveJ 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect : 2" X T 

Components: V,S 
Costing Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: The paro/yzation spell enables the spell caster to 
create illusionory muscle slowdown in creatures whose combined hit dice 
do not exceed twice the totol level of experience of the illusionist. If the 
recipient creatures fail their saving throws, they become paralyzed, and a 
dispef fusion or dispel magic spell must be used to remove the effect, or 
the illusionist may dispel it at any time he or she desires. 

Rope Trick (Alteration) 

Level; 3 
Range: Touch 
Duration: 2 turns/level 
Area of Effect; Special 

Components; V,S f M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the second level moglc- 
user spell, rope trick (q.v.). 


Level: 3 

Range: o" + 1'Vlevel 
Duration: Special 
Areo of Effect: 4 square" + j 

Components: v\S,M 
Casting Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: special 

Explanation/Description: The spectral force spell creates on Illusion In 
which sound, smell and thermal illusions are included. It is otherwise 
similar to the second level improved phantasmal force spell (q.v,). The 
spell will last for 3 rounds after concentration. 

Level: 3 
Range: 3" 

Duration: 4 turns + 4 tums/fevef 
Area of Effecf: One creature 

Components: V f M 
Costing Time: 3 segments 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as 
the third level magic-user spell, suggestion (q.v,). 

Fourth Level Spells; 

Confusion (Enchantment /Charm) 

Level: 4 
Range: 8' 

Duration: f round/ieveJ 
Area of Effect: Up to 4" X 4" 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as 
the fourth level magic-user confusion spell (q.v.). See also the seventh 
level druid confusion spell. 

Level: 4 
Range; Touch 
Duration; 3 tums/leveJ 
Area of Effect: I to 4 persons 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation 'Description: By means of this spell, the illusionist is able to 
restore 50% of lost hit points to all persons {humans, demi-humans and 
humanoids) he or she touches during the round it is cast, subject to a 
maximum of four persons. The spell gives the illusion to the person 
touched that he or she is fresh and well Stamina is renewed, but when the 

spell duration expires, the recipiem drops back io their actual hit point 
strength. The spoil will allow recipients to move at double speed for 1 
round every turn [cf. haste spell). 

Emotion (Enchantment/Charm) 
Level: 4 

Range: 1'7/eveJ 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: 4" X 4' 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw; Neg. 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the illusionist can project 
his or her choice of 1 of the following 4 emotions: 

1 . Fear: This is the same os the spell of (he same name, but as 

it is not illusionary, the saving throw Is made at -2. It 
counters/is countered by roge. 

2. Hafe: The effect of hate is to roise morale, saving throw 

dice, "to hit" dice, and damage done by +2. It 
counters/ is countered by hopelessness. 

3. Hopelessness; This has the same effect as the hopeiessness symbol 

Ir counters/is countered by hate. 

4. Rage: The roge emotion causes the recipient to become 

berserk, attack at o + 1 on the "to hit" dice r do +3 hit 
points of damage j and gives o temporary +5 hit 
poinis to the enraged creature. The recipient wilt fight 
without shield, and regardless of life as welt. It 
counters/is countered by fear. 

The spell lasts os long as the illusionist continues to concentrate on 
projecting the chosen emotion. 

Improved Invlilbllrty (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 4 Components: V,S 

Ronge; Touch Casting Time: 4 segments 

Duration: 4 rounds + J round/level Saving Throw: None 
Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Explanation/Description: This spell Is similar to invisibility, but the 
recipiem is able to attack,, either by missile discharge, melee combot, or 
spell casting and remain unseen. Note, however, thot there are sometimes 
telltale traces, a shimmering, so that an observant opponent can atiack the 
invisible spell recipient. Such attacks are at -4 on the "to hit" dice, and oil 
saving throws are mode at +4. 


Level; 4 

Range: W level 
Duration: Specia/ 
Area of Effect; V X 

7" square/I eve/ 

Components: V.S 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except os noted above, this speil is the same as 
the fourth level magic-user spell, massmorph (q,v.). 




Minor Creation (Alteration) 

Level: 4 
Range: Touch 
Duration; 6 turns/level 
Area of Effect: Speoa/ 

Components: V,S t M 
Casting Time: t rum 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the illusionist to create an item 
of non-living, vegetable nature, i.e. soft goods, rope, wood, etc. The item 
created cannot exceed 1 cubic foot per level of the spell caster in volume 
Note ihe limits of the spell's duration. The spell caster must have at least a 
liny piece of matter of the same type of item he or she plans to create by 
means of the minor creanon spell, i.e. a bit of twisted hemp to create rope, 
a splinter of wood to create a door, and so forth, 

Phonteimal Killer (Illusion/Phantasm) 

level: 4 

Range: ?4"//eve* 
Duration: I round/feveJ 
Area of Effect: One creature 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanai son/Description: When this spell is cast, the illusionist creates the 
illusion of ihe most fearsome thing imagined, simply by forming the fears 
of the subject creature's subconscious mind into something which its 
conscious mind can visualize — the most horrible beast. Only the spell 
caster and the spell recipieni con see the phamasmaf killer, but if it 
succeeds in scoring a hit, rhe victim dies (from fright). The beast attacks as 
a 4 hit dice monster with respect to its victim. It is invulnerable to all 
attacks, and it con pais through any barriers, for it exists only In the 
beholder's mind. The only defense against a phantasmal killer is an 
atiempt lo disbelieve, which con be tried but once, or slaying or rendering 
unconscious the illusionist who cast the spell. Mote thai the saving throw 
against this spell is not standard. The subject must roll three six-sided dice 
(3d6) ond score a sum equal to or less than its intelligence ability score in 
order to disbelieve the apparition. The dice score is modified as follows: 

Complete surprise 

Subject previously attacked by this 

Subject is an illusionist 
Subject is wearing a helm of 

+ 1 

-1 per previous attack 

-3 plus the ability la turn the 
phantasmal killer upon its creator if 

*Note thai magic resistance and wisdom factors also apply, magic 
resistance being checked first lo determine spell operation (or -1 to -5 on 
dice if spell resistance is as thai of a dwarf, gnome, etc.), and then wisdom 
bonus applies as a minus to the dice roll to match or score less than 

If the subject of the attack by a phantasmal killer succeeds in disbelieving 
and is wearing a helm of re/eparhy, Ihe beost con be lurned upon the 
illusionist, and then he or she musi disbelieve it or be sub|eci lo its attack 
and possible effects. 


Level; 4 
Range: 3" 

Duration: I round/level 
Area of Effect: 2" X 2" 

Components: V,S 
Costing lime: 4 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: The shadow monsters spell enables the illusionist 
to create semi-real phantasms of one or more monsters. The total hit dice 
of the shadow monster or monsters ihus created cannot exceed the level of 
experience of the illusionist; thus a 10th level illusionist can create one 
creature which has 10 hit dice {in normal circumstances}, iwo which hove 
5 hit dice (normally), etc. All shadow monsters created by one spell must 
be of ihe same sort, i.e. hobgoblins, arcs, spectres, etc. They have 20% of 
the hit points they would normally have. To determine Ihis, roll the 
appropriate hit dtee and multiply by .20, any scare less than A is dropped 

— in the case of monsiers with one (or fewer) hit dice, this indicates the 
monster was not successfully created — and scores of .4 or greater are 
rounded up to one hit point. If the creature or crea lures viewing the 
shadow monsters foil their saving throw and believe Ihe illusion, the 
shadow monsters perform as normal wilh respeci to armor class and attack 
forms. If the viewer or viewers moke their saving throws, the shadow 
monsters are armor class 10 and do only 20% of normal melee damage 
(biting, clawing, weapon, etc.), dropping fraciionol damage less than .4 as 
done with nil points. Example: A shadow monster drogonne attacks a 
person knowing it is only quasi-real, The monster strikes with 2 claw 
attacks and 1 bile, hitting as a 9 die monster. All 3 attacks htl, and the 
normal damage dice are rolled: d8 scored 5, d8 scores 8, 3d6 scores 1 1 and 
each fatal is mulliplied by ,2 (.2 X 5 = 1 , .2 X 8 = 1 .6 = 2, .2 X 1 1 = 2,2 
= 2) and 5 hit paints of real damage are scored upon the victim. 

Fifth Level Spell s: 

Choot (Enchantment/Charm) 
Level: 5 

Range: W'/level 
Duration: t round/level 
Area of Effect: up to 4" X 4" 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanaiion/Description: This spell is similar to the sevenih level druid 
confusion spell (q.v,), but all creaiures in the area of effecl are confused 
for the duration of the spell. Only fighters other than paladins or rangers 
and illusionists are able lo combat the spell effects and are thus allowed a 
saving throw. Similarly, monsiers which do not employ magic and have 
intelligences of 4 (semNntelllgent) or less are entitled to soving throws. 

The material component for this spell is a small disc of bronze and a small 
rod of iron. 

D em f- Shadow Man iters (Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 5 
Range: 3" 

Duration: I round/level 
Area of Effect; 2" X 2" 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: This spell Is similar to the fourth level spell, 
shadow monsters, except that ihe monsters created are of 40% hit paints. 
Damage potential is 40% of normal, and they are armor class 8. 

Mo|or Creation (Alteration} 

Level: 5 
Range: I" 

Duration: 6 rurns/feveJ 
Area at ctreci. opeoaj 

Components: V t $,M 
Casting Time: 7 rurn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is comparable lo a minor creafron speli 
(q.v.) excepl that it allows the Illusionist to create mineral objects. If 
vegetable objects are created, they have a duration of 12 turns per level of 
experience of the spell coster. 

Mate (Conjuration/Summoning) 
Level: 5 

Range: V% /level 
Duration: Special 
Area of ' 

Components: V f S 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell, excepl as noted above, is the 
the eighth level magic-user maze spell (q.v ). 



Projected Image (Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm) 

Level: 5 

Range: ft'Vlcvel 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 5 segmenrs 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; Except as shown above, this spell is the some as 
the sixth level magic-user spell pro/ect image (q.v.). 


Components: S 

Costing Time: 2 segments 

having in row. rvone 

Level: 5 
Range: ?" 

Duration: 1 round/level 
Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the illusionist creaies the 
illusion of a door. The illusion also permits the illusionist to appear to step 
through this "door" and disappear when in reality he or she has darted 
aside, and can then flee totally invisible for the spell duration- Creatures 
viewing this are deluded into seeing/entering an empty 10' X 10' room if 
they open the "door". Only o frue seeing spell, a gem of seerng, or similar 
magical means will discover the illusionist. 

Shadow Magic (Jllusion/Phantasm) 
Level: 5 

Range: 5" + I'Vlevel 
Duration; Special 
Areo of Effect: Special 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw: Spectat 

Explanation/Description: The shadow magic spell allows the illusionist to 
cast a quasi-real magic-user spelL This spell con be mogfc missile, fireball, 
lightning boll or cone of co^d and will have normal effects upon creatures 
in the area of effect if they fail la make their saving throws. If saving 
throws are made, the shadow magic spell will inflict but 1 hit point of 
damage per level of experience of the illusionist casting it, regardless of 
which quasi -real spell was cast. 

i (Conjuroiion/Summoning) 

Level: 5 

Duration: I round + I round//evef 
Area of Effect: V X J" 

Components: V r S f AA 
Casting Time: 5 segments 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: When this spell Is cast, the illusionist conjures up 
MANUAL) for every three levels of experience he or she has attained. 
These monsters are under the control of the spell easier and will attack his 
or her enemies on command. The shadows will rernoin until slain or turned 
or the spell duration expires. The material component far this spell is a bit 
of smoky quartz, 

Sixth Level Spells: 

Conjure Animals (Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: © 
Range: 3" 

Duration: I round// eve) 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V,S 
Costing Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Except as shown above, this spell is the same < 
the sixth level cleric spell, conjure onfmo/s (q.v.). 

Demi-Shadow Magic ( Illusion/Phantasm ) 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 6 segmenfs 
Saving Throw: Spec i al 

Level: 6 

Range: 6" + 1 "/level 
Duration: Spec/of 
Area of Effect: Special 

Explanaiion/Descriplion: This spell is similar to the fifth level shadow 
magic spell (q.v), bui in addition to the quasi-real spells listed thereunder 
it enables the illusionist to cast a quasi-real wall of fire, wall of ice. or 
daudkili If recognized as demf-shodow magic (the victim makes its saving 
throw), the magic missile, fireball e* al. da 2 hit points of damage per 

level of experience of the spell cosier, the wall spells cause 1-4 hit points 
of damage per level, ond the cloudkill will slay only creatures with fewer 
than 2 hit dice. 


Level: 6 
Range: 3'* 

Duration: 4 tijms + 4 rurns/fevef 
Area of Effect: One creature/level 

Components: V,M 
Casting Time: 6 segmenrs 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description; This spell is the same as the third level 
suggestion spell, except lhai the illusionist is able to cast the spell upon 
more than one subject, provided the prospective recipients of the 
suggestion are within the 3" range. One creature per level of experience 
the spell caster has attained can be affected. If only one creature is the 
subject, its saving throw is at ~2, The suggestion must be the same far all 
hearing it. 


Components: V t S t M 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Level: 6 

Range: I'Vlevel 
Duration; Permanent 
Area of Effect: 4 square" + I 

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a lasting spectral force (q.v.J 
which requires no concentration. It is subject to dfspei maglc t of course. 

Programmed Illusion (Illusion/Phantasm) 

level: 6 

Range: I'Vlevel 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: 4 square' 

+ J 

Components: V r S,M 
Casting Time: 6 segmenrs 
Saving Throw: Spec to J 

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the Illusionist sets up a 
spectral forces spell (q.v.) which will activate upon command or when o 
specified condition occurs [cf. magic mouth). The illusion will last for a 
maximum of 1 round per level of the spell < 


Level: 6 
Range: 3" 

Duration: I round/level 
Areo of Effect: 2" X 2" 

Components: V,5 
Casting Time: 6 segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: This spell is related lo shadow monsters and 
demi-shadow monsfers (qq.v,), but the monsters created ore of 60% hit 
points and damage potential ond ore of armor class 6. 

True Sight (Divination) 

Level: 6 
Range: Touch 
Duration: I round/fevel 
Area of Effect: 6" fight range 

Components: V,$ 
Casting Time: I round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is very like the fiflh level cleric spell, 
frue seeing (q.v.). However, while the true sight spell allows the illusionist 
to see its actual or former form, it does not allow determination of 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 3 segmenrs 
Saving Throw: None 

Veil (Illusion/Phantasm) 
Level: 6 

Range: 1 "/level 
Duration: 1 torn/level 
Area of Effect: 2" X 2'VJeve/ 

Explanation/Description: The veil spell enables the illusionist to instantly 
change the appearance of his or her surroundings and/or party or create 
haiJucinafory terrain (q.v.) so as to fool even the most clever creatures 
unless they have true seeing/sight, a gem of seeing, or similar magical 
aid. The veil can moke a sumptuous room seem a filthy den and even 




touch will conform to the visual illusion. If hallucinatory terrain is created, 
touch will not cause h to vanish. 

I aval Cw 1 1 *■ 

Alter Reality ( II I usi on/Phantasm, Conjuration/Summoning ) 

Level; 7 

Range: Unlimited 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: Special 
Casting Time; Special 
So ving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: The alter reality spell is similar 10 the seventh 
level mogic-user limited wish spell (q<v,), In order to effect Ihe magic fully, 
the Illusionist must depict the enactment of ihe alteration of reality through 
the costing of o phantasmal force, as well as verbalization In o limited 
form, before the spell goes into action. 

A»tral Spell (Alleralion) 

Level: 7 
Range: Touch 
Durotion: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 3 Turns 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the seventh level cleric 
spell, astral spelt (q.v.). 

PrUmatlc Spray (Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning) 

Level: 7 
Range; 0 

Duration: instantaneous 
Area of Effect: 7 'Jong plane, \ W 
wide ar end, W wide at base 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: 7segmenfs 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cost, the Illusionist causes 7 
rays of the prismatrc sphere spell (q.v.) to spring from his or her hand. Any 
creature in the area of effect will be touched by 1 or more of the rays. To 
determine which ray strikes the concerned creature, roll an eight-sided 

1 = red 

2 = orange 

3 = yellow 

4 = green 

5 - blue 

6 = indigo 

7 = violet 

8 = struck by 2 rays, roll again 

twice ignoring any 8's 

Saving throws apply only with respect to those prismatic color rays which 
coll for such. 

Wall (Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning) 

Components: V,S 
Casting Time: / Segments 
Saving Throw: Special 

Level: 7 
Range: 1 " 

Duration: I turn/level 
Area of Effect; Special 

Explanation/Description: The pn'smaric wall spell issimilor to theprrsmarpc 
sphere spell (q.v.). It differs only in that ihe spelt creates a wall, or curtain, 
of scintillating colors. The wall is of maximum proportions of 4' wide per 
level of experience of the spell caster and 2* high per level of experience- 
Vision (Divination) 

Level: 7 

Range: 0 

Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: The Illusionist 

Components: V,S,M 
Casting Time: 7 segments 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: At such lime as the illusionisi wishes to gain 
supernatural guidance, he or she casts a vision spell, calling upon 
whotever power he or she desires oid from, and asking the question for 
which a vision is to be given to answer. Two six-sided dice are rolled. If 
they total 2 io 6, the power is annoyed ond will cause the illusionist, by 
ultra-powerful geos or quest, to do same service, and no question will be 
answered, If the dice total 7 to 9. ihe power is indifferent, and some minor 
vision, possibly unrelated to the question, will be given. A score of 10 or 

betier indicates the vision is granted. Note that the material component of 
the spell is the sacrifice of someihing valued by the spell caster ond/or hy 
ihe power supplicated. The more precious the sacrifice, the better the 
chance of spell success, for o very precious item will give a bonus of + 1 
on the dice, one thot is extremely precious will add + 2, and a 
priceless/nonesuch will add +3. 

£ I . I ( MJi 1 ( _ _ _ £ — — I 1 J 

rlrST LOVvi lYiQgiC'UlBr 4pwIJt 

Level: 7 
Range: • 
Duration: * 
Area of Effect: * 

Components: 1 
Casting Time: 1 
Saving Throw: 

*As appropriate to the spell in question 

Explonoiion/Descriplion: The illusionist gains four of the following first 
level magic^user spells at ihe 14th level of experience and an additional 
one as each additional level of experience is gained. The spelts are: 

Affect Normal Fifes 
Burning Hands 
Charm Person 
Comprehend Languages 

Feather Foil 
Hold Portal 
Magic Missile 


Nystul's Magic Aura 
Protect/on from Evil 
Read Mag rc 

Shocking Grasp 

Tenser's Roofing Disc 
Unseen Servant 

The illusionist may learn any spell or spells from the preceding list. He or 
she must seek the spells m the same manner as a magic-user. If the 
il lusioms* chooses to take this "spell', he or she actually lakes four or more 
first level mogic-user spells as a seventh level spell. 


The costing of spells during the course of an adventure will be discussed at 
length hereafter in the section of this book which deals with all aspects of 
an expedition into underground or outdoors settings. 

Each character able to cast spells can remember only a certain number at 
any given level. (This number can be modified by magical means.) Once o 
spell is casi, mot particular spell is wiped from Ihe mind, forgotten, but 
another spell of the same type can still be remembered, i.e. the spell 
caster can have several of ihe same spell memorized and prepared for, 
within the number li mits for his or her particular class and level. 

Most spells can be cast during the course of a single melee round, 
although some — particularly high level ones — require more time. 
Casting a spell requires certain actions, and if these are interrupted, the 
spell cannoi be casi and il is losi from memory, A good example of this is a 
magic- user about to cast a firebox spell being struck by an arrow when In 
the midst of the spell. Magical silence or physical gagging will prevent 
verbal (V) spell completran. Magical immobility prevents ony spell 
casting. Physical restrain^ including grappling, grasping, binding, etc. 
prevents proper somatic (S) spell completion, for gestures must be exact 
and movements free ond as prescribed. Despite these restrictions, there is 
no doubt that spells in general ore potent offensive and defensive 
weapons, providing the coster does not hesitate, i.e. he or she must know 
which spell Is being cast when the melee round begins. 

As each spell is cast, il is crossed off the character's list of spells memorized 
for that particular expedition. The same is irue for any material 
components which are required for the spell cast; the components) musl 
be ready ond Ihen crossed off as expended. 

Scroll Spells: Use of scroti spells is similar to the casting of normal 
(memorized) spells. They too disappear when read off the scroll, for their 
magical properties and energies are bound up in the characters, runes, 
signs, sigils, and words written for the particular spell. Being written, the 
scroll spell requires no somatic at material components. The time required 
to cast (read) a scroll spell is exactly that shown for ihe memorized spell. 
Of course, this assumes the scroll is in hand ond ready to reod. In general, 
scroll spells will be 12th level as regards range and duration and area of 
effect. Notable variations occur in projectile attack spells (magic missile, 



fireball, lightning bolt) which have variable strength. Other Information 
regarding scrolf spalls will be given by your Dungeon Moster os the need 


When you go on on adventure* you, and in all probability one or more 
other characters, will go to explore some underground labyrinth or oreo of 
land outdoors. Your Dungeon Master will have carefully prepared o mop 
of the place you and your party are to enter, a map showing all 
outstanding features of ihe place, with numbers and/or letters to key 
encounter/speciaf mteresf areas. Your DM will give you certain 
information prior to the adventure — you might have to osk questions of 
the local populace, or you mighi have heard rumors or know of legends — 
so your party can properly equip itself for the expedition, hire men-at- 
arms, and obtain mounts or whotever in order 10 have the best possible 
chance for success in dungeon or wi/derness setting. Of course, going 
about a city or town might in itself be interesting, informative, and 
dangerous, so a third son of odveniure can occur at any time, the.crty or 
town adventure. These three major types of adventures have elements in 

and the standard map-making equipment. Travel will be at a slow rate in 
unknown areas, for your party wifJ be exploring,, looking for foes fo 
overcame, and searching for new finds of lost temples, dungeons, and the 
like. If the expedition continues for several days, there will be a need to 
hum for game to provide food, unless some inhabited area is found — a 
thorp, hamlet, village, or town — in which case your party will then be 
able to have another short adventure. 

Town Adventures: Cities, towns, and sometimes even large villages 
provide the setting for highly Interesting, informative, and often hazardous 
affairs and incidents. Even becoming an active character In a campaign 
typically requires interaction wilh Ihe populace of the habitation, locating 
quarters, buying supplies and equipment, seeking information. These 
same activities in a completely strange town require forethought and skill. 
Care must be taken in oil one soys and does. Questions about rank, 
profession, god and alignment are perilous, and use of an alignment 
tongue is socially repulsive In most places. There are usually beggars, 
bandits, and drunks to be dealt with; greedy and grasping merchants and 
informants to do business with; inquiring officials or suspicious guards to 
be answered. The taverns house many potential helpful or useful 

common and differences; so each will be described separately The 
various elements of all sorts of adventures are given thereafter. Your 
campaign referee has detailed information. Including charts, tables, and 
matrices, so he or she will be completely equipped for conducting any sort 
of adventure. 

Dungeon Expeditions: Adventures Into the underworld mazes are the 
most popular. The party equips itself and then sets off 10 enter and explore 
the dungeons of some castle, temple or whatever. Light sources, poles for 
probing, rope, spikes, and like equipment are the main tools for such 
activity. And, since none of ihe porty will know the dungeon's iwtsts and 
turns, one or more of the adventurers wilt have 10 keep a record, a map, of 
where the party has been. Thus you will be able to find your way oui and 
return for yet more adventuring. As your party is exploring and mapping, 
movement will be slow, and it is wise to have both front and rear guards. 
In the dungeon will be chambers and rooms — some inhobiied, some 
empty; there will be traps to catch those unaware, tricks to fool the unwise, 
monsters lurking to devour the unwary. The rewards, however, are great 
— gold, gems, and magic items. Obtaining these will moke you better 
able to prepare for further expeditions, more adept in your chosen 
profession, more powerful in all respects. All thai is necessary is to find 
your way in and out, to meet and defeat the guardians of the treasures, to 
carry oui the wealth... 

Outdoor Exploration: Adventuring into unknown lands or howling 
wilderness is extremely perilous at best, for large bands of men, and 
worse, might roam the area; there are dens of monsters, and trackless 
wastes to contend with. Protracted expeditions ore. therefore, normolly 
undertaken by higher level characters. Forays of limiled duration are 
possible even for characters new to adventuring, and your DM might 
suggest thai your party do some local expi oral ion — perhaps to find some 
ruins which ore the site of o dungeon or to find a friendly clan of dwarves, 
etc. Mounts are necessary, of course, as well as supplies, missile weapons, 

characters, but they also contain clever and dangerous adversaries. Then 
there are the unlit streets and alleys of the city ofter dork . . . And what 
lies in wait in the deserted ruins of some lost ancient city? Meal and drink 
for the doughty ADVANCED DADerf 

Preparation for one of these adventures is highly important, and one can 
lead directly into another sort altogether. Here are ihe basic considerations 
you will need lo know to prepare your character for success. 

Whatever you select to corry will hove both weight and volume (or bulk). 
Equipment for adventuring is necessary, but too much is deadly. In order lo 
be able to move with reasonable rapidity and freedom, the number of 
items carried and apparel worn must suil encumbrance restrictions. 
(Remember that the volume of something can be as critical as its weight, 
i.e. 20 pounds of feathers in a sack are cumbersome.) To be useful, items 
generally must be readily accessible, so this consideration must also be 
borne in mind. Lastly, as the main purpose of adventuring Is to bring bock 
treasure, provision for carrying out a considerable amount of material 
must also be made. The table below gives you a guideline respecting 
weight and bulk carried and how movement is affected: 


normal gear — aboui 
350 and no great 

heavy gear — armor 
and/or equipment of 
about 70# or fairly bulky 


12" — subject can 
run quickly 

ry* — subject can 
make a lumbering run 

Reaction and Initiative 

normal or better 

normal, no bonuses 




very heavy gear — 6" — subject con If ot 

armor and/or equipment f 0 r short distances 
of 105* and bulky 
(such as plote armor) 

encumbered ■ — ormor 
and/or equipment 
over 1050 weigh! 
and/or (very) bulky 

3" , 0 4" — no 
trotting possible 

Strength penalises or bonuses will modify these guidelines. Weight is 
usually stated in gold pieces, tOgoid pieces equalling t# (pound). Volume 
can only be calculated from known comparisons, os the size and shape of 
objects varies from individual to individual, i.e. how big is a tapesiry? 


Movement rale is always shown by a numeral followed by the sign for 
inches thus, 9". The number of inches moved is scaled to circumstances 
and lime by modifying either the distance represented or rhe lime period 
or bolh. 

Movement in the Dungeon: The mavemeni distance in the dungeon is I " 
to 10' over a turn of 10 minutes duration while exploration and mapping 
are in progress. If the party is following o known route or map, the 
movement rate is 5 times greater, so each move takes 1/5 of a turn (2 
rounds). If the party is fleeing, all movement — excluding encumbered 
movement, is 10 times faster, so eoch move takes only 1 /1 0 of a turn, or 1 
round. This some movement rate applies to combat situations, so by 
converting each 1" movement rate to I0\ and then laking l/)0 of the 
round (using segments), the distance a character or monster can travel 
during the course of combat is easily found: 

Distance Traveled In Oris 


Round (1 minute) 




*C j-i m ant { f+ lA^Anni^ 



If moving but 12' in 6 seconds seems slow, consider the conditions — 
whether prolonged physical exertion or the threat of hostile counter to the 

Movement Outdoors: The major difference in outdoor movement is 
distance and time. Each 1" equals the number of miles a character or 
creature can travel in one-half day's trekking. Terrain will vary the 
movement rate. When on encounter occurs, the movement rote is handled 
in the same manner os combat movement in the dungeon. 

Movement In Cities: When your party is in an inhabited area, movement 
turns are at the same rote as when combat in the dungeon takes place, i.e. 
6" = 60' and each move is 1 minute long. This assumes that no mop is 
being mode. Mapping takes 10 times as long, so movement when 
mapping is the same as in a dungeon. 

Note: No mapping is possible when a party is moving at fast speed such as 
when pursued or pursuing. Light musl be available lo make or read o map; 
infra vision is not suitable in such circumstances, Marks, dropped objects, or 
a trolling string or line are typically useless devices in dungeons, as they 
will be obi iterated, moved, or destroyed by passing creatures. 


Infravision, the ability to see radiation in the infra-red spectrum, is an 
ability possessed by most of the creatures dwelling below ground ond 
nocturnal animals. Some characters have this ability due to race or by 
magical means. However, os many characters can only see in light which 
is normal to the human visual spectrum, and mapping requires light also, 
some form of fight generating device is necessary for activities in 
dungeons or at night. The table below gives the properties of the usual 
light sources: 

Light ! 


Bullseye Lanthorn 
Magic Dogger 
Magic Short Sword 
Magic Long Sword 







6 turns (1 hour) 

24 turns' 

24 turns* 




•Illumination is from burning 1 pot (pint) of fine oil 
"Illumination is V wide only ond can be masked by shutter. 


As previously meniioned, infravision is the ability to see into the Infrared 
spectrum. Thus heat radiation becomes visible ond differences In 
temperature allow infrared sight. Warm things are bright, cool things grey, 
very cold things are black Most infravision extends to 60' distance. 
Dungeon-dwelling monsters have infravision to 120'. All infravision is 
spoiled if a light source is shedding illumination upon the creature 
possessing the infrared sight capability, Similarly, great heat will spoil the 

Thieves hiding in shadows are successful with respect to infravision only if 
there is a heat/light source nearby to mask their body heat, or a very cold 
object or radiation to provide similar cover, 


Ultravision is the ability to see rodiotion in the ultraviolet spectrum — 
gamma rays, x-rays, etc, Creatures with this ability con see in normal 
nighttime darkness; thot is, they see at night as well as a human can see at 
dusk because of the continual bombardment of ultraviolet radiation upon 
the earth. 


Characters typically make a certain amount of noise, and thus alert 
opponents of their presence. Bui thieves, as well as characters able to 
move quietly because of a magical device such as boors of elvenkind have 
a chance to be absolutely silent when moving. This chance lo be 
absolutely silent is given os o percentage. +/- modifiers, and the 
character must roll percentile dice lo score less than or equal to the 
percentage chance he or she has to move without sound. Success indicates 
silent movement and an improved chance to surprise an opponent or slip 
past it. 


By various magical means it is possible to became invisible and move 
about. Invisibility bestowed by o cloak of elvenkind extends to what it 
covens. A ring or spell of invisibility offers superior Invisibility. Note thai 
none mosk light, so ihe invisible charocter cannot move about with a lighl 
source and be unseen, for the light will be noticed even though its bearer 

Surprise is simply the unexpected, unprepared for Characters can be 
surprised j ust as creaiures they encounter con, Noise ond light can negate 
chances for surprise with respect to characters or creatures they encounter. 
Surprise is usually expressed as a 2 in 6 chance for all parties concerned, 
i.e. a six-sided die is rolled with a 1 or 2 indicating surprise Some monsters 
are more copable of surprising foes than the normal 2 in 6 probability, ond 
some cannot be surprised os easily, so ihey have a reduced probability — 
1 in 6, 1 in 8, etc. Each 1 of surprise equals 1 segment (six seconds) of time 




lost to the surprised party, and during ihe lost lime the surprising party con 
freely act to escape or attack or whatever. If both parties ore surprised, 
then rhe effect is negated or reduced: 

Surprii* Dice Lett 

Difference Segm* 

0 0 

1 (2-1 ,3-2, etc.) 1 

2 (3-1,4-2, etc.) 2 

3 (4-1 ,5-2, etc.) 3 

Assume the party of characters, moving silently ond invisibly, comes upon 
a monster. They have 4 of 6 chances to surprise, and the monster has 2 in 6. 
A six-sided die is rolled for the party, another for the monster. Both sides 
could be surprised, neither could be surprised, or either could be surprised. 
This is shown on the table below: 



Aflo n vf er % 


3 to 6 





both surprised 



both surprised 

1 or2 


party surprised 


1 to 4 

monster surprised 


monster surprised 



party surprised 

Noise or light can negate the chance of surprising a monster. Similarly, if 
the party is oware of a monster, the party cannot be surprised by it unless it 
is also awore of them — in the latter case, it might be able to hide and 
ambush the party. 

If surprise exists, the surprising parly can use the time segments to 
flee/escope, dose, or attack. Distance of 10' or less can usually be closed 
and an attack made in 1 segment- Physical attacks during surprise 
situations ore also possible on a 1 per segment basis, whether the form is 
by weapon, projectile, or method intrinsic to the creature (claws, fangs, 
etc.), even a breoth weapon use; magic spells require the proper number 
of segments of casting time, regardless of surprise. 

See also INITIATIVE hereafter. 


During the course of an adventure, you will undoubtedly come across 
various forms of traps and tricks, as well as encounter monsters of one son 
or another. While your DM will spend considerable time and effort to 
make all such occurrences effective, you and your fellow players must do 
everything within your collective power to make them harmless, 
unsuccessful ar profitable. On the other hand, you must never allow 
preparedness and caution to slow your party and moke it ineffective in 
adventuring. By dealing with each category here, the best approach to 
negating the threat of a trap, trick, or encounter can be developed. 

Traps: Traps ore aimed at confining, channeling, Injuring, or killing 
characters. Confining traps are typified by areas which are closed by bars 
or stone blocks r although some might be pits with valves which close and 
can then only be opened by weight above. Most confinement areas wilt 
have another entrance by which a capturing or killing creature(s) will 
enter later. It is usually impossible to ovoid such areas, as continual minute 
scrutiny mokes exploration impossible and assures encounters with 
wandering/patrolling monsters. When confined, prepare for attack, search 
far ways out, and beware of being channeled. Channeling traps are often 
related to confining ones. Walls that shift and doors which allow entry but 
not egress are typical. While they cannot be avoided, such traps can be 
reacted to much as a confining trap is. However, they also pose the 
problem of finding a way back. Careful mapping is a good remedy, 
injuring traps, traps which wear the strength of the party away prior to the 
attaining of their goal, are serious. Typical injuring traps are blades which 
scythe across a corridor when a stone in the floor is stepped on, arrows 
which fire when a trip rope is yanked, or spears released when a door is 
opened. Use of a pole or spear as a prod aheod might help with these, and 
likewise such a prod could discover pits in the floor. The safest remedy is to 
have some healing at hand — potions or spells — so as to arrive relatively 
undamaged. Kilhng traps are typical of important areas or deep dungeon 
levels, Deep pits with spikes, poisoned missiles, poisoned spikes, chutes to 
fire pits, floors which tilt to deposit the parly into a pool of acid or before 
an angry red dragon r ten ion blocks which fall from the ceiling, or locked 

rooms which flood are examples of killing areas. Again, observation and 
safety measures (poles, spikes thrown ahead, rope, etc.) will be of some 
help, and luck will have to serve as well. 

»n summation, any trap can be bad and many can mean a character's or 
the entire party's demise Having proper equipment with the party, a cleric 
for heaiing, a dwarf for trap detection, ond a magic-user la knock open 
doors and locks go a long woy towards reducing the hazard. Observation 
and clever deduction, as well as proper caution, should negate a 
significant portion of traps 

Trfcki: So many tricks can be used that it is quite impossible to thoroughly 
detail any reasonable cross-section here. As imagination is the only 
boundary for what sort of tricks con be placed in a dungeon, it is 
incumbent upon the players to use their own guile. Many tricks ore 
irksome only; others are irksome ond misfeodrng. Assume that there are 
several rooms with a buzzing sound discernible to those who listen at the 
doors and/or enter them. Does this cause the party to prepare for battle 
only to find nothing? Or is there some trick of acoustics which allows sound 
from a nearby htve of gtani wasps to permeate the rooms? If the hotter r the 
party might grow careless and enter yet another "buzzing" room 
unprepared so as to be surprised by angry wasps. Illusions can annoy, 
delay, mislead or kill a party. There can be illusionory creatures, pits, fires, 
walls and so on. But consider an illusion of a pile of gold cost upon a pit of 
vipers. Slanting (or sloping] passages, space distortion areas, and 
teleporters are meant to confuse or strand the party. They foul maps, take 
the group to areas they do not wish to enter, and so an. The same ts true of 
sinking/rising (elevator) rooms, sliding rooms, and chutes. As on example 
of the latter, consider a chute at the bottom of a pit, or one ai the end of a 
corridor which slopes upwards — so that the effect is to deposit the party 
on the original level but seemingly on one deeper. Rooms con turn so as to 
make directions wrong, secret doors can open into two areas if they ore 
properly manipulated, and seemingly harmless things can spell death. 

Tricks are best countered by forethought and discernment; They can be 
dealt with by the prepared and careful party, but rashness can lead to real 
trouble. Your DM will be using his imagination and wit to trick you, and 
you must use your faculties to see through or at least partially counter such 

Encounters: A "monster" can be a kindly wizard or a crazed dwarf, a 
friendly brass dragon or a malicious maniicore. Such are the possibilities 
of encounters in dungeon, wilderness, or town. Chance meetings are 
known OS encounters with wandering monsters- finding a creature where 
it has been placed by the referee is usually referred to as a set encounter. 

Wandermg monsters can be totally random or pre-planned. A party 
wandering in the woods outdoors or on a deserted maze in the dungeon 
might run into nearly any sort of monster, If the woods were the home of a 
tribe of centaurs, or the dungeon level one constructed by a band of ores, 
certain prescribed encounters would randomly occur, however. At 
prescribed intervals, your DM will generate a random number to find if 
any meeting with a wandering monster occurs. Avoiding or fleeing such 
encounters is often wise, for combat wears down party strength, ond 
wandering monsters seldom have any worthwhile treasure. If monsters 
pursue, you can consider hurling down food or treasure behind. Thus, the 
pursuing monsters may be lured into stopping to eat or gather coins or 
gems. When confrontation is unavoidable, be wary of tricks, finish off 
hostile creatures quickly, and get on with the business of rhe expedition. 
As determination of chance encounters is usually a factor of time, do not 
waste it — and your party — endlessly checking walls for secret doors, 
listening at every door, etc. As noise is a factor your DM will consider in the 
attraction of additional monsters, never argue or discuss what course of 
action your porry is to follow in an open place ar for long periods. A fight 
will take lime and cause plenty of noise, so move on quickly after combat 
with wandering monsters. Pre-planning and organization are essential la 
all successful play, no less here than elsewhere. 

Set encounters are meetings with monsters placed by your DM. All such 
encounters will be in, or near, the monster's (or monsters') loir; so, unlike 
encouniers with wandering monsters, these incidents promise a fair 
chance for gain if the monster or monsters are successfully dealt with. A 
successful expedition usually is aimed at a particular monster or group of 
lairs discovered during previous excursions. Note: a lair is wherever the 
monster dwells — even such places as a castle, guard house, temple or 
other construction. 

All encounters have the elements of movement and surprise {previously 




discussed), as well as initiative, communication, negotiation, and/or 
combat. These aspects of adventuring, as well as damage, healing, saving 
throws, obedience, and morale must now be considered. 


The Initiative factor affects who can da what and when during the course 
of an encounter of any sort. Surprise, already covered beretofor e, obviates 
the need for initiative checks, as the surprising party has complete 
freedom of action for a time. However, surprise eventually wanes, and 
then, just as In other circumstances, the relative weight of action must be 
determined. Initiative allows one group, the party or the monster(s), to 
begin some course of action prior to the other group. 

Actions affected by initiative are many and Include slamming a door, 
fleeing, moving to grapple or melee, a call for a truce or surrender, firing 
wands, discharging missiles, beginning a spell, and so on. 

The initiative check is typically made with 2 six-sided d*ce, Ido for the 
party, and another of a different size or color far the creatures 
encountered. This check is mode eoch round of play where first action is a 
factor. Becouse a round is o full minute long, dexterity seldom is a factor in 
the determination of which side octs first. However, if one group is slowed 
or hosted, or one or more members of the group are, the initiative will 
always go to the non-slowed or has fed side, in most other cases, the group 
with the higher die score will always act first. For effects of initiative in 
fighting, see COMBAT hereafter. 


In order to determine the intent of a possibly friendly or neutral monster or 
to pass along your intentions or desires, some form of communication is 
necessary. Speech might do for human-types, as the common tongue is 
known by most. But what of on encounter with a giant, blink dogs, or 
dozens of similar creatures? An open and raised right hand is possible, and 
simply refraining from hostile moves will possibly allow for further 
exchange. Remember though, that you cannot bribe a band of ogres to 
allow you to pass through unless you can communicate clearly. 


Most DAAs love communication and negotiations, for this allows them to 
assume an active role in actual play. Your referee will assume the persona 
proper to the creature your party is dealing with — be it shy and hostile, 
stupid, greedy, helpful, misinformed, or whatever. Intelligent monsters 
will always balance the offer versus the expectation. A lone ogre is likely, 
even with his rather dim wit, to recognize that a strong party will kill him if 
he attacks or demands too much, so a small bribe is better than a risky 
combat to get flesh to eat and pretty baubles to have. On the other hand, 
weakness will be exploited by any basically hosiile monster unless it 
seems certain that more con be gained by other action , Be resigned to pay 
amounts in excess of the actual value received. As a player, you must earn 
what you gain. Negotiation usually gives you a chance la get an with the 
earning process, or live to come back and fight another day. Always be 
wary and use your wits, look at all facets of the situation, and then use 
your best judgment accordingly. In many cases a payment, bribe, toll, 
share or ransom fee will enable success or survival, and negotiation is a 
useful tool to the expert adventurer. 


This broad heading cavers all forms of attack and fighting. It includes 
clerical rummg undead, magical control speN attacks, breath and gaze 
weapon attacks, magical dev/ce attacks, missive discharge, ond melee 
{hand-to-hand combat). Combat occurs when communication and 
negollation are undesired or unsuccessful. The clever character does nal 
attack first and ask questions (of self or monster) later, but every 
adventure wil I be I ikely to have combat far him or her at some point. 

Turning Undead; 

Clerics are empowered with the ability to turn awoy undead creatures, as 
well as certain lesser demons, devils, godlings and paladins through the 
power of their profession and holy/unholy symbols. The cleric's level of 
experience dictates the level of success he or she can expect 10 achieve in 
this ociion. As level of experience Increases, the cleric is actually able to 
destroy undead by the power of his or her religion; or in the Case of evil 
clerics, destroy or command to service such undead if they are of the same 

alignment as the cleric, or neutral such as skeleians or zombies. Success 
also depends on opportunity, of course. The cleric must be in a position to 
step before the undead, ond he or she must have time to speak and hold 
forth the religious symbol in order to turn {or command) undead, and this 
of course precludes other spell activity. 

Magical Control: 

Magical control is given over certain creatures by means of potions, scrolls, 
rings ond similar magical means. A potion ingested will allow a character 
a chance to control the actions of a dragon, a scroll read will prevent 
elemental from attacking, a ring will allow its wearer la command 
mammals. All such actions affect monsters encountered and are pan of 
combat. Opportunity to employ the magical means of control must be 
available, so surprise, initiative, and melee situations must be considered. 
A potion cannot be found, opened and swallowed while a giant is beating 
upon the character with a club, A scroll cannot be read In the whirlwind of 
an air elemental'* attack. And ft is too late to command a hungry weasel 
not to attack when it t^glready feasting on prey! 

Spell Combat: 

Unless combat is spell versus spell, many such attacks wil! happen near the 
end of a melee round. This is becouse the spell requires a relatively 
lengthy time to cast, generally longer as spell level increases, so high 
level spells may take over a full melee round to cast. Furthermore, if the 
spell caster is struck, grabbed, or magically attacked {and fails to mqke the 
requisite saving throw — explained later), the spell will be spoiled and 
fail. Spell combat includes cleric and magic-user, as well as monster- 
oriented spells, Curotive spells are handled likewise, 

Breath Weapon Attocit*! 

Some creatures have breath weapons — notably dragons, gorgons, winter 
wolves, etc- — and some have ga;e weapons — notably umber hulks, 
basilisks, medusae, catoblepas, etc. These attack farms will affect those in 
the area of breath effect or those upon whom me gaze falls. Precautions 
con be taken to avoid or minimize breath and gaze weapons' effects. Mast 
allow the victim a saving throw which will reduce or negate the weapon 
effect if successful. These a Mack forms are speedy, and they will usually be 
unpreventable if the creature which generates them is alive when its 
action during a melee round occurs. 

Magical device attacks include rods, staves, wands, same rings, and a few 
other miscellaneous items. These devices are similar to breath and gaae 
attacks in that their area of effect is usually large and affects multiple 
creatures, saving throws apply, and the attack is quickly accomplished by 
pointing the device ond discharging it. 

This aspect of combat includes catapuh missiles, giant-hurled rocks, the 
dischorge of spikes from a manticore's tail, throwing such things as flasks 
of oil, torches, viols of holy water, bottles of poison, magic weapons 
(fave//ns of lightning, fireball missiles from a necklace, etc), poison 
spitting, the hurling of axes, hammers, javelins, spears, etc., and shooting 
sling missiles, arrows, bolts ond so forth from slings and bows. 

Ualaa rnhnt" 


This form of fighting includes the use of hand-held weapons, natural 
weaponry (clows, horns, teeth, etc), grappling, and special or magical 
touch attacks, i.e. poison, petrification, paralysis, energy level loss, etc. As 
With most other combat forms, the first "blow" will be struck by the side 
gaining initiative during the round. Surviving opponents will then be 
allowed their attacks. Note that haste and stow spells will have the effects 
heretofore mentioned. Fighters able to strike more than once during o 
round will ottock once before opponents not able to do so, regardless of 
initiative, but if fighter and fighter melee, initiative tells. Position ond 
weapon length will sometimes affect the order of attack in melee combat. 

Participants in a melee con opt to attack, parry, fall back, or flee. Attack 
can be by weapon, bore hands, or grappling. Parrying disallows any return 
aTlack that round, but the strength "to hit" bonus is then subtracted from 
the opponent's "to hit" dice roll{s), so the character is less likely to be hit 
Faliing back is a retrograde move facing the apponent(s) and can be used 




in con j unci ion with a parry, and opponent creatures are able to follow If 
nol otherwise engaged F/eerng rnearls as rapid a withdrawal from combat 
as possible; while it exposes the character 10 rear attack at the time, 
subsequent arracks can only be made if the opponent Ib able lo follow the 
fleeing character at equal or greater speed. 

Example of Combat: 

A parry of 5 characters — a magic- user, a cleric, a thief r a human fighter, 
and a dwarf fighter surprise an illusionist with 20 ores. The opponents are 
30 r distant, and the magic-user Immediately begins casting a sleep spell. 
The clerk also prepares to cast a spell, silence, 15' radius. Meanwhile, the 
thief darts to the reor of ihe party lo attempt lo rude in Ihe shadows and 
attack ffom behind when opportunity presents itself; (he human fighter 
nocks an arrow and shoots it ar the illusionist; and the dwarf hurls an axe. 
The surprise segment Is over, and initiative is determined. The 
illusionist/arcs win initiative, and while Ihe former begins a spell of his 
own, the latter rush to attack, hurling spears as they come, A speor hits the 
magic-user, so the sleep spell is spoiled. The ores are attacked by the 
fighters, the clerk casts his spell upon the illusionist, and the magical 
silence both spoils his prismatic spray spell and enhances the chances far 
the thief s attack,, for he is successfully slinking and sliding around in the 
shadows. Thus, after surprise and 1 melee round, the party has inflicted 2 
hits upon the illusionist, spoiled his spell attack, and felled one ore and 
wounded another. They have taken 3 spear hits and had one of their spell 
attacks ruined- 
Initiative is now checked for ihe second round. The illusionist/ ores ogam 
wm initiative and attack first, 5 ores going after each fighter lo grapple, 6 
rushing the magic-user, and 3 heading for the clerk. The fighters are 
pulled down, as is the magic-user, but the cleric avoids their grasp. The 
illusionist begins casting another spell, one which requires no verbal 
component; he does not hear the Ihief behind him. It is now the party's 
turn in the round. The cleric smites 1 of the onrushing ores and kills ii, and 
the thief srabs the illusionist from behind with his sword, killing him; the 
fighters and magic-user are held fast by arcs, so ihey can do nothing. 
Round 2 is over. 

The initiative roll in the third round goes to the party. The cleric kills 
another ore, while the thief rushes at the ores holding the nearest fighter. It 
is now the ores' turn, and as their leader is dead and Ihey still face 2 
powerful opponents, they will check morale. It is probable that they will 
kill the pinned characters with dogger thrusts if their morale does not 
break, or that they wili release the pinned characters and run away if their 
morale is bad. 


Most magical combat and breath weapons do not require the attacker to 
determine if the weapon hits, but the target creatures are allowed saving 
throws to see if they avoided the attack or at least partially negated it. 
Other attacks require a "to hit" dice roll by the attackers, and damage is 
always scored if the hit is made. A further saving throw might be required 
if the hit scored has other possible effects such as death due to poison, 
poralyzation, etc. Whether or not a hit is scored depends on the power of 
the attacker and ihe armor class of the defender. Each of these topics is 
discussed be law; 

Saving Throw: 

The chance to avoid or partially negate magical and breath attack forms is 
known as the save. (Note that magic items and even normal iiems and 
weapons must be saved for due to such attacks, falls or blows. Consider 
the fate of a cloak when exposed lo dragon fire, a suit of magic armor 
struck by a lightning boll, or o magic hammer flying through a cone of co/d 
prior to striking its target.) Ypur Dungeon Master has tobies which show ihe 
saving throw scores for these attack forms, by class of character, by level of 
experience in class. These base numbers are modified by the power of the 
attack, and by magical protections and character class and race. 

Armor Crow: 

The type of armor worn, the inclusion of o shield, magical factors, and 
dexterity are inclusions in overall armor class. The size rotio Is also 
important at times, i.e. o dwarf adds 4 factors to his armor class if his 
opponent is a giant. For example, splint mail is armor class 4, and if a 
shield is added the armor class becomes 3, but suppose it is a magical +1 
shield; ihen armor doss becomes 2. Now assume that the character hos o 

disp facer dock, so the armor class becomes 0, and furthermore, because 
the character has a 16 dexterity, a final bonus of +2 is given, and the 
armor class of this chorccier 15 -2 If rhe character is a dwart, a giant at- 
tempting to hit him or her would have to hit AC -6, because of the size dif- 
ferential penalty. 

Now let us take ihis charocFer through o few attacks. First the dwarf is 
engaged in melee against a band of 7 hobgoblins. His shield bonus is 
good only against a maximum of 3 opponents, so 4 hobgoblins would 
attack at armor class 0. Furthermore, as ihe dwarf can only see and react to 
opponents before him, these some A hobgoblins would also attack the 
dwarf without the latter getting dexterity bonuses, so their attacks would 
be against armor class 2, Similarly, if giants hurled boulders at the dwarf, 
rather than struck at him with their weapons, his dexterity and size 
bonuses would not accrue to him, so instead of AC -6, the boulders would 
attack a target with AC 0, 

Flrtt Strike: 

The 1 minute melee round assumes much activity — rushes, retreats, 
feints, porr]es r checks, and so on. Once during this period each combatant 
has the opportunity to get a real blow in. Usually this is indicated by 
initiative, but sometimes other circumstonces will prevail. High level 
fighters get multiple blows per round, so they will usually strike first ond 
last in a round. Slowed creaiures always strike last. Hosted/speeded 
creatures strike first, A solid formation of creatures with long weapons will 
strike opponents with shorier weapons first, a rushing opponent will be 
struck first by a pole arm/spear set in Its path. Your DM will adjudicate 
such matiers with common sense. When importani single combats occur, 
then dexterities and weapons fociors will be used 10 determine the order 
and number of strikes in a round. 

Weepon Factors: 

You have already seen informaiion regarding the damage each type of 
weapon does, how heavy each is, how long and how much space eoch 
needs, and eoch weapon's relative speed factor. The same chorts also give 
relative efficiency against armor types. Your referee will use these factors 
in determination of melee combats by relating ihem to his Artocfc Matrices, 

Monster Attock Oomoge* 

Monsters with weapons will generally attock much as characters do. Those 
with natural weaponry such as clows, talons, teeth, fangs, tusks, horns, etc, 
will use the matrix far monster attacks. There are exceptions to bath coses, 

/\TTQCK ana saving 1 nrow marries*. 

Your DM hos matrices for each class of character by level groups, showing 
the scores required to hit the vorious sorts of armor and armor 
dbtttftalflOrW Normal men such « mervor-arms are always considered al 
level 0 Monsters are classed by their hit dice. All creatures use the same 
saving ihrow matrices; Ihe modifier is relative class, i.e. fighter, thief, etc. 
Items save an a special matrix. 


Damage is meted out in hit points. If any creature reaches 0 or negative hit 
points, h is dead Certain magical means will prevent actual death, par- 
ticularly a ring of regeneration (cf MONSTER MANUAL, Troll). 

F LLI N Ci ^^.^^AA^^^JE 

Falling into pits, from ledges, down shafts, and so forth will certainly cause 
damage unless the fall is broken. While such falls could break limbs and 
oiher bones, it is probable that your referee will simply use a hit poinis 
damage computation based on 1 d6 for each \0' of distance fallen to a 
maximum of 20*46, plus or minus adfusiments far the surface fallen upon. 
This treatment gives characters a better survival chance, alihough it is not 
as "realistic" os systems to determine breaks, sprains, dislocoiions, 
internal organ damage, etc. 


There are numerous ways to restore lost hit points. The most mundane is by 
resting and allowing Hme to do the job. For each day of resi, 1 hit point of 
damage is restored. After 30 game days have passed, hit points accrue at 
the rate of 5 per day thereafter. The "laying on of hands" by paladins. 




spells, potions, and various magical devices will quickly restore many lost 
hit points. A wish spell can be used to restore lost hit points to several 
characters al once. Hit points can never exceed the total rolled for the 
character, plus bonuses. 


This aspect of play has three facets. The leader and caller of o party might 
order one course of action while various ployers state that their characters 
do otherwise. Your DM will treat such situations as confused and muddled, 
being certain to penalize the group accordingly. 

Obedience also applies to hirelings and henchmen. Loyally and morale 
are factors here, as is the existing situation where obedience is called for. 

Finally, certain magic items, particularly magic swords, tend to be 
argumentative and may refuse to obey uncertain, demanding, week, or 
foolish masters. 

If in doubt regarding obedience, the sure test is the one where you ask 
yourself if your character would do it, This test applies only to creatures, 
not magically endowed items. If you ask a henchman la try on a cloak, it is 
probable that he and all of your other henchmen and hirelings will expect 
that Ihe garment will become his. Likewise, if a servitor is asked to sample 
the contents of a potion bottle, the item is then regarded os the servitor's 
property by all onlookers. Obedience is based on such considerations, i.e. 
fairness, justness, rewards, hazards, love, respect, fear, ond similar repute 
and emotion. 

Morale properly refers to the state of mind of "troops" during combat or 
stress situations. Stupid creatures tend to fight to the death. So do creatures 
with a set purpose in mind — elite, guards, and fanatical creatures. Your 
character will never have to check morale status, nor will any other player 
character, for each player provides this personally. Some are brave, some 
foolish, some cautious, some cowardly. Your character's henchmen will 
probably hove to check morale, so too will hirelings. Powerful monsters 
will never check morale, and even weak ones will probably not do so as 
long asihey have leadership. 

When you require your henchmen and/or hirelings to lake risks which 
your character is not personally taking, or when in hazardous situations 
with or without your character, or when faced with a defeated and fleeing 
enemy just overcome, or when given the prospect of rich loot, these are 
times when the campaign referee wilt usually require morale checks. 
Obedience, ociions, reactions, etc, will be decrded by such morale checks. 

In addition to the influence your character's charisma has, the loyalty 
rating of henchmen and hirelings will be influenced by past treatment, 
current situation, and the behavior of any of their fellows nearby. Your 
lieutenants, if any, will provide a steadying influence. Higher leveE 
characters are unlikely to hove poor morale unless they ore faced with on 
obviously hopeless situation (at least as far as they can see It) and/or 
when they are low in hit points. 

If you treat your henchmen and hirelings fairly, pay them well, and give 
them arms and equipment which allow them to effectively engage in 
combat by maximizing their protection ond offensive potential, their 
morale base will be good. Furthermore, if you do not require them to take 
risks which your character does not take, if their mortality is not high, and 
their "master" does not abandon them to their fate os long as another 
course is possible, the "troops" will be likely to be firm in the face of 
nearly any threat. Lack of action, setbacks, and similar things reduce 
morale A good player pays strict attention to these considerations. 


One player must keep o mop of the expedition's irek, ond if two players 
moke mops the chances for the success of the expedition improve. Graph 
paper with 5 or 6 lines to the inch is suggested for underground mop 
making. A sheet of small size hex grid is usual for outdoors maps. Both 
sorts of paper should always be on hand. 

Never become concerned if your mop is not exact, if it is off 10' here or 20' 
there, As long as it gives your party an idea as to where they are ond how 
to get back, it is serving its purpose. Always make notes on the map to 

show danger — traps, tricks, monsters, 

Organize your party by showing which characters are where. Show 
marching order for a 10' passage, a 20' passage, door openings, etc. 
Always prepare for rear actions os well as frontal combats. Assign one 
individual os leoder, This character will "call", i.e. tell the referee where 
the party will go and what they will do. Miniature figures are a great aid 
here, The DM will usually require a marching order to be drown on a piece 
of paper if figures are not at hand. 


Experience is the measure of a character's ability in his or her chosen 
profession, the character's class. Each player character begins the 
campaign at 1st level with no experience paints accumulated, Thereafter, 
as he or she completes adventures and returns to on established base of 
operations, the Dungeon Master will award experience points to the 
character for treasure gained ond opponents captured or slain and for 
solving or overcoming problems through professional means. Characters 
with high scores in their major characteristic ability area might be entitled 
to an experience points bonus (see CHARACTER ABILITIES). When a 
sufficient number of experience points have been gained, the character 
will gain an experience level (see CHARACTER CLASSES). It is important to 
keep in mind that most humans and do mi-humans are "0 level". They do 
not have the ability to gain experience levels. Player characters are 
unusual and superior. 

Gaining experience points through the acquisition of gold pieces and by 
slaying monsters might be questioned by some Individuals as non- 
representative of how an actual character would become more able in his 
or her class. Admittedly, this is so, if the existence of spell costing clerics, 
druids, magic-users, and illusionists is (unrealistically) granted; likewise, 
dworven superheroes, paladins, elven thieves, half-ore assassins, and the 
like might gain real experience from altogether different sorts of activities. 
This is a game, however, a fantasy game, and suspension of disbelief ts 
required. If one can accept the existence of 12' tall giants, why not the 
rewarding of experience points for treasure gained? While praying ond 
religious-oriented acts are more properly the activities for which o cleric 
would gain experience points, this is not the stuff of exciting swords & 
sorcery adventure. So too, fighters need physical training and weapons 
procilce, magic-users long hours of study in tomes of arcane lore, ond 
thieves the repetition of their manual skills and discern itory prowess; but 
none of this is suitable to gaming. It is, therefore, discarded and subsumed 
as taking place on a character's "off hours''. 

As a rule, one point of experience will be awarded for one gold piece 
gained by a character, with copper pieces, silver pieces, eleclrum pieces, 
platinum pieces, gems, jewelry, and like treasure being converted to a 
gold piece value. Magic items gained ond retained have only a low 
experience point volue, for they benefit the character through their use. 
Magic items gained and sold immediately are treated as gold pieces, the 
selling price bringing an award in experience on the stated one for one 
basis. Experience points awarded for treasure gained — monetary or 
magical — are modified downward if the guardian of the treasure 
(whether o monster, device, or obstacle, such os a secret door or maze) 
was generally weaker than the character who overcame it. A 4th level 
charocter versus a single ore is an overmatch, and only about 10% of the 
treasure value gained could count towards experience points; but if nine 
or ten ores were involved, the experience points awarded would generally 
be on the one for one basis. 

Monsters captured or slain always bring a full experience paint award. 
Captured monsters ransomed or sold bring a gold piece: experience point 
ratio award. Monsters slain gain a set point award Low hit point/dice 
monsters have a low experience point amount. Monsters with high hit 
point/dice hove large experience point awards. Specie t abilities such os 
magic resistance, spell capability, gaze or breath weapons, regeneration, 
and the like also increase experience points amounts. 

Finally, clerics' mafor aims are to use their spell abilities to aid during any 
given encounter, fighters aim to engage in combat, magic-users aim to 
cast spells, thieves aim lo make gain by steolth, and monks aim to use their 
unusual talents to come to successful ends. If characters gain treasure by 
pursuit of their major aims, then they are generally entitled to a full share 
of earned experience points awarded by the DM, 

Your DM will award your character (s) experience points as explained. He 




or she has detailed information respecting this subject, and a chart of 
experience points to be given for monsters slain, with bonus points shown 
for special abilities of monsters. After being awarded points, you will be 
expected 1o add any bonus due for high major characteristic ability, Total 
the whole, and record ihe number of experience points now possessed by 
the character. Remember, character henchmen will gain only one-half of 
total experience. Your referee might require you to inform him or her of 
new experience point tolals in order to keep records. This prevents any 
"fudging" on the part of over-zealous players. 


It is not generally possible to envenom o weapon. This Is because the 
poison will not readily adhere to the blade or head of the weapon (and for 
purposes of the game widespread use of poison is highly undesirable in 
any event). However, let us suppose that your Dungeon Master will allow 
poisons as fol lows: 

1. Poison potions discovered in an adventure can be used as missiles to 
be hurled inro ihe maws of monsters or can be offered os "gift" potions 
to intelligent captors. 

2. Missiles — arrows, bolts, darts, javelins, and spears — can be 
envenomed with o toxin sufficient to cause any creature hit by such a 
missile to make a saving throw versus poisoning or die. (Suppose that 
this poison is such that saving throws are made at +2 on the victim's 
die roll.) 

3. Blades can likewise be coated with a toxic resin ar similarly viscous 
fluid so os io make sword or axe strokes cause a poison soving throw to 
be mode by ihe first creature initially struck by such a weapon. 

With respect 1o the first cose, the resolution of the matter is simply a 
checking of the appropriate tables to find if the potion hit the moulh, if the 
reaction caused the captor to taste the potion, etc. 

The second and third cases, however, moke it too easy for interesting play 
Imagine: Porty sees red dragon, party discharges o volley of poisoned 
missiles, monster dies, and party seizes dragon hoard. Therefore, the DM 
will typically moke every character employing poisoned weapons check to 
see if they nick themselves handling their weapons, to determine what 
happens to missiles which fail to strike the opponent, etc. It is also likely 
that the DM will establish sanctions regarding the use of poisons on a 
continuing basis, i.e. characters of good alignment cannot use such toxic 
substances os it constilutes foul and unfair practice; or characters found 
with poisoned weapons will be immediately slain and their corpses 
burned and ashes scattered. In a similar vein, most communities view 
poisoning and poisons as highly undesirable due to the difficulty of 
protecting against ingestion of such fatal substances. Any individual (or 
group) making indiscriminate use of poison will hove social pressure 
and/or lego! action brought against him or her. For example: 

The Thieves Guild is an accepted part of communal society, and so long as 
they contain their activities to cutting purses, picking pockets, burglarizing 
homes, waylaying late-night revelers, all is well. Then the guild decides to 
poison a whole establishment, a large gold smithing and jewelry making 
firm, in order to loot the entire place. Such activity would arouse ihe ire of 
the citizens, tradesmen, and city officials. Furthermore, the Assassins Guild 
will probably view the action as a threat to their existence and an 
infringement on their prerogatives os well. The socially unsanctioned use 
of poison would call to mind ihe use, usually accepied if noi liked, of 
toxins by assassins. Premeditated murder, particularly on a grand scale, is 
likewise the exclusive precinct of The Assassins Guild. Taken in o lesser 
context, an individual employing an envenomed sword is calling 
unfavorable attention to the use of poisons, possibly confusing his or her 
role with that of a guild member, and so irespassing. 

The upshot of this is to consult your DM wiih respect to Ihe permissible 
usage of poisons. Keep in mind the principal reason for restriction of ihe 
use of poison — the game must offer challenge If poison is limited or 
specially treated, you will understand and co-operate. 


Few players are so skillful at fantasy role playing gomes as to not benefit 
from advice. Also, many readers will be new to this form, if not totally 
uninitiated. So what follows are some basic guidelines as to how good 
players approach ihe game, and as continued success tends towards even 
more achievement, those who ploy well might actually become greol. 

The most common form of ADVANCED DUNGEONS « DRAGONS play is 
the underground adventure, whelher in dungeons, cove complexes, 
temple mazes ond labyrinths, or whatever. The main thrust of ihis section 
will logically aim al improving ploy m [ust those sorts of settings. The 
outdoor and cily adventure will be louched on thereafter. Now assume 
that a game is scheduled tomorrow, and you are going to get ready for it 
well in advance so as to have os much actual playing time as possible — 
no sense in spending precious adventuring minutes with the mundane 
preparations common to the gome- 
First get in touch with all those who will be included in the adventure, or if 
all are not available, at least talk to the better players so that you will be 
able to sef an objective for the adventure. Whelher the purpose is so 
simple as to discover a flight of stairs to the next lowest unexplored level 
or so difficuli as to find and destroy an altar to an alien god, some firm 
objective should be established and then adhered To as slrongly as 
possible. Note, however, that inflexibility or foolish stubbornness is often 
fatal. More about that a bit later 

Once the objective has been established, consider how welt the party 
playing will suit the needs which it has engendered. Will the charociers 
have the means of accomplishing the goal? Is it well-balanced, so ihat it 
can cope with typicol problems expected in the fulfillment of the 
ob|ective? Will it be necessary io find mercenary non-player characters or 
hire men-at-arms in order to give the party the necessary muscle? Is ony 
special equipment needed? When agreement regarding these and any 
similar questions has been reached, each participant must ready his or her 
character, but preparations must be made with the welfare of the whole 
group in mind. 

Co-operation amongst party members is o major key to success, 
particularly when the characters are relatively low-level. Later, when 
players hove characters of 9th, 10th, or even higher level it will be a 
slightly different matter, tor then some odventures will be with bui one or 
two player characters participating, and the balance of the group will be 
made up of henchmen whose general co-operation is relatrvely assured. 
But to gain the upper levels, it is essential that o character survive, and 
survrvo/ of lower levels rs usually dependent upon group action and ream 
spin/. Co-operation must begin when the party prepares for the adventure 
ond continue through safe return to base and division of spoils — 
including the special treatment required for any unfortunote characters 
cursed, diseased, maimed, or kilted. 

Each character has o selection of equipment which he or she will corry on 
the adventure, Poriiculars should be given io the party if any equipment is 
possibly redundant, newly conceived, or of possible special use 
considering the established goal far the adventure. In like manner, spells 
must be selected in co-operation with other spell-users In general, so that 
ottack, defense, and assistance modes will be balanced properly ond 
compliment the strengths and weaknesses of the party as a whole. 
Charociers must know each other's strengths and weaknesses, physical 
and menial, in order to meet the problem posed with the correci character 
or combination thereof. Does the group have sufficient equipment of the 
elementary son to meei boih expected and unexpected challenges (ropes, 
spikes, pales, torches, oil, eic.)? Are we burdening ourselves with loo 
much because of simple duplication (too many torches, everybody has a 
10' pole, and so on)? Do we have as broad a speclrum of spells as possible 
so as io be able la have a good chance against the unexpected, 
considering the objective and what it requires in spells? Is there some 
magic item which one of the parly members possesses that will be of 
special help, or general assurance of survival, in this adventure? All this 
should be done before play begins, for it is time consuming, and the 
readying of a party con require several hours if ihere are more than six 
characters involved. 

At the same time preparations for the upcoming expedition are under 
way, each player should see thai his or her character has made proper 
preparations as well. These preparations include the safety of henchmen 
ond/or goods which are to remain behind, wealth safely hidden or placed, 
instructions as to what io do if the character fails to return lefi with a 




trusted person, and a "will" of some son written out so that the DM will not 
balk at the arrangements made to assure the smooth transition of goads to 
the devoted "relative" of the defunct character if those sore straits should 
ever come to pass. 

With everything just about all set to go, a few more touches will be of 
great help. Assign formations for the group — 10' corridor, 20' corridor, 
door opening, and any other formation which your party might commonly 
assume. It is always a wise idea to have the very short characters in the 
front rank, elves and dwarves to the flanks, and at least one sturdy fighter 
in the rear if the party is sufficiently large. Draw these formations out on 
paper {possibly your referee will require copies for reference), identifying 
each character careful fy. The leader who is to make decisions and give 
directions for the pany must be in the front rank, or in the second rank if he 
or she ts tall compared to the characters before. The leader should keep a 
sketch or trailing map as the adventure gets underway, and another 
member of the expedition should keep a carefully drawn map as well, 

A ward about mapping is in order. A map is very fmporfont because ft 
heJps aaure that the party will be able ro return fo the surface. Minor 
mistakes ore not very important. It makes no difference if there is a 20' 
error somewhere as long as the chart allows the group to find its way out! 
A* it is possible that one copy of the party's map might be destroyed by 
mishap or monster, the double mop is a good plan whenever possible — 
although some players have sufficiently trained recall so as to be able to 
find their way back with but small difficulty, and these individuals are a 
great boon to the group. If pursuit prevents mapping, alwoys go in a set 
escape pattern if possible — left-straight-right-stroight, etc. Such patterns 
are easy to reverse. In mazes always follow one wall or the other, left or 
right, and you will never get lost. If transported or otherwise lost, begin 
mopping on a fresh sheet of paper, and check for familiar or simitar places 
os you go along. Never become despondent; fighl until the very end. 

When everything is all set, it will take only a very few minutes to organize 
the group for the adventure once time for actual ploy begins. Your referee 
will certainly appreciate this, for his or her enjoyment comes from 
adventuring, not from waiting for a party to get their act together. With 
your objective all set, it will also be a relatively quick trek to the "jumping 
off" area, as ihe expedition leader will be able to give clear and concise 
directions on how to get there to the DM, and that means there will be few 
monsier dice, for the party is marching along quickly down known 
passages, not mapping or otherwise tarrying, 

Avoid unnecessary encounters. This advice usually means the difference 
between success and failure when it is followed intelligently. Your party 
has an abjective, and wondering monsters are something which stand 
between them and it. The easiest way to overcome such difficulties Is to 
avoid the interposing or trailing creature if at all passible. Wandering 
monsters typically weaken the party through use of equipment and spells 
against them, and they also weaken the group by inflicting damage. Very 
few are going To be helpful; fewer still will have anything of any value to 
the party. Run first and ask questions later. In the some vein, shun 
encounters with creatures found to be dwelling permanently in the 
dungeon (as far as you can tell, that is) unless such creatures ore port of 
the set objective or the monster stands between the group and the goal it 
has set out to gam. Do not be sidetracked. A good referee will have many 
ways to distract an expedition, many things to draw attention, but ignore 
them if at all passible. The mappers must note all such things, and another 
expedition might be in order another day to investigate or destroy 
something or some monster, but always stay with what was planned if ai 
ail possible, and wail for another day to handle the other motters. This not 
to soy that something hanging like a ripe fruit ready to be plucked 
must be bypassed, but be relatively certain that what appears to be the 
case actually is, likewise, there are times when objectives must be 

if the party becomes lost, the objective must immediately be changed ro 
discovery of a way oaf. If the group becomes low on vital equipment or 
spells, it should turn back. The same is true if wounds and dead members 
have seriously weakened the group's strength. The old statement about 
running away to fight another day holds true in the game. It is o wise rule 
to fallow* 

On the other hand, if the party gains its set goal and is still quite strong, 
some other objectives can be established, and pursuit of them can then be 
followed. It is of utmost importance, however, to always carry slain 
members of the expedition with the party if at all possible, so even if but a 
lone character is lost, *t is usually best to turn back and head for the 

Co-operation assumes mutual trust and confidence, and this is enhanced 
when members are certain that the survivors will do their best to see that 
any slain character is carried forth from the dungeon to be resurrected if at 
all possible. All members of the expedition should be ready and willing to 
part with any goods, money, and magic items in order to save lives. Failing 
that, each should be willing to fight to the death to assure the survival and 
success of the party. This will happen when mutual trust exists. What about 
evil alignment? selfish neutrals? unco-operative players? 

Intelligent players of evil alignment will certainly be ready to help in order 
to further Their own ends. This is not to say that they will be chummy with 
those of good alignment, but on a single expedition basis it Is possible to 
arrange situations where they are very likely to desire to be helpful in 
order to benefit themselves and their cause. Generally evil characters, 
particularly chaotic evil ones, are prone to be troublesome and hurtful to 
the party. They should accordingly be shunned when possible. Selfish 
neutrals are similar to evil characters, but their price is usually easier to 
meet, and it is therefore easier to integrate them into an expedition which 
will depend on co-operation for success. The character of good olignment 
who is basically unco-operative — often acting os an evil or (selfish) 
neutral would — is another matter, far such players usually join under the 
pretense of being helpful and willing to act in the best interest of the party. 
Undoubtedly the best way to take care of such players is to expel them 
from the group as soon as circumstances permit. Do this as often as is 
necessary to either change the player's mind about co-operation, or until 
he or she becomes tired of having their characters consigned to oblivion 
because of their attitude. 

So much for ihe underworld adventure. Most of what was said regarding 
successful expeditions there also applies to outdoor and city adventures as 
well. Preparation and mutual aid are keys to these sorts of adventures 
also It is not usually possible to reiurn to home base in the wilderness, but 
a place of refuge can be found and used in order to rebuild a party s 
strength. The party should avoid confrontations with monsters which are 
obviously superior and always seek to engage monsters at on advantage. 
City adveniures are the toughest of all, for they are more difficult to plan 
and prepare for. Yet with care, and a careful adherence to co-operative 
principles, they con be successfully handled with the guidelines stated 
above. Setting out with on objective in mind, having sufficient force to 
gain it, and not drawing undue attention to the party in the course of 
accomplishing the goal should serve to bring such adventures io successful 

Superior play makes the game more enjoyable for all participants, DM and 
players alike. It allows more actual playing time. It makes ploy more 
interesting. The DM will have to respond to superior play by extending 
himself or herself to pose bigger and better problems for the party to solve. 
This In (urn means more enjoyment for The players. Successful play means 
long-lived characTers, characters who will steadily, if not rapidly, gain 
levels. You will find that such characters become like old friends; they 
become almost real. CharacTers with stories related about their exploits- 
be they cleverly wrought gains or narrow escapes — bring a sense of pride 
and occomplishmenT To their players, and each new success adds to the 
luster and fame thus engendered. The DM will likewise revel in telling of 
such exploits , just os surely as he or she will not enjoy stories which 
constantly relaTe The poor ploy of his or her group! Some characters will 
meet Their doom, some will eventually retire in favor of a new character of 
a different class and/or alignment; but playing well is a reward unto itself, 
and old characters are often remembered with fondness ond pride as well. 
If you believe that ADVANCED DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS is a game worth 
playing, you will certainly find it doubly so if you play well. 





Psionics ore vorious powers derived from the brain, and they enable 
characters so endowed to perform in ways which resemble magical 
abilities. If your DM opts to include psionic abilities in your campaign, they 
will be determined for humons [and possibly dwarves and halflings) as 

Characters with one or more unmodified intelligence, wisdom or charisma 
ability scores of 16 or higher might hove psionic ability. Whether or not this 
ability is possessed is then determined by o dice roll using percentile dice. 
Any score of 00 (100%) indicates the ability exists. For each 1 point of 
intelligence above 16 add 2Va to the dice roll, for each 1 point of wisdom 
above 16 odd P/a to the dice roll ond for each 1 point of charisma above 
16 odd Vt to the dice roll (drop all fractions). 

Example: A character has intelligence of !7, wisdom of 12, and charisma 
of 17. There are 2 y h points to be added to the psionic potential roll because 
Intelligence is 1 above 16, ond '/a point for charismo 1 above 16, total 2Vj 
+ +3, The dice are rolled, and any score of 97 or greater indicates 
psionic ability exists in the character. 

If psionics ore possessed, it is necessory to determine the ability (or 
strength) and the number of powers the character has. Psionics in no way 
offect the performance of the character in his or her chosen class, excepi 
os possible behavioral modifiers 


The psionically endowed character rolls percentile dice r adding 1 point to 
the loial for each unmodified point of intelligence, wisdom and charisma 
score above 12. In addition, if 2 of these scores ore above 16, the number 
of points is doubled, and if all 3 scores are above 16, the number af points 
is quadrupled. The base score (01-00(100)) plus bonuses ( 1 -72), if any, are 
odded together. The total is the psionrc strength of the individual; it is Ihe 
strength for attack and far defense. Psionic abinry is double psionic 
strength, i.e. 10 to 344. One-holf of psiorWc ability is attack strength, one- 
half is defense strength. 

Strengths con be used up in attack ond defense during psionic combat ond 
in employment of psionic powers. These expenditures are detailed later, 
os is how they con be regained. Once psionic ability is determined it con 
never change excepi due to brain injury (which will destroy ft), or the 
acquisition of magical devices (which artificially alter it). Use of strengih 
points, or regaining them, does not alter psionic ability. 


Psionic powers include attack modes, defense modes, and disciplines (the 
magic-like powers). The number of each power is determined by further 
dice rolls; attack/defense modes are selected by choice, disciplines by 
random selection. 

Attack Modes: 

Roll percentile dice, and consult the following table; 

26 50 

1 attack mode 

2 attack modes 

3 attock modes 

4 attock modes 

5 attack modes 

Attock Mode 

A. Psionic Blast 

B. Mind Thrust 

C. Ego Whip 

D. Id Insinuation 

E. Psychic Crush 

Point Coit per Usage 




Attack Range 
Short Medium Long 







wave of force W diameter at its source and 2" diameter at its terminus (6" 

Mind Thrust is a stabbing attack which seeks to shori Ihe synapses of the 
defender. The attack is individual. 

Ego Whip attacks the ego, either by feelings of inferiority and 
warthlessness or by superiority and megalomania. The attack affects but a 
single creature, 

td insinuation seeks to loose the uncontrolled subconscious mind of the 
defender, pitting it against the super-ego. The attack affects all psionically 
aware creatures in a 2" X 2" area within ottack range. 

Psychic Crush is a massive assault upon all neurons in the bram, 
attempting to destroy all by a massive overload of signals. This mode of 
attack affects but one defender If it is used the user may defend with only 
modeG, Thought Sh re id, or hove no defense atoll, 

Point Cost par Usage: This shows the number of psionic attock points of 
strength which the ottacker must expend in using the attack mode. 

Attack Range: This table shows ihe various distances ot which the various 
attack modes will function. Effects of attacks ore reduced ot medium and 
long ranges. 

If all attack points are expended, or too few remain to use any attack 
mode listed, the creature may defend only. 

Defense Modes: 

Roll percentile dice and consult the following table: 


2 defense modes 

3 defense modes 

4 defense modes 

5 defense modes 

Point Cost per Usage 

Area Protected 


Individual only 


Individual only 


Individual only 


10'r. of individual 


3'r. of individual 

Psionic Biasf is a wave of brain force, in effect much like "stunning news" 
to the mind It is costly in attock point expenditure, but it is the only psionic 
attack which can affect non-psionic creatures. The attack is a cone-shaped 

Defense AAodo 

F. Mind Blank 

G. Thought Shield 

H. Mental Barrier 

I. Intellect Fortress 
1 Tower of Iron Will 

The individual must always have defense made F. Others are optionally 

Mind Blank attempts to hide the mind from ottack, making its pons 

Thought Shield cloaks the mind so os to hide first one part, then another. 
This defense con be kepi up at all times, unlike the others. 

Mentai Barrier is o carefully buill thought repetition wall which exposes 
only that small area. 

fnreJfect Fortress is o defense which colls forth the powers of the ego and 
supef-ego to stop attacks, 

Tower of Iron Will relies only upon the super-ego to build an unossodable 
haven for the brain. 

Point Cost per Usage: This shows the number of psionic defense points of 
strength which the attacker must expend to use the defense mode when 
under psionic attack. 

Area Protected: If the defense mode has an area of protection beyond the 
individual, it offers its defense, or the defense used by any individual 
within its radius, whichever is better Suppose 3 psionics ore defending in 
a group; the first puts up defense mode F, another I , and the third puts up J + 
The firsl selects from defense modes F, I or J; the other two from either I or 
J, whichever does the most efficient job of damage reduction, Non- 




psionics in The area are given +2 by an intellect Fortress, +6 by o Tower 
of iron Will, on saving throws versus Psionic Blast. 

If all defense points are expended, the individual has NO defense and can 
be attacked an a special combat table which offers the possibility of 
stunning, mental wounding or crippling, and death as well as loss of 
psionie strength points, 


The psionicolly endowed character determines how many disciplines he or 
she is able lo exercise by use of the following table (one roll of percentile 


Number of Discipline* 

Once the number of disciplines possessed is known, the character 
determines by random die rolling which disciplines he or she knows. If the 
same one is indicated a second time, simply re-roll until o differenl one is 
indicated. Only a few are excluded lo certain classes. Only one discipline 
(minor) con immediately be goined, with one additional discipline (oil 
minor first) gained with the acquisition of each 2 additional levels of 
expenence in the character sproTesston- 

Note that the employment of these powers costs psionk strength points, 
the equivalent of 1 point each of attack and defense paints. 


Minor (Devotions) (dl2, dt] 

1. Animal Telepathy 

2. Body Equilibrium 

3- &ody Weaponry (excludes 

A. Cell Adjustment 

5, Oairaudience 

6. Clairvoyance 

7 Detection of Good or Evil 

8. Deiection of Magic 

9 Domination (excludes thieves) 

10. Empathy (excludes fighters) 

11. ESP 

12. Expansion (excludes clerics) 

13. Hypnosis 

14. Invisibility 

15. Leviiation 

16. Mind Over Body 

1 7. Mol ecu la r Ag itof i on 

IB. Object Reading (excludes 


19. Precognition 

20. Reduction (excludes clerics) 

21 . Sensitivity *o Psychic 


22. Suspend Animation 

23. Roll again (or select one*) 

24. Roll again (or select one*) 

Major (Sd*nc*s) (d20) 
Astral Projection 
Aura Alteration 
Body Control 

Dimension Door 
Dimension Walk 
Energy Control 
Ether ealness 

Mass Domination [excludes thieves) 
Mmd Bar 

Molecular Manipulation 
Molecular Rearrongemeni 

Probabilit y Trwol 


Telempofhic Projection (excludes 


Telepathic Projection 
Shape Alteration 

Roll again (or select one*) 

Roll again (or get two minors ones*) 

•Consult your referee for his ruling 
on this. 

The level of mastery of any discipline equals the level of experience of the 
character who possesses ii unless otherwise specified. 

Strength Point Cost: 1 /round 
Saving Throw: None 

Area of Effect; } " wide directional 

Explanation/Descnption: This discipline allows the possessor to 
communicate with various forms of living things, the type of animal life 
and the range determined by the level of mastery of the possessor. Animal 
telepathy allows clear communication but no command or influence 
beyond the possessor's own persuasiveness The discipline operates as 

Typo of Animol Lire 







fourieenlh + 

6" + r/ievet 
5" + r'/level 
3" + VVlevel 
T + rvievel 
T" + l'Vlevel 
1 "/level 
2"+ VV2levels 
1" + VV2 levels 
1"/2 levels 

marsupials* ot> ol- 

fish and similar creatures 
arachnids and myriapodoe 

Search for creatures can be made at ihe rate of one paih of area ( 1 " width 
X range) per round. 

Body Equilibrium 

Range: 0 

Duration: Time of concentration 
Area of Effect: Individual 

Strength Point Cost: l/round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/ Description: This discipline allows the user to odjust the 
weight of his or her body to correspond with the surface upon which he or 
she is. Thus, the possessor con walk upon water, quicksond, mud or 
whatever. With respect to falling, this discipline has the effect of the 
magic -user speli, feather fall (q,v,). 

Body Weaponry 

Range: 0 

Duration: 7-me of concentration 
Area of Effect: Individual 

Strength Point Cost: l/round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The body weaponry discipline allows the 
possessor to use his or her body as boih weapon ond armor by altering ihe 
molecules in the body os needed. The table below shows the equivalent 
armor class ond weapon according to the fevel of mastery. Note the class 


of Mastery 












twelfth + 

Armor Class for Weapon 
Cleric Fighter Thle* Equivalent 






axe, hand 
axe, battle 
sword, broad 
sward, long 
sword, long + 1 * 
sword, long +2 
sword, long +3 
sword, long +4 

• maximum weapon equivalent for a thief 
** maximum weapon equivalent for a cleric 

If the psionie wears armor and uses weapons, Ihe body weaponry factors 
do not apply during thaf period, but are not otherwise affected. 

Strength Point Cost: Spec iq/ 

Range: Special 

Duration: Time of Concentration 

Cell Adjustment 

Range: 0 

Duration: Permanent 

Area of Effect: Creature touched 

Explanation/Description: By means of psionie attunement to the cells of on 




injured creaiure, the possessor of this ability is able lo heal wounds at o 
strength point cost of 1 per hit point of wounds healed, or cure diseases at 
a strength point cost of 20 for o mild, early stage disease (and up to 70 for 
on advanced stage of plague or leprosy), The maximum healing/curing 
ability depends upon ihe class of the psionic and his or her level of 

Cleric — 5 points/level 
Fighter — 4 points/ level 
Magic-User — 3 points/level 
Thief — 2 points/level 

CloEr audience 

Range: Special 

Duration: Time of Concentration 
Area of Effect: Special 

Sirength Point Cost: 5/round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This discipline is the same as ihe 
spell, cfairaLidience (qv.), except that unknown areas up to 30' c 
be sconned. 


Range: Special 

Duration: Time of Concentration 
Area of Effecl: Special 

Strenglh Point Cost: 5/round 
Saving Throw: None 

line is the same as the magic-user 
t unknown nreas up to 20' dtstant ran 

Strength Point Cost: 2/round 

Explanation/Description: This disi 
spell, darrvoyanee (q.v.), except t 
be sconned. 

Detection of Good/Evil 

Range: 3" 

Duration: Time of Concentration 
Area of Effect: One creature or abject 

Explanatton/Descripiion: By means of this discipline the aura of creoiures 
and objects can be viewed. As level of mastery goes up, the aura of 
objects becomes more visible. An unsuccessful attempt at reading an aura 
means it cannot be discerned, and further attempts cannot be mode until 
reaching the next level of mastery. Note ihe chart below: 


Chance for Aura Reading 

of Mattery 

Creature Exact Alignment 






































Creatures above 14th level/hit dice are entitled to a saving throw versus 
magic with regard to determination of their exact alignment. 

Detection of Moglc 

Range: 3" 

Duration: Time of Concentration 
Area of Effect: W wide path 

Strength Point Cost: 3/round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation /Description: This discipline allows detection of the aural force 
of magic and also rhe type of spell (abjuration, conjuration/summoning, 
etc.) or magic which has been detected Determination of type of magic is 
5% per level of mastery of the psionic, i.e. at 5th mastery level there is a 
25% chance. 


Range: 3" 

Duration: Time of Concentration 
Area of Effect: One creature 

Strength Point Cost: Specjaf 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

psionic forces the mind of another creature to accept signals from his or 
her own brain, thus causing the former to do his or her will. Contacting the 
mind to be dominaied costs 5 strenglh points, and the creature must then 
save versus magic. If the saving throw is not made, Ihe psionic must then 
expend odditional points equal to the dominated creature's level/hil dice 
(treat + \ to + 4 on the creature's hit dice as 1 additional hit die, +5 or 
more as 2 additional hil dice, wilh respect only to races of creatures not 
classed as character races) for each round the creature is controlled. 
Furthermore, if the creature dominaied is forced to do something totally 
agamst its nature or self -destructive, the expenditure of strength points ts 
doubled or trebled accordingly. 

Strength Point Cost: 3/use 
Saving Throw: None 

Range: I "/level of mastery 

Duration: J turn/use 

Area of Effect: I " wide path 

Explanation/Description; Thts discipline allows the bosic needs, drives 
and/or emotions generated by any unshielded sentient mind to be sensed 
by the possessor of the psionic power. Thus, he or she can sense thirst, 
hunger, fear, fatigue, pain, rage, hatred, uncertainty, curiosity, hostility, 
friendliness, love and like emotions The discipline funclions in a 
directional path determined by the direction In which the possessor is 


Range: 9" 

Duration: Time of Concentration 
Area of Effecl: I " wide path 

Sirength Point Cost: 2/round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This discipline allows the user to "tune In" to the 
unshielded thoughis of Ihe minds of any creatures within range when the 
power is employed, tn most respects it is identical to ihe magic-user spell, 
ESP (q.v,). Thoughts received in non-understood languages will be 
meaningless. Non-intelligent creatures will transmit "pictures" or raw 

Range: 0 

Duration; 1 turn/level of mastery 
Area of Effect: Individual 

Sirength Point Cost: 5/round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Expansion allows the psionic to cause his or her 
body to become larger in size, with proportionate increase in mass and 
sirength. This increase is limiied to a maximum of V growih per level of 
mastery of the discipline. With each V growth the possessor gains + 1 on 





of Mastery 

Height Increase 





+ 1 




+ 2 




+ 3 




4- 4 




+ 5 




+ 6 

(18/00) ogre 



+ 7 

hill giam 



4- 8 

stone giant 



+ 9 

frosl gianl 



+ 10 

fire gianl 




cloud giam 



+ 12 

storm giant 

Explanation/Description: By exercise of the discipline of domination, the 

If the possessor of this discipline already has strength equal to thai gained 
by growth, there is no bonus. 

Note that apparel worn can be coused to expand with the body, as can 
weapons used, but magical items so ireated have a 5% chance of being 
J in 20). 

Sirength Point Cost: Special 
Saving Throw: Special 

Range: 3" 
Duration: Spec id f 




Area of Effect: One levef/hit die per 
/eve/ of mastery cumulative 

Explanation/Description: This discipline is similar to suggest/on and charm 
person/charm monster spells (qq.v.) It affects only creatures with 
intelligence greater than 7 and less than 17, I.e. the stupid and unusually 
bright are not subject to hypnosis. By employing this discipline, the psionic 
is able to instruct the creature as to a course of action which seems 
reasonable — no orders to kill self, friends, associates, ere. — and plant a 
post- hypnotic suggestion as well, the latter having a S% per day 
cumulative chance of wearing off and not affecting the creature in whose 
mind it was implanted. Hypnosis affecis 1 level or hit die of creatures per 
level of mastery of the possessor. Thus at 1st level of mastery bur a single 
1 si level character or monster with up to 1 hft die can be hypnotized; but ai 
2nd level 2 additional effect levels ore added, so up to 3 levels/hit dice 
con be hypnotized: 

first ^ 




Level i /Hit Dice Affected 

1 = 1 

1+2 = 3 


1 +2 + 3 + 4= 10 

] +2 + 3 + 4 + 5=15 

The strength point cost is 1 per level/hit die hypnotized. Creatures with 15 
or 16 intelligence or over 10th level/10 hit dice are entitled to a saving 
; if it is successful, the hypnosis has no effect. 

Strength PointCast; 3/tum 
Saving Throw: None 


Range: 0 

Duration: 1 turn/ expenditure 
Area of Effect: One level/hit die per 
level of mastery cumulative 

Explanation/Description; This discipline closely resembles the invisibility 
spell (q.v.), but it is weaker in some ways, more powerful in others. It 
enables ihe possessor to become invisible to creatures with only as many 
levels or hit dice as the psionic bos cumulative levels of mastery: 1 at 1st 
level, 1 + 2 at 2nd level, 1 + 2 + 3 at 3rd level, etc. However, psionic 
invisibility cannot be detected by ony form of magic, only a mind bar 
being able to prevent the power from operoting with respect to thai 
particular creature, for this power affects minds, not light waves or similar 
physical manifestations. 

Strength Point Cost; 3/furn 
Saving Throw: None 

Range: 0 

Duration: J furn//evel of mastery 
Area of Effect: individual 

Explanation/Description: This discipline is similar to the magic-user spell, 
/evfrafion (q.v,). levitation need not be exercised in a continuous period, 
i.e. o 1st level psionic can use the discipline on multiple occasions so long 
os the total duration of all uses together is \ turn or less. 

Range: 0 

Duration: 2 days/level of masrery 
Area of Effect: Individual 

Strength Point Cost: 5/day 
Soving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This discipline allows the possessor to suppressor 
mentally satisfy the need for water, food, rest and/or sleep. For each level 
of mastery, the psionic con use the disciplined up to 2 consecutive days, 
so or 2nd level, he or she con go 4 days without water, food, rest or sleep; 
at third level 6 doys. etc. At some point, however, the possessor must 
spend an equal number of days of complete rest so as to restore this 
power. While the individual is not harmed, the discipline cannot be used 
again until complete rest is taken. 

mo i ecu tor rvgiToiion 

Range: Sight 
Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: One item or creature 

Strength Point Cost: ) /round 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The power of molecular agitation enables the 
possessor to cause the molecules of an item to move more rapidly than is 
normal. Although only a small number of molecules can be so moved, 
continued exercise of the ability will have the following effects after 10 

Type of Material 

paper, parchment, straw 
dry wood, heavy cloth 
water, wi ne 

Molecular Agitation Effect 

aflame, burning brightly 
scorching ond smouldering 
boiling {if a snrn 
hot to touch** 

•each round thereafter the victim will sustain 1 hit point of damage, 
cumulative, 1 that round, 2 the next, 3 ihe next, etc. 

■*at this point the effect is the same as thedruid spell, hear merof (q,v.). 

While the amount of material that the psionic can affect by molecular 
agitation does noi appreciably increase, the time requirement does 
shorten by 1 round per level of mastery, so that at 10th level and beyond, 
the molecular agitation effect shown above requires only 1 round to 
achieve. Note that the Hem affected must be in the view (c/crrvoyance 
included) of the psionic individual. 

Strength Point Cost: ?/round 
Saving Throw: None 

Range: Touch 
Duration: I round 
Area: Object touched 

Explanation/Description: This ability enables the possessor to detect 
psychic impressions left on an object by its previous owner. Thus, by 
handling on artifact found in a dungeon, the psionic would possibly be 
able to tell its owner's race, alignment ond probably fate. If the object hod 
a long and legendary history he would have visions of its past, back 
through history. Not all objects (ond ceriainly not all magical objects) give 
off these impressions, however. 

Range: 0 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Strength Point Cost: Spec/a/ 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: The discipline of precognlfron is the ability to 
estimate the best probable course of action, or to estimate the probable 
outcome of an undertaking; this power applies only to the relatively 
Immediate future. Estimation becomes more accurate with increased 
levels of possessing the ability, providing the numbe^ of unknown factors 
remains constant, Precognition accuracy is also a foctor of combined 
intelligence ond wisdom scores: 

Total Intelligence 
and Wisdom Scores 

under 30 


3o& up 

Precognition Probability by Difficulty 
Low Medium High 

40% 30% 20% 

50% 35% 25% 

05% 45% 35% 

70% 50% 40% 

For every level the ability is possessed, the probability of being able to 
correctly precognate goes up by o percentage equal to the level (2 levels 
equals 2%, 3 levels equals 3%, etc.) but never beyond a maximum 
precognition probability of 90%. The expenditure of psionic strength is 
directly related to the number of unknown factors which must be 
ascertained, i.e. if there are six basically solvable unknown factors then it 
costs 6 points, and the cost is not known to the individual precognaHng 
until offer ihe fact. (In order io precognate the results of a melee, for 
example, each attack must be mode ond counted os on unknown, and in o 
melee with several individuals involved with several monsters, the cost 
per melee round could easily be 10 or more points.) If rhe psionically 
endowed individuaLhos insufficient points to completely precognate, then 
the precognition ceoses ot the point when he has no longer ony strength to 
continue. Time is also a factor of precognating — a short duration meons o 
typically low difficulty factor. If 1-4 turns is considered a short time, 5-30 
turns is of medial difficulty, ond anything beyond 30 turns (5 hours) 
becomes a high difficulty precognition; however, unknown factors will 
alter this ru!e r so that a short time precognition with many (basicolly 




unsolvobJe) unknowns becomes □ high difficulty precognition. N.B. 
Precognition relies entirely upon the referee, and he will exercise utmost 
core in handling this ability usage. 

appear as neuiral evil would poy 10 strength points, but a change to 
chaotic evil would cost 20. Such alteration lasts 6 turns. The latter 
application of aura afreratron allows curses, geases and quests to be 
removed. The strength poi nt cost to recogn ize the aura is: 

Range: 0 

Duration: } turn/level of mosfery 
Area of Effect: Individual 

Strength Point Cost: 2^f urn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Reduction is the discipline which allows the 
possessor ro alter his or her body size so os to make it up to V shorter (and 
accordingly less massive} per level of mastery. After fifth level of mastery, 
size reduction is 50% of the remainder per level, so if a human 6' tall was 
at 7th level of mastery, he or she could reduce body size to 3 inches (-T 
per level to 5th, 50% of T at 6th, and 50% of W at 7th), to 1 W inches at 8th 
level. 3/4 inches at 9th, 3/8 inches at TOth. etc. 

Suspend Animation 

Range: 0 

Duration: Special 

Area of Effect- Individuoi 

Strength Point Cost: 6 
Saving Throw: None 

Explonotion/Description: This discipline allows the possessor to virtually 
cease all life functions (as far as any but minute examination can 
determine, the individual is dead). The psionic is able to program his or 
her body to awaken again after a set period of time has elapsed, so 
normal functions will ihen resume. With each level of mastery of this 
ability the individual is able to suspend animation for 1 week per level 
cumulative (1 week during the 1st level of possession, 3 weeks during the 
2nd level of possession, etc. ) The sleeping individual cannot be awakened 
before the lime he or she has "set" himself or herself to reawaken. For 
each week speni in suspended animation, the individual must spend one 
day of normal activity before being able to return to suspended animation. 
Air is not needed, and temperatures can be as low o& 35 degrees 
Fare n he it. 

Sensitivity to Plychk Impression* 

ftange: 2" sphere 
Duration: J round 
Area: }" to every srde 

Strength Point Cost: f/round 
Saving Throw; None 

Explanation/Description: Deaths and other highly dramatic events leave o 
"psychic residue" in the very earth and stones where they occur which 
moy last for centuries The possessor of this ability can sense emotions, 
perhaps see momentary visions, of those who hove died or suffered some 
powerful emotion in a place |ust by standing in it for o moment. 

msttqi rrojecrion 

Range: Special 

Duration: Spec fa/ 

Area of Effect: individual 

Strength PointCast: TO 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This discipline is very similar to the cleric astral 
speH (q.v,). Only the psionic individual con use ihis power to travel, 
however, unlike the magic astro/ spe//. For information on astral travel see 

A urn Alteration 

Range: Touch 

Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: Individual 

Strength Point Cost: Spectbl 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; Aura alteration is a power which con be used 
two different ways: it con be used to change the personal aura of the 
individual (to disguise true alignment and show one which is different 
from the actual) or it can be used io recognize and alter unfavorable 
(cursed, geased, or quested) oura in another. The strength point cost for 
the former application is 10 points per factor change (good/evil, 
evil/good, neutral/evil, evil/neuiraf, neutral/good, good/neurral, 
lowful/chaotic r chaotic/lawful, etc.). A neutral character wishing to 



Strength Point Co tt 

V* point/level of curse 

V* point/level of magic-user 

1 point/level of cleric 

(round all fractions up to the nearest whole number) 
Actual removal of the undesired aura costs fl limes the recognition cast- 

Body Control 

Range: 0 

Durotion; J fum//eve J of mostery 
Area of Effect: Individual 

Strength Point Cost: 2/tum 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This devotion allows the possessor to exist in 
hostile environments or elements or wilhstond substances or radiailons 
destructive to his or her body, viz. cold, heot, poisonous gases, acids, 
flame, etc. For each level of mostery the possessor can wilhstond what 
would normally inflict 1 hit die of damage to his or her body in a single 
exposure. Thus, at 2nd level of mastery burning oil would not affect the 
individual. The duration of such body control is 1 turn maximum for each 
level of mastery. For example, the 2nd level of mastery psionic mentioned 
above could wilhstond burning oil for 2 turns. This discipline allows 
breathing under water at 1 st level. 

Strength Point Cost: 10 
Saving Throw; None 

Range: 0 

Duration: Instantaneous 
Area of Effect: Individual 

Explanation/Description: This psionic power is basically the same as the 
magic-user spell, drmension door (q.v,), 

i/im«niion Tram 

Range: 0 

Duration: Time of concentration 
Area of Effect: Individual 

Strength Point Cost: ?/rurn 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: Dimension walk is the name for the psionic 
discipline which enables the possessor to move through the dimensions, 
by inter-dimensional travel, rather than along them. Thus great distances 
can be covered in short periods of time. The base distance covered by 1 
turn of dimension walking is 7 leagues, i.e. 10 minutes of travelling time 
for 21 miles. However, this mode of travel is difficult for the 
inexperienced, and even misleading to some experienced travelers. There 
ts a 10^ chance that the walker will go in the wrong direction, the 
opposite of Ihoi desired. This 10% is reduced by \% for every level of 
mastery of the science above the 1st, to a minimum risk of t%ot 10th level, 
but there is always that 1% chance of going in the wrong direction. 
Furthermore, dimension walking is always a journey fraught with 
missteps, and this causes differences in Ihe lime required to travel the 
desired distance; usually longer at low maslery levels but sometimes 
shorter at high levels of mastery. Each level of mastery is based on 700 
leagues of travel. 


Time Alteration 


of Mattery 



44 75 



first, second 

+ 20C 

+ 150 

+ 50 



third through fifth 

+ 150 

+ 100 

+ 25 



sixth, seventh 

+ 100 


+ 10 




+ 50 

+ 25 





+ 25 

+ 10 





+ 10 





Percentile dice are rolled at journey's end Whether the traveller went in 
the wrong direction or not, the dice are rolled to determine the alteration 




■n the time required to travel the desired distance. Example: the psionic 
individual is at 4th level of mastery and desires to dimension wolfc to on 
island 600 miles distant (east), The distance of 600 miles is 200 leagues, Of 
about 29 turns travel time. The 2d20 are rolled twice, once to see if the 
character went the wrong direction (7% chance io go west), once to see 
how long the trip actually took — o result of 3fl in this case indicates that 
the trip was 100% longer than the base role, so it took 58 turns {560 
minutes, or 9 hours and 40 minutes). No hostile encounters occur during 
dimension walks. 

Energy Control 

Range; 0 
Duration: Special 

Area of Effect: 10' radius of individual 

Strength Point Cost: Specrol 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description; This science allows the possessor to channel 
energies directed at or in the presence of his or her body so as to moke 
such energies harmless or dissipate them. If a spell or energy weapon 
[fiery breath, lightning, cold, etc.) is direcled towards the psionic 
individual's area, it will not harm him or her provided the individual 
expends 1 strength poinl per spell level (or die of damage normally 
delivered by the energy). 

Strength Point Cost: 6/turn 
Saving Throw: None 

Range: 0 

Duration: Time of Concentration 
Area of Effect: Individual + Special 

Explanation/Description: This discipline enables the psionic to shift his 
material body to an eihereal state. At each level of mastery the possessor 
of this ability is also able to cause up to 50 gold pieces weight of material 
which he or she is touching to likewise become ethereal, i.e. 50 g.p. 
weight at 1st level of mastery, 100 g.p, weight ol 2nd, 150 at 3rd, etc. The 
ethereal individual is able to function on the Ethereal Plane. (For details of 
can likewise alter bodily vibrations to materialize in the various planes 
touched by the Ethereal ( the Elemental and Positive ond Negative Material 

Mais Domination 

Range: 3" 
Duration: Special 
Area of Effect: Special 

Strength Point Cost: Special 
Saving Throw: Neg. 

Explanation/Description: Mass domination is the power of being able to 
dominate (see MINOR DEVOTIONS, Domm at ianj up to 5 creatures ai one 
time and to do so for extended periods of time. At each Level of mastery, 
the possessor of this ability is able to use the power of an additional 
level/hit die creature, i.e. at 1st level of mastery the power affects up to 5 
creatures of 2nd level or 2 hit dice, etc. Mass domination lasts far 5 turns 
per level of mastery of the psionic exercising the science. It requires 10 
strength paints to contact the minds to be dominated, and 1 additional 
strength point par level/hit die of creatures dominated to establish the 
command. Thereafter, there is no additional expenditure of sirength while 
the duration of the domination lasts. Creatures under a mass domination 
attempt are entitled to a saving throw versus magic to determine if the 
power affects them. Such saving throws are made ot -4 on the dice. 
Reduce the period of domination by 1 lurn for every point of intelligence, 
wisdom, and/or chorismo over 14 possessed by each affected creature, 
Creatures under the influence of moss dommofion will never act in any 
manner which is obviously self-destructive or against their baste nature. 

Mind Bar 

Range: 0 

Duration: As set by individual 
Area of Effect: Individual 

Strength Point Cost: 5/doy 
Saving Throw: Special 

Explanation/Description: The science of constructing a mind bar protects 
the individual from such magical attacks as charm, confWon, FSP, fear, 
feeblemind, magic for, sleep, suggestion. It prevents the possessor from 
suffering telepathic influence or possession by such creatures as demons 
or devils. Psionic {or magical) powers of domination (any form), empathy, 
hypnosis, or telepathy do nol work againsi an individual with a mind bar; 
and he or she can see a psionic trying to use the discipline of inv7sib//rry. A 
mind bar can be placed upon the physical body while ostratly projecting. 
The chonce for success of a mind bar is 10% per level of mastery, i.e. 100% 

at 10th level. At 1 1th level of mastery and beyond, there is a 10% per level 
chance lhat the possessor of this power will be able la locate the source of 
any attack upon his or her mind the Instant It is made, and this includes 
psionic attacks, os well as attempts to magjc jar or possess him or her (in 
the two tatter cases this means identification of the magic far or amulet of 
the being attempting the attack!). 

Strength Point Cost: SO 
Saving Throw: None 

Range: 1" 

Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Special 

Ex plana I ion /Description: By exercise of this science, the possessor is oble 
to alter the molecular arrangement of an item so as to make it weak and 
fragile and easily broken. The ability increases with each level of masterv 
as shown below: 

Level of Mattery 


Able lo Manipulate the Equivalent of 

thin cord 

i leather thong 


thick wire, 1/12' thick wooden board 


light Iron choin, 1/6' thick wooden 


heavy iron chain, light steel chain 


stock and shackles, 1' thick wooden 


iron bar of 1/12' diameter, heavy steel 



2' thick stone wait [man-sized hole) 
rnogkal chain armor, magical dagger 
mogicol splint armor, magical mace 
magical shield, magical axe or flail 

The science requires 1 round to exercise the moiecutor man/puJotfon. All 
magical items so attacked are entitled to a saving throw versus magical 
fire, wtlh each bosic + 1 giving the item + 1 on the saving throw dice. 

Molecular Rearrangem 

Range: Touch 
Duration: Permanent 
Area of Effect: Specie/ 

Strength Poini Cost: Special 
Saving Throw: None 

Explanation/Description: This science allows the possessor to rearrange 
the molecules of metals so as to transmute one to another. Up lo 10 gold 
piece weight of metal can be transmuted per level of mastery, The 
change, however, is dependent upon the relative softness of the metals 
involved, and the level of mastery of the psionic as well, 

Met oIp Which con be Affected 

gold, lead, and others very soft 
copper, silver, tin, zinc, et> al. 

platinum, nickel, iron, el. al. 

Level of Mattery 

first through third 
fourth through sixth 

seventh through ninth 

tenth through twelfth 
thirteenth through fifteenth 
sixteenth ond up 

The cost is 1 strength point per gold piece weight changed. This science is 
so demanding that it con be exercised only once per month. 

Miihril, steel alloys 

Probability Travel 

Range: 0 

Dura lion: Special 

Area of Effect: Spec/of 

Strength Point Cost: Special 
Saving Throw: None 




Explanation /Description: Probability travel is a form of osfraf projection, 
but ii actually brings the body of the probability traveller, and possibly 1 or 
mar© others, to the planes outside the Prime Material. When this science is 
exercised, the individual Is able to cross into parallel worlds or various 
planes, including those normally reached by the Emereof Plane, as that 
plane con be reached and then used to get to those ii touches upon. The 
cost is 10 strength paints per world or plane entered or crossed. At 5th level 
of mastery ihe possessor con bring up to 2 other persons with him or her at 
on additional strength point expenditure of S points per person per world 
or plane; and at tOih level up to 8 other persons con be brought along at a 
cost of 2 points apiece. Note that this form of travel does offer the hazard 
of ending up in a place not desired, There is a basic 20% chance at 1st 
level of masiery, and the risk declines of 1 % per level thereafter. 


Ra nge : 3" + V Vteve I o f masfery Stren gth Point Cost ! 3/ro und 
Duration: Spec ial So v Ing Throw: None 

Area of Effect: Special 

Explanation/Description: This ability resembles the magic-user speU 
reJekinesis (q.v,), The psionic individual is able to use the science to 
mentally move [tetektnese) objects weighing up to a maximum of 30 gold 
piece weight equivalence,, cumulative, per level of mastery, i.e. 30 g.p. 
weight at 1st level of mastery, 90 g.p. (30 + 60) at 2nd, 180 g.p. (30 + 60 
+ 90) at 3rd, 300 g.p. (30 + 60 + 90 + 120) ot 4th, 450 g>p. (30 + 60 + 90 
+ 120 + 150) at 5th etc. Duration is a function of the psionic strength of 
the individual The object to be te'efemesed must be in clear sight of the 
psionically endowed individual, 

Telempothk Projection 

Range: f" Strength Point Cost: Special 

Duration: J round/level of mastery Saving Throw: Speciol 
Area of Effect; I " wide path 

Explanation/Description: This science is similar to the devotion of empathy 
(q.v,). However, the possessor is able to send on emotion et. al 


Range: Special Strength Point Cost: I/round 

Duration: Time of Concentration Saving Throw: None 
Area of Effect: Special 

Explonotion/Descriplion: This discipline allows the possessor io communi- 
cate mlnd-to-mind with any other creature with intelligence of 5 or 
greater. This obviates the need for knowledge of the language of the 
creature. The creature to be communicated with must be in sight or be 
well-known mentally by the possessor of this science. In the latter case 
distance is not o factor as long as the telepath ond the receiver are on the 
same plane of existence and not separated by distances greater than 
106.000 miles {1 light second). Tefepofhrc waves can traverse greater 
distances only If all Individuals involved are telepathic. Note that 
muliiple-mind communications by lelepathy are possible, While normal 
communications are possible, no special form of influence is gained by the 
exercise of telepathy. 

Telepathic Projection 

Range: Special Strength Point Cost: Special 

Duration : Time of Concentration Savi ng Throw: Neg. 
Area of Effect: Specraf 

Explanation/Description: Telepathic projection enables both lelepathic 
communication, but only with other creatures endowed with telepathy or 
ESP (el Telepathy), and telepathic suggestion. The former is accomplished 
at a strength point cost which is identical to telepathy (q,v.) 

The latter allows the possessor io either implant a suggestion (exactly as 
per the spell of the same name) in one or more creatures' minds or 
attempt to actually possess the mind of a single creature. The influence 
function of telepathic projection requires that all creatures contacted be 
within sight range of the psionic individual, or within a distance equol to 
6" + l'Vlevel/level of the individual if the minds are known. (Thus, 7" at 
1st level, 9" at 2nd level, 1 2" at 3rd level etc, -6+1, 6+1+ 2, 6+1 
+ 2 + 3 P 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, and so on,) Likewise, the number of 

creatures influenced is based on ihe level of mastery, being 1 level/hit die 
of creatures per level of the psionic, cumulative, i.e. 1 level/hit die ot 1st 
level, 3 levels/hit dice at 2nd, 6 levels at 3rd, etc. The cost for influence is 
dependent upon which tack is taken, Suggestion requires 1 point per 
level/hit die for contact, 1 point per level/hit die for Implantation of the 
suggestion. Possession requires 2 points for every point of intelligence i 
and 1 for every point of wisdom and charisma, of the creature io be 
possessed. All influence is subject to Ihe right of ihe influenced to make a 
soving throw versus magic, and if this is successful, neither suggestion nor 
possession are successf u I . 

an ape Mirerarion 

Range: 0 Strength Point Cost: Spec/a/ 

Duration: UnfH ogam altered Saving Throw: None 

Area of Effect: Individual 

Explanation/Description: The science of shape alteration closely 
resembles the magic- user spell, polymorph self. The reader is referred to 
that spelt for informalional purposes. By means of this discipline, the 
individual is able to alter his or her body size, form and composition to 
nearly any other, Ihe garments ond equipment he or she wears and carries 
being altered to conform to parts of ihe new body shape assumed. Note 
that shape alternation bestows the norma! means of respiration and 
locomotion of the new form assumed, and strength proportionate to the 
size and characteristics, but no other characteristics peculiar to a certain 
life form are thus gained, i.e. assuming the shape of o red dragon does not 
allow ihe individual a fiery breath weapon. Noie also thai the new shape 
might preclude the use of weapons, spells, etc. The strength point cost for 
shape oJrerot/on is 3 points, plus any of the following additional costs: 


each + A 1,000 g.p. weight equivalent 
in a body 

vegetable material io animol 
material or vice versa* 

mineral material lo vegetable 
material or vice versa* 

mineral maierial to animol material 
or vice verso* 

Strength Point Cost 

1/1 ,000 g.p. weight equlvaleni 

1/100 g.p. weight equivalent 
2/100 g.p. weight equivalent 
3/100 g.p. weight equivalent 

• includes alteroiion of garments and equipmeni if any class exceeds 50 
g,p, weighi. 

Example; The psionic individual wishes to make a shape alteration to 
become a red dragon. The individual is a fighter wearing/ carrying 200 g.p. 
weight equivalent of vegetable material and 500 g.p. weighi equivalent of 
mineral material. The latter odd 19 points of psionic strength cosis to the 
basic cost of 3, or 19 + 3 = 22. The dragon size desired is assumed to be 
about 5 tons, or 10,000 pounds, or 100,000 g.p. weight equivalent. This 
means that 100 psionic strength points are required here, and ihe total cost 
for the whole alteration Is 122 points. Assuming the individual has this 
strength, the equipment etal. would become pans of the dragon shape — 
the armor scales, weapons claws, etc. 

T s I spo rt alien 

Ra nge: 0 Strength Po i n t Cost : 20 

Durallon. msfonraneous Saving Throw: None 

Area of Effect: Individual + special 

Explanation/Description: This discipline is very similar to the magic-user 
spell, tefeport (q.v.), The only mo|or difference is that psionic energy 
points must be expended to use the power. A\so, if points above the 
required 20 are expended, the psionic individual is able to alter the 
percentage probabilities of mis-leleporting {coming in too low or loo high) 
by 1% per additional psionic strength poini expended either to correct low 
and/or high mis-teleporting. 


During psionic combat the creatures involved can engage in no other 
activity. The procedure is as follows: Combatants select Iheir defense 
modes, attack modes, and opponent (if multiple creatures per side are 
involved). This information is recorded, and the defenses and attacks are 




matrixed to determine results. Expeditures for defense, attack end comboi 
losses ore noted and taken from the appropriate totals of involved 
creatures. Psionic combat lakes place at a rale of \ exchange per segment, 
10 exchanges per melee round 

If the attention of a creature is distracted by physical attack or spell 
damage or effect (such as charm, hofd, etc.) it cannot engage in attock, 
although its defenses remain. 

Non-psfonic creatures can be attacked psionically only by attack mode A., 
psrorMC b/asf. This attack mode cannot be used by distracted creatures as 
shown above. 


Psionic creatures can operate together to increase the range of psionic 
disciplines where range is a factor and such increase is otherwise possible. 
Where applicable, the multiple individuals link their minds and this then 
adds a cumulative 50% to the range of the discipline, so that 2 individuals 
operating together have 200*4 of the range normally possible. However, 
range base is always that of the weakest individual in the group. It is 
possible for 2 or more creatures to operate to Increase psionic combat 
powers. Such operation must be in "series", with the additional creatures 
adding 20% of their total strength (alf frociions rounded up) to ihe next 
individual in the chain. Example: Creoture A has 100 points of sirengrh, so 
20 points are transferred to creature B to bring its total to 140, and B then 
transfers 28 points to creoture C whose base strength is 130 points but now 
has 158 points, andC passes 158 X .20, or 32 points to creature D, AH series 
should feed from weakest to strongest. Only the finol link in the series con 
airock or be attacked, but all creatures in the series will be affected by 
whatever happens to the final link individual. The final creature attacks 
and defends for all m the series link. 


Use of psionic powers, or related magic spells (such as dairaudience, 
c/oirvoyonce, ESP, detection, ievitation. etc ) does not attract the attention 
of creatures (or monsters} with psionic powers unless they are within 
range and attuned I o such activity. A perusal of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & 
DRAGONS. MONSTER MANUAL, will reveal which sorts of creatures ore to 
be expected and guarded against if psionic powers are exercised. 


Psionic strength points expended in any way can be restored by refraining 
from any psionic activity for varying periods. Of course, psionic disciplines 
which do not require continuing strength point oullay to maintain their 
effects can be in operation during recovery periods. The rate of restoration 
of psionic strength points depends upon the physical activity of the 

Bards Table I: 

Experience Points 


individual during the period. Note attack and defense points ore 
considered as strength paint, as it Is quite possible to have disparate 
amounts of one or the other of these points after combat. 

Phytkol Activity* 

hard exertion 

walking and J ike activity 
sitting and talking or reading 

Psionic Strength 


3 points/hour 
6 points/ hour 
12 points/hour 
24 points/hour 

•The least favorable class must always be used for each hour of lime spent 
in restoration of psionic strength. 

Note that there are 6 turns in an hour, but no points can be recovered in 
less than one-hour periods. 


As this character class subsumes the functions of two other classes, fighters 
and thieves, and tops them off with magical abilities, it is often not 
allowed by Dungeon Masters. Even though this presentation is greatly 
modified from the original bard character class, it is offered as 
supplemental to the system, and your DM will be the final arbiter as to the 
inclusion of bards in your campaign. 


A bard must have scores of 15 or better in the following abiliiies: sfrengfh, 
wisdom, dexterity and charisma. Furthermore, a bard must have at least a 
12 score in intelligence and a 10 in constitution, 


A bard must be human or hnlf-elven. 

Bards begin play as fighters, and they musi remain exclusively fighters 
until they hove achieved at least the 5th level of experience. Anytime 
thereafter, and in any event prior to attaining the 8th JeveJ, they must 
change their class to that of thieves. Again, sometime between 5th and 9th 
level of ability, bards must leave off thieving and begin clerical studies os 
dry ids; bol of this time they are actually bards and under drutdical 
tutelage. Bards must fulfill the requirements in ail the above dosses before 
progressing lo Bards Table I. They must always remain neutral but can be 
chaotic, evil, good or lawful neutral if they wish. 

Dice for 
Hit Paints 

Lev»l Title 

Number of 
Spells by Druid 
Spell Level 
12 3*5 

2,001 ^4,000 
4,001 —8,000 

8,001^- 16,000 
16,001 — 25,000 
25.001 — 40,000 
40,001 — 60,000 
85,001 — 110,000 
110,001 —150,000 
150,001 —200,000 
1,000,001 — 1,200,000 
1,200,001 — 1,400,000 
1,400,001 — 1,600,000 
1,600,001 — 1,800,000 
1 ,800,001 — 2,000,000 
3,000,001 - up 







10 + 2 
10 + 3 











Master Bard 
M. Bordl3ih 
M. Bard) 4th 




2 - 

3 3 

3 3 

10 + 4 M. Bard 15th ! 

10 + 5 MBardl6th 

10 + 6 M. Bard 17th 

10 + 7 M. Bard 18th 

10 + 8 M. Bard 19th 

10+9 M. Bard 20 1 h 

10+10 M.Bard2lst 

10+11 M. Bard 22nd 

10+ 12 M. Bard 23rd 

3 3 
3 3 
3 3 
3 3 3 

3 3 3 

4 3 3 



3 3 

4 3 

4 4 

4 4 

4 4 

5 4 

5 5 

'See notes hereafter. 




Notes Regarding Bords Table I: 

Experience Points are strictly those gained as a bard, all previously corned 
are not considered here. 

Experience Level is likewise that of the bard class only. There is no level 
beyond the 23rd. The bard gains druidic powers os a drgid of the same 
level, with rhe exception of druidic spells as explained below. 

6-sided Dice for Accumulated Hit Points shows an asterisk after the initial 
"0" to Indicate that the bard has as many hit dice as he or she has 
previously earned as a fighter (plus the possible addition of ihose earned 
os a thief if that class level exceeds the class level of fighter). All bard hit 
dice (and additional hit points) are additions to existing hit dice — none 
are tost for becoming a bard. 

Number of Spells by Druid Spell level shows the number and level of druid 
(cleric) spells which the bard is able io use during one day. The bord 
selects which spells he or she wishes to have for that day (praying to see if 
his god will grant them) and casts them exactly as a druid of that level 
would, but never beyond the 12th level of druid ability until the 23rd level 
is reached. 23rd level bords cast their spells at J3th level druid ability. 
Bards can read scrolls which contain druid spells. 

Bards Table II: 

Lev«l of 



Legend Lore and 
Hem Knowledge 









Fu frmidh 






























































Notes Regarding Bards Table II: 

Coffege is the important distinction to a bard, and he or she will not 
associate with a bord of a lesser college. The exception to this rule are the 
Magna Alumnae who will happily aid {by advice and suggestion) ony 
other bord of any level 

Additional languages Known shows the number of new languages the 
character gains upon achieving each level. Unlike other characters, the 
bard need not study to learn these new tongues — this is subsumed as 
previous work. The asterisk al 1st level Is there to indicate that the 
character already knows certain languages from previous classes. 

Charm Percentage Is the chance the bard has of successfully casting a 
charm person (or charm monster) spell wiih his ar her music. This 
charming ability does not negate any immunities or the saving throw 
versus magic. 

legend Lore and Hem Knowledge Percentage shows the chance that the 

bard has of knowing something about a legendary person, place or thing 
or of knowing what a particular mogrc item is. The latter ability is limited to 
weapons, armor, potions, scrolls, and those items of magical nature which 
the bard can employ or which bear magical inscriptions; for all bards know 
runes, glyphs, characters, symbols, etc. Naturally, any knowledge gained 
by bords while in their former classes is also retained at all levels. 

lords Table 111: Armor and Weapons Permitted 


leather or 




club, dagger, 
dart, javelin, 
sling, scimiter, 
spear, staff, 



Pol ion 

(except by 

neulral evil 

includes any magical weapons of the named type 
** bastard, broad, long, short 

A bard always engages in combat at the level he or she attained as a 
fighter. A bard is able to function as a thief of the level previously 
attained. All saving throws are made on the most favorable table, with the 
actual bard level considered os that of a druid. He or she must always have 
o stringed instrument. 

The bard's poetic ability raises the morale of associated creatures by 10%. 
It likewise con inspire ferocity in attack, so hit probability die rolls are 
given a bonus of +1. Both of these characteristics require 2 rounds of 
poetics to inspire the desired effect, i.e. 2 rounds of poetics will raise 
morale and cause ferocity, but 1 round will do neither. The effects last for 1 
complete turn, Note that while engaged in this activity, the bard con 
engage in melee combat but not in any singing or spell casting. 

A bard's singing and playing negates (he sang effects of harpres and 
prevents similar attacks which rely upon song. It will likewise still the noise 
of shriekers, for these creatures are soothed by the vibrations of the bard's 

The singing and playing of the bard likewise hos a chance of charming 
most creatures, Creatures within 4" of the bard must be diced for if they 
are not already associated with the bard and those possibly affected (See 
Table II) must save versus magic or be charmed and sit entranced while 
the bard sings. Note thai even those creatures noi charmed will listen to 
the bard's singing ond playing for 1 full round, Charmed creatures are 
subject to suggestion (as if it were the spell of that name) from the bard, 
and if the bord implants a suggest/on in his singing, the charmed creatures 
must save versus mogic at -2 on their dice rolls or be subject to the full 
impact of the suggestion. Those which save are totally free of the bard's 
musical charming, however. The charming can be attempted on the same 
creature but once per day. Loud noise or physical attack will immediately 
negole charming, but not suggest/on. 

Due to training, a bard has knowledge of many legendary and magical 
items after 1st level of experience, and this knowledge increases os the 
bord progresses upwards in level. If some legendary knowledge is 
appropriate and the dice score indicates that the bard hos knowledge in 
the area, then his or her ability will deliver information similar to the 
magic-user spell, legend lore (q.v.). Without actually touching an item, the 
bard also hos a like chance of determining its magicol properties and 
alignment. This latter ability is limited to: 

misc. weapons 

misc. magic items — if usoble by a druid, fighter or thief* 



rodsetol. — if usoble by a druid, fighter or thief* 



'unless inscribed with magicol writing, in which case the bard can read 
what is written at the very least 

Artifacts and relics are legendory In nature and not considered as 
miscellaneous magic items. 

Except as previously noted, bards are able to use magic items which are 
permitted to druids, fighters ond thieves. Magical books/librorm/tomes 
which pertain to drufds, fighters, or thieves are also beneficial (or baneful) 
to bards, and these irems can raise fighting or thieving ability of a bard 
beyond the norm. (If a writing is baneful, treat the bard os the leost 




favorable of his three classes,) Miscellaneous magic ilems of o musical 
nature are superior when employed by a bard: 

Drums of" Panic — Saving throw ts made at □ -1 on the die 
Horn of Blading — 50% greater damage 
lyre of Building — Double effects 

Pipes of the Sewer — Double nu mber of rots in one-holf 
the usual rime 

Bards will never serve another as o henchman for longer than 1 to 4 
months. They are unable to employ henchmen olher than drulds, fighters 

or thieves of human, half-eleven, or elven race. It is possible for a bard to 
have 1 henchman upon attaining 5lh level, 2 henchmen can be 
maintained upon reaching 8th level, 3 at 1 1th, 4 at 14th, Sat 17th, 6 at 20th 
ond any number at 23rd. This is subbed to the bard's charisma rating, of 
course. On ly bards of 23rd level wil I settle down and construct a stronghold 
of any sort. 

Note: If bards are permitted in your campaign, there is a possibility 

ihai your DM will also include certain magical items usable 
only by bards. 






There exist an infinite number of parallel universes and planes of 
existence in the fantastic "multi verse" of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & 
DRAGONS, All of ihese "worlds" co-exist, but how "red" each is depends 
entirely upon the development of each by ihe campaign referee. The chart 
and explanations which follow show only the various planes lied lo that of 
normal existence. The parallel universes ore not shown, and their 
existence might or might not be actual. 


1. The Prime Material Plane (or Physical Plane) houses the universe 
ond all of its parallels. It is the plane of Terra, and your campaign, 
in all likelihood. 

2. The PosWve Material Plane is a place of energy ond light, the place 
which is the source of much that is vital and active, the power 
supply for good. 

3. The Negative Material Plane Is the place of anti-matter and 
negative force, ihe source of power far undead, the energy area 
f rom which evil grows. 

4. The Elemental Plane of Air. 

5. The Ele men tal Plane of Fire. 

6. The Elemental Plane of Earth. 

7. The Elemental Plane of Water. 

8. The Ethereal Plane is thai which surrounds and touches all of the 
other Inner PJones, the endless parallel worlds of the universe, 
without being a part of any of them. Any creature able to become 
ethereal and then return io material form can use this plane io 
move from one io another of the Inner Planes; this is explained 
fully in the following paragraphs, 


9. The Astral Plane radiates from the Prime Material to a non-space 
where endless vortices spiral to the parallel Prime Material Planes 
and to the Outer Planes as well Thus, this plane can be used fa 
travel the unjverse(s) or to rhe Oufer Planes which ore the homes of 
powerful beings, the source of alignment (religious/philosophi- 
cal/erhical ideals), ihe deities. Note that the Astrai Plone touches 
onty ihe upper layers of ihe Oufer Pfones. Use of this plane is 

10. The Seven Heavens of absolute lawful good. 

1 1 . The Twfn Paradises of neutral good f awful*. 
1 Z The planes of Elysi um of n eutra I good. 

13. The Happy Hunting Grounds of neutral goad chaotic*. 

14. Th e p la nes of Olympus of abso I u le good c haati cs, 

15. The planes of Gladsheim (Asgord, Valhalla, Vanaheim, etc.) of 
chaotic good neutrals. 

16. The planes of limbo of neutral (absolute) choos (entropy). 

1 7. The Planes of Pandemonium of chaotic evil neutrals. 

1 8. The 666 layers of the Abyss of absolute chootic evil. 

19. The planes of Tarferus ofevrl chaotic neutrals. 

20. Nodes' 'Three Glooms" of absolute (neutral) evil. 

21 . The furnaces of Gehenna of lawful evil neuirols, 

22. The Nine He Ih of abso I u te la wf u I *v I (. 

24, Nirvana of absolute (neutral) lawful*. 

25, The pla nes of Arcadia of neutral good lawfu I s. 

A character can achieve rhe ethereal stale by various means which Include 
magical omtment [off of emereame&sj, magical items, magic spells and 
psionic discipline, H is possible to move to or about any plane which the 
Ethereal Plane permeates, and it is also possible to move from plane to 
plane ethereally. 

All movement and travel in the Ethereal Plane is subject to certain hazards. 
Some monsters are able to function partially in this plane. Some monsters 
roam freely in the Ethereal Plane. The worst hazard, however, is the ether 
cyclone, a strong moving force which can cause the Individual to enter a 
different world or plane or become lost in the ether for many, many days 
when it blows across the stretches of this multi plane. 

Ethereal trove I is tireless and rapid. Creatures in ethereal state need 
neither food, drink, rest, or sleep. 

Your referee has complete tables for encounters in the Ethereai Plane os 
well as for movemeni of the ether cyclone ond its results. 


Astral travel is possible by various means Including magic spells and 
psionic discipline. The Astral Plane touches only the endless Prime 
Material Plane and the 16 "first levels" of the Outer Planes. The Astra/ 
Plane does not touch any of the Inner Planes other than the Prime Material 
Plane. It is possible ro move about in or to any of the universes or ro the 
first level of the Oufer Planes by means of astral trove! \ 

Travel on the Astro J Pfone con be dangerous due to the functioning or 
presence of monsters in or upon the plane. The psych ic wind is the most 
dangerous, however, for it can either blow the traveller about so os to 
cause him or her to become lost (thus coming to some undesired world or 
plane or be out of touch for many days) or snop the silver cord (cf. astro/ 
spefl, astral projection) and kill the individual irrevocably, 

As with ethereal travel, movemeni through ihe Asfral Plane is speedy, ond 
while there the individual needs no food, drink, rest or even sleep. 

Along with ethereal encounter and irovei Sables, your DM has similar 
information pertaining to like activities on the Astral Plane, This 
information will be revealed to you through experience (and possibly by 
other means) as the need arises. 


(t is possible to cast spells, melee, etc. on either the Ethereal or Asrraf 
Plane. These activities generally affect only others on Ihe some plane, but 
con affect other creotures who exist partially or function on either or both 
planes. AAagic spells con be cast from the Ethereal to the Prime Material 
Plane, but noi from the Astro/ to the Prime Material, except as noted 

Certain magic weapons will remain magical in either of ihese planes, but 
some will not, so be prepared for the worst. Only very powerful creatures 
(demon princes, arch devils, godlings, gods, etc.) can da more thon 
destroy the astral body, causing the silver cord to return to the material 
body ond preventing further astro I travel for o period of time- Very 
powerful beings might be able to snop the si!ver cord, ihus killing the 
astral and material bodies simultaneously. Ethereal combat damage is 
actual damage. Note also that all is lost if the material body Is destroyed 
while the astral body is in that plane. 

The nether planes of Acheron of lawful evil neutrals. 








4 AIR 






FIG. 1 






1. Equal shares (share and share alike) is a simple division by the lota I 
number of characters Involved. 

2. Shares by Jevel is a division whereby all* character levels of 
experience are added and The total treasure divided by this sum. 
One share of treasure is given for each experience level. 

3. fqua/ shares p/us bonus is a method to reward excellence end 
leadership. Treasure is divided by the sum of all characters, plus 
two or three. The outstanding character or characters, as 
determined by vote, each gain one extra share. 

*For multi-classed characters add one-half of the lesser class(es) 
levels 1o the greater class levels to determine total experience 
levels for the division of treasure. Characters with two classes 
receive shares for the class levels they are perm if fed to employ (ci 

1. Non-pioyer characters who are henchmen of o player character 
count as one-half character or for one half of their levels and 
cannot gain bonus shares. 

2. A character incapacitated or killed (but subsequently brought back 
to life) is eligible to share on3y in treasure gained prior to such 
incapacity or death. 

3. Characters who are uncooperative, who obstruct the party, attack 
party members, or are the proximate cause of the incapacitation or 
death of a party member shall forfeit from one-quarter to all of 
their share(s) as penalty for their actions. 

Magical Treasure 

While it is a simple matter to total coins and precious items which con be 
sold for on established amount of money, the division of magic Items is far 
more difficult. It is therefore necessary for party members to determine 
how magic will be divided. As the number of items which will be gained is 
unknown, selection of a system of division is not possible until after the 
adventure is concluded, 

1 . if but one or two (terns of mag^c ore gomed these can be grouped 
singly or paired to equal a share of treasure. If one is of relatively 
small worth, it can be grouped with money to equal one share. 

2. Three or more magic frems; 

a) best item 

b ) next best item 

c) third + fourth items 

d) "x" amount of money as compensation for not getting any 
magic items 

3. Three or more magfc items, alternate method: 

a) best item 

b) second item + "x" amount of money 

c) fourth item + "3x" amount of money 

Magic items thus pore el led are then diced for r the character wiih the 
highest roll selecting first, and then the second highest scoring character 
choosing next, etc. It Is suggested that each character be given a number 
of rolls equal to his or her level of experience, the highest of these rolls 
being the one retained Non-player character henchmen are typically 
allowed but a single roll, 

Variations on the above systems are, of course, possible. Systems should 
always be established prior to the inception of the adventure whenever 


Bf mm & DRAGOHS 



1?78 — TSt 


The bask unit of exchange Is the go/d piece (g.p. hereafter). There ore 
coins of lesser and greater value, and ihese ore shown an the fable below, 
II is also common To use gems of various sorts and values as coin. 

tO copper pieces (c.p.) 
20 silver pieces (s. p.) 


1 plolinum piece (p.p.) 

- 1 silver piece 

= i g^p. 
= 1 g.p. 

= 5g*p. 


200c p. = 20 s.p, = 2ep. = 1 g.p. = 1/5 p.p. 

It is assumed Thai the size and weight of each coin is relatively equal to 
each aider coin, regardless of type. 







30-180 g.p. (3d6) 
50-200 g.p. (5d4) 
20-60 g.p.(2d4) 
5^20 g.p.(5d4) 



Helmet, small 

90 g.p, 

IS g.p. 

5 g.p 


Shield, large 

Shield, small 
Shield, small, wooden 

45 g.p, 
15 g.p. 

10 g.p. 

1 SP- 
80 g.p. 

400 g.p. 


Armi __ 

Arrow, normal, single 
Arrow, normal, dozen 
Arrow, silver, single 

1 g.p. 


Mace, footman's 

6 g.p. 
8 g.p. 

A*e, bottle 

Axe, hand or throwing 

5 g.p. 
1 g.p, 
7 g.p. 

Mace, horseman's 
Morning Star 

A g.p. 

Bee de carbin 
Bow, composite shori 

Bow, composite, long 
Bow, long 
Bow, short 

6 g.p. 
6 g.p, 

" 9 P 

100 g.p. 
60 g.p. 
15 g.p. 

Pick, Military, Footman'* 
Pick, Military, horseman's 

Quarrel (or Bolt), fight, 

Quarrel (or Bolt), heavy, 

8 g.p. 


1 s.p. 

Crossbow, heavy 
Crossbow, light 
Dagger and scabbard 

20 g.p. 
12 9 P. 

2 gp- 


15 g.p. 



Fa u chard — Fork 


3g -p. 


Sling & Bullets, dozen 
Sling Bullets, score 

15 s.p. 
10 s.p, 
1 g.p. 

flail, footman's 
Ftail, horseman's 
Fork, Military 

3 g-p. 



Sword, bastard, 
& scabbard 

3 g.p 

25 g.p. 



6 g.p. 
10g + p. 
5 g.p. 

Sword, broad, & scabbard 
Sword, long & scabbard 
Sword, short & scabbard 

10 g.p. 
15 g.p. 

8 gp. 

Gu isarme — Voulge 7 g.p 
Halberd 9 g.p. 

Sword, two-handed 

30 g.p, 
4 g.p. 


1 g.p. 

Belladona, sprig 
Garlic, bud 

4 s.p. 

5 cp. 

Wolvesbane, sprig 

10s. p. 



Dog, guard 

3 c. p. 
10 g.p. 
25 g.p. 

Horse, medium war 

225 g.p. 

Dog, hunting 


Gaol _ 





2c p 

Hawk, large 
Hawk, smoll 
Horse, draft 

40 g.p. 
IB g.p. 
30 g.p. 



3 g.p. 
15 g.p. 

Horse, heavy wor 
Horse, light war 

300 g.p. 
150 g.p. 


4 c.p. 

Miscellaneous Equipment t hemi 

Backpack, leather 2 g p. 

Bo*, Iron, large 

Pouch, belt, large 

1 9P 

Candle, tallow 1 c.p. 

Candle, wax 1 s.p. 

Case, bone, map or scroll 5 g.p 
Case, leather, map or scrol 1 1 5 s.p 
it, woodefv, 
it, wooden, 
Lantern, bullseye !2gp 
Lantern, hooded 7 g.p. 

Mirror, large metal 10 g.p. 


1 gp. 

Quiver, 1 score arrows cop 12 s.p 
Qurver, 1 score bolts cap. 15 s.p 
Quiver, 2 score bolts cap 
Rope f 50' 
Sack, I. 
Sack, si 

Skm for water or wine 1 5 s.p. 
Spike, iron, large 1 c.p. 

Thieves' picks & tools 30 g.p. 

Ale. pint 

1 s.p. 

Mead, pint 

5 s.p. 

Beer, small, pint 

5 c.p. 

Rations, iron . 1 week 

5g p 

Food, merchant's meal 


Rations, standard, 1 week 


Food, rich meal 

i g.p 

Wine, pint, goad 

10 s.p. 

Grain, horse meal, 1 day 


Wine, pint, watered 

5 s.p. 

R*llgEou» rtemi 

Beads. Prayer 
Incense, stick 
Symbol, Holy*, iron 

Symbol, Holy*, silver 

Tack end Hemes* 


Symbol, Holy - , wooden 7 s.p 

250 g.p, 
100 g.p. 

Bit and Brid 


Barge (or Raft), small 
Boot, i 


Galley, large 

15 s.p. 
12 s.p. 

50 g.p. 
5 g.p. 


25,000 g, p. 


Soddle Bags, large 


10 g.p. 
4 g.p 


Galley, smoll 

Ship, merchant, targe 

Ship, merchant, small 

Ship, war 

3 s.p. 

10,000 g.p 
15.000 g.p. 
5,000 g.p. 

20,000 g.p. 
150 g.p. 


Weapon Type Ap p r o x i m at e Wei ght In Gold Pi *»i Length 

Space Spaed 
Required Factor 

Da mag* ¥t. Opponent 
Size S or M Six* I 

Axe, Bottte 

Axe, Hand or throwing 

Bee de corbin 
Bo Stick 

Flail, footman's 
Flail, horseman's 
Fork, Military 

Glo) we — Guisarme 

Hammer, Lucern 

Jo Stick 

Lance* (light horse) 
Lance* \ medium horse) 
Lance" (heavy horse) 

Mace, footman's 
Mace, horsemen's 
Morning Star 

Pick, Military, footman's 
Pick. Military, horseman's 

Pike, Awl 

Quarrel for Bolt), light 
Quarrel (or Boh) heavy 
Sling bullet 
Sling stone 
Staff, Quarter 
Sword, Bastard 
Sword, Broad 
Sword, Long 
Sword. Short 
Sword, Two-handed 
Tri ( 




Armor Class 





Type of Armor 


Axe, bond 







Bow, composite, long 





Shield only 


Bow, composite, short 




Leather or padded armor 


Bow, long 





Learner or padded armor + shield/ 


Bow, short 





studded leather/ring mail 






Studded leather or ring mail + shield/ 


Crossbow, heavy 





scale moil 

Crossbow, light 





Scale mail + shield/chain mall 



2 1 



Chain mart + shield/spKnt mail/ 






banded mail 






Splinl or banded mail + shieEd/ 







plate moil 

Sling (bullet) 





Plate mail + shield 

Sling (stone) 








} information on these tobies. 




© 1«*-TSR GAMES 




Create Wqtf 

CureLighi Wound* 
Defect Evil 
Detect Magic 


Remove Fear 
Resist Cold 

2nd Level 

Detect C 

Find Traps 
Ho ld Penan 
Know Alignmenr 
Resist Fire 

Snake Chprm 
Speak Wiih Animols 
Spiritual Hammer 

3rd Level 

An i mole Dead 
Continual Light 

Cure Blindness 
Cure Disease 
Dispel Magic 

Remove Curse 
Speak With Dead 



Cure Serious Wounds 
Detect Lte 


E tore tie 
Lower Water 
Neutralize Poison 
Protection from 

EvihO- Radius 
Speak Wiih Plants 
Sticks to Snakes 

5th Level 


Cure Critical 

Dispel Evil 
Ha me Strike 
Insect Plague 
Plane Shifi 

Raise Dead 
True Seeing 

eth Level 

Aerial Servant 
Animate Object 
Blade Barrier 

Conjure Animals 
Find The Path 

Pan Water 

Speak Wl 
Stone Tell 
Word Of Recall 

7 th Level 

Astral Spell 
Control Weather 


Holy ( Unholy) Word 

Wtno Walk 

DRUIDS (Cl#rl«) 



Faerie Fire 
Invisibility To 

Locate Animals 
Pass Wii 
Predict W« 
Purify Waier 

SpeokWUh Animals 

Cure Light Wounds 
Feign Death 
Fire Trap 

Heat Metal 
Locate Hants 

Produce Flame 

NeuiraNze Poison 
Plam Growth 
Protection From 



Warp Wood 

Summon Insects 


Cure Serious Wounds 
Dispel Magic 
Hallucinatory Forest 

Hold Plam 

Protection From 

Speak With Plants 




Commune Wilh Nature 
Control Winds 
Insect Plague 
Pass Plant 
Sticks To Snakes 
Transmute Rock To Mud 
Wolf Of Fire 

ftth Level 

Animal Summoning III 

Cure Critical Wounds 
;feir S»eds 
Transport Via Plants 
Turn Wood 

Weather Summoning 

7th Level 

Animate Rack 


Con|ure Earth Elemental 
Control Weather 
Creeping Doom 
Finger Of Death 
5 Si or m 

Transmute Metal To Wood 




Affect Normol Fires 
Burning Hnn-di 
Chorm Person 

Comprehend Languoges 

Dancing Lighrs 

De lect Magic 



Feather Fall 

Find Familiar 
Hold Portal 


2nd Level 

Audible Glamor 
Continual Light 
Darkness 15' Rodlu 

Detect Evil 
Detect Invisibilny 

Foots Gold 


leomurvd's Trap 

Locate Ob peer 
Magic Mouth 
MifTOf I mag* 

3rd level 


Dispel Magic 
Exptasrve Runn 
Feign Death 
Flame Arrow 

Hold Person 
Invisibility 10* Radius 
Leomund's Tiny Hoi 

16 Magic Missile 



Nyslul's Magic Agra 
Protection From Evil 

Read Magic 

Shocking Grata 


Roy Of Enfeeblernenr 

Rope Trick 



Slinking Cloud 



Witord Lock 

Lightning Ball 

Monster Summoning 1 
Phantasmal Force 
Protection From Evil 10' Rodiui 
Protection From Normal Missiles 

Charm Mannar 

Dimension Door 
Enchanted Weapon 
extension I 

Fire Shield 

Fire Trap 

Hallucinatory Terrain 
Ice Storm 
Minor Globe of 

Monster Summoning 11 

Airy Woter 
Animal C 

Bigby's Interposing Hand 

Conjure Elemental 
Cone Of Cold 
Contact Other Plone 
Distance Distortion 
Extent ion It 
Hold Monster 
Learn una"! Secret Chetl 
Magic Jar 

Monitor Summoning 111 

wioj'aennoiinen s rattnrul 

Woter Breathing 

PI rant rS.PA>utia 

Pofymorph Other 
Polymorph Serf 
Rot/* Mnemonic Enhancer 
He move Curse 

Wall Of Fire 
Wolf Of Ice 

Sione Shape 

Transmute Rock To Mud 

Wall Of Force 
Wall Of Iron 
Wall Of Sione 














Ami-Magic Shell 
Bigby's Forceful Hond 
Control V 
Death Spel l 

Enchant An Hem 
Extension HI 

Globe Of Invulne 
Guards And Wards 
Invisible) Stalker 
Legend tore 
Lower Water 
Monster Summoning l\ 
Move Eorth 

Otkluke's Freezing Sphere 
Pan Water 
Project Image 


Bigby's Grasping Hand 


Chorm Plants 

Delayed Blast Fireball 
Drawmij's Instant 

Duo-D I mansion 
Limited Wtih 
Mass Invisibility 
rVWor Summoning V 
Mordenkainen's Sword 
Phase Door 
Power Word, Slu-n 
Reverse Gravity 


Bigby's Clenched Flsl 




Masj Chorm 

Mind Blank 

Monster Summoning VI 
Otto's Irresistible Dance 
Polymorph Any Object 
rWoro\ Blind 

tth leveJ 
Astral Spell 

Bigby s Crushing Hand 

Meteor Swarm 

Monster Summoning vit 
Power Wed, Kill 
Priimaltt Sphere 
Shape Change 

Time Stop 

Stone To Flesh 
Tenser's Transformation 



1st Level 

Audible Glamer 
Change Self 
Color Spray 

Do no rig Lights 
Dari nes* 
Detect Illusion 
Deled Invisibility 
Gaie Reflection 

Phantasmal Force 
Wall Of Fog 

2nd Level 



Detect Magic 
Fog Cloud 
Hypnotic Pattern 
Improved Phantasmal Force 
Magic Mouth 
Mirror Image 

Hollucmaiory Terrain 
lllustanary Script 
Invisibility 10' Radius 
No n. detect inn 
Rope Trick 
Spectral Force 

1 Number 

4th Level 

6 Hi Level 

7th Level 



Dispel Exhaustion 


Oemi-Shadow Monsters 

Conjure Animals 
Demi-Shadow Magic 



Minor Creation 

rrofocTea image 
Shadow Door 

Permanent Illusion 
Programmed Illusion 

F< 1 


First Level Magic- 
User Spells 


Phontasmol ttiller 

Shadow Magic 
Summon Shadow 

True Sight 


Other Fantasy and Science Fiction 
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The Advanced Dungeons & Dragons™ Game Family 

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The Dungeons & Dragons- Game Family 

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